windy — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: ValeriusDeSaedeleer , Snowscape , Flanders , oiloncanvas , 1930s , MSKGent , Belgium , DeMorgen , GrandTheftAutoVI , videogame , NineOtherTopPlayers , Whygameyear2025isalreadyabull'seye , snowday , fatherandchild , sledding , FluSeason , Backtoschool , AfterAWeekendTheSnowmanAgain , TheArizonaRecipeofBouchez , George-LouisBouchez , Makeallpartyleadersministers , Dotheywantthat? , ZelenskyEstablishesHopeForTrump , 'ItistobefearedthatPutincanbetternegotiate' , FrenchspeakerskeepSenatealive , SenatehasdefactobecomeamatterforFrenchspeakers , AllFlemishpartiesareinfavorofabolition , FrenchspeakersregarditasquintessentialBelgiansymbol , cold , cloudy , windy , rainy , Oostende
Tags: unknownartist , VoteButton , metal , NationalMuseumofAmericanHistory , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Georgia , FrankHonoréandhisfatherStephan , Mableton , speakingtoDemocraticvoters , presidentialelection , MesaArizona , AmandaBlakecanvassing , hopingtoconvinceRepublicanstovote , InFinalDays , CampaignsDivergeonGroundGame , KamalaHarris , DonaldTrump , HarrisRevsUpTurnoutMachine , TrumpTriesUnprovenAlliance , FeelingPennedIn , TrumpRantsAtDonorsOverLackofMoney , HilsaNepal , NepalisEdgyOverBorderAlongChina , SignofXi'sPushtoExpandandControl , Chinesesecuritytower , loomsoverNepalborder , CaliforniaAimsto'Trump-Proof'ClimateRules , SettlementsDesignedtoExtendBeyondPresident'sReach , ballotmeasure , create$10billion"climate bond" , Tokyo , PoliciestoRaiseFertilityRates , Haven'tProducedBabyBooms , BillionsinTaxBreaks , DictateFilmLocationsTesttheCrews , filmset , FindingrightspotsinNewYork , "Rosemead" , filmsetinCalifornia , filmcrews , windy , cooler , partlycloudy , spottymorningshower
Jim Dine, Walking Dream with Four Foot Clamp , Oil paint, charcoal and steel on canvas, 1524 x 2743 x 29 millimeters,1965, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JimDine , WalkingDreamwithFourFootClamp , feet , legs , mixedmedia , painting , canvas , TateUK , DeStandaard , Brussels , feetinmotion , runners , whatyouneedtoknow , togetbetteratrunning , blur , Americansweets , ontherise , moresour , sweeter , morespicy , LaffyTaffy , Takis , JellyStraws , OlivierVandecasteele , humanitarianaidworker , isbackhome , joy , alsocriticismaboutexchange , prisonerswap , Iran , airport , tarmac , embrace , MeskeremMees , singersongwriter , 'Withoutself-doubtbewhoyouare' , 'dowhatyouhavetodo' , 'therestdoesn'tmatter' , Putclimatepolicyonhold? , 'We'vebeendoingthatforfiftyyears' , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , PaulGheysens , broughtoldestfootballclubbacktolife , Ex-presidentofUkraine , 'Russiaisnowmoredangerousthanayearago' , sunnyconditions , periodicclouds , windy
Tags: S.E.CasadeMoneda , coin , 100pesos , specialcirculation , PesoLeyLine18.188 , aluminumbronze , MuseoHistóricoyNumismáticoHéctorCarlosJanson , BuenosAires , Argentina , NYTimes , WorldCup , goldtrophy , goldmedals , blueandwhiteuniforms , soccer , LionelMessi , celebration , twogoalsagainstFrance , helpedArgentinaend36-yeardrought , Messi'sMagic , EndsAnguishForArgentina , Qatar , Peru , PeruvianCityProcessesPain , FatalClash , 9areKilledinProtest , OverArrestofEx-President , PedroCastillo , aerialview , crowds , mourning , flagdrapedcoffin , Peruvianflag , ClemerFabricioRojas , killedwhileprotesting , Ayacuchoregion , stateofemergency , ElectionVictor , HasBigHolesInHisRésumé , ClaimsofPastSuccess , Don'tCheckOut , GeorgeSantos , Republican , electedtoCongress , LongIsland , SeditionTrialForProudBoys , January6Role , FiveAreFacingPrison , Prosecutors , AimtoShowMenPlotted , StopTransferofPower , "normies" , Trump'sWeek , theformerpresident , awaitsdecisionsonhistaxes , andcriminalreferral , Streaming'sGoldenAge , SuddenlyDimming , AfterYearsofGrowth , NewTVSeriesFlag , PeakTVhaspeaked , Telescope'sName , IgnitesFightonHomophobia , PersonalBarbs , DrivingDebateOverWebb , NASA , deep-spacetelescope , JamesE.Webb , plentyofsunshine , windy
Michael Riedel, Vier Vorschläge zur Veränderung von Modern (31-34) , 1/2: Cotton fabric, dyed, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2/2: Digital print on canvas, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2009, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: MichaelRiedel , cotton , dyedfabric , digitalprintoncanvas , installation , blackandwhite , StädelMuseum , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , signatures , HouseRepublicans , majorityrejectedresultsofElectoralCollege , historicvote , wouldreshapetheirparty , lawmakers , threateningtransferofpower , TheyCementedtheMyth , OfaStolenElection , DemocracyChallenged , TheRiseoftheObjectors , FatalStampedeforExits , AsPoliceFiredTearGas , FocusTurnstoRiotOfficers , After125DieatSoccerStadium , Malang , Indonesia , AremaF.C. , "Aremania" , KanjuruhanStadium , greensoccerfield , policeofficers , soccerfans , whitesmoke , RetracingPathDeSantisTook , ToFlyMigrants , GovernorRonDeSantis , $12million , transportunauthorizedmigrants , outofFlorida , Lyman , Ukraine , IWasRussian? , Putin'sDecreeDoesNotStick. , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , annexationoffourregionsofUkraine , AsFloridaWaterRose , FightToSaveTwoDisabledBrothers , interiorscene , motheranddaughters , LifeUndertheTalibanAgain , photographerwholongcalledAfghanistanhome , capturedjarringchanges , RaceHasRoleInMajorCasesBeforeJustices , SCOTUS , SupremeCourt'sShifttoRightMayGoOn , WashingtonDC , six-justiceconservativesupermajority , education , voting , adoptions , cloudymorning , sunnyafternoon , windy
Boris Mikhailov, At Dusk , Gelatin silver print on paper, tinted, 116 x 274 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: BorisMikhailov , photography , gelatinsilverprint , bluetint , paper , TateUK , Outgunned , Ukraine , FendsOffAttacks , Ukrainiansoldiers , rushedtoaidafamily , hitbyRussianmortarfire , Irpin , civilianskilled , AsShellFalls , Family'sDashToSafetyEnds , photojournalist , LynseyAddario , smoke , fences , destruction , Ukrainiansoldierrantocheckonfamily , WeaponsFlowFromTheWest , InAVastAirlift , AmariAirBase , Estonia , PainfulGoodbyesAtBorder , MenStaytoFightRussians , massmigration , millionsofcivilians , pouringintoPolandandHungary , Mykolaiv , ItsControlofBlackSeaLine , IsTenuous , troops , UkrainianArmy's59thBrigade , TalkingtoRelativesinRussia , UkrainiansHear'WhatWar?' , surrealbacklash , refusaltobelieve , cloudy , near-recordwarmth , windy , rainlate
Tags: CurtisGannon , closure , grid , collageonpaper , overlapping , density , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , NYTimes , 77Days , Trump'sCampaigntoSubverttheElection , connectthedots , redlines , reddots , photos , text , digitalcollage , HowALie , StokedtheAssaultontheCapitol , Asupposedsuitcaseofillegalballots , Detroit , provedtobeboxofcameraequipment , "Deadvoters" , turningupalive , intelevisionandnewspaperinterviews , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sScorn , FuelingExodusinHealthDepartment , NineTopN.Y.Officials , HaveQuitAmidRift , coronavirusvaccine , troubledrollout , declinedtousevaccinationplans , developedbyStateDepartmentofHealth , CapeTown , SouthAfrica , hazmatsuits , PPE , medicalworkers , patientenclosedinplastictube , ambulance , newmorecontagiousvariant , estimatedtomakeup , 90percentofallcasesinSouthAfrica , PosingGlobalThreat , VariantsSpreadWhereVaccinesHaveNot , failingtostopspreadofvirusglobally , allowmoremutations , couldmakeexistingvaccineslesseffective , LeaderIsHeld , AsCoupFears , GripMyanmar , DawAungSanSuuKyi , detained , NationalLeagueforDemocracy , governingofficialsconfirmedthedetentions , HouseMapping , NextConflictInPowerBattle , WashingtonDC , Republicansholdtotalcontrol , redistrictingin18states , includingFloridaNorthCarolinaTexas , windy , snow , someheavy , dangeroustravel
Hassan Massoudy, La beauté sauvera le monde, Water-based pigments on paper, 95 x 75 centimeters, 2008, Kadist , Paris, France
Tags: HassanMassoudy , calligraphy , painting , pigment , writing , paper , Kadist , Paris , NYTimes , TigerWoods , redshirt , golfclub , handsraised , elation , greenabstraction , Augusta , Georgia , TriumphEnds , Woods'sYears , InWilderness , AugustaNationalGolfClub , one-strokevictory , decade-longchampionshipdrought , topofthesportsworld , winningtheMasters , struggledpersonallyandprofessionally , WashingtonDC , Trump'sOwnOfficials , PayForHisAnger , OverBorder , VocalAdviserPushed , HomelandSecurityPurge , AfterMonthsofPolicyClashes , StephenMiller , wasfurious , beratingRonaldD.Vitiello , actinghead , ICE , "Yououghttobeworkingonthisregulationalldayeveryday" , todenywelfarebenefitstoimmigrants , BorderPatrol'sAllure , withdecentpay , benefits , someprestige , theforceoffers , pathtomiddleclass , SouthTexas , Kashgar , westernregionofXinjiang , cityview , terracottafacades , planters , pathway , greenawnings , flags , surveillancecamera , China'ssurveillanceextensive , FacialScans , TightenChina'sGrip , onMinority , AuthoritiesUse , AI , artificialintelligence , SweepCityCrowds , forUighurs , harshcrackdown , onethnicMuslims , automatedracism , SandersAttacks , 'Smear'Tactics , AtThinkTank , SenatorBernieSanders , accusedliberalthinktank , underminingDemocrats'chances , takingbackWhiteHousein2020 , CenterforAmericanProgress , CenterforAmericanProgressActionFund , SheWasKidnapped , byISIS , 5YearsAgo , SheMayStillBeAlive , InternationalCommitteeoftheRedCross , photographofapetitewoman , LouisaAkavi , NewZealandnurse , midwife , MayorPeteButtigieg , bluetie , profile , redwhitestripes , Americanflag , Buttigieg'sTack , FromEarlyOn , NarrativeFirst , windy , morningrain , clouds , sunshineafternoon
Alex Hay, Crumpled Yellow Paper , Cotton paper, acrylic paint, epoxy resin, sandblasted, 48 x 164 x 113 centimeters, 1967, Moderna Museet , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AlexHay , sculpture , paper , resin , linedpaper , yellowgold , ModernaMuseet , Stockholm , NYTimes , brownearth , detritus , tornclothing , rescueworkers , EthiopianAirlines , planecrash , shortlyaftertakeoff , killing157peopleonboard , causeundetermined , EthiopiaCrash , RaisesScrutiny , OnBoeingJet , climbanddive , beforefinalplunge , AddisAbaba , Boeing's737Maxjet , LionAirdisaster , Indonesia , twoeerilysimilarscenes , GlobalGrief , Passengersfrom35countries , doomedEthiopianjet , Jerusalem , Israel , Trump'sHalo , LiftsFortunesOfNetanyahu , U.S.PresidentPopular , AmongIsraeliVoters , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , uphillre-electionbattle , giantcampaignbillboards , "ADifferentLeague" , defeatapossibility , BennyGantz , WashingtonDC , U.S.Accelerates , ShadowyBattle , AgainstShabab , SomaliaStrikesSurge , Conflict'onAutopilot' , TrumpCurbsMilitary , AroundtheGlobe , UnitedStatesAfricaCommand , double-digitdeathtolls , humanitariancrisis , AmericanAirstrikes , OntheRise , inSomalia , yellowgraph , Airstrikesbymonth , TrumpAdministration , IndianaMuseumofArtatNewfields , decidedtosellordonate , manystoreditems , paintingracks , flourescentlighting , museumstorage , goldframes , metalracks , WhenMuseumsGiveUp , TheirBuriedTreasures , BasementsAreStuffedWithArt , ThatMayNeverBeShown , CharlesL.Venable , "Thereisthisinevitablemarch" , "whereyouhavetobuildmorestorage" , "Idon'tthinkit'ssustainable" , Cúcuta , Colombia , MaduroBurnedAid? , FootageShowsOtherwise , RefutingU.S.Claim , onVenezuelaStandoff , VicePresidentMikePence , "thetyrantinCaracasdanced" , henchmen , "burnedfood&medicine" , unpublishedfootage , Molotovcocktail , thrownbyantigovernmentprotester , mostlikelyaccidentalfire , WestPalmBeach , Florida , InBudget , TrumpMakesAnotherPlayforWall , Requestfor$86Billion , SetsUpNewFight , borderwall , bordersecurity , LarryKudlow , "wehaveacrisisdownthere" , FoxNewsSunday , mostlysunny , windy , mild
David Bomberg, The Mud Bath , Oil paint on canvas, 152 x 224 centimeters, 1914, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: DavidBomberg , oiloncanvas , painting , vorticists , TateUK , BritishArt , NYTimes , portraiture , VictorManuelTorres , bluestripedshirt , bluejeans , palmtrees , clothesline , hangingclothes , boats , homes , tornuplandscape , rocks , dirt , detritus , columns , pink , bluesky , clouds , "Deadistheonlywaythey'llevergetmetoleave" , 50-yearresident , barriocalledVietnam , Guaynabo , PuertoRico , HurricaneMaria , "Thestormwasapassingshower" , "comparedtowhatwehavesurvivedhere" , Laborersbuiltneighborhood , badgeofhonor , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.'sTactics , SeektoCornerDemocrats , McConnellEntersFray , ToEndShutdown , PresidentTrump , morningtweets , attackedSpeakerNancyPelosi , Ms.Pelosibehaved"soirrationally" , SenatorChuckSchumer , Mr.Trump'splan , "hostagetaking" , Shutdowninfifthweek , 800000federalworkers , stillfurloughed , RussiaDealings , SaidToContinue , TillTrumpWon , AMoscowSkyscraper , CandidateWasInvolved , forMonthsLonger , GiulianiReveals , RudolphW.Giuliani , PresidentTrump'spersonallawyer , TrumpTowerMoscowdiscussions , "goingonfromthedayIannouncedtothedayIwon" , flurryofinterviews , amidfallout , disputedreport , BuzzfeedNews , ReportInLimbo , Misstepsraisequestions , aboutBuzzfeed's"bombshell" , AsMogulandPresident , ConsistentinChaos , Trump'sHungertoWin , DrivingForce , DealMaking , wagedpublicbattle , withMervGriffin , totakecontrol , AtlanticCitycasino , JackO'Donnell , "Hehasn'tchangedatall" , rancasinoforMr.Trumpin1980s , footballplayers , tangleofbodies , redwhiteuniforms , bluewhiteuniforms , multicolorbackground , crowd , MusclingIntotheSuperBowl , SonyMichelandthePatriots , beattheChiefs , 37-31 , WhereWordsandActsClash , WhiteHouse'sRussiaPolicies , RussiaseizedUkrainianships , inNovember , Twomonthslater , PresidentTrumphasnottaken , significantaction , Mr.Trumpinsisted , "nocollusion"withMoscow , Bensalem , Pennsylvania , DNA'MagicBox' , CanSnareCriminals , butAlsotheInnocent , RapidDNAmachine , providesresultsin90minutes , RapidDNAAct , signedintolawin2017 , sunshine , patchycloud , windy , cold
Francis Alÿs, Tornado, Milpa Alta , Video, high definition, projection, color and sound (surround), 39 minutes / 58 seconds, 2000 - 2010, Tate Gallery , Britain (video clip is hyperlinked in artwork title)
Tags: FrancisAlÿs , photography , performance , video , TateUK , weather , tornadoes , deadlystorms , South , homes , Georgia , NYTimes , Bangladesh , Islam , textbookrevisions , Cubans , Mexicanborder , USborder , migrants , AffordableCareAct , repealandreplace , DonaldTrump , rockystart , campaigntactics , Twittermessages , jeopardizesleverage , damagecontrol , MikePence , flags , WhiteHousestaff , WashingtonDC , Women'smarches , states , unity , disparategroups , dissent , nextsteps , againstpresidency , cloudyweather , heavyrain , windy , cooler
Sigmar Polke, Bargeld lacht (Cash laughs) , Offset lithograph, screenprint on paper, 27 1/2 x 19 11/16 inches, 2002, Walker Art Center , Minneapolis
Tags: SigmarPolke , painting , printmaking , lithography , WalkerArtCenter , Minneapolis , NYTimes , TrumpTowersPune , branding , India , Statecraft , President-elect , DonaldTrump , government , cabinet , handshakes , newscameras , spectacle , alt-right , USelection , winners , fakenews , Twitterpost , conspiracytheories , WashingtonDC , Dallas , skyscrapers , glitteringsurface , bankruptcy , SanSalvador , tin-cupgangs , buscompanies , money , prices , numbers , cloudyweather , windy , cold
Tags: KenPrice , sculpture , clay , NYTimes , China , seasofsand , climatechange , GobiDesert , migration , PresidentObama , GOP , Statehouses , staterepresentatives , localelections , 2016election , HillaryClinton , DemocraticParty , earlyvoting , DonaldTrump , NorthCarolina , AT&T , TimeWarner , communicationsmonopoly , sunshine , windy , seasonabletemperatures , colder
Bram Bogart, Blauw-vang , Mixed media (oil paint, watercolor, casein, linseed oil, drying oil, powdered pigment) on canvas mounted on masonite, 153 x 162 cm, 1965, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique , Brussels
Tags: BramBogart , MuséesroyauxdesBeaux-ArtsdeBelgique , Brussels , painting , CoBrA , NYTimes , WashingtonDC , 2016election , voters , race , HillaryClinton , USforeignpolicy , truce , Syria , China , negotiations , summerfilms , superflops , MotherTeresa , Calcutta , India , MotherHouse , missionaries , charity , St.Peter'sSquare , canonization , SaintTeresa , cloudyweather , windy , coastalflooding