
Monday's image: January 10, 2022

Martin Wong, Closed, Acrylic on canvas, 213.7 x 274.8 centimeters, 1984-1985, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Monday's image: October 11, 2021

Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Flying Carpets, Stainless steel and rubber, 420 x 1300 x 340 centimeters, 2011, Guggenheim Museum, New York

Monday's image: May 27, 2019

Jacob Lawrence, They did not always leave because they were promised work in the North. Many of them left because of Southern conditions, one of them being great floods that ruined the crops, and therefore they were unable to make a living where they were, Casein tempera on hardboard, 18 x 12 inches, 1940-41, The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Monday's image: November 21, 2016

Sigmar Polke, Bargeld lacht (Cash laughs), Offset lithograph, screenprint on paper, 27 1/2 x 19 11/16 inches, 2002, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis

Monday's image: July 11, 2016

Bruce Nauman, Untitled, Fiberglass, polyester resin and neon tubing, 4 x 6 x 79 inches, 1965, The Menil Collection, Houston