
Monday's image: September 12, 2016

Winslow Homer, The Veteran in a New Field, Oil on canvas, 24 1/8 x 38 1/8 inches, 1865, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Monday's image: August 8, 2016

Nancy Graves, Canoptic Legerdemain, Brushed stainless steel, aluminum mesh, cast resin, cast paper, aluminum panels, cast epoxy, and color lithograph, 85 x 95 x 36 15/16 inches, 1990, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

Monday's image: July 11, 2016

Bruce Nauman, Untitled, Fiberglass, polyester resin and neon tubing, 4 x 6 x 79 inches, 1965, The Menil Collection, Houston