Iran — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Birutė Stančhikaitė, Severe Light I, Lithograph on paper, Edition: 18/25, 23 1/8 × 30 7/16 inches, 1982, Zimmerli Art Museum , Rutgers University, New Jersey
Tags: BirutėStančhikaitė , printmaking , lithography , severelight , printedition , ZimmerliArtMuseum , RutgersUniversity , NewJersey , NYTimes , helicopter , Iran , mountainlandscape , PresidentEbrahimRaisi , ForeignMinisterHosseinAmirAbdollahian , IranLeader'sHelicopterCrashesinThickFog , HugeSearch , RescueEffortSlowedbyBadConditions , ThreatsandFear , AreTransformingU.S.Politics , ViolenceIsRiskFromCityHalltoCongress , JoeChimenti , formerchairmanofboardofsupervisors , ShastaCountyCalifornia , 'Igotintothistomkaeadifference' , 'WhydoIwanttoputupwiththis?' , Atlanta , PresidentBiden , commencementaddress , BidenMessage:'I'mWithYou' , MorehouseCollege , AsTrump'sTrialNearsItsEnd , ProsecutorsSeemtoHaveEdge , Time-HonoredPoliticalTactic , ThrowYourWifeUndertheBus , upsidedownAmericanflag , Kyiv , AVictoryintheRing , boxing , BoostsMoraleofWar-WearyUkraine , Ukrainianboxer , OleksandrUsyk , heavyweightchampion , sunandclouds , lightwinds
Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest , Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunidentified , reversepainting , foilonglass , 1870s , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , wreathofflowers , mourningdoves , nest , foil , painting , funeral , wreathlaying , soldiersinuniform , AlonShamriz , oneofthreeIsraelis , killedbyIsraelisoldiersinGaza , kidnappedbyHamas , bouquetofflowers , wreaths , grave , sorrow , mourning , crowds , community , NetanyahuVowsToKeepUpFight , DespiteCriticism , 200TargetsInADay , ChangingTone , GermanandBritishOfficials , CallforCease-Fire , "sustainable"cease-fire , WarErasesFullBranchesofGazanFamilyTrees , AClanLosesOver100Members , IncludingDozensofChildren , funeralformembersofAstalfamily , CiviliansinGaza , havevirtuallynosafeplacestohide , VoterSupportForAbortionFacesLimits , SomeStatesTryingtoKeepIssueOffBallot , yardsigns , signsbeforeOhiovoted , tocodifytherighttoabortion , CampusAlliesofPalestiniansFeelMuzzled , collegecampuses , SolitaryConfinementPoisedtoEnd , DespiteAdams'sWishes , MayorEricAdams , NewYorkcityjails , Iran , viraldancecraze , It'sNotJustaSongandDance , It'saNationwideProtest , PublicOpinionRevoltsAgainstCrackdown , crowdofmen , fathersholdingtheirchildren , war , heavyraininmorning
Jim Dine, Walking Dream with Four Foot Clamp , Oil paint, charcoal and steel on canvas, 1524 x 2743 x 29 millimeters,1965, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JimDine , WalkingDreamwithFourFootClamp , feet , legs , mixedmedia , painting , canvas , TateUK , DeStandaard , Brussels , feetinmotion , runners , whatyouneedtoknow , togetbetteratrunning , blur , Americansweets , ontherise , moresour , sweeter , morespicy , LaffyTaffy , Takis , JellyStraws , OlivierVandecasteele , humanitarianaidworker , isbackhome , joy , alsocriticismaboutexchange , prisonerswap , Iran , airport , tarmac , embrace , MeskeremMees , singersongwriter , 'Withoutself-doubtbewhoyouare' , 'dowhatyouhavetodo' , 'therestdoesn'tmatter' , Putclimatepolicyonhold? , 'We'vebeendoingthatforfiftyyears' , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , PaulGheysens , broughtoldestfootballclubbacktolife , Ex-presidentofUkraine , 'Russiaisnowmoredangerousthanayearago' , sunnyconditions , periodicclouds , windy
Tags: PaulSharits , 16millimeterfilm , color , sound , Structuralfilm , nothing , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , Bergamo , Italy , hospitalroom , doctors , patients , PPE , bedsheets , trauma , spring , oneofdeadliestkillingfields , virus , Westernworld , InactionFueledDisaster , asVirusCreptIntoItaly , BehindTheCurve , ANorthernProvince'sEpicenter , PesentiFenaroliHospital , nationaltestingprotocol , WHO , Covid-19 , recommendedtesting , forpeoplewithlinktoChina , Covid-19alreadyarrivedinLombardyregion , NewYork , SuddenShift , WillReopenSomeSchools , ElementaryStudents , SettoReturnDec.7 , CriticismofCity , LeadstoOverhaul , MayorBilldeBlasio , Iran , StrugglesForaResponse , ToBoldStrikes , MohsenFakhrizadeh , scientist , captainofcovertattempts , toassemblenuclearweapon , assassination , onlinefootage , JavadMogouyi , documentaryfilmmaker , stage , blue , orange , spotlight , actor , silhouette , JeffersonMays , one-man"ChristmasCarol" , EbenezerScrooge , Broadway , Itwillbestreamedinstead , ClassicLivesOn , byCarScreenRadioorMail , theaters , usingcontagion-reductionstrategy , outdoorstagings , drive-inproductions , streettheater , streamingvideo , radioplays , do-it-yourselfkitbymail , BlueBlocs , VieForSenateSeat , HeldbyHarris , AlexPadilla , presidentofLosAngelesCityCouncil , emergedasfront-runner , GavinNewsom , mustnamesuccessor , steel , borderwall , trees , opening , roughterrain , government'starget , 450miles , newwallconstruction , BlitzofActivity , ToExpandWall , ByEndofTerm , Arizona , USborder , Mexico , strongwinds , heavyrain , thunderstorms
Cycladic, Early Bronze Age, Female Figure of the Spedos Variety , Marble, 18 x 5.5 x 8.5 centimeters, 2600-2500 BCE, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, MA
Tags: Cycladic , BronzeAge , AncientWorld , ByzantineWorld , AncientMediterranean , sculpture , marble , femalefigure , portraiture , HarvardArtMuseums , Tehran , Iran , billboard , MohsenHojaji , warhero , militaryrecruitment , Let'sgo , streetscene , taxis , cars , bus , streetsigns , traffic , green , pedestrians , ReligiousRight , StandstoGain , TaxDebate , LetChurchesTakePartinPolitics , WashingtonDC , USCongress , FacingCalls , DiscloseSexSettlments , DealsAreBestKeptSecret , JohnConyersJr. , Michigan , topDemocrat , HouseJudiciaryCommittee , LeavingPost , DemandsIncreaseforTransparency , sexualharassment , ConsumerFinancialProtectionBureau , LawsuitfiledtoBlockTrump , SeekingtoInstallhisbudgetdirector , MickMulvaney , loosenregulation , underObamaadministration , CentralIslip , NY , NYTimes , EscapingPuertoRico , GuiltofFleeing , CentralPark , rowboat , PuertoRicoinDarkAges , IraniansUnited , byForeignFoes , TrumpandSaudis , FuelNationalistFervor , TheNewPatriots , Yangon , Myanmar , EthnicPurge , ElevatesOtherLeader , SeniorGeneralMinAungHlaing , SidelinedDawAungSanSuuKyi , defacto , headofgovernment , PopeFrancis , DiplomaticDilemma , ToldNotTo , RefertoMyanmar'spersecutedMuslims , Rohingya , malepoliticians , femalepolitician , seatedrulers , meninpower , womaninpower , isolation , bodylanguage , foldedhands , sunshine , clouds , cool , breezy
Lonnie Holley, Don't Go Crossing My Fence , Wood, garden hose, mop, lamp base and other found materials, 81 x 52 x 23 inches, 1994, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: LonnieHolley , mixedmedia , sculpture , Alabama , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , PortugalWildfire , PedrógãoGrande , casualties , smoke , trees , scorchedearth , emergencyservices , firemen , MexicoCity , SpywareAttacks , TargetsActivistsJournalists , Mexico'sCritics , WillardOhio , WelcomeforMigrants , RevealsFarmTownRift , Objectionstomigrants , workinlocalfields , standingfirm , farms , land , Americanflag , Japan , AFrenzytoSaveShip , USNavy , Collisionwithcontainership , StruckasSailorsSlept , London , CrashPutsLondononEdge , securitychecks , policetape , WashingtonDC , TrumpLawyer , JaySekulow , DeniesInquiry , ReversingBoss , RussiaInquiry , electionmeddling , UsedCarRepossessed , LenderStillCollecting , carloan , SyriaFight , USforeignpolicy , Iran , PresidentTrump , AfghanStrategy , CededToPentagon , QuietShiftOfPower , SendingMoreTroops , PlanforaLongWar , RemainsUnclear , sunny , humid , severeeveningthunderstorms , heavyrainlate
Barbara Kruger, Untitled (We Will No Longer Be Seen and Not Heard) , Photo-offset lithograph and screenprint, nine prints, Image/sheet (each): 20 3/4 x 20 5/8 inches, Peter Blum Edition (Publisher), 1985, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: BarbaraKruger , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , lithography , printmaking , language , photography , gestures , speech , portraiture , NYTimes , DonaldTrump , CIA , Russia , computerhackers , USelection , Boeing , Iran , deals , victory , women , dresscode , erasure , mural , governmentprograms , pretrialdiversion , socialjustice , money , hearings , cloudyweather , periodicrain , milder
Nancy Graves, Canoptic Legerdemain , Brushed stainless steel, aluminum mesh, cast resin, cast paper, aluminum panels, cast epoxy, and color lithograph, 85 x 95 x 36 15/16 inches, 1990, National Gallery of Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: NancyGraves , sculpture , installation , NationalGalleryofArtWashingtonDC , NYTimes , Rio , Olympics2016 , KatieLedecky , goldmedal , swimming , worldrecord , pool , water , thinktanks , research , donors , DonaldTrump , MikePence , HIVcrisis , prayer , Indiana , WashingtonDC , Iran , secrets , sunshine , lowhumidity , mostlyclear
Laura Belém , Ao encontro de... (Meeting with...), video installation, single-channel video, color, with sound, 8:37 minutes, dimensions variable, 2003-2004, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California. (Note: Full video can be viewed via the artist's website, hyperlinked above.)
Tags: LauraBelém , SFMoMA , video , pooltable , billiards , JohnKerry , MohammadJavadZarif , USforeignpolicy , prisonerexchange , BernieSanders , HillaryClinton , MartinO'Malley , DemocraticDebate , Charleston , WashingtonDC , Iran , NYTimes , diplomacy