Kyiv — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Christian Jaccard, Combustion 01.9.81 , Black candlewick and burn marks on paper, 100.4 x 70.2 centimeters, 1981, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: ChristianJaccard , combustion , blackcandlewick , burnmarks , drawing , workonpaper , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , NewYork , smoke , southernLebanon , Israel'spre-emptivestrike , againstthousandsofHezbollah'srockets , WarringSidesQuicklyTalkContainment , IsraelandHezbollahClaimVictoriesofSorts , predawn , IsraelExchangesHeavyAirstrikesWithHezbollah , Flare-Up , ThenAPause , FearsGrowConflictWithLebanonCouldSpreadinRegion , HezbollahdroneinterceptedbyIsrael , KamalaHarris , HarrisIsCallingOaklandHome , BerkeleyCanUnderstandWhy , TradingLiberalMeccaforCityThat'sNotQuiteSo...Rad , HowJailedMigrantWasFreed , AndChargedWithRapeAgain , FailureofCooperationBetweenICEandCityIsBlamed , FromWar'sCarnage , SpringsRenaissanceofUkrainianPoetry , Ukrainewar , Kyiv , open-micpoetryreading , ShevchenkoNationalPrize , Journalists'HotelIsHit , Reuters , journalistswoundedinstrike , Mpox-PlaguedCongoRequestedVaccineYearsAgo , ItStillWaits , globalhealthemergency , partlysunny , afternoonstorm
Birutė Stančhikaitė, Severe Light I, Lithograph on paper, Edition: 18/25, 23 1/8 × 30 7/16 inches, 1982, Zimmerli Art Museum , Rutgers University, New Jersey
Tags: BirutėStančhikaitė , printmaking , lithography , severelight , printedition , ZimmerliArtMuseum , RutgersUniversity , NewJersey , NYTimes , helicopter , Iran , mountainlandscape , PresidentEbrahimRaisi , ForeignMinisterHosseinAmirAbdollahian , IranLeader'sHelicopterCrashesinThickFog , HugeSearch , RescueEffortSlowedbyBadConditions , ThreatsandFear , AreTransformingU.S.Politics , ViolenceIsRiskFromCityHalltoCongress , JoeChimenti , formerchairmanofboardofsupervisors , ShastaCountyCalifornia , 'Igotintothistomkaeadifference' , 'WhydoIwanttoputupwiththis?' , Atlanta , PresidentBiden , commencementaddress , BidenMessage:'I'mWithYou' , MorehouseCollege , AsTrump'sTrialNearsItsEnd , ProsecutorsSeemtoHaveEdge , Time-HonoredPoliticalTactic , ThrowYourWifeUndertheBus , upsidedownAmericanflag , Kyiv , AVictoryintheRing , boxing , BoostsMoraleofWar-WearyUkraine , Ukrainianboxer , OleksandrUsyk , heavyweightchampion , sunandclouds , lightwinds
David Driskell, Round Trees (from the "Doorway" Portfolio) , Screenprint, 15 x 12 inches, 2009, The Phillips Collection , Washington, D.C.
Tags: DavidDriskell , RoundTrees , "Doorway"Portfolio , screenprint , printmaking , ThePhillipsCollection , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , UkrainianOrthodoxChurch , changeddateforChristmastoDec.25 , departingfromRussiantraditionofJanuary7 , parentandchild , outdoors , snowing , Christmastree , decorations , largedecorativeboxes , gifts , Kyiv , EarlyArrivalofChristmas , LiftsUkraine , SaudisEagerForPeace , AvoidaRedSeaConflict , DecliningtoHelpU.S. , CurbHouthiAttacks , AfterEightYearsofWarinYemen , SalemNorthDakota , TruckersFaceChronicQuestion , WheretoPark? , WithAbsenceofSpots , HaulersRiskSafetyandIncome , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , HeWastheAntidotetoChaos , ThenCameInternalCalamity , "NeverBackDown" , campaignbus , gridofphotographs , Mauiwildfires , smokeandfire , palmtrees , aerialfootageofneighborhoods , sootandash , ADeadlyBlaze , HourbyHour , ReconstructingdayofMauiwildfire , tracingwhysomanyweretrapped , TextingApponAndroid , GivesAppleaHeadache , BeeperMini , morningfog , sunnybreaks
Waldemar Cordeiro, Gente Ampli*2 , Computer output on paper, 134.5 x 72.5 centimeters, 1972, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: WaldemarCordeiro , computeroutputonpaper , photography , abstraction , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , yellow-green , Brazilianflag , architecture , OscarNiemeyer , thousandsofsupporters , Brazil'sformerpresidentJairBolsonaro , EsplanadadosMinistérios , Brasília , InBrazilCapital , AFrenziedMob , StormsCongress , AkinToJan.6Attacks , SupportersofBolsonaro , ClaimVoteRigging , WithoutEvidence , FacingCriticism , PresidentBidenVisitsMexicanBorder , SurgeInImmigration , BidenSetforSummitonCrossingsandTrade , AfterElPasoTrip , U.S.MexicoBorder , G.O.P.Rules , FaceLogjam , FrozenTight , WashingtonDC , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , negotiatedwithhard-rightrebels , inexchangefortheirsupport , FightingforUkraine , toTakeRevengeonRussia , InspiredbyEnmityfortheKremlin , EthnicGroupsRaiseArms , Kyiv , snowylandscape , Chechenbattalion , trainingwithnewrecruits , whitecamouflage , warmemorial , blackgranite , soldierinuniform , blackandwhitephotography , etchednames , whiteroses , KoreanWarMemorial , RiddledWithErrors , misspellednames , ImperfectRecords , FederalMissteps , KoreanWarProject , BolsteredbyNetanyahuDeals , Ultra-OrthodoxPushAutonomy , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , rainandsnowearly , somesunshine
Thomas Hirshhorn, Drift Topography , Cardboard, tape, shoeboxes, alarm clocks, plastic, books, cotton wool and printed papers, 2200 x 4600 x 2800 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: ThomasHirshhorn , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , printedpaper , TateUK , NYTimes , soldiersinaline , landscape , AndrewMilburn , founderofMozartGroup , privatemilitarycompany , SoledarUkraine , Richie , rescuedmutt , mascot , dog , AmericanFindsinUkraine , theWarHeSought , AMorallyClearEffort , AfterToursinIraqandAfghanistan , evacuation , "Pleasecomewithme." , retiredMarinecolonel , Kyiv , FearofReprisal , ForBridgeBlast , DimsKyiv'sJoy , KerchStraitBridge , EastpointeMichigan , HowLocalRaces , CouldHelpTiltDirectionofU.S. , ACriticalCourtCase , JusticesConsiderGivingStatesPowerOverFederalElections , struggleforMichiganSenate , federalelections , SCOTUS , independentstatelegislaturetheory , NourishingLifeandThreateningIt , mansittingonledgeoverlookingwater , SouthAsiamonsoon , growingmoreviolentanderratic , climatechange , CostsSoaring , BulletTrainGoesNowhere , PoliticalDeals , SnarledinCaliforniaProject , connectLosAngelesandSanFrancisco , FromWorkingtheDairyFarm , ToOwningtheBest-SellerList , author , ColleenHoover , portraiture , InGeorgia'sSenateRace , EvangelicalsFindaWayWithWalker , SupportingHimDespiteAbortionAllegations , HerschelWalker , twoincreasinglydivergentversions , AmericanChristianity , sunshine , patchycloudy , seasonable
Tags: HannahRyggen , textiles , tapestry , woolandlinen , Kunstindustrimuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , flags , pollingstation , Mariupol , Ukraine , pseudoreferendum , whethertosecedeandjoinRussia , travelerswithsuitcases , linestoRussiancheckpoint , exodustoGeorgia , Moscow'smobilizationorder , bodiesofRussiansoldiers , roadside , abandonedartillery , Oskil , arrestbyRussianpoliceofficers , St.Petersburg , protestagainstmobilization , RussianDraft , PitsUkrainianVs.Ukrainian , Kyiv , Kremlin'sconscriptiondrive , U.S.Factories , SeeRareSight , ReturnofJobs , 67000MoreWorkers , ThanBeforeCovid , enginesofrecovery , pharmaceuticalplants , craftbreweries , icecreammakers , GiorgiaMeloni , Italy'snextprimeminister , WinProjectedForHardRight , ItalyElection , NationalistsTriumph , Country'sFirstFemaleLeader , BrothersofItaly , partydescendedfromremnantsofFascism , right-wingcoalition , majorityinParliament , RichmondVirginia , BigChainSuckedProfits , OutofaPoorHospital , RichmondCommunity , ProfitsOverPatients , ExploitingaDrugProgram , BonSecoursMercyHealth , highestprofitmargin , ofanyhospitalinVirginia , portraitureingarden , benches , Michael , hismotherAnnie , BreastRemovalSurgeryonRise , forTransTeens , AHot-ButtonProcedure , That'JustFeltRight' , betteralignbodies , withtheirexperienceofgender , MigrantFlights , LifttheVeil , onG.O.P.Rivalry , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , GovernorGregAbbott , Texas , MovebyDeSantis , HitsAbbottbySurprise , breezy , sunshine , someclouds
Archaic Greek, figure , Bronze, 114 x 90 x 22 millimeters, 520 BC - 500 BC, The British Museum , U.K.
Tags: ArchaicGreek , bronzefigure , girlrunner , marathon , 500BC , TheBritishMuseum , London , U.K. , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Limerickdigdeep , towin , fourthsuccessiveprovincialcrown , greenuniform , player , sports , 'Emotionalmoment' , forhit-and-runvictim , OliviaKeating , Kinsale , CountyCork , JasonvanderVelde , CorkCityMarathon , ranmarathontogether , raisefunds , WestCorkRapidResponse , Ms.Keatingwastrainingfor2016race , hitbycar , Dr.vanderVelde , helpedsaveherlife , LizzieLee , wonthewomen'srace , TimO'Donoghue , wonthemen'srace , Cork , Noemergencybeds , forLimerick'shomeless , Mid-West , hashighestproportionofhomelessness , outsideDublin , Tributespaidtowoman , aftertragicdrowning , GillianDaly , diedwhenhercarenteredtheRiverLee , RussiastrikesKyiv , PutinwarnsagainstweaponsfromtheWest , womantakespicturesofruins , Kyiv , mostlysunny , thenpartlycloudy
Tags: BethBarron , repair , mixedmedia , bandaids , beads , canvas , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYC , NYTimes , Mariupol , TeeteringAmidSigns , RussiaIsShiftingFocus , windowcutout , vista , cloudybluesky , cityinthedistance , sandbags , destroyedroom , frames , couches , rubble , detritus , InsideRegionalStateAdministrationoffice , Kharkiv , artilleryfire , killedseveninthecity , includingtwochildren , UkraineSaysFoeMayConcentrateonEast , EfforttoSplitCountry , Kyiv , HealthCatastropheLooms , WarinUkraine , threatenstoundo , decadesofprogress , H.I.V.tuberculosisandhepatitis , Biden'sNineWords , ad-libstatement , capturesattentionofforeignpolicyexperts , Congressmembers , NATOallies , NokiaDeparts , ButCybertoolsStayinRussia , digitalsurveillance , SORM , KremlinPurgesReporters'TalkWithZelensky , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , gave90-minute-longZoominterview , censorship , GrantTown , HowManchinAidedCoalIndustry , EarnedHimselfMillions , ASenator'sFortune , SenatorJoeManchinIII , TiedtoaPowerPlant , WestVirginia , Appalachiantown , usedpoliticalinfluence , "gob" , PentagonSeeksToOffsetRival , AsArcticMelts , DeltaJunction , Alaska , combattrainingexercise , soldiers , snowbanks , 8000Americantroops , tookpartintrainingexercise , camouflageuniform , landscape , lightblue , partlysunnyskies , breezy , cold
Olli Miettinen, Men from Hatjalahti, study , Charcoal, crayon, cardboard, 167.5 x 239.5 centimeters, 1943, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: OlliMiettinen , soldiers , Hatjalahti , study , charcoal , crayon , cardboard , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , AsWarRages , Ukraine , AgreesToTalksWithRussians , 'WithoutPreconditions' , crowds , Ukrainians , Industry , Gatheringemptybottles , Dnipro , Molotovcocktails , Tenacity , localmen , diggingbunker , erectingcheckpoint , villageofHushchyntsi , dirt , earth , Charity , cardboardsigns , handwrittentext , yellowtape , Offeringrefugeesfreerides , Polishborder , Polandandbeyond , ArmedorNot , VillagersRushToJoinFight , Khomutyntsi , grass-rootsmovement , mobilizationofcivilians , MoreThan350CiviliansHaveBeenKilled , Kyiv , Ukraine'sPresident , VolodymyrZelensky , Censorship , RussiapressuringGoogleandApple , seekstorestrictonlinematerial , Sidelined , Putindistanceshimselffromadvisers , couldberisky , InTurnaround , GermanyVowsMilitaryBoost , ChancellorOlafScholz , 100BillionEuros , Berlin , Putin'sNuclearArsenalRhetoric , PushesBoundsofBrinkmanship , nuclearforces , "specialcombatreadiness" , Americanforces , Defcon3 , TheWoodlands , Texas , AfterPartisanRedistricting , PrimariesMatterMost , RepresentativeDanCrenshaw , hadhisTexasdistrictredrawn , risingRepublicanstar , Baltimore , policecadets , takepartincourse , ethicalpolicing , PoliceTraintoStepIn , WhenPoliceStepTooFar , mostlysunny , breezy , cold
Guerra de la Paz, A Stitch in Time: Ghost Variations , 108 deconstructed garments, metal pole and wire hangers, Dimensions variable (approximately 9 feet wide), 2002-2016, Art Works for Change , Oakland, California
Tags: GuerradelaPaz , astroturf , green , whitepaintedlines , yellowbluewhiteuniforms , football , LosAngelesRams , FinalStoponPathtoVictory , wonSuperBowlLVI , CincinnatiBengals , defensiveplay , AaronDonald , BorderBridgeWillSoonOpen , Canada , ABlockadeIsCleared , AntigovernmentProtest , Ottawa , EntersThirdWeek , AmbassadorBridge , WindsorOntario , Detroit , automanufacturing , slowedtoanearstandstill , protestsigns , hundredsoftruckers , accumulation , AmidThreats , UkraineIsLedByOptimist , Kyiv , VolodymyrZelensky , PresidentofUkraine , formercomedicactor , Texaslawbanningabortions , 'Heartbeat' , MovestoCenterofAbortionDebate , ExaminingWordsandClaims , BehindStrictNewLaws , ForMcConnell , StealthFightForG.O.P.Grip , DraftingAllies , toFoilTrumpSenatePicks , SenatorMitchMcConnell , Kentucky , pilesofcotton , truck , laborersunloadingcotton , Kasrawad , India , Growingwithoutpesticides , producesloweryields , BehindIndia's'Organic'CottonBoom , FraudandFalseLabels , Atlanta , IntheArberyHateCrimesTrial , TheEvidenceIsLikelytoBeUgly , AhmaudArbery , federalprosecutors , federalhatecrime , mostlysunny , cold , brisk , StitchinTime , GhostVariations , deconstructedgarments , wirehangers , ArtWorksForChange , Oakland , California , NYTimes
Tags: MartinWong , closed , metalgates , chainsandpadlocks , buildingexterior , acryliconcanvas , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , firefighters , residentialbuilding , brickfacade , fireengines , ladders , FDNY , Americanflag , firefightersrespondtoblaze , East181stStreet , victimsoneveryfloor , 19-storyapartmentbuilding , Bronx , BlazeDevastatesBronxHigh-Rise , TollIs'Horrific' , ARushtoEscape , asSmokePoursIn , TwinParksNorthWesttower , 19DieinCity'sWorstFireinDecades , malfunctioningspaceheater , Rescuersbattledthicksmoke , tohelpvictimsgetout , Susanville , California , 'NothingWillBetheSame' , PrisonClosureDismaysTown , abouthalfofadultsworkattwostateprisons , CaliforniaCorrectionalCenter , HighDesert , Chicago , InStruggleWithOmicron , OneConstantIsChange , NewWarnings , DismayDisruptandConfuse , Omicronvariant , I.C.U. , WesternReserveHospitalOhio , nurses , PPE , hospitalbed , patient , drive-through , Covidtesting , NewOrleans , backtoschool , LakewoodSchool , students , Dallas , gettingvaccinated , Mississippi , Kyiv , Ukraine , UkraineQuietlyTriesItOwnTalksWithRussia , FeelsSidelined , U.S.andNATOnegotiate , WashingtonDC , QuestionsMount , DeadlyChasesonBorder , U.S.Mexicoborder , WhatMeasures , ShouldBeUsedinPursuits? , caraccident , drivingwithundocumentedimmigrants , ErikA.Molix , U.S.BorderPatrol , partlytomostlycloudy , brisk , colder
Jan van den Bergh, After Giacomo Cavedone , Red chalk on paper, 293 x 205 millimeters, 1614, British Museum, U.K.
Tags: JanvandenBergh , Flemishpainter , redchalkonpaper , afterGiacomoCavedone , Bologneseschool , portraiture , BritishMuseum , London , NYTimes , groupofmen , camouflagejackets , MykhailoHiraldo-Ramires , leadingatrainingcourse , Kyiv , Ukraine , country'sdefenseplan , Ukraine'sCiviliansStaff , ResistanceinWaiting , TeachersAccountantsandWaitresses , PrepforanInsurgency , learncombatskills , NewVariantRisk , InNursingHomes , BoostersLaginNewYork , AmidOmicronSurge , SeaCrestNursingandRehabilitation , ConeyIsland , CadreofExpertWitnesses , HelpsClearPoliceinCourt , SameTightNetworkThatTrainsOfficers , TestifiesAboutDeathsinCustody , Dr.GaryVilke , establishedhimselfasleadingexpertwitness , cottageindustryofexoneration , expertshavetiestoAxon , makeroftheTaser , cowwithtag , strugglingranchers , sellingoffentireherds , BoominBeef , ButRanchersCan'tCashIn , Montana , cattleranchers , DubiousAdvice , FromTVDoctorInSenateHunt , Dr.MehmetOz , chiefpromoter , malariadrugs , hydroxychloroquine , chloroquine , fortreatingCovid-19 , wealthofevidence , noteffective , Dr.OzjumpedintoRepublicanprimary , forSenateinPennsylvania , DesmondM.Tutu , 1931-2021 , ArchbishopWhoseVoiceHelpedEndApartheid , powerfulforcefornonviolence , anti-apartheidmovement , earnedNobelPeacePrizein1984 , becomingmostlycloudy , showerslate , chilly