Ottawa — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: MaxDean , photography , exit , brickwall , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , peoplewaitinginline , OrganTransplantSystem , 'inChaos' , WaitingListsAreIgnored , Thesickestpatients , supposedtogetpriorityforlifesavingtransplants , moreandmoretheyarebeingskippedover , DeepeningPerilofDisease , AsTrumpCutsForeignAid , SafeguardsEroding , ScientistsWarnofOutbreaks , ThatMayReachU.S. , U.S.A.I.D. , GovernorJoshShapiro , Pennsylvania , playinganalystforUniversityofPittsburgh , basketballbroadcast , blueandyellow , TartusSyria , HidingInsideAsBloodshedFlaresinSyria , CoastalResidentsTellofNeighborsKilled , WashingtonDC , ContradictionsProvideTrumpPoliticalCover , Democratsflockingtosportsradioshowsandpodcasts , Democrats'PlantoConnect , YakAboutSports , MeetingYoungMenonTheirOwnTurf , Kabul , taxoffice , OnceUndercoverfortheTaliban , NowaTaxman , AHelpfulBureaucracyLedbyEx-Guerillas , mostlysunny , warmer
Guerra de la Paz, A Stitch in Time: Ghost Variations , 108 deconstructed garments, metal pole and wire hangers, Dimensions variable (approximately 9 feet wide), 2002-2016, Art Works for Change , Oakland, California
Tags: GuerradelaPaz , astroturf , green , whitepaintedlines , yellowbluewhiteuniforms , football , LosAngelesRams , FinalStoponPathtoVictory , wonSuperBowlLVI , CincinnatiBengals , defensiveplay , AaronDonald , BorderBridgeWillSoonOpen , Canada , ABlockadeIsCleared , AntigovernmentProtest , Ottawa , EntersThirdWeek , AmbassadorBridge , WindsorOntario , Detroit , automanufacturing , slowedtoanearstandstill , protestsigns , hundredsoftruckers , accumulation , AmidThreats , UkraineIsLedByOptimist , Kyiv , VolodymyrZelensky , PresidentofUkraine , formercomedicactor , Texaslawbanningabortions , 'Heartbeat' , MovestoCenterofAbortionDebate , ExaminingWordsandClaims , BehindStrictNewLaws , ForMcConnell , StealthFightForG.O.P.Grip , DraftingAllies , toFoilTrumpSenatePicks , SenatorMitchMcConnell , Kentucky , pilesofcotton , truck , laborersunloadingcotton , Kasrawad , India , Growingwithoutpesticides , producesloweryields , BehindIndia's'Organic'CottonBoom , FraudandFalseLabels , Atlanta , IntheArberyHateCrimesTrial , TheEvidenceIsLikelytoBeUgly , AhmaudArbery , federalprosecutors , federalhatecrime , mostlysunny , cold , brisk , StitchinTime , GhostVariations , deconstructedgarments , wirehangers , ArtWorksForChange , Oakland , California , NYTimes
Tags: KarooAshevak , whalebone , stone , figure , IndigenousArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , redfootballuniforms , footballfield , coaches , SuperBowl , AWin50YearsintheMaking , QuarterbackPatrickMahomes , Chiefs , beatthe49ers , firstSuperBowlchampionshipsince1970 , Wuhan , China , AFeverof104 , HourstoWait , AndNoRelief , BedSpaceandHopeDwindle , coronavirus , outbreak , panic , illness , impossibletogethealthcare , manyresidentssay , PandemicLooms , Rapidlyrisingcaseloads , alarmingresearchers , fearthevirusmayspreadacrossglobe , Panicked , Travelersscramble , fewremainingairlineticketsoutofChina , quarantines , TradeNetworks , FaceNewMenace , InACoronavirus , ChinaInCrossHairs , WithDominanceComesRisks , DwarftheImpactofSARS , Apple , Starbucks , Ikea , temporarilyclosedstoresinChina , shoppingmallsdeserted , InternationalairlinescancelflightstoChina , economicgrowthexpectedtoslipthisyear , Newton , Iowa , DemocratsPitchedaHugeTent , It'saHiveofAngst , pre-primarycampaign , lowgradeanxietyattackforDemocrats , presidentialcampaignsigns , PETE , SouthBend , supporterscheeringPeteButtigieg , BernieSanders , CedarRapids , ElizabethWarren , GetOuttheCaucusrally , Indianola , JosephR.BidenJr. , townhall-stylerallyinDubuque , IowaPopulationAptlyReflects , GrayingofAmericanEconomy , mirrorsnation'seconomyanddemography , state'srapidlyagingpopulation , IntheEnd , ClashofGiantEgos , TriumphedOverSubwayRepairs , AndyByford , scorchingletterofresignation , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , complaintsofmicromanaging , U.S.BanSundersFamilies , SlamsDooronMuchofAfrica , livesthrownintodisarray , PresidentTrump , expansionofimmigrationban , sixnewcountries , includingNigeria , "Americahaskilledme" , "Wearefinished." , IkennaNwegbe , cloudsandsunshine , breezy
Tags: AlfredPellan , painting , blossoming , Canadianpainters , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , DeMorgen , Belgium , Backtoschool , theholiday , alreadyfinishedforthedirectors , thesecondaryismodernized , "whatdoesthatmean?" , thegenderissue , pinkbackpack , vs.Barcelona-bic , JonathanHolslag , "Timeforoneeducationalnetwork" , students , StedelijkLyceumOlympiad , Antwerp , 2017 , Theirteachersdidholidaywork , toprepareeverythingforanewyear , studentssittingoutdoors , trees , landscape , communal , portraiture , FirstThreePointer , AnderlechtcanwinwithoutKompany , blacktext , whitetext , redtext , BlackSundayinEastGermany , Right-wingpopulistAfD , makessubstantialgains , BrandenburgandSaxony , Germanfederalstates , Yetthepopulistsinbothstates , didnotbecomethelargestparty , ThatremainedinBrandenburgtheSPD , inSaxonytheCDU , despitelargelosses , coalitionformation , isstilltabooinGermany , withAfD , complexformationsawait , inbothstates , multi-colorgraph , Expectedresultsofstateelections , RachidaLamrabet , blackbackground , whiteglowinglight , ‘Iamnotpraying' , 'Iamtoorationaltoreallybelieve’ , TheNewJoker , Verysoon , thebadguysavesthestable , ofBatmanandSuperman , cloudsbreakforsun , cooler
Eric Cameron, Alarm Clock (3295) (from the series “Thick Paintings “, 1979 - 1994), 3295 layers of acrylic medium on an alarm clock, 43 x 46 x 17 centimeters, 1979-1994, The Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal , Canada
Tags: EricCameron , sculpture , painting , acrylicmedium , layers , alarmclock , time , whitepaint , thickpaintings , TheMuséed'artcontemporaindeMontréal , Canada , LeDevoir , Montreal , theworld , RobertMueller , hasnotfoundanyproof , ofcollusion , betweentheteam , DonaldTrumpandMoscow , during2016presidentialelection , U.S.Capitol , Americanflag , governmentbuilding , bluesky , Ottawa , Thepoorestaredeprived , ofallowanceforchildren , ACE , socialaid , JustinTrudeau , JulieTremblay , motheroftwoadolescents , ThreeRivers , ProvinceofQuebec , Partiquébécois , PQ , inthefaceof , generationalshock , twogenerationsofactivists , NationalYouthCommitteeofPQ , CNJPQ , ageism , baby-boomers , shownthedoor , skiiers , snow , competition , wintersports , portraiture , greenwhiteuniform , redblackwhiteuniform , skiis , AlexHarvey , Québec , madehislastskiruns , closingthecircle , anamazingcareer , twomedals , money , GoodbyesofAlexHarvey , endscareer , finalpressconference , cross-countryskier , retirement , québécois , sunny , generallyclear
Micheline Beauchemin, Nordic Blue Ice Flow: Homage to the St. Lawrence River , Cotton threads covered with mylar, colored silk threads and linen threads, 162 x 504.5 centimeters, 1984, National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa
Tags: MichelineBeauchemin , textiles , sculpture , installation , DecorativeArts , NordicBlueIceFlow , CanadianArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , blueice , bluesky , cracks , lines , pattern , withinmonths , coastalplain , ArcticNationalWildlifeRefuge , Alaska , couldbevisitedbytrucks , weighingupto90000pounds , ThirstForOil , ThreatensPristineArcticRefuge , TrumpAdministration , HurriestoClearWay , ExplorationinAlaska , Fairbanks , vastlandscape , mosses , sedges , shrubs , 19millionacres , lastgreatstretchofnothingness , inU.S. , TradeWarPause , NeededRespite , ForXiAndTrump , BothTookEconomicHit , TruceGivesJust90Days , FindPathThroughBitterDifferences , PresidentTrump , PresidentXiJinping , "It'sanincredibledeal." , portraiture , PresidentXiJinpingofChina , G20summit , BuenosAires , Argentina , WashingtonDC , HouseG.O.P. , ShrugsatLosses , LeavingSomeMembersBaffled , lossesneared40seats , SpeakerPaulRyan , RepresentativeKevinMcCarthy , whatcanbedone , winvotersback , RiotsRoilParis , IreisRooted , DeepinFrance , Guéret , France , FlorianDou , howtosurvive , whenmoneyrunsout , "Weknewtheyweresentintogetridofus." , "YellowVests" , protests , StateOfTurmoil , Frenchprimeminister , willmeet , YellowVests'leaders , DeathofPresidentGeorgeBush , Presidentialportrait , portraitpainting , blackcurtain , mourning , womentakingpictures , mobilephones , PresidentGeorgeBush , knownforhiscivility , kindlednostalgia , forcompromise , AKinderGentlerNation? , MaybeforaFewDays , FinalHome , forgeddeepbond , TexasA&M , wherehewillbeburied , 3rdGraftCase , NewThreat , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , IsraeliPolicePush , forIndictmentAgain , Jerusalem , corruption , bribery , fraud , tradinginfluence , forfavorablenewscoverage , leadingIsraelinewspaper , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , mild