India — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Adolf Dehn, Seven Mayan Women , Color lithograph, 41 x 53 centimeters, 1957, Printed at George C. Miller and Son, New York, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: AdolfDehn , SevenMayanWomen , colorlithograph , printmaking , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , MargaretBourke-White , TheLifePictureCollection , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , TheFadingGhosts , India'sPartition , SikhsmigratingtoIndiain1947 , 75YearsLater , FinalGeneration , RecallsDeadlyChaosofPakistan'sBirth , Amritsar , India , SudarshanaRani , framedphotographs , wasachildwhenmostofherfamilywerekilled , Shehasheldouthope , thatabrothersurvived , OntheClock , TrackedtotheMinute , MoreEmployeesLabor , UnderDigitalEye , 8of10largestprivateU.S.employers , trackproductivitymetricsofindividualworkers , digitalproductivitymonitoring , AfterEarlyFuryAtTrumpSearch , TheG.O.P.IsSplit , TemperingTheTone , QuestionsonHowFartoGo , CriticismofLawEnforcement , SensingOpportunity , DemocratsSpotlightAbortioninTheirAds , midtermelections , dynamicofvoters , topunishthepartyinpower , SupremeCourt , overturnedRoev.Wade , MisinformationRiddlesTikTok , BeforeElection , primaryincubator , baselessandmisleadinginformation , asproblematicasFacebookandTwitter , InDryLosAngeles , GrassGivesWaytoGravel , AgouraHills , Californiadrought , ErinBrockovich , waterqualityactivist , replaced3100squarefeetofgrass , high-techartificialturf , lawn , SouthernCalifornia , middle-classfantasy , manicuredemeraldyard , climatechange , limitsofwatersupply , mostlycloudy , afternoonshowers
Guerra de la Paz, A Stitch in Time: Ghost Variations , 108 deconstructed garments, metal pole and wire hangers, Dimensions variable (approximately 9 feet wide), 2002-2016, Art Works for Change , Oakland, California
Tags: GuerradelaPaz , astroturf , green , whitepaintedlines , yellowbluewhiteuniforms , football , LosAngelesRams , FinalStoponPathtoVictory , wonSuperBowlLVI , CincinnatiBengals , defensiveplay , AaronDonald , BorderBridgeWillSoonOpen , Canada , ABlockadeIsCleared , AntigovernmentProtest , Ottawa , EntersThirdWeek , AmbassadorBridge , WindsorOntario , Detroit , automanufacturing , slowedtoanearstandstill , protestsigns , hundredsoftruckers , accumulation , AmidThreats , UkraineIsLedByOptimist , Kyiv , VolodymyrZelensky , PresidentofUkraine , formercomedicactor , Texaslawbanningabortions , 'Heartbeat' , MovestoCenterofAbortionDebate , ExaminingWordsandClaims , BehindStrictNewLaws , ForMcConnell , StealthFightForG.O.P.Grip , DraftingAllies , toFoilTrumpSenatePicks , SenatorMitchMcConnell , Kentucky , pilesofcotton , truck , laborersunloadingcotton , Kasrawad , India , Growingwithoutpesticides , producesloweryields , BehindIndia's'Organic'CottonBoom , FraudandFalseLabels , Atlanta , IntheArberyHateCrimesTrial , TheEvidenceIsLikelytoBeUgly , AhmaudArbery , federalprosecutors , federalhatecrime , mostlysunny , cold , brisk , StitchinTime , GhostVariations , deconstructedgarments , wirehangers , ArtWorksForChange , Oakland , California , NYTimes
Olivia Erlanger, Sideways Time , Filing cabinet, bentonite clay, LED, porcelain, 52.75 x 17.75 x 22.15 inches, 2016, Kadist , San Francisco, California
Tags: OliviaErlanger , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , filingcabinet , clay , LED , porcelain , Kadist , NYTimes , rowsofcardboardboxes , storageunit , corridor , EdwardStely , , WestVirginia , thegunlobby , ledbyNationalRifleAssociation , blockedcreationoftracingsystem , withsearchabledatabase , FirearmsLobby , HamstringstheA.T.F. , BidenEfforttoCombatGunViolence , ReliesonAilingAgency , paper-basedrecords , gunsalesgoingbackdecades , storedinboxes , whitelabels , 'HerdImmunity' , DimsWithPaceOfVaccinations , VariantsAccelerating , AddedInoculations , WillDiminishFutureThreatofVirus , "Thevirusisunlikelytogoaway" , RustomAntia , evolutionarybiologist , EmoryUniversity , Atlanta , makeshifthospitalbeds , patients , doctor , oxygentank , UttarPradesh , India , FillingGapsinDesperateIndia , receivingoxygen , makeshiftclinic , healthcaresystematbreakingpoint , onlinegrass-rootsnetworks , racingtogetaidtopeoplewhoneedit , ElizabethCity , NorthCarolina , ClamorGrowsToGetFootage , OffBodyCams , UnevenAccessAcrossU.S. , VexesthePublic , Ma'KhiaBryant , AndrewBrownJr. , Avideocanmakethedifference , betweendrawingattention , ordyinginobscurity , lawspassed , publicdisclosureofbody-worncamerafootage , protesters , demandingvideoofkillingofAndrewBrownJr. , handmadeprotestsigns , ReleaseTheRealTape , SpendingPlan , AimstoBolsterMiddleClass , lossofconfidenceinthemiddleclass , PresidentBiden'seconomicproposals , aimingtoreinforceandrebuild , Americanmiddleclass , government , layingthefoundation , McAllen , Texas , HispanicWomen , GiveG.O.P.Life , SouthTexas , SeekingFurtherGainsAgainstDemocrats , NewYorkRetailersFret , OfficesStayEmpty , RemoteWork , LeavesVitalCultureatRisk , Manhattanstorefronts , waitingforlifetoreturn , desolatestreets , Midtown , FinancialDistrict , mainlycloudy , mild , afternoonshowers
Rachel Whiteread, Untitled (elongated plinths) , Plastic and urethane foam (three elements), each 67.3 x 77.2 x 221.0 centimeters, 1998, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: RachelWhiteread , plinths , sculpture , installation , white , urethanefoam , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , NYTimes , interior , perspective , whitesheets , whitepillows , hospitalbeds , plasticsheeting , chandelier , banquethall , NewDelhi , housingviruscases , India'shealthcarecenters , refusedentry , tovirusandnon-viruspatients , India , 8Hospitals , 15Hours , NoMercy , ScoresAreAbandonedinStreets , VirusCasesExplode , Delhi'shospitalsoverloaded , BuoyedbyU.S.VirusAid , MillionsAvoidedPoverty , CrisisIsLooming , NewResearchSuggests , ifCongressFailstoExtendRelief , WashingtonDC , portraitoftwowomen , MelodyBedico , waitedtwomonths , forvirusreliefmoney , CARESAct , CoronavirusAidReliefandEconomicSecurityAct , Barr'sStandoff , IsLatestLapse , InGrowingList , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , high-profilemiscues , effortsbackfired , decisiontofireGeoffreyS.Berman , topfederalprosecutorinManhattan , PoliticalMemo , ASafeSpace , ForBelievers , RaceandaPandemic , inMAGABubble , Tulsa , Oklahoma , redhat , Americanflagcolors , Trumprally , manysupportersnotwearingmasks , DonaldFanning , "AndIjustdon'tbelieveallthosedeathsarecoronavirus." , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , NewYork , equestrianstatue , TheodoreRoosevelt , flankedbyNativeAmericanmanandanAfricanman , valorizescolonialexpansion , racisthierarchy , NewYorkMuseum , toRemoveRooseveltStatue , museumpresident , EllenV.Futter , "Simplyputthetimehascometomoveit." , LaxVetting , LetASaudiTrainee , ShootUpaBase , internationalmilitarystudents , reviewrevealsextensivelapses , howstudentsareselectedscreenedandmonitored , onceintheUnitedStates , alarmingseriesofinsiderattacks , U.S.militarybases , partialsunshine , verywarm , humid
Reign of Ibrahim Adil Shah, Probably Bijapur Court, Deccani School, Double folio from a Kitab-i hasha’ish (The book of herbs), Opaque watercolor and ink on paper, 40 x 51 centimeters, 1595, Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: bookofherbs , plants , manuscript , IbrahimAdilShah , DeccaniSchool , BijapurCourt , India , Persiantranslation , MateriaMedica , botany , hospital , Wuhan , China , interior , medicalworker , PPE , window , cityscape , towers , lightblue , transparent , white , spraybottle , Insteadofusingautomaticreportingsystem , outbreak , hospitalsdeferredtolocalofficials , fearedupsettingBeijing , AfterAGrimForecast , TrumpExtendsLimits , GivingUponaGoal , ReopeningtheU.S.byEaster , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , retreatedonhisdesire , torelaxcoronavirusguidelines , businessesshuttered , schoolsandcollegesemptied , sociallifesuspended , Dr.AnthonyS.Fauci , extendingguidelineuntilApril30 , ChinaHadFail-SafeWay , toTrackContagions , OfficialsFailedtoUseIt , ScarredbySARSepidemic , infectiousdiseasereportingsystem , PoliticiansTestNovelPlaybook , ForEraofFear , coronavirus , drasticallyupended2020elections , portraiture , PresidentTrumpatrally , Charlotte , NorthCarolina , wavingtothecrowd , redwhiteblue , TheVentilatorsWereonOrder , TheyStillAre , breathing-assistancemachines , federalcontract , veeredoffcourse , delayeddevelopment , ofaffordableventilator , halfadecade , teacherinwoods , holdingbook , laptopwithfloralexterior , innature , LaceyTragesser , teachingfromherfamily'sNorthCarolinacabin , SwappingWhiteboardsforScreens , inaWeek , Challengefor75000NewYorkTeachers , publichealthemergency , 1.1millionstudents , backinsession , Seattle , Washington , SignsThatSocialDistancing , MayBeSlowingaVirus , containmentstrategies , beginningtopayoff , Inacrisis , thatrequiredmanufacturingacumen , thepresidentcrumpled , periodiccloudsandsunshine , afternoonshowers , SmithsonianNationalMuseumofAsianArt , NYTimes
Tags: IsamuNoguchi , marble , sculpture , figure , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , RallyingTogetherInTexas , Houston , PresidentTrump , PrimeMinisterNarendraModi , India , "HowdyModi!" , metalbarriers , cheeringcrowd , securityguards , raisedhands , WashingtonDC , TrumpAdmitsHeSpokeToUkraine , AboutBiden , corruptionaccusations , againstformerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , GrowingPressureonDemocrats , toImpeach , PelosiWarnsof'Lawlessness' , inpublicandinprivate , Democratschangingcalculations , whethertochargehimwitharticlesofimpeachment , SpeakerNancyPelosi , profileportrait , pinksuit , demandedrelease , ofwhistle-blowercomplaint , fast-movingdevelopments , Cairo , Egypt , Self-ExiledAgitator , UrgesEgyptiansIntoStreets , MysteriousCritic , RivetsNation , WithTalesofStateCorruption , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , littledissentisallowed , MohamedAli , postingvideos , el-Sisiantagonist , whistle-blower , surgefromobscuritytoprominence , protest , CyberwarOption , NoEasyClick , U.S.AttackonIran , CouldWidentheBattlefield , UnitedStatesCyberCommand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , armscrossed , blacksuit , possiblecyberwarfareagainstIrandiscussed , DesMoines , Iowa , PoorSchoolsCan'tCompete , WithSuburbanRivals , ShouldThey? , HooverHighSchool , footballteam , kneelingplayers , greenyellowuniforms , footballfield , coach , sunset , blue-greysky , yellowgreengrass , stadiumlighting , whitelight , recentlosstoIndianola , schoolinneighboringcounty , MitchellMoore , coachatRooseveltHighSchool , "I'mabigbelieverthatsocioeconomicshasnothingtodowithcatchingafootball." , Pescara , Italy , Europe'sLawToAidPrivacy , GathersForce , AlessandroBiancardi , journalist , storyoftwobrothers , argumentledtoviolence , centerofdebate , overtheinternet'sfuture , growingreach , Europe's"righttobeforgotten"privacyrule , battlesoverspeechandprivacy , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , warm , humid
Tags: GeorgeSegal , TheCurtain , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , thefigure , portraiture , window , brick , painting , white , ivory , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Mobridge , SouthDakota , bluelandscape , snow , winter , blackdiagonalline , road , MobridgeCareandRehabilitationCenter , closedinJanuary , residentsmoved , toothernursinghomes , manymilesfromtheirfamilies , snow-sweptruralroads , RuralNursingHomesShutter , FamiliesSplinter , corporatebuyouts , unpaidbills , financialruin , HaroldLabrensz , farmingandranching , rollingDakotaplains , sentoff , 220-mileroadtrip , nursinghomeinNorthDakota , LorettaLeonard , portraitinmirror , bedroom , framedphotos , husbandwife , paintingofholyfamily , Christianity , religion , cross , rosarybeads , dressingtable , bouquetofflowers , red , green , pink , gold , tan , grey , 'SometimesIwonderwhetherheknowsmeanymore' , can'tmake20-miletrip , tovisit91-yearoldhusband , whohasdementia , theelderly , mentalillness , McAllen , Texas , BravingHeatandCoyotes , ToBeRaped , attheBorder , MigrantWomen , SeekingSafetyinU.S. , FindaNightmare , inLockedRooms , lookaway , concealedidentity , anonymity , firstname , Melvin , outdoors , branches , bluesky , blackhair , rapedbysmuggler , sexualabuse , ubiquitousthreat , undocumentedwomenonborder , liveinshadows , of#MeToomovement , Seattle , Washington , Amazon'sOfferToCities , TakeItOrWe'llLeave , threats , closedwarehouses , stophiring , leastoutspace , demandtaxexemption , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , "shocktothesystem" , Amazondroppedplans , tobuildNYCheadquarters , NewDelhi , India , India'sMilitary , AilingandPoor , NearsItsBrink , IndianAirForce , dogfight , PakistaniAirForce , agingSovieteraplane , MiG-21 , armyequipmentconsidered"vintage" , Cambridge , Massachusetts , BattleErupts , OverTreatmentThatOnceRepelled , F.D.A.Ruling , WillPickWhoProspers , FromFecalTransplants , F.M.T. , revolutionarytreatment , Clostridioidesdifficile , debilitatingbacterialinfection , eyeofcrocodile , tailofcrocodile , yellowblackbrown , TheScalyPredatorNextDoor , Crocodilesarefactoflife , Balabac , Philippines , someconsiderreptilessacred , otherswantrevenge , forattacks , countlessdogsandgoats , snatchedaway , PresidentTrump , TradeStatisticsRivetPresident , BoredbySpies , intelligenceagencies , focusoneconomicsandtrade , hisrepeatedquestion , Whoiswinning? , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , breezy , cold
India, West Bengal, Murshidabad, Woman Holding a Sparkler, Folio from the Thomas Edwards Album , Opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 5 3/16 x 4 1/4 inches, circa 1760, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: India , WestBengal , Murshidabad , watercolor , painting , SoutheastAsianArt , LACMA , LATimes , Christmas2017 , CraigSwanson , portraiture , dogs , Santahats , DockweilerStateBeach , Christmasholiday , hohoho , Christmastree , twinklinglights , Dutchmen , trailer , beachchairs , LosAngeles , March-December , driestperiodonrecord , Rain? , There'sverylittleontap , FromSanFranciscotoLA , Californiatosuffer , unusuallydrywinter , TheLastJedi , 2017'sbiggestfilm , femalelead , lightsaber , neonlight , blueskies , mountainbackdrop , drama , Moviegoingaudience , maykeepfading , despiteStarWars'surge , Blamefalloffonflops , streaming , risingticketprices , Hollywood , filmticketrevenue , vs.attendance , Protestsplanned , RobertMueller , Activistsstash , hotchocolate , bullhorns , incase , ifPresidentTrump , firesspecialcounsel , WashingtonDC , GovernorJerryBrown , immigration , Someseekapardon , tostayinUS , Acrossthecountry , immigrantsfacingdeportation , duetolow-levelcrimes , askgovernorsforhelp , partlycloudy , haze
Sigmar Polke, Bargeld lacht (Cash laughs) , Offset lithograph, screenprint on paper, 27 1/2 x 19 11/16 inches, 2002, Walker Art Center , Minneapolis
Tags: SigmarPolke , painting , printmaking , lithography , WalkerArtCenter , Minneapolis , NYTimes , TrumpTowersPune , branding , India , Statecraft , President-elect , DonaldTrump , government , cabinet , handshakes , newscameras , spectacle , alt-right , USelection , winners , fakenews , Twitterpost , conspiracytheories , WashingtonDC , Dallas , skyscrapers , glitteringsurface , bankruptcy , SanSalvador , tin-cupgangs , buscompanies , money , prices , numbers , cloudyweather , windy , cold
Bram Bogart, Blauw-vang , Mixed media (oil paint, watercolor, casein, linseed oil, drying oil, powdered pigment) on canvas mounted on masonite, 153 x 162 cm, 1965, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique , Brussels
Tags: BramBogart , MuséesroyauxdesBeaux-ArtsdeBelgique , Brussels , painting , CoBrA , NYTimes , WashingtonDC , 2016election , voters , race , HillaryClinton , USforeignpolicy , truce , Syria , China , negotiations , summerfilms , superflops , MotherTeresa , Calcutta , India , MotherHouse , missionaries , charity , St.Peter'sSquare , canonization , SaintTeresa , cloudyweather , windy , coastalflooding