SouthernCalifornia — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Cathy de Monchaux, Scarring the Wound , Brass, velvet and silk ribbons, 15 x 90 x 90 centimeters, 1992-1993, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: schoollockers , windowlight , lightandshadow , transgenderteenager , SouthernCalifornia , schoolsupportedhiswish , tonottellparents , aboutnewgenderidentity , ParentsandSchoolsClash , GenderIdentity , AsStudentsTransition , EducatorsGrappleWithNotification , Speaker'sUnionWithFirebrand , MayShapeG.O.P. , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , RepresentativeMarjorieTaylorGreene , SignalingFarRight'sInfluenceinHouse , WillBeStrong , WashingtonDC , California , MassShooting , RocksaRefuge , DanceHall , BelovedbyChineseImmigrants , LunarNewYear , StarBallroomDanceStudio , roadsidememorial , orangeflowers , Berlin'sHistory , AnObstacleToAidingKyiv , battletank , Leopard2 , crowds , protestbanners , RallyintheRotunda , Activists , WisconsinCapitol , nationwidewomen'smarches , ChinaRushesIn , PuttingTinyNationonEdge , Beijing'sSwayIsTested , SolomonIslands , Graceland , AnotherFuneralFitforRoyalty , HonoringLisaMariePresley , DaughterofaKing , Memphis , periodicrain
Adolf Dehn, Seven Mayan Women , Color lithograph, 41 x 53 centimeters, 1957, Printed at George C. Miller and Son, New York, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: AdolfDehn , SevenMayanWomen , colorlithograph , printmaking , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , MargaretBourke-White , TheLifePictureCollection , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , TheFadingGhosts , India'sPartition , SikhsmigratingtoIndiain1947 , 75YearsLater , FinalGeneration , RecallsDeadlyChaosofPakistan'sBirth , Amritsar , India , SudarshanaRani , framedphotographs , wasachildwhenmostofherfamilywerekilled , Shehasheldouthope , thatabrothersurvived , OntheClock , TrackedtotheMinute , MoreEmployeesLabor , UnderDigitalEye , 8of10largestprivateU.S.employers , trackproductivitymetricsofindividualworkers , digitalproductivitymonitoring , AfterEarlyFuryAtTrumpSearch , TheG.O.P.IsSplit , TemperingTheTone , QuestionsonHowFartoGo , CriticismofLawEnforcement , SensingOpportunity , DemocratsSpotlightAbortioninTheirAds , midtermelections , dynamicofvoters , topunishthepartyinpower , SupremeCourt , overturnedRoev.Wade , MisinformationRiddlesTikTok , BeforeElection , primaryincubator , baselessandmisleadinginformation , asproblematicasFacebookandTwitter , InDryLosAngeles , GrassGivesWaytoGravel , AgouraHills , Californiadrought , ErinBrockovich , waterqualityactivist , replaced3100squarefeetofgrass , high-techartificialturf , lawn , SouthernCalifornia , middle-classfantasy , manicuredemeraldyard , climatechange , limitsofwatersupply , mostlycloudy , afternoonshowers