LACMA — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Fernand Léger, Woman in Front of the Window (Femme devant la Fenêtre), Oil on canvas, 88.9 × 69.85 × 5.08 centimeters, 1923, Los Angeles Museum of Art , California
Tags: FernandLéger , WomaninFrontofWindow , oiloncanvas , painting , LACMA , LosAngelesTimes , PresidentClaudiaSheinbaum , beamsbeforesupporters , MexicoCityrally , flagsofMexico , politician , welcomePresidentTrump'sdecisiontopostponetariffs , Mexico'sleaderfacesTrumptest , she'skeptupdelicatebalancingact , ClaudiaSheinbaumhaswonnoU.S.guarantees , CaliforniaOfficeforCivilRightsclosing , About1500casesarepending , agencyshieldsstudentsagainstbias , RecentgainsupliftstateGOP , Republicanscelebrateatconvention , howtheyandTrumpwonmorevotesinCalifornialastyear , LifeAfterLife , LifeAfterLifeClubatLagunaWoodsVillage , Foralmost20yearstriedtointeractwithspiritworld , 'Theyhavenoproblem...takingresponsibilityforwhattheyhavedoneinthislifetime.' , JenniferRosespeakingofthedead , Reallyhopingthespiritsmovethem , O.C.retirementcommunity , enlistspsychic , tosharewhatmightlieintheworldbeyond , U.S.deportsmigrantsdespitefederaljudge'sruling , SweepingDEIundertherug , SinceTrumpretookoffice , Hollywoodhasscaledbackinitiatives , Hazardouswasterollbacksought , Strayp.m.shower
Rose Mandel, Waiting For Godot (Window Series - Pleated Curtain), Gelatin silver print, 11.7 x 9.21 centimeters, 1957, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: RoseMandel , photography , WindowSeries , PleatedCurtain , gelatinsilverprint , LACMA , LosAngeles , Belgium , DeMorgen , PresidentJoeBiden , What'sNext? , afterdepartureofJoeBidenas presidentialcandidate? , stage , bluecurtain , plants , manwalkingoffthestage , 'TheDemocratsareenteringintocompletelyunchartedterritory' , BidenpushesVicePresidentKamalaHarrisforward , goodidea? , TomorrowlandForTwentyYearsToday , Withgrandeurcomesgreatresponsibility , RemcoEvenepoel , Beingthirdinfirsttour , 'Andnowthewhiningabouthisteammaystop' , sunny , warm , clouds
Tags: Erté , gouacheonpaper , costume , sketch , painting , portraiture , dancers , LACMA , LosAngeles , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , newsconference , PascalSmet , SecretaryofStateBrusselsRegion , resignsaftercontroversialvisit , IranianandRussiandelegation , MinisterofForeignAffairs , HadjaLahbib(MR) , mustfollow? , 'Beingpushedunderthebusbyacolleague' , 'isn'texactlyfun' , pressconference , WerchterBoutique , musicfestival , recordingartist , sobrietytrumpsWerchterBoutique , AndthenP!nkturnedthingsupsidedown , P!nk , Everyday , sixconstructioncompaniesgobankrupt , 'Apainfulcorrectionwastobeexpected' , SoeNsuki , televisionpersonality , standupcomedy , 'WhenIthinkwhereIstandnowIshouldcryofhappiness' , marriedfathers , Vooruit-One.Brussels , politicalparty , cloudyskies , warmandhumid
Tags: TanakaNasaoro , silkscreen , manyflags , abstraction , mid-20thcentury , Japan , nationalflags , athletes , Beijing2022 , WinterGames , marching , Olympics , closingceremony , CoveringStainsWithGlitter , BeijingClosesWinterGames , SpectacleShadowedbyPoliticalTensions , DopingScandal , Russia'sInvasionOptions , TestHowWestWillReact , StanytsiaLuhanska , Ukraine , RebelEnclaves , SitatStrife'sCenter , LuhanskPeople'sRepublic , DonetskPeople'sRepublic , Russian-backedrepublics , stagefor"falseflag"attack , SwallowingUkrainevs.NibblingatIt , TheBidenadministration , planstocounterapact , betweenVladimirV.PutinandXiJinping , portendingnewColdWar , WritersWonder , ifPeopleWantToCurlUp , WithaCovidNovel , HowSandyHookFamilies , EmergedTriumphantinCourt , Long-AwaitedVictories , OverConspiracistsandGunMaker , $73millionsettlement , Remington , InRedrawnDistrict , StatenIsland , ParkSlope , MakeOddPair , TheOriginalGoodfella's , well-knownStatenIslandpizzeria , barscene , bartender , customers , tvmonitor , once-in-a-decade , redistrictingeffort , partisanprocess , mostlysunny , noticeablymilder , LACMA , NYTimes
Shadi Ghadirian, Untitled from the Qajar Series , Silver bromide print, Image: 24.13 x 16.35 centimeters, Sheet: 25.08 x 16.35 centimeters, 1998, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: ShadiGhadirian , silverbromideprint , photography , portraiture , LACMA , NYTimes , Afghanschoolgirls , Herat , Girlsandwomen , Afghanistan , 40%ofcountry'spupils , schoolsareoftenTalibantargets , WithMuchtoLose , AfghanWomenFearStiflingReturntoPast , RightsWillSuffer , U.S.LeavesandTalibanAscend , "Allthetimewomenarethevictimsofmen'swars" , "Buttheywillbethevictimsoftheirpeacetoo" , RaihanaAzad , NewPoliceReformLaws , SeizeonCallsforChange , ActivistsPressforMore , Over140BillsArePassed , inU.S.CitiesandStates , creationofstrongcentralizedstateguidelines , setsbaselineforpoliceaccountability , behaviorandstandards , AScarredMinneapolis , BracesForaVerdict , Chauvin'sTrial , civilunrest , ledto$350millioninlosses , morethanathousandbuildings , destroyedordamaged , nearlyayearafterGeorgeFloydkilling , Minneapolis , consumedwithgriefandfear , Soccer'sRich , MakeaMoveToGetRicher , aftermonthsofsecrettalks , SuperLeague , allianceoftopteams , bringaboutsignificantrestructuring , ofeliteEuropeansoccersince1950s , WallStreetCandidate , Courts5Boroughs'Votes , McGuire'sMayoralBid , TriestoCatchFire , groupphoto , RepresentativeGregoryMeeks , Queens , endorsedRaymondMcGuire , PandemicBuoysOlderBooks , LeavingNewAuthorsinLimbo , pandemicshutdown , batteredphysicalbookshelves , bookstoreinterior , cardboarddividers , booksections , bookshelves , bookseller , stockingshelves , cloudsandsunshine , spottyafternoonshowers
Tags: LynnAldrich , assemblage , sculpture , breaker , green , gardenhoses , LACMA , NYTimes , river , embankment , rocks , nature , worker , pilesofdetritus , billionsofpieces , plasticwaste , exportedfromU.S. , toberecycled , endsupinriversandoceans , BigOil , PivotstoPlastics , EyesAfrica , ItsDumpingGround , grocerystoreaisle , freshvegetables , orange , yellow , red , reuseablebag , netting , Kenya , passedstringentlaw , againstplasticbags , in2017 , world'slargestchemicalmakers , fossilfuelcompanies , lobbyingtoinfluence , U.S.tradenegotiations , TreasuryChief , FeelstheSting , FromAllSides , AidDealIsaLegacy , forBetterorWorse , TreasurySecretaryStevenMnuchin , $2.2trilliongovernmentrescue , PortlandDeath , InflamesDebate , UrbanStrife , TrumpBackers'Rally , PresidentInsultsMayor , TedWheeler , BidenCallsHisRivalReckless , streetviolence , finalweeks , 2020campaign , QuickTesting , IfYouCanPay , TheSteepCost , coronavirustests , conciergemedicalpractices , InfinityBiologiX , NewJersey-basedcompany , Dr.AndrewBrooks , "Sofarwehavetested12billionaires" , AsChinaFlexes , TaiwanRevampsItsMilitary , Taiwanesemilitaryexercises , cannonfire , smoke , landscape , trenches , mounds , grass , dirt , camouflageuniforms , ThePeople'sLiberationArmyofChina , livefire-drills , lastweek , WashingtonDC , ItCan'tGetWorse... , Right? , FiveLives , Upendedby2020 , HowSomeAmericans , AreTryingtoCope , YearofPain , ChadwickBoseman , death , Hollywoodstar , trendingonTwitter , "IHATE2020" , yearoftragedy , catastrophe , upheaval , pandemic , socialunrest , wildfires , hurricanes , mostlysunny , lowhumidity
Tags: DoraDeLarios , ceramics , porcelain , aluminum , sculpture , DecorativeArts , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , bluesky , bluewater , ocean , lifeboat , whiteparachutes , nets , splashdown , NASA , astronauts , returnedtoEarth , GulfofMexico , endaflight , ElonMusk , SpaceX , dome , sun , star , gold , LaginTallying , Mail-InBallots , RaisesAlarms , NewYorkCity , StillDecidingJuneRaces , congressionalraces , PostalService , difficultyprocessingballots , wrongfullydisqualified , lackofapostmark , "Thiselectionisacanaryinthecoalmine" , SurajPatel , portraiture , womanwithbluemask , bluegloves , BoardofElections , staffshortage , Warren'sPathToAwakening , OnRacialBias , LizHerring , ElizabethWarren , GeorgeWashingtonUniversity , freshmanin1966 , KappaAlphaTheta , all-whitesorority , ledchargeinCongress , torenamebases , thathonorConfederateleaders , CollegesCramforaTest , 'CanWeOpenSafely?' , GettingStudents , toStay6FeetApart , PosesaChallenge , containingcoronavirus , amongyoungimpulsivepopulation , students , grass , bricksidewalk , street , movingintodorms , staggeredreturn , N.C.StateUniversity , Raleigh , NorthCarolina , ScientistsFret , AsWhiteHouseRushesVaccine , EyeingSafety , Vs.Need , FearsofPressure , politicalintervention , HandtothePresident , 'OctoberSurprise' , DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices , OperationWarpSpeed , TheTroubledOnlinePath , Teen'Mastermind' , MinecraftTricks , toHugeTwitterHack , GrahamIvanClark , onlinemischief-making , startedearly , Bitcoin , theft , cryptocurrency , Trump'sTalk , BanningTikTok , InflamesGenZ , BothCreatorsandFans , FeelaWorldShake , humid , partlycloudy , thunderstorms
Betsabeé Romero, Border Memory (Recuerdo de la frontera) , Bas relief on rubber, nine Oaxacan black-clay tiles, Multiple dimensions, 2002, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: BetsabeéRomero , sculpture , bordermemory , basrelief , rubber , tire , blackclay , tiles , Oaxaca , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , EUflag , blue , yellowstars , circle , Britishflag , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , Britain , muststillgetapproval , fromBritain'sparliament , E.U.'sLeadership , AgreesOnTerms , InBrexitDivorce , 27NationsAcceptDeal , VexedBritainIsWarned , RenegotiationIsNotAnOption , Brussels , BritainscheduledtoleaveEuropeanUnion , March29deadline , openlettertonation , Mrs.Maywouldcampaign , "heartandsoul" , "tocometogetheragainasacountry" , Dayton , Ohio , WhyDrugDeathsAreDown , InAnOpioidCity , TheTreatmentGap , DaytonResponds , "Theyjustbegantoabruptlydropoff" , MontgomeryCounty , hollowed-outmanufacturingcenter , 548overdosedeathslastyear , 54%declinethisyear , WashingtonDC , AmericanKin , Are'Collateral' , InChinaCase , WifeandChildren , AreHeldtoLureFugitive , VictorLiu , CynthiaLiu , exitban , Chinaholdingfamilyhostage , toforcefather'sreturn , LiuChangming , formerbankexecutive , $1.4billionfraudcase , WhiteHouseMutesAlarm , OverClimate , EnvironmentalReport , UnderlinesDisconnect , TrumpWhiteHouse , issuedscientificreport , directlycontradicts , itsownclimate-changepolicies , split-screenpoliticalreality , 1656-page , NationalClimateAssessment , firemaninforest , orangeuniform , CrewsfightingCampFire , clearedtrees , Magalia , California , Chico , WildfiresLeaveRetireesLittle , ToRebuildOn , Paradise , overone-quarterresidents , 65orolder , losteverything , lateinlife , muststartover , fromzero , DanielCayer , livingaloneintrailerpark , plannedtocelebratebirthday , plumeofblacksmoke , scotchedplans , Tijuana , Mexico , womenandchildren , running , Fleeingteargas , smoke , USborder , MigrantsinTijuana , RushBorder , RetreatinClouds , ofTearGas , USCustomsandBorderProtection , caravan , PresidentTrump , anti-immigrant , rallyingcry , cloudy , rain , clearing , passingeveningshowers
Luis Arenal Bastar, Head of Indian Woman (Cabeza de indígena) , Lithograph, Edition: 8/25, 50.2 x 73.4 centimeters, 1937, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: LuisArenalBastar , portraiture , lithography , printmaking , Mexico , LatinAmericanArt , LACMA , NYTimes , Alcalde , NewMexico , BriennaMartinez , performance , ceremonialdance , costumes , headdress , textiles , church , crowd , Albuquerque , ManyidentifyasLatino , Indianslaveancestry , DefiesMythosOfLatinoPast , identity , familyhistory , community , NewYork , SecondAvenueSubway , 86thStreetexit , residents , IfSubwayIsNearby , ShouldYouPayMoreTaxes? , UpperEastSide , RealEstatePricesIncrease , Houston , Texas , RisingOilPrices , GiveU.S.AnEdge , GlobalEnergy , ShaleDrivesComeback , DrillingFrenzy , ChangedDiplomaticLandscape , GrammyAwards2018 , star-fillednight , BrunoMars , outshonethemall , awards , winner , albumoftheyear , onstage , Seoul , SouthKorea , OlympicSpiritUnitesKorea , ButReunification'sFlameFades , twoKoreas , IngvarKamprad , IKEAfounder , SwedishEntrepreneur , PoorasaChild , BuiltEmpireThroughThrift , archipelago , over350storesworldwide , ANewLook , AtAsterisksForArtwork , ChuckCloseSidelined , sexualharassment , NationalGalleryofArt , WashingtonDC , postponesexhibition , engulfsprominentartist , controversy , IsPicassoNext? , sunshine , turningcloudy , chillier , alittlesnowlate
India, West Bengal, Murshidabad, Woman Holding a Sparkler, Folio from the Thomas Edwards Album , Opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 5 3/16 x 4 1/4 inches, circa 1760, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: India , WestBengal , Murshidabad , watercolor , painting , SoutheastAsianArt , LACMA , LATimes , Christmas2017 , CraigSwanson , portraiture , dogs , Santahats , DockweilerStateBeach , Christmasholiday , hohoho , Christmastree , twinklinglights , Dutchmen , trailer , beachchairs , LosAngeles , March-December , driestperiodonrecord , Rain? , There'sverylittleontap , FromSanFranciscotoLA , Californiatosuffer , unusuallydrywinter , TheLastJedi , 2017'sbiggestfilm , femalelead , lightsaber , neonlight , blueskies , mountainbackdrop , drama , Moviegoingaudience , maykeepfading , despiteStarWars'surge , Blamefalloffonflops , streaming , risingticketprices , Hollywood , filmticketrevenue , vs.attendance , Protestsplanned , RobertMueller , Activistsstash , hotchocolate , bullhorns , incase , ifPresidentTrump , firesspecialcounsel , WashingtonDC , GovernorJerryBrown , immigration , Someseekapardon , tostayinUS , Acrossthecountry , immigrantsfacingdeportation , duetolow-levelcrimes , askgovernorsforhelp , partlycloudy , haze
Tags: MohammadAbouEl-Naga , mixedmedia , paper , collage , palimpsest , text , Egyptianplants , Ottomanperiod , LACMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , fiercefighting , landscape , city , DangersRemaininCity , RavagedbyBattle , MexicoCity , SpywareTrailedInvestigatorstoMexico , cybersecurity , ColumbiaMissouri , UniversityofMissouri , Mizzou , Freshmanenrollment , RacialProtests , StainUniversity'sReputation , portraiture , students , classroom , WashingtonDC , GeorgeMasonUniversity , LawSchool , namechange , AntoninScalia , CharlesKochFoundation , multi-milliondollardonation , RollingBackUSRegulations , TestOneScholar'sFinesse , NeomiRao , VicePresidentMikePence , HostingPrivateParties , WooDonors , FuelingSpeculation , HisPoliticalFuture , PresidentTrump , 2016presidentialcampaign , TrumpTeamMetRussian , OfferingDirt , HillaryClinton , KeyTimeInCampaign , InnerCircle , UsingForeignHelp , TrumpRules , TheKeeperoftheGate , partlysunny
Terry Evans, Field Museum, Drawer of Meadowlarks , Inkjet print (dye based), Edition: 2/15, 21 15/16 x 17 3/16 inches, 2001, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: TerryEvans , LACMA , NYTimes , FieldMuseum , birds , science , HartIsland , NewYork , Venezuela , lifestories , hospitals , anonymity , families , burials , socialcrises , economiccrises , politicalcrises , sunshine , wind , increasingcloudiness , photography
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, The Girl Saku Rescuing a Baby from the River , Color woodblock print, 13 5/8 x 9 3/16 inches, Japan, 1875, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: TsukiokaYoshitoshi , Japan , Printmaking , ThePostalNews , LACMA , JapaneseArt , Myanmar , KohLipe , refugeecrisis , Thailand , RohingyaMuslims , Buddhism , Iowa , ethanol , grief
Tags: MatsumiKanemitsu , LACMA , LATimes , Lithography , ElysianPark , drought , AngelsPoint , LosAngeles , FrankO'Hara , JuneWayne , nature , BrooklynRail , Tamarind
Elza Sunderland, Unfinished Textile Design from 'Birds of a Feather' Series; Red, Black and White Colorway, Gouache on paper, 11 x 9 inches, 1941, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: NYTimes , LACMA , Venezuela , Chavez , climate , friendship , women , murals , nature , birds , textiles , Barinas , election