ocean — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Uchima Ansei, Water , Woodblock print, ink and color on paper, 38.6 x 80.5 centimeters, 1959, Honolulu Museum of Art , Hawaii
Tags: UchimaAnsei , water , woodblockprint , printmaking , landscape , HonoluluMuseumofArt , Hawaii , NYTimes , ocean , bluesea , ADreamVoyage , ASlowDescent , AndThenDebris , Titansubmersible , loweringintothesea , 5peopleonboard , includingfounder , OceanGate , itslastdive , FinalHours , DoomedAttempt , ToVisittheTitanic , G.O.P. , PrimedToCurbVoting , NorthCarolina , ClashingOverControl , 2024Battleground , ClimateLaggard , PlansShiftFastAsDamageGrows , MichiganFeelsAlarm , DemocratsCouldFaceFight , BidforNewPollutionRules , Michigan'scherrytrees , atriskfromrisingtemperatures , "MIHealthyClimate" , GovernorGretchenWhitmer , planoffered , RussiaBuildingVastIndustryofSpyingTools , Ukrainewar , soccerfield , yellow-blueuniforms , MamaDiakité , women'ssoccer , stoppedplayingsocceronclubteam , shewasnotallowedtowearhijab , Paris , HijabBanandaKilling , BareFrance'sDivisions , ReligiousFreedomInvoked , InFightAgainstAbortionBans , LawsuitsBorrowTacticofChristianRight , Roev.Wade , someclouds , heavystorms
Albert Bierstadt, Wreck of the “Ancon” in Loring Bay, Alaska , Oil on paper mounted on Masonite, 35.88 x 50.16 centimeters, 1889, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AlbertBierstadt , oilonpaper , landscapepainting , shipwreck , "Ancon" , Alaska , MuseumofFineArtsBoston , Massachusetts , DeStandaard , Brussels , 10Maradona , sports , bluewhitestripeduniform , championagainafter33years , ResurrectionofNapleswithoutMaradona , Whostillbelievestheeconomists? , Theircrystalballisbroken , glasses , MonaLisaeyes , PresidentJoeBiden , ActiveEighties , 'Slowerthanbeforemyretirement?' , 'Iamevenmorealert' , PeoplesmugglersinTunisia , 'Iwouldnevergetintooneofmyboats' , beach , sand , trash , boattiltingover , ocean , water , fatherandchild , nature , landscape , HowdoyoubecomeaBerberresident? , brainscientist , IsabelBeets , 'Ifwerememberalltheinformationthatcomesinwegocrazy' , drawingofbrain , VicepremierPetraDeSutter , 'Sexismingovernment?' , 'I'mnotcontradictingit' , portraiture , partlycloudyconditions , partlysunny
Tags: MaryBeams , animation , 16millimeterfilm , whalesongs , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , ocean , clouds , bluewater , whalesharks , maninboat , 'TheyWillLeaveifWeDon'tFeedThem' , Conservationistsdecry , hand-feedingofwhalesharks , tourist-relianttown , Philippines , AFalteringShadowWar , AgainstSomaliMilitants , LongAfter'BlackHawkDown'Disaster , U.S.BattlesOffshootofAlQaeda , landscape , Mogadishuruin , Somalia'scivilwarin1990s , destroyedbuilding , Amazon , FlawedSystemLedtoLostPay , Amazonshortchangingnewparents , patientswithmedicalcrises , vulnerableworkersonleave , GreatFalls , Montana , FalsehoodsMeddle , HumbleBidtoHonorPast , SowingDoubt , DerailCivicPlan , toSpurMontanaTourism , mountainlandscape , SquareButte , FirstPeoplesBuffaloJumpStatePark , nationallandmark , SeaIsland , Georgia , RussiaRestartsCyberoperation , DespiteRebuke , S.V.R. , WhiteHouseblamedforSolarWindshacking , TheyGaveUpAJob , toAvoidCovidVaccines , sizablecontingentacrosstheUnitedStates , resistancetothevaccines , givenupcareers , Boston , TheNationalPastime'sChallenge , ProveItsTimeHasn'tPassed , YoungBlackFans , KeytoBaseball'sGrowth , sunny , thencloudy , warmer , rainlate
Marsden Hartley, The Wave , Oil on board, 76.8 x 103.8 centimeters, 1940-1941, Worcester Art Museum , Massachusetts
Tags: MarsdenHartley , thewave , oilonboard , painting , WorcesterArtMuseum , Massachusetts , NYTimes , twowomen , frontyard , landscape , porch , home , RobertaMoses , networkofcanvassers , goingdoor-to-door , Shreveport , Louisiana , trytosignuppeopleforvaccinations , OfficialFights , ToVaccinateInLouisiana , RumorsandMistrust , MakeProgressSlow , conspiracytheories , conservativenewsoutlets , rampantmisinformationonline , Dr.MarthaWhyte , ShotRefusal , GivesVariantRoomtoGrow , MoreVaccinations , KeytoHaltingNewSurge , DeltaVariant , nearlyhalfofpopulation , remainsunvaccinatedandunprotected , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , NearingFourthGrade , HunterElementarySchool , students , RacingtoCatchUp , SummerSchools , TrytoClosePandemicLearningGap , MakerofPrius , NowResistingEmissionsPush , Toyota , opposingtransitiontoelectricvehicles , lobbyingCongress , betfuture , developmentofhydrogenfuelcells , ocean , seaspray , blue , bluegreen , white , MasteringOlympicWaves , CarolineMarks , surferonU.S.team , TokyoGames , BobMoses , obituary , 1935-2021 , QuietandRelentlessCrusader , ForCivilRightsandEducation , insistedhewasanorganizer , TopDemocrats , TurntoLikelyMayor , OverHisStanceonCrime , Ex-CaptaininNewYork , CommandsaPulpit , EricAdams , cloudy , somesunshine , warm , lesshumid
Jae Jarrell, Urban Wall Suit, Sewn and painted cotton and silk, two-piece suit, 95.3 x 69.9 x1.3 centimeters, 1969, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: JaeJarrell , UrbanWallSuit , textiles , two-piecesuit , cotton , silk , BrooklynMuseum , NYTimes , sunset , beach , ocean , twowomen , sittingonthesand , books , readingHebrewpsalms , nearsiteofcondocollapse , Surfside , Florida , Over150peopleremainunaccountedfor , EmergingClues , SuggestCollapseBeganatBottom , PinpointingFloridaBuilding'sFailurePoint , MayRequireLengthyInvestigation , structuralavalanche , "progressivecollapse" , ChamplainTowersSouth , threeyearsbeforedeadlycollapse , consultantfoundalarmingevidence , "majorstructuraldamage" , FamiliesHopePrayandGirdFortheWorst , DouglasBerdeaux , "We'rejusthopingandprayingthatamiraclewillhappen." , NativeAmericans , FeelBruntofClimateChange , TheMarginalLands , ofDispossessedPeople , BecomeUnlivable , Chefornak , Yu'pikvillage , Alaska , Nativetribes , experiencingenvironmentalperil , exacerbatedbypolicies , crowds , flags , signs , protest , EndlessPride , peoplefilledstreetsofNewYorkCity , PrideMonth , QueerLiberationMarch&Rally , boxesofmedicine , naloxonehydrochloride , reverseoverdoses , AddictsGetAid , NottoAbstain , ButtoSurvive , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , harmreductioncenter , HowStart-UpsGotaWindfall , OnCovidLoans , astutemixoftechnologyandadvertising , Blueacorn , Womply , PaycheckProtectionProgram , processedathird , ofallP.P.P.loansmadethisyear , middlemen , CrossingtheRedLine , BehindBeijing'sTakeoverofHongKong , SignalsFromXi , WentUnnoticedbyPublic , policypaper , Beijingwouldwield , "comprehensivejurisdiction" , hot , humid , partlysunny
Tags: DoraDeLarios , ceramics , porcelain , aluminum , sculpture , DecorativeArts , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , bluesky , bluewater , ocean , lifeboat , whiteparachutes , nets , splashdown , NASA , astronauts , returnedtoEarth , GulfofMexico , endaflight , ElonMusk , SpaceX , dome , sun , star , gold , LaginTallying , Mail-InBallots , RaisesAlarms , NewYorkCity , StillDecidingJuneRaces , congressionalraces , PostalService , difficultyprocessingballots , wrongfullydisqualified , lackofapostmark , "Thiselectionisacanaryinthecoalmine" , SurajPatel , portraiture , womanwithbluemask , bluegloves , BoardofElections , staffshortage , Warren'sPathToAwakening , OnRacialBias , LizHerring , ElizabethWarren , GeorgeWashingtonUniversity , freshmanin1966 , KappaAlphaTheta , all-whitesorority , ledchargeinCongress , torenamebases , thathonorConfederateleaders , CollegesCramforaTest , 'CanWeOpenSafely?' , GettingStudents , toStay6FeetApart , PosesaChallenge , containingcoronavirus , amongyoungimpulsivepopulation , students , grass , bricksidewalk , street , movingintodorms , staggeredreturn , N.C.StateUniversity , Raleigh , NorthCarolina , ScientistsFret , AsWhiteHouseRushesVaccine , EyeingSafety , Vs.Need , FearsofPressure , politicalintervention , HandtothePresident , 'OctoberSurprise' , DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices , OperationWarpSpeed , TheTroubledOnlinePath , Teen'Mastermind' , MinecraftTricks , toHugeTwitterHack , GrahamIvanClark , onlinemischief-making , startedearly , Bitcoin , theft , cryptocurrency , Trump'sTalk , BanningTikTok , InflamesGenZ , BothCreatorsandFans , FeelaWorldShake , humid , partlycloudy , thunderstorms
Tags: AnneJudell , drawing , mixedmedia , graphite , breath , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , NYTimes , AsNeonDims , DespairGrowsOnVegasStrip , LasVegas , ServiceWorkers , TakingaDevastatingBlow , ValiciaAnderson , "Youarepushingpeopleupagainstacorner." , leisureindustry , Hingham , Massachusetts , GaspingforBreaths , theSizeofaTablespoon , HealthyHiker'sGraveIllness , HighlightsVirus'sAgonizingMysteries , greywhitetransparency , chestX-rays , MassachusettsGeneralHospital , JimBello , onventilatorfor32days , lungsfilledwithfluid , inflamedcells , "whiteout" , lungsstartingtoclearagain , coronavirus , "HailMary"medicalmaneuver , doctors'relentlessefforts , LargeCompaniesTakeBailoutAid , DubiousGains , LoansAimedAtOthers , MillionsGotoApplicants , FacingFinancialandLegalProblems , PresidentTrump , $349billion , low-interestloansforsmallbusinesses , PaycheckProtectionProgram , itsmoneyranout , ADisinfectant , ThatMayMarTrump'sTeflon , “butI’mlikeapersonthathasagoodyou-know-what.” , suggestedthatinjectionsofdisinfectantsintobody , couldhelpcombatcoronavirus , musingsonvirusremedies , widespreadcondemnation , dangeroustohealthofAmericans , ocean , palmtree , sand , twowomen , BondiBeach , Australia , closedovervirusrestrictions , NewZealandAndAustralia , SquashCurve , bothnationsreporting , handfulofnewinfections , ScottMorrison , JacindaArdern , partisanshiprecedes , expertslead , "ThisiscertainlydistinctfromtheUnitedStates." , Dr.PeterCollignon , professorofmicrobiology , KennyCheng , SeanMahoney , ambulance , 911call , ACallPiercestheLulls , ExhaustedParamedics , 'PossivleCovid' , uncertainty , 'Whencantheyseetheirlovedonesagain?' , heavyemotionalandphysicaltoll , plentyofclouds , showers , chilly