G.O.P. — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Uchima Ansei, Water , Woodblock print, ink and color on paper, 38.6 x 80.5 centimeters, 1959, Honolulu Museum of Art , Hawaii
Tags: UchimaAnsei , water , woodblockprint , printmaking , landscape , HonoluluMuseumofArt , Hawaii , NYTimes , ocean , bluesea , ADreamVoyage , ASlowDescent , AndThenDebris , Titansubmersible , loweringintothesea , 5peopleonboard , includingfounder , OceanGate , itslastdive , FinalHours , DoomedAttempt , ToVisittheTitanic , G.O.P. , PrimedToCurbVoting , NorthCarolina , ClashingOverControl , 2024Battleground , ClimateLaggard , PlansShiftFastAsDamageGrows , MichiganFeelsAlarm , DemocratsCouldFaceFight , BidforNewPollutionRules , Michigan'scherrytrees , atriskfromrisingtemperatures , "MIHealthyClimate" , GovernorGretchenWhitmer , planoffered , RussiaBuildingVastIndustryofSpyingTools , Ukrainewar , soccerfield , yellow-blueuniforms , MamaDiakité , women'ssoccer , stoppedplayingsocceronclubteam , shewasnotallowedtowearhijab , Paris , HijabBanandaKilling , BareFrance'sDivisions , ReligiousFreedomInvoked , InFightAgainstAbortionBans , LawsuitsBorrowTacticofChristianRight , Roev.Wade , someclouds , heavystorms
Lenore Tawney, Shield II , Natural linen, Chinese golden pheasant feathers, porcupine quills; woven, 61 x 45.7 x 1.3 centimeters, 1963, Museum of Arts and Design , New York
Tags: LenoreTawney , textiles , shield , linen , Chinesepheasantfeathers , porcupinequills , tan , offwhite , brown , black , white , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYTimes , silverbluewhite , winterlandscape , reindeer , animalsgrazing , bushes , horizonline , WhereReindeerMeanEverything , protection , Samipeople , northernNorway , fightinglegallimits , onsizeoftheirherds , livelihoods , land , culturalidentity , atstake , G.O.P. , LameDucks , FadeFromHouse , AsClashLooms , No-Shows , OnKeyVotes , FatesofBorderWall , GovernmentFunding , HingeonReturn , WashingtonDC , daysbeforedeadline , toavert , partialgovernmentshutdown , PresidentTrump , Democraticleaders , Republican-controlledCongress , stalemate , SenatorJohnCornyn , "Thereisnodiscernibleplan." , Trump'sInput , MuddiesCase , OfGreenBeret , MajorMathewL.Golsteyn , 'U.S.Militaryhero' , chargedwithmurder , Hénin-Beaumont , France , FarRight , SeesFreshRecruits , InYellowVests , EmmanuelMacron , MayorSteeveBriois , leaderofNationalFront , anti-immigrantparty , grass-rootsforce , strugglingmiddleclass , workingpoor , Kashgar , China , 'Re-education' , LeadsInmates , toFactoryFloor , ChinaForces , ReligiousEthnicDetainees , toProduceGoods , blueclassroom , yellowdoor , paperonwall , bluegreyuniforms , desks , openbooks , handmovements , commands , Chinesestatetelevision , showingMuslims , inclasses , Criticssay , somecoercedintowork , atfactories , whitessubtitles , Muslimminoritypopulation , over12million , inXinjiang , low-costforcedlabor , transformintoChinese-speakingworkforce , industrialworkforce , Brooklyn , NewYork , Bureaucracy , Hostility , aDisturbingArrest , JazmineHeadley , 23 , sonyankedfromherarms , BrooklynMother'sTale , RevealsTensions , WelfareOffice , publicbenefits , Netflix , BoldPushIntoMovies , TakesAim , atHollywood'sCore , ScottStuber , Netflix'smoviechief , makestreamingservice , formidable , inoriginalfilms , AlfonsoCuarón , Roma , partlysunny , windier , milder
Eugenio Dittborn, 8 Sobrevivientes (8 Survivors), Screenprint on folded brown Kraft paper housed in brown Kraft paper envelope screenprinted with artist's standard mailing form and collaged documentation label, sheet: 79 7/8 x 60 1/2 inches, envelope: 20 11/16 x 15 15/16 inches, Printer: Impresos Punto Color Limitada, Santiago, Chile, 1986, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: EugenioDittborn , NYTimes , AirmailSeries , Printmaking , Screenprint , collage , Chile , Mexico , flyers , students , thedisappeared , TedCruz , JohnKasich , DonaldTrump , G.O.P. , rivals , digitalwar , warmweather , partlycloudy , MoMA
Richard Halls, Federal Dance Theatre presents Salut au monde adapted from a poem of that name by Walt Whitman , Color silkscreen, Published by Federal Art Project, New York City, 1936 or 1937, Library of Congress , Washington, D.C.
Tags: RichardHalls , FederalDanceTheatre , FederalArtProject , Silkscreen , WaltWhitman , dance , ChrisRock , AcademyAwards , actors , HillaryClinton , NYTimes , G.O.P. , SupremeCourt , Libya , Qaddafi , Hollywood , diversity , race , comedy