cotton — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Michael Riedel, Vier Vorschläge zur Veränderung von Modern (31-34) , 1/2: Cotton fabric, dyed, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2/2: Digital print on canvas, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2009, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: MichaelRiedel , cotton , dyedfabric , digitalprintoncanvas , installation , blackandwhite , StädelMuseum , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , signatures , HouseRepublicans , majorityrejectedresultsofElectoralCollege , historicvote , wouldreshapetheirparty , lawmakers , threateningtransferofpower , TheyCementedtheMyth , OfaStolenElection , DemocracyChallenged , TheRiseoftheObjectors , FatalStampedeforExits , AsPoliceFiredTearGas , FocusTurnstoRiotOfficers , After125DieatSoccerStadium , Malang , Indonesia , AremaF.C. , "Aremania" , KanjuruhanStadium , greensoccerfield , policeofficers , soccerfans , whitesmoke , RetracingPathDeSantisTook , ToFlyMigrants , GovernorRonDeSantis , $12million , transportunauthorizedmigrants , outofFlorida , Lyman , Ukraine , IWasRussian? , Putin'sDecreeDoesNotStick. , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , annexationoffourregionsofUkraine , AsFloridaWaterRose , FightToSaveTwoDisabledBrothers , interiorscene , motheranddaughters , LifeUndertheTalibanAgain , photographerwholongcalledAfghanistanhome , capturedjarringchanges , RaceHasRoleInMajorCasesBeforeJustices , SCOTUS , SupremeCourt'sShifttoRightMayGoOn , WashingtonDC , six-justiceconservativesupermajority , education , voting , adoptions , cloudymorning , sunnyafternoon , windy
Jae Jarrell, Urban Wall Suit, Sewn and painted cotton and silk, two-piece suit, 95.3 x 69.9 x1.3 centimeters, 1969, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: JaeJarrell , UrbanWallSuit , textiles , two-piecesuit , cotton , silk , BrooklynMuseum , NYTimes , sunset , beach , ocean , twowomen , sittingonthesand , books , readingHebrewpsalms , nearsiteofcondocollapse , Surfside , Florida , Over150peopleremainunaccountedfor , EmergingClues , SuggestCollapseBeganatBottom , PinpointingFloridaBuilding'sFailurePoint , MayRequireLengthyInvestigation , structuralavalanche , "progressivecollapse" , ChamplainTowersSouth , threeyearsbeforedeadlycollapse , consultantfoundalarmingevidence , "majorstructuraldamage" , FamiliesHopePrayandGirdFortheWorst , DouglasBerdeaux , "We'rejusthopingandprayingthatamiraclewillhappen." , NativeAmericans , FeelBruntofClimateChange , TheMarginalLands , ofDispossessedPeople , BecomeUnlivable , Chefornak , Yu'pikvillage , Alaska , Nativetribes , experiencingenvironmentalperil , exacerbatedbypolicies , crowds , flags , signs , protest , EndlessPride , peoplefilledstreetsofNewYorkCity , PrideMonth , QueerLiberationMarch&Rally , boxesofmedicine , naloxonehydrochloride , reverseoverdoses , AddictsGetAid , NottoAbstain , ButtoSurvive , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , harmreductioncenter , HowStart-UpsGotaWindfall , OnCovidLoans , astutemixoftechnologyandadvertising , Blueacorn , Womply , PaycheckProtectionProgram , processedathird , ofallP.P.P.loansmadethisyear , middlemen , CrossingtheRedLine , BehindBeijing'sTakeoverofHongKong , SignalsFromXi , WentUnnoticedbyPublic , policypaper , Beijingwouldwield , "comprehensivejurisdiction" , hot , humid , partlysunny