Alaska — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Albert Bierstadt, Wreck of the “Ancon” in Loring Bay, Alaska , Oil on paper mounted on Masonite, 35.88 x 50.16 centimeters, 1889, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AlbertBierstadt , oilonpaper , landscapepainting , shipwreck , "Ancon" , Alaska , MuseumofFineArtsBoston , Massachusetts , DeStandaard , Brussels , 10Maradona , sports , bluewhitestripeduniform , championagainafter33years , ResurrectionofNapleswithoutMaradona , Whostillbelievestheeconomists? , Theircrystalballisbroken , glasses , MonaLisaeyes , PresidentJoeBiden , ActiveEighties , 'Slowerthanbeforemyretirement?' , 'Iamevenmorealert' , PeoplesmugglersinTunisia , 'Iwouldnevergetintooneofmyboats' , beach , sand , trash , boattiltingover , ocean , water , fatherandchild , nature , landscape , HowdoyoubecomeaBerberresident? , brainscientist , IsabelBeets , 'Ifwerememberalltheinformationthatcomesinwegocrazy' , drawingofbrain , VicepremierPetraDeSutter , 'Sexismingovernment?' , 'I'mnotcontradictingit' , portraiture , partlycloudyconditions , partlysunny
Tags: BethBarron , repair , mixedmedia , bandaids , beads , canvas , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYC , NYTimes , Mariupol , TeeteringAmidSigns , RussiaIsShiftingFocus , windowcutout , vista , cloudybluesky , cityinthedistance , sandbags , destroyedroom , frames , couches , rubble , detritus , InsideRegionalStateAdministrationoffice , Kharkiv , artilleryfire , killedseveninthecity , includingtwochildren , UkraineSaysFoeMayConcentrateonEast , EfforttoSplitCountry , Kyiv , HealthCatastropheLooms , WarinUkraine , threatenstoundo , decadesofprogress , H.I.V.tuberculosisandhepatitis , Biden'sNineWords , ad-libstatement , capturesattentionofforeignpolicyexperts , Congressmembers , NATOallies , NokiaDeparts , ButCybertoolsStayinRussia , digitalsurveillance , SORM , KremlinPurgesReporters'TalkWithZelensky , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , gave90-minute-longZoominterview , censorship , GrantTown , HowManchinAidedCoalIndustry , EarnedHimselfMillions , ASenator'sFortune , SenatorJoeManchinIII , TiedtoaPowerPlant , WestVirginia , Appalachiantown , usedpoliticalinfluence , "gob" , PentagonSeeksToOffsetRival , AsArcticMelts , DeltaJunction , Alaska , combattrainingexercise , soldiers , snowbanks , 8000Americantroops , tookpartintrainingexercise , camouflageuniform , landscape , lightblue , partlysunnyskies , breezy , cold
Jae Jarrell, Urban Wall Suit, Sewn and painted cotton and silk, two-piece suit, 95.3 x 69.9 x1.3 centimeters, 1969, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: JaeJarrell , UrbanWallSuit , textiles , two-piecesuit , cotton , silk , BrooklynMuseum , NYTimes , sunset , beach , ocean , twowomen , sittingonthesand , books , readingHebrewpsalms , nearsiteofcondocollapse , Surfside , Florida , Over150peopleremainunaccountedfor , EmergingClues , SuggestCollapseBeganatBottom , PinpointingFloridaBuilding'sFailurePoint , MayRequireLengthyInvestigation , structuralavalanche , "progressivecollapse" , ChamplainTowersSouth , threeyearsbeforedeadlycollapse , consultantfoundalarmingevidence , "majorstructuraldamage" , FamiliesHopePrayandGirdFortheWorst , DouglasBerdeaux , "We'rejusthopingandprayingthatamiraclewillhappen." , NativeAmericans , FeelBruntofClimateChange , TheMarginalLands , ofDispossessedPeople , BecomeUnlivable , Chefornak , Yu'pikvillage , Alaska , Nativetribes , experiencingenvironmentalperil , exacerbatedbypolicies , crowds , flags , signs , protest , EndlessPride , peoplefilledstreetsofNewYorkCity , PrideMonth , QueerLiberationMarch&Rally , boxesofmedicine , naloxonehydrochloride , reverseoverdoses , AddictsGetAid , NottoAbstain , ButtoSurvive , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , harmreductioncenter , HowStart-UpsGotaWindfall , OnCovidLoans , astutemixoftechnologyandadvertising , Blueacorn , Womply , PaycheckProtectionProgram , processedathird , ofallP.P.P.loansmadethisyear , middlemen , CrossingtheRedLine , BehindBeijing'sTakeoverofHongKong , SignalsFromXi , WentUnnoticedbyPublic , policypaper , Beijingwouldwield , "comprehensivejurisdiction" , hot , humid , partlysunny
John Schabel, Untitled (Passenger #13) , Inkjet print, Sheet: 57.2 x 49.5 centimeters, Image: 52.9 x 45.1 centimeters, Edition: 1/60, 10 APs, 1997, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: JohnSchabel , untitled , passenger , inkjetprint , edition , photography , WhitneyMuseum , NYTimes , passengers , wintercoats , charterflight , home , BirchCreek , Alaska , aftervaccination , CovidInfiltratesDeepAlaska , NowSoMustCrucialVaccines , coronaviruspandemic , haskilledAlaskaNatives , atquadrupletherateofwhiteresidents , portrait , headshot , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , resistedcallstoresign , StateDemocratsTurnUpPressure , OnCuomoToExit , GovernorDefiant , SenateLeaderSaysHe'MustResign' , OverAllegations , AndreaStewart-Cousins , Cuomooncehailedaspandemichero , seenhispoliticalfuturespiraldownward , WashingtonDC , With$300Monthly , ReliefBillUshersRevolution , inChildAid , PresidentBiden's$1.9trillionstimuluspackage , guaranteedincome , forfamilieswithchildren , HurdleforTrial , InFloydKilling , FindAFairJury , GeorgeFloyd , Minneapolis , 14-pagequestionnaire , potentialjurors , juryselection , one-thirdofAmericans , havelostsomeonetocoronavirus , theyhavecopedwithsuddenpain , immeasurablesorrow , loss , DepthofPain , FromRoyalLife , SpillsIntoView , PrinceHarry , MeghanMarkle , CBSinterview , OprahWinfrey , Marklecontemplatedsuicide , "Ijustdidn'twanttobealiveanymore." , royallifebeganasfairytale , butquicklyturnedcruel , JoshHawley , Senate , VoicesFromHawley'sHistoryWonder , WhySoAngryNow? , Missourijuniorsenator , "andI'mnotbackingdown." , sunshine , moreseasonable
Micheline Beauchemin, Nordic Blue Ice Flow: Homage to the St. Lawrence River , Cotton threads covered with mylar, colored silk threads and linen threads, 162 x 504.5 centimeters, 1984, National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa
Tags: MichelineBeauchemin , textiles , sculpture , installation , DecorativeArts , NordicBlueIceFlow , CanadianArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , blueice , bluesky , cracks , lines , pattern , withinmonths , coastalplain , ArcticNationalWildlifeRefuge , Alaska , couldbevisitedbytrucks , weighingupto90000pounds , ThirstForOil , ThreatensPristineArcticRefuge , TrumpAdministration , HurriestoClearWay , ExplorationinAlaska , Fairbanks , vastlandscape , mosses , sedges , shrubs , 19millionacres , lastgreatstretchofnothingness , inU.S. , TradeWarPause , NeededRespite , ForXiAndTrump , BothTookEconomicHit , TruceGivesJust90Days , FindPathThroughBitterDifferences , PresidentTrump , PresidentXiJinping , "It'sanincredibledeal." , portraiture , PresidentXiJinpingofChina , G20summit , BuenosAires , Argentina , WashingtonDC , HouseG.O.P. , ShrugsatLosses , LeavingSomeMembersBaffled , lossesneared40seats , SpeakerPaulRyan , RepresentativeKevinMcCarthy , whatcanbedone , winvotersback , RiotsRoilParis , IreisRooted , DeepinFrance , Guéret , France , FlorianDou , howtosurvive , whenmoneyrunsout , "Weknewtheyweresentintogetridofus." , "YellowVests" , protests , StateOfTurmoil , Frenchprimeminister , willmeet , YellowVests'leaders , DeathofPresidentGeorgeBush , Presidentialportrait , portraitpainting , blackcurtain , mourning , womentakingpictures , mobilephones , PresidentGeorgeBush , knownforhiscivility , kindlednostalgia , forcompromise , AKinderGentlerNation? , MaybeforaFewDays , FinalHome , forgeddeepbond , TexasA&M , wherehewillbeburied , 3rdGraftCase , NewThreat , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , IsraeliPolicePush , forIndictmentAgain , Jerusalem , corruption , bribery , fraud , tradinginfluence , forfavorablenewscoverage , leadingIsraelinewspaper , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , mild
Karel Appel, Questioning Children , Gouache on wood, 873 x 598 x 158 millimeters, 1949, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KarelAppel , painting , assemblage , wood , CoBrA , TateUK , NYTimes , Bangladesh , RohingyaRefugees , NafRiver , burningvillage , smokerose , Myanmar , fleeingwomenandchildren , privacybreached , pastorallandscape , greenmarshes , fears , CrisisCouldLeadRohingyatoTerror , WorldStage , scorchedearth , UnitedNations , hascalledcampaign , ethniccleansing , imam , portraiture , leadergaveblessingtofighters , NorthKorea , Nuclearthreats , dependonrarefuel , sanctionsorsabotage , Facebook , NavigatingGlobalPowerStruggle , FracturingInternet , NationsErectNewHurdles , censorship , violationoflaws , RussianFacebookMeddling , advertisements , EmmyAwards2017 , womeninfilmandtelevision , TheHandmaid'sTale , ElisabethMoss , BestLeadActress , BestDrama , BoxedCakeMix , SweetensLife , Alaska , FarFlungRegions , cakemixes , centerofourlittleuniverse , lemonblueberrycake , baking , OpioidCrisis , CheapOpioidsFavored , Insurers , PutCostOverSafety , Painkillers , saferalternatives , moreexpensive , ManyPlansLimitAccess , DrugsWithLowerRisk , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Whitehouse , legalteam , LawyersClash , StrategybyWestWing , RobertMueller , SpecialCounsel , RussianElectionInterference , NewTensionsRevealed , morningfog , humid , variablycloudy
Jackson Pollock, The She-Wolf, Oil, gouache and plaster on canvas, 41 7/8 x 67 inches, 1943, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacksonPollock , MoMA , painting , portraiture , abstraction , landscape , NYTimes , Alaska , polarbears , whalebones , climatechange , ice , articthaw , starvation , carnage , Iraq , war , slavery , lifeinsurance , NewYorkLife , AmericanHistory , voterfraud , validityofvote , 2016election , DonaldTrump , debunkedstatements , blueandred , states , WashingtonDC , USsenators , governmentinquiry , meddlinginelection , Russia , documents , cybersecurity , partlysunny , colderday