Iraq — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Emery Blagdon, Untitled (Individual element from the Healing Machine) , Paint, aluminum, copper, foil and wood, 6 x 6 x 1 inches, 1955-1986, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: EmeryBlagdon , mixedmedia , individualelement , sculpture , theHealingMachine , assemblage , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , portraiture , StolenChildhoods , Iraq , couples , children , wedding , interiorscene , SulaimanFayadhSulaiman , paralyzedsince3-years-old , war , generationofIraqiswhowerechildren , USinvasionofIraq20yearsago , stories , lingeringtrauma , hope , HostilePolitics , ShapedSearchOfVirusOrigin , HowLabLeakTheoryTookPartisanTurn , CovidTurmoil , Floridahospital , shakenbycampaignagainstU.S.guidelines , FedCaughtWindOfBank'sIssuesBeforeCollapse , RiskyPracticesSeen , SiliconValleyBank , Got6Citationsin2021 , FullReviewin2022 , "horizontalreview" , SaleOfCreditSuisse , SwissleadersarrangedforUBStobuybank , XiBrokeringUkrainePeace? , WestIsSkeptical , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , Mariupol , GestureofDefianceinOccupiedTerritory , IraqMIsstepsRetainPowerToHauntU.S. , U.S.spentestimated$2trillioninIraq , SexAbuseAccusation , NamesaRowingLegend , TedNash , JenniferFox , "TheTale" , FilmmakerSaysCoachTargetedHerat13 , Olympicmedalist , PornActress , Payoff , TrumpontheBrink , Ex-PresidentMayFaceHistoricIndictment , StormyDaniels , milderair , plentyofsunshine , muchwarmerweather
Conrad Marca-Relli, Sleeping Figure , Collage painted canvas, 132.4 x 197.3 centimeters, 1953-54, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: collage , painting , sleepingfigure , yellowochre , titanbuff , tan , offwhite , black , MoMA , NYTimes , womenandmen , marchingwithcoffin , drapedfabric , pinkribbon , greenleaves , redgreenorangeyellow , greenyellowflag , TheU.S.withdrawal , deadlyresultsforKurds , "Whentheymournwemournwiththem." , GeneralJosephL.Votel , AsU.S.TroopsDepart , KurdsForgeAlliance , WithSyrianAuthorities , PullbackBrokeTrust , BetweenPartners , BondedbyBattle , WashingtonDC , "Theytrustedusandwebrokethattrust" , oneArmyofficersaid , telephoneinterview , "It'sastainontheAmericanconscience." , Dohuk , Iraq , TurkishForces , PushIntoNorth , EndingFragilePeace , Kurdishforcesannouncednewdeal , withDamascus , swornenemyofWashington , backedbyRussia , landscapeofrooftops , SmokerisingfromSyriantown , TelAbyad , openhandwithe-cigarette , portraiture , OneVictim , manwhotriede-cigarettestoquitsmoking , mayhavediedfromthem , DecadeofDefiance , VapingIndustry , FoundRoomtoGrow , $7billionannualsales , youthuseskyrocketed , mysteriousvaping-relatedlunginjuries , Beijing , HardballWins , U.S.TitansBendtoChina , China'suseofeconomicclout , policeanypoliticalvalues , thatthreatenparty'slegitimacy , CommunistParty , UnderPressure , Politicalandeconomicworries , ledtointerimtradepact , twowomeninshelter , tanblanketsandmattresspads , DozensKilledinJapaneseTyphoon , Evacuees , TyphoonHagibis , burstlevees , floodedrivers , Ankeny , Iowa , HowWhiteGuilt , MaySwayDemocraticPrimary , JohnOlsen , enragedbyracialtension , registersvotersweekly , toatonefor"whiteprivilege" , FoxNews , PresidentialBooster , Isn'tExemptFromHisReproach , Irkedbytheirreporting , TrumptauntedFoxNewsanchor , ShepardSmith , whoresignedfromnetwork , "@FoxNewsdoesn'tdeliverforUSanymore" , Trumptweeted , TrumpcallingFoxNews , "HOPELESS&CLUELESS" , sunnytopartlycloudy , lightandvariablewind , ConradMarca-Relli
Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit, Tempera on parchment, 21 x 14.3 centimeters, 1470-75, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: FrancescodiGiorgioMartini , tempera , parchment , painting , manuscripts , illuminations , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , TheWashingtonPost , WashingtonDC , church , pastor , goldenyellowpulpit , redbackground , goldinsignia , ministers , congregation , handsraised , silhouette , flowers , lightblue , white , shadows , NorthCarolinachurches , politicalsoulsearching , Greenvillepastors , grapplewithhowtohandlefallout , Trump'srally , Sundaysermons , Greenville , NorthCarolina , ReverendStephenHoward , admonishedTrumpinsermon , CornerstoneMemorialBaptistChurch , BradSmith , MemorialBaptistChurch , "sendherback" , disturbingchant , racism , "I'mnotintopolitics" , "butI'mspeakingforpeople" , employee , EastCarolinaUniversity , shakenbyangerinauditorium , "Itwasbad" , "Reallybad" , Aidesdefendtweets , Trumpadvisers , justifyhisattacks , whitechurchpews , light , candles , churchinterior , congregants , OpioidFiles , Parma , Ohio , InOhio , keylegaltest , drugepidemic , Countiesfloodedwithpills , seekbillionsofdollars , fromfirms , tostemcrisis , CVS , 6.4millionpainpills , seven-yearperiod , homelessencampment , whiteworking-classsuburb , ofCleveland , 'Sociopathic' , newdatastokesire , towardopioidindustry , ISIS , revivesfightinginIraq , MilitantsSlipOverBorder , FromSyria , Mostarereturninghome , tojoininsurgentcells , Qaim , Iraq , low-levelinsurgency , 1000fighters , Vegabaja , PuertoRico , PuertoRico'sunrest , hasbuilttocrescendo , massprotests , targetgovernor , amidangerovercorruption , classwarfare , HurricaneMaria , unrelievedtoll , GovernorRicardoRosselló , facingthreat , impeachment , VegaBajacommunityleader , LinBenitez , helpschildren , preparesigns , childrenplanningprotest , outdoorgathering , table , chairs , signmaking , paper , foliage , palmtrees , LatinAmerica , waronobesity , LessonsforU.S.? , targetingultra-processedfoods , sugarybeverages , startingtoshowresults , newlawsaimed , reducingchildhoodobesity , Chile , strictfoodlabelinglaws , banadvertisements , heavygustythunderstorm
Charles Sheeler, Incantation , Oil on canvas, 61.3 x 51.1 centimeters, 1946, Brooklyn Museum , Brooklyn, New York
Tags: CharlesSheeler , Incantation , oiloncanvas , painting , BrooklynMuseum , Brooklyn , NewYork , NYTimes , TomBrady , Patriots , footballteam , winners , cheering , handsraised , stadium , crowds , redglove , cameralens , footballuniforms , #11 , #12 , redwhiteblue , YawnsTurntoRoars , PatriotsPrevail , lowest-scoringSuperBowl , NewEngland , Rams , 13-3 , record-tyingsixthchampionship , WashingtonDC , TrumpMayHaveTroops , InIraq , MonitorTehran , StrategyAfterSyria , CommentsCouldImperil , TalksWithIraqis , ShiftISISFight , "IwanttobeabletowatchIran" , Mr.Trumpsaid , interview , "FacetheNation" , JawadalMusawi , memberofParliament , Iraq , "ThereisdistrustoftheAmericangovernment" , Norfolk , Virginia , VirginiansSeeClearNuances , InUglyImage , GovernorRalphNortham , inhotwater , medicalschoolyearbook , blackface , KuKluxKlanrobe , StevePeacock , rememberedthetime , restaurantwouldnotservehim , "Theworstfeelingofmylife" , PushedbyTrump , DemocratsTrytoSetExample , ShowingZeroTolerance , forBadBehavior , inTheirOwnRanks , AShoePolishFarce , Wherewerethehistoryandtheshame? , Caracas , Venezuela , InVenezuela , InsurgentSeesPathtoVictory , TryingtoRallySupport , AbroadandatHome , JuanGuaidó , VenezuelaNationalAssembly , "Thiscan'tbeinvain" , forceNicolásMadurooutofpresidency , window , computermonitors , oilproduction , equipment , shaledrilling , PermianBasin , enabledUnitedStates , tobecomemajorexporter , 'Monster' , TexasFieldRevives , U.S.OilFortunes , EmpoweringNation , inTradeandPolicy , Midland , Texas , aggressiveinvesting , oil-richshale , onceconsideredworn-outpatch , world'ssecondmostproductiveoilfield , Berlin , Germany , AutobahnSpeedLimits? , VotingWithLeadFeet , CarlBenz , builtfirstcarinGermany , wheredrivingisbeloved , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , Ahighwayspeedlimit , "contrarytoeverycommonsense" , transportminister , AndreasScheuer , areasofmorningfog , partlysunny , milder
Judith Scott, Untitled , Yarn, embroidery floss, trims, cardboard, fabric, and newspaper, 36 x 25 x 16 inches, 2000, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: JudithScott , mixedmedia , sculpture , wrapping , binding , textiles , SFMoMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , OldCityDistrict , battletodriveIslamicStateout , 600000peopledisplaced , homeless , cityinruins , rubble , destroyedbuildings , brokenwindows , road , perspective , residentspullingtogether , rebuild , federalpolice , checkpoint , sandbags , barriers , flags , chairs , guard , whitepaint , markmaking , graffiti , WashingtonDC , ISISarsenal , UnlikeAnythingWe'veEverSeen , riggedexplosivedevices , spaceheater , wires , EastLiverpool , Ohio , EPA , PolluterPlaybook , TakesTurntoLeniency , SlowerEnforcement , LessCostlyPenalties , TamedOfficers , ScottPruitt , TrumpRules , ALighterTouch , Selma , Alabama , SenateRace , RoyMoore , DougJones , WithLastPush , DiscreetFocus , onBlackVoters , EbenezerMissionaryBaptistChurch , TrumpAccusers , sexualharassment , DeserveVoice , NikkiHaley , AmericanAmbassadortoUN , women , 'shouldbeheard' , PuertoRico , SeniorsinSanJuan , LackingPower , InPeril , Paris , France , TriesOnFreshLook , LessRedTape , sunny
Tags: MohammadAbouEl-Naga , mixedmedia , paper , collage , palimpsest , text , Egyptianplants , Ottomanperiod , LACMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , fiercefighting , landscape , city , DangersRemaininCity , RavagedbyBattle , MexicoCity , SpywareTrailedInvestigatorstoMexico , cybersecurity , ColumbiaMissouri , UniversityofMissouri , Mizzou , Freshmanenrollment , RacialProtests , StainUniversity'sReputation , portraiture , students , classroom , WashingtonDC , GeorgeMasonUniversity , LawSchool , namechange , AntoninScalia , CharlesKochFoundation , multi-milliondollardonation , RollingBackUSRegulations , TestOneScholar'sFinesse , NeomiRao , VicePresidentMikePence , HostingPrivateParties , WooDonors , FuelingSpeculation , HisPoliticalFuture , PresidentTrump , 2016presidentialcampaign , TrumpTeamMetRussian , OfferingDirt , HillaryClinton , KeyTimeInCampaign , InnerCircle , UsingForeignHelp , TrumpRules , TheKeeperoftheGate , partlysunny
Tags: IgorSergeevichShelkovsky , painting , sculpture , relief , TretyakovGallery , NYTimes , beachweather , ConeyIsland , globalwarming , climatechange , PresidentTrump , Ukraine , backdoorplan , peaceeffort , sanctions , Russia , Balkans , lostrevenue , Iraq , Texas , oil , automation , reducesjobs , blue-collarworkers , JudgeMerrickGarland , oldage , dailydose , medicalmarijuana , sunshine , partlycloudy , breezy , cooler
Alan Sonfist, Earth Monument to Chicago , Natural earth drillings, Installed: 5.7 x 182.9 x 243.8 centimeters, 1965-1977, Museum of Contemporary Art , Chicago
Tags: AlanSonfist , sculpture , installation , earth , drilling , MCAChicago , fracturedworld , hope , PresidentObama , ArlingtonNationalCemetery , VeteransDay , Afghanistan , Iraq , GOP , leadership , undoregulations , USCongress , MarALago , winterWhiteHouse , DonaldTrump , SecondAvenuesubway , NewYork , traindelay , happytears , crowds , citypride , cloudyweather , periodicrain , drizzle
Jackson Pollock, The She-Wolf, Oil, gouache and plaster on canvas, 41 7/8 x 67 inches, 1943, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacksonPollock , MoMA , painting , portraiture , abstraction , landscape , NYTimes , Alaska , polarbears , whalebones , climatechange , ice , articthaw , starvation , carnage , Iraq , war , slavery , lifeinsurance , NewYorkLife , AmericanHistory , voterfraud , validityofvote , 2016election , DonaldTrump , debunkedstatements , blueandred , states , WashingtonDC , USsenators , governmentinquiry , meddlinginelection , Russia , documents , cybersecurity , partlysunny , colderday
Tiffany Chung, finding one's shadow in ruins and rubble , Mixed media, 31 parts in different dimensions, 86.5 x 300 x 75 centimeters, 2014, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art , Denmark
Tags: TiffanyChung , sculpture , installation , photography , ruins , Homs , antiquity , ancienttimes , LouisianaMuseumofModernArt , Denmark , NYTimes , Americanpublic , 2016election , politicalcampaign , DonaldTrump , voteranger , women's rights , riggedvote , irresponsiblespeech , MikePence , Republicans , Iraq , Mosul , armies , war , stockpilingfood , civilians , shelter , morningshower , sunshine , warmweather