Judith Scott, Untitled , Yarn, embroidery floss, trims, cardboard, fabric, and newspaper, 36 x 25 x 16 inches, 2000, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: JudithScott , mixedmedia , sculpture , wrapping , binding , textiles , SFMoMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , OldCityDistrict , battletodriveIslamicStateout , 600000peopledisplaced , homeless , cityinruins , rubble , destroyedbuildings , brokenwindows , road , perspective , residentspullingtogether , rebuild , federalpolice , checkpoint , sandbags , barriers , flags , chairs , guard , whitepaint , markmaking , graffiti , WashingtonDC , ISISarsenal , UnlikeAnythingWe'veEverSeen , riggedexplosivedevices , spaceheater , wires , EastLiverpool , Ohio , EPA , PolluterPlaybook , TakesTurntoLeniency , SlowerEnforcement , LessCostlyPenalties , TamedOfficers , ScottPruitt , TrumpRules , ALighterTouch , Selma , Alabama , SenateRace , RoyMoore , DougJones , WithLastPush , DiscreetFocus , onBlackVoters , EbenezerMissionaryBaptistChurch , TrumpAccusers , sexualharassment , DeserveVoice , NikkiHaley , AmericanAmbassadortoUN , women , 'shouldbeheard' , PuertoRico , SeniorsinSanJuan , LackingPower , InPeril , Paris , France , TriesOnFreshLook , LessRedTape , sunny