SFMoMA — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: JeromeCaja , painting , mixedmedia , nailpolish , SFMoMA , California , NYTimes , FlashFlood , CoalRunKentucky , homesunderwater , flooding , Munich , WesternAlliesOnBrinkOfFatefulRift , EuropeansFearPutinWantstoSplitNATO , tariffs , Tit-For-TatRates , SetWorldStageForTariffHavoc , RiskofSupplyStrain , reciprocaltariffs , WashingtonDC , Trump'sProposaltoSeizeGaza , HoversOverRubio'sIsraelVisit , SecretaryofStateMarcoRubio , "RivieraoftheMiddleEast" , Fundraisingslowdown , LiberalDonorsPullBackCash , text , Project2025TrumpAdministration , morethan60ofPresidentTrump'sdirectivesmirrorProject2025proposals , Dementia , HowDementiaDerailsPlansforAssistedDying , WithCostofEggsSoaring , BreakfastDinersFeelthePinch , sunnysideupeggs , eggwholesalepriceshitnewhigh , $8.11perdozen , verywindy , windgustspast40m.p.h. , partlycloudy , colder
David Maisel, KYDOIMOS: The Din of Battle , Single-channel HD (1:1) video projection, with surround sound, 31:38 minutes, Dimensions variable, 2017, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: DavidMaisel , blackandwhite , singlechannelHD , video , battle , SFMoMA , California , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , 'UkraineputspressureonPutinwithraid' , 30kilometersdeepintoRussianborderregion , Kursk , UkrainewantstoshiftwartoRussia , Kamikazeactionorcleverstrategicmove? , 'ThepoliticalpressureonPutinwillbeenormus.' , Paris , ParisOlympics2024 , 'Belgiumdeliveredbestperformanceever' , portraiture , NafiThiam , trackandfield , goldmedals , Politicsawakensfromitssummerslumber , TsarB , musician , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Goingtothepsychologististhegreatestgiftyoucangiveyourself' , UkrainiansoldiersinSemyregion , Ukrainewar , military , tank , camouflageuniform , KBC , KBCturnsfarmyear , courtesyofKate , IsitagoodideatooutsourceyourbankingtoAI? , pinkheart , EmilyinParis , Naivelycontinuetobelieveingreatlove , Thetriumphantreturnoftheromcom , verywarm , sunny , humid
Anthony McCall, You and I, Horizontal , Computer, computer script, video projector and haze machine, 50 min. cycle in six parts, Dimensions variable, 2005, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California
Tags: AnthonyMcCall , multimedia , installation , computer , videoprojector , hazemachine , SFMoMA , California , NYTimes , portraiture , inthedark , smartphone , screenlight , plant , plaidshirt , mobilephone , profilewithlightonface , blueblack , ReneeHolland , trustingandimpulsive , spentthousandsofdollars , onafriend , shemetonFacebook , FakeMilitaryRomances , HowScammersUseFacebook , ToTrickLonelyWomen , OutofMoney , FortPierce , Florida , blossomingonlinefriendship , "WelcomeHome" , writtenoncarwindows , Shespentfamily'ssavings , phantomsoldier , "There'snowayIcangohomeandtellmyhusband" , imposteraccounts , usedstolenphotos , DanielAnonsen , fakeaccounts , risento120million , Facebook , lookingforbufftatooedman , GulfContactsByTrummpAlly , FaceScrutiny , FederalInquiry , FocusesonForeignLobbying , Mr.Trump'senergyspeech , Rashidal-Malik , Emiratibusinessman , ThomasJ.BarrackJr. , topcampaignfund-raiser , closefriendofMr.Trump , "Areyourunningthisbyourfriends?" , PaulManafortasked , FedIsClosingIn , FirstRateCut , Since2008Crisis , PrecautionaryMove , Recalibrating , FaceofTradeWar , GlobalSlowdown , FederalReserve , interestratecuts , GreatRecession , USeconomygrowing , unemploymentat50-yearlow , "TheFedactedtoosoonandtooviolently" , Mr.Trumpsaid , CuomoandtheM.T.A.'Complex' , ThatGreasesHisPoliticalGears , GovernorAndrewCuomo , HauglandGroup , constructionfirm , $23milliondollarcontract , clearcloggedsubwaydrains , politicaldonations , Cuomo'sreelectioncampaign , "transportationindustrialcomplex" , publicpark , Brooklyn , Brownsville , plasticchairs , policetape , fence , ShootingatBrooklynBlockParty , Violencestruck , OldTimersDay , leavingonedead , 11hurt , WashingtonDC , SpyChiefQuits , TrumpTapsFierceLoyalist , DanCoats , departure , directorofnationalintelligence , RepresentativeJohnRatcliffe , Waukee , Iowa , ClashofDemocraticPriorities , ChangePresidents? , orChangetheParadigm? , IsbeatingPresidentTrumpenough? , OrshouldDemocratsshakethepoliticalsystem? , likeasnowglobe , DemocraticParty , identity , ideologicalschism , hot , humid , sunshine , withamixofclouds
Barbara Probst, Exposure #11A: N.Y.C., Duane & Church Streets, 06.10.02, 3:07 p.m., Inkjet prints, 61.12 x 81.6 centimeters, 2002, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: BarbaraProbst , Exposure , NYC , inkjetprints , photography , SFMoMA , SanFrancisco , NYTimes , aerialview , citygrid , orangeyellowlights , powerlines , glowing , Data , fromlocationdatabase , reviewedbyTheTimes , 235millionpoints , gatheredfrom1.2millionsmartphones , three-dayperiod , in2017 , surveillance , portraiture , YourAppsKnow , WhereYou'veBeen , Can'tKeepASecret , SnoopingOnUsers'Habits , Fuels$21BillionIndustry , millionsofdots , onmap , LisaMagrin , identity , "It'sthethoughtofpeoplefindingout" , "intimatedetails" , people'sdailyhabits , MarketsSwing , ToErraticBeat , OfNewsCycle , SignsPointing , MoreVolatileDaysAhead , S&P500-stockindex , down4.6percent , "politicsisdrivingtheeconomy" , "toanextentthatisveryatypical" , BalancingAct , Chinaangry , overarrestoftechexecutive , inCanada , tryingtomaintainitsthaw , withU.S. , TruthInTabloids , Luridscandals , involvingPresidentTrump , wonvictoryfortransparency , DoneWithCohen , U.S.InquiryDigsDeeper , IntoTrumpBusiness , 'Selective' , MichaelDCohen , didn'twanttocooperatefully , Mr.Trump'sself-describedfixer , pleadedguilty , breakingcampaignfinancelaws , othercrimes , WashingtonDC , TrumpScrambles , HisChoiceToRunWhiteHouse , SaysNo , searchtoreplaceJohnF.Kelly , NickAyers , RepresentativeBetoO'Rourke , Texas , increasinglyserious , runningforpresidency , crowds , mobilephones , handswaving , WildCard , 2020DemocraticRace , O'Rourke , Grass-RootsPopularity , DonorAppeal , RosanellEaton , 1921-2018 , WitnesstoHistory , FoughtforVotingRights , for7Decades , VotingRightsAct , hailedbyPresidentBarackObama , "RosanellEatonrefusedtoacceptanythinglessthanafullmeasureofequality" , sunshine , patchyclouds , achillyday
Robert Overby, Hall painting, first floor , Latex rubber, plaster, paint, and burnt wood, 107.5 x 78 inches, 1971, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: RobertOverby , painting , sculpture , latexrubber , sculpturemolds , casts , architecture , doorframe , windowframe , rust , patina , SFMoMA , NYTimes , homelessshelter , system , stepbystep , portraiture , rooms , woodfloors , windows , interior , naplesyellowpaint , furniture , division , families , survival , Beirut , Lebanon , IranBuildingUpMilitiasInSyria , ToMenaceIsrael , 'AxisOfResistance' , AnalystsSay , TehranFormingUnitedFront , strikes , counterstrikes , drone , flare-up , MichaelDCohen , Trump'sFixer , Tools , ToughTalk , HushMoney , andtheTabloids , Schenectady , NewYork , GeorgeWashington , UncoveringStrandsofHistory , TiestoFoundingFather , archivist , library , UnionCollege , redleather-boundbook , envelopetuckedinbook , inscribed"Washington'sHair" , OMG , excitement , Parkland , Florida , MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool , Standingoutsidethegate , fence , signage , warningsigns , studentsembrace , backsturned , bikes , trees , school , massshooting , grief , solidarity , studentactivism , WestPalmBeach , PresidentTrump , DelightOverRussiaIndictment , HardenstoFury , "Nocollusion"refrain , two-dayTwittertirade , InsideTheTrollFactory , Formerrecruits , describechurningout , fakecontent , RawDebate , Muellerindictment , leavesbothsidesgrappling , 2016election , HowRussiansExploitedWeb , 2016Meddling , PosingAsAllies , TrollsSpreadDirtyTricks , Facebook , Free-for-All , seemingfellowactivists , ExcepttheirEnglish , sometimesseemed , alittleodd , sunshine , givingwaytoclouds , afternoonrain
Judith Scott, Untitled , Yarn, embroidery floss, trims, cardboard, fabric, and newspaper, 36 x 25 x 16 inches, 2000, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: JudithScott , mixedmedia , sculpture , wrapping , binding , textiles , SFMoMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , OldCityDistrict , battletodriveIslamicStateout , 600000peopledisplaced , homeless , cityinruins , rubble , destroyedbuildings , brokenwindows , road , perspective , residentspullingtogether , rebuild , federalpolice , checkpoint , sandbags , barriers , flags , chairs , guard , whitepaint , markmaking , graffiti , WashingtonDC , ISISarsenal , UnlikeAnythingWe'veEverSeen , riggedexplosivedevices , spaceheater , wires , EastLiverpool , Ohio , EPA , PolluterPlaybook , TakesTurntoLeniency , SlowerEnforcement , LessCostlyPenalties , TamedOfficers , ScottPruitt , TrumpRules , ALighterTouch , Selma , Alabama , SenateRace , RoyMoore , DougJones , WithLastPush , DiscreetFocus , onBlackVoters , EbenezerMissionaryBaptistChurch , TrumpAccusers , sexualharassment , DeserveVoice , NikkiHaley , AmericanAmbassadortoUN , women , 'shouldbeheard' , PuertoRico , SeniorsinSanJuan , LackingPower , InPeril , Paris , France , TriesOnFreshLook , LessRedTape , sunny
Tags: JimGoldberg , photography , portraiture , Greece , refugeecamps , SFMoMA , refugeecrisis , NYTimes , Honduras , FearfulMigrants , families , TrumpPolicies , immigration , streetgangs , safehouse , RemainInCentralAmerica , Houston , TaxCreditstoHousePoor , RacialDivisions , FamiliarScene , Majority-WhiteArea , BalksatPlannedProject , MichaelDCohen , TrumpFootSoldier , DevotiontoTrumpBrand , SidelinedUnderGlare , RussiaInquiry , Michigan , convict , NowPublishedAuthor , Qatar'sRiches , SoftenBlowofBlockade , forNow , NewJersey , ChrisChristie , statebeaches , budgetshutdown , beachesempty , ChristieClings , LastFight , somesunshine , verywarm
Tags: VictoriaSambunaris , photography , TheBorder , SFMoMA , NYTimes , refugees , wars , Mosul , families , openroad , economicsteam , ratejumps , speedgrowth , JanetYellen , FederalReserve , tapsthebrakes , undersameroof , ailingschools , SouthBronx , dustpilingup , slowesttransitionindecades , StateDepartment , TrumpAdministration , keyoffices , cybercrime , leopardcat , portraiture , Russia , WashingtonDC , dossiers , sunshine , cloudyweather , cold , snowlate
Tags: TonyFeher , SFMoMA , NYTimes , sculpture , artinstallation , WeAreOne , NewYork , gaypridemarch , Orlando , UnitedKingdom , EUreferendum , Leave , LabourParty , USforeignpolicy , PrivateEquity , banks , globalization , socialjustice , BorisJohnson , DavidCameron , sunshine , increasingcloudiness , thunderstorm
Elsa Medina, Nido de las Águilas, Tijuana, Baja California, Gelatin silver print, 8 1/4 x 12 5/8 inches, 1996; printed 2011, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: ElsaMedina , SFMoMA , photography , Mexico , CentralAmerica , MarcoRubio , Florida , Texas , ChrisChristie , immigration , 2016election , running , safety , signage , guardrails , stalledlegislation , rivals , GOPdebate
Tags: Iowa , outsiders , rivals , TedCruz , HillaryClinton , DonaldTrump , caucus , 2016election , Europe , security , austerity , CoritaKent , SFMoMA , Printmaking , activisim , selfies , crowds , hugs
Laura Belém , Ao encontro de... (Meeting with...), video installation, single-channel video, color, with sound, 8:37 minutes, dimensions variable, 2003-2004, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California. (Note: Full video can be viewed via the artist's website, hyperlinked above.)
Tags: LauraBelém , SFMoMA , video , pooltable , billiards , JohnKerry , MohammadJavadZarif , USforeignpolicy , prisonerexchange , BernieSanders , HillaryClinton , MartinO'Malley , DemocraticDebate , Charleston , WashingtonDC , Iran , NYTimes , diplomacy