strikes — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Peter W. Butcher, Ellis Developments, Ltd., Surgical Implant , Polyester suture thread, machine-embroidered, 142 x 142 millimeters, 2004, Victoria and Albert Museum , U.K.
Tags: PeterW.Butcher , designer , EllisDevelopmentsLtd , surgicalimplant , polyestersuturethread , machine-embroidered , V&AMuseum , U.K. , NYTimes , bluesurgicalgarments , doctors , operatingroom , cables , medicalmonitor , patient , GeraldMerritt , ittook6months , knee-replacementsurgery , IlfordU.K. , "You’repreparedtoputupwithawait" , After75Years , HealthServiceInU.K.Teeters , N.H.S. , understaffedbydoctorsandnurses , TrumpandAllies , SeekingVastIncreaseofHisPower , GoaltoBringAgenciesUnderControlofPresident , ifHeWinsin2025 , ViolentPolicing , LividProtesters , ZeroChanges , France , DemandsforOverhaulHaveLongGoneUnheeded , minorityyouth , discriminatorypolicing , tenniscourt , crowds , greengrass , Wimbledon , Britain'sLatestCoronation , CarlosAlcaraz , capturedfirstWimbledontitle , thrillingcomebackagainstNovakDjokovic , StudiosDreadRemainingIdlePastLaborDay , Hollywood , moviestudios , walkout , actors'union , writers'guild , strikes , portraitofsoldiers , camouflageuniforms , FloridaStateGuard , membersprayingatgraduation , FloridaGuardLosesRecruitsAmidTurmoil , GovernorRonDeSantis , activatingforceofvolunteers , torespondtohurricanesandpublicemergencies , civiliandisasterresponseorganization , becameheavilymilitarized , SuspectinGilgoBeachKillings , LedLifeofChaosandControl , 'Gem'ofaWorker , WasFearedbyNeighbors
Robert Overby, Hall painting, first floor , Latex rubber, plaster, paint, and burnt wood, 107.5 x 78 inches, 1971, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: RobertOverby , painting , sculpture , latexrubber , sculpturemolds , casts , architecture , doorframe , windowframe , rust , patina , SFMoMA , NYTimes , homelessshelter , system , stepbystep , portraiture , rooms , woodfloors , windows , interior , naplesyellowpaint , furniture , division , families , survival , Beirut , Lebanon , IranBuildingUpMilitiasInSyria , ToMenaceIsrael , 'AxisOfResistance' , AnalystsSay , TehranFormingUnitedFront , strikes , counterstrikes , drone , flare-up , MichaelDCohen , Trump'sFixer , Tools , ToughTalk , HushMoney , andtheTabloids , Schenectady , NewYork , GeorgeWashington , UncoveringStrandsofHistory , TiestoFoundingFather , archivist , library , UnionCollege , redleather-boundbook , envelopetuckedinbook , inscribed"Washington'sHair" , OMG , excitement , Parkland , Florida , MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool , Standingoutsidethegate , fence , signage , warningsigns , studentsembrace , backsturned , bikes , trees , school , massshooting , grief , solidarity , studentactivism , WestPalmBeach , PresidentTrump , DelightOverRussiaIndictment , HardenstoFury , "Nocollusion"refrain , two-dayTwittertirade , InsideTheTrollFactory , Formerrecruits , describechurningout , fakecontent , RawDebate , Muellerindictment , leavesbothsidesgrappling , 2016election , HowRussiansExploitedWeb , 2016Meddling , PosingAsAllies , TrollsSpreadDirtyTricks , Facebook , Free-for-All , seemingfellowactivists , ExcepttheirEnglish , sometimesseemed , alittleodd , sunshine , givingwaytoclouds , afternoonrain