
Monday's image: December 10, 2018

Barbara Probst, Exposure #11A: N.Y.C., Duane & Church Streets, 06.10.02, 3:07 p.m., Inkjet prints, 61.12 x 81.6 centimeters, 2002, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California

Monday's image: August 20, 2018

Richard Long, A Square of Ground, Painted plaster on plywood base, 95 x 320 x 270 millimeters, 1966, Tate Gallery, U.K.

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Monday's image: April 16, 2018

Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, late Dynasty II - early Dynasty, Model of men herding cattle, Wood, 63 x 18 x 26 centimeters, 2010-1961 B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Massachusetts

Monday's image: February 19, 2018

Robert Overby, Hall painting, first floor, Latex rubber, plaster, paint, and burnt wood, 107.5 x 78 inches, 1971, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California

Monday's image: July 3, 2017

Jim Goldberg, Watching Oprah, Chromogenic print mounted on aluminum, 40 x 50 inches, 2004, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California