cattle — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Rita M. Ling, Galway Cow , Limestone, 273 × 286 × 356 millimeters, 1954, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaM.Ling , limestone , sculpture , GalwayCow , TateUK , DeStandaard , Belgium , farmers , cattle , Whatdoourfarmersreallywant? , "Wepayourselves1000Eurospermonth" , Badnewsforthesnackers , chocolatebar , silverwrapping , sandybeachfront , fences , DunesofDePanne , rescuedfromhandsofdevelopers , Notonlyfarmers , fishermenhaveconcerns , quotasandsubsidies , Afteryearsofrecovery , fishstocksaredecliningagain , Itwasalreadyabadshrimpyear , nowfishermencatchlesssole , atgloballevel , effortsbeingmade , endsubsidiesthatencourageoverfishing , EuropeanandFlemishsupportforseafisheries , 5to6billionEurosannually , "Ilovemyboysbutstrugglewithroleastheirfather" , verywindy , cold , cloudyskies
Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, late Dynasty II - early Dynasty, Model of men herding cattle , Wood, 63 x 18 x 26 centimeters, 2010-1961 B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: Egyptian , MiddleKingdom , Egypt , Djehutynakht , model , sculpture , wood , MFABoston , TheAncientWorld , NYTimes , portraiture , menherdingcattle , EphraimDhlamini , MeshackNcongwane , Vrede , SouthAfrica , pastorallandscape , field , cattle , grass , roadside , runningfigures , blueplaid , sideviewmirror , carwindow , blurryprofile , suspiciousdairyproject , questionsdismissed , PresidentJacobZuma , scandal-plagued , recentlyousted , crowd , supporters , handsraised , greenjackets , yellow , women , men , 'TheyEatMoney' , HowGraftEnriches , Mandela'sPoliticalHeirs , Beirut , Lebanon , SyrianStrike , AttractsTalk , NotChanges , Assad'sStranglehold , StillUnchallenged , civilwar , WashingtonDC , TrumpToPunishRussia , ForAidingAttackBySyria , 3rdRoundOfSanctions , MessagetoMoscow , ItsAlly's , SuspectedChemicalArsenal , NewYork , Trump'sHometown , NewLegalThreat , WithLongArms , GeoffreySBerman , USAttorney , RobertSKhuzami , DeputyUSAttorney , lawyer , MichaelDCohen , threemeninsuits , JamesComey , Interview , ABCNews , LaunchesAll-OutWar , AgainstPresidentTrump , "AHigherLoyalty" , tell-allmemoir , GeorgeStephanopoulos , "20/20" , cloudy , morningheavyrain , storm , afternoonshower