colder — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: JeromeCaja , painting , mixedmedia , nailpolish , SFMoMA , California , NYTimes , FlashFlood , CoalRunKentucky , homesunderwater , flooding , Munich , WesternAlliesOnBrinkOfFatefulRift , EuropeansFearPutinWantstoSplitNATO , tariffs , Tit-For-TatRates , SetWorldStageForTariffHavoc , RiskofSupplyStrain , reciprocaltariffs , WashingtonDC , Trump'sProposaltoSeizeGaza , HoversOverRubio'sIsraelVisit , SecretaryofStateMarcoRubio , "RivieraoftheMiddleEast" , Fundraisingslowdown , LiberalDonorsPullBackCash , text , Project2025TrumpAdministration , morethan60ofPresidentTrump'sdirectivesmirrorProject2025proposals , Dementia , HowDementiaDerailsPlansforAssistedDying , WithCostofEggsSoaring , BreakfastDinersFeelthePinch , sunnysideupeggs , eggwholesalepriceshitnewhigh , $8.11perdozen , verywindy , windgustspast40m.p.h. , partlycloudy , colder
Jacqueline Bret-André, Esquisse pour La Fraternité , Pastel and gouache on paper, 37 x 27 centimeters, before 1962, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: JacquelineBret-André , paintingonpaper , pastel , gouache , figurepainting , flags , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Brussels , PresidentBiden , peaceplanforGaza , lukewarmreception , Three-stepplanforpeace , U.S.PresidentJoeBidenhopestostopwarinGaza , planmetwithmixedreactioninIsrael , ProtestsinTelAviv , demonstratorscarriedbanner , callingforhelp , Israeliflags , BIDENSAVETHEMFROMNETANYAHU , 'Theplanhasverylittlechanceofsuccess' , BrigitteHerremansUGent , "Itistimetoendthiswar" , JoeBiden , JenniferLopez , portraiture , Thestruggleofsuperstaragainstherimage , finalweekofcampaigning , elections , Belgiumheadstothepolls , snails , Whysnailsareannoyingguests , 'Theyhaveanengagingsexlife' , sell-out , MarinaAbramović , cloudy , colder
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Tags: MartinWong , closed , metalgates , chainsandpadlocks , buildingexterior , acryliconcanvas , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , firefighters , residentialbuilding , brickfacade , fireengines , ladders , FDNY , Americanflag , firefightersrespondtoblaze , East181stStreet , victimsoneveryfloor , 19-storyapartmentbuilding , Bronx , BlazeDevastatesBronxHigh-Rise , TollIs'Horrific' , ARushtoEscape , asSmokePoursIn , TwinParksNorthWesttower , 19DieinCity'sWorstFireinDecades , malfunctioningspaceheater , Rescuersbattledthicksmoke , tohelpvictimsgetout , Susanville , California , 'NothingWillBetheSame' , PrisonClosureDismaysTown , abouthalfofadultsworkattwostateprisons , CaliforniaCorrectionalCenter , HighDesert , Chicago , InStruggleWithOmicron , OneConstantIsChange , NewWarnings , DismayDisruptandConfuse , Omicronvariant , I.C.U. , WesternReserveHospitalOhio , nurses , PPE , hospitalbed , patient , drive-through , Covidtesting , NewOrleans , backtoschool , LakewoodSchool , students , Dallas , gettingvaccinated , Mississippi , Kyiv , Ukraine , UkraineQuietlyTriesItOwnTalksWithRussia , FeelsSidelined , U.S.andNATOnegotiate , WashingtonDC , QuestionsMount , DeadlyChasesonBorder , U.S.Mexicoborder , WhatMeasures , ShouldBeUsedinPursuits? , caraccident , drivingwithundocumentedimmigrants , ErikA.Molix , U.S.BorderPatrol , partlytomostlycloudy , brisk , colder
Brian Jungen, Warrior I , Nike Air Jordans, leather, 39 x 32 x 29 inches, 2017, Dallas Museum of Art , Texas
Tags: BrianJungen , warrior , mixedmedia , sculpture , NikeAirJordans , shoelaces , leather , DallasMuseumofArt , Texas , NYTimes , streetscene , fathers , children , EnriqueValenzuela , coordinatorforMexicangovernment , migrationefforts , advisingmigrants , deniedentryintoU.S. , MigrantCascade , StrainsSheltersNearU.S.Border , ShockAndDesperation , ScoresArePushedBack , AsMoreChildrenMakeJourney , CiudadJuárez , families , walkedunsteadilyinsneakers , shoelaceswereconfiscated , allpersonalitemsdiscarded , USCustomsandBorderProtection , beachscene , sandbags , waves , bluesky , waterfronthomes , Buxton , NorthCarolina , townreplenishedsandin2018 , muchofithaswashedaway , TinyTownAsks , WhoPaystoFightaRisingSea? , EndlessStruggleWithBeachErosion , AlongtheOuterBanks , climatechange , ProudBoysGotBigger , AsPoliceLookedAway , UntilJanuary6 , AgenciesSawLittleThreat , attackonU.S.Capitol , portrait , Americanflag , EnriqueTarrio , JosephBiggs , targetoffederalinquiry , Albany , VaccineCzar , LarrySchwartz , WorksPhonesToAidCuomo , formertopaide , leadingNewYork'svaccinationefforts , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , On5thAvenue , SymbolofIrishAmericaTeeters , Uproar , GroupListsMansionforSale , hometoAmericanIrishHistoricalSociety , symbolizedimmigrantascent , IrishAmerica , BetweenPrayers , ClergyPreachFaithinVaccine , DispellingMyths , OfferingReassurance , GatheringPlace , evangelicalchurch , OrlandoFlorida , Rev.GabrielSalguero , sermononCovid-19vaccine , "Ingettingyourselfvaccinatedyouarehelpingyourneighbor" , sunshine , brisk , colder
Craig Kauffman, Le Mur s'en va (The wall goes away) , Synthetic polymer on acrylic plastic, 185.4 x 120 x 22.9 centimeters, 1969, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: CraigKauffman , painting , acrylicplastic , sculpture , transparency , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , portraiture , youngcouple , pub , interior , pintglasses , Brighton , UnitedKingdom , brownblue , lights , AlexMcIntyre , 19 , affectedbybudgetcuts , inchildhood , turnedtosocialism , "Austerity" , "that'swhatIknow" , GrowingUpLean , GivingUpOnCapitalism , Britain'sBigSqueeze , AGenerationalShift , WelfareReformAct , NovaraMedia , "crisisofcapitalism" , youngvoters , LabourParty , JeremyCorbyn , VaticanCity , Italy , FrancisInvokes , 'All-OutBattle' , OnSexualAbuse , CallsToStop'Wolves' , VividSpeech , PopeFrancis , CriticizedForLackingConcreteReforms , PopeFrancisonSunday , Vaticanmeeting , greenvestment , whitecollar , goldcross , blurrypinkhats , abusescandals , threateningcredibilityofpapacy , Jerusalem , Israel'sLeader , StakesHisFate , OnRacistParty , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , cuttingdeals , artform , turnedtoextremistparty , OtzmaYehudit , JewishPower , mergeintomainstreamparty , JewishHome , Nephi , Utah , TheModerates , TakeaGrilling , BackatHome , LeftWing's'Rhetoric' , UpsetsConstituents , RepresentativeBenMcAdams , "socialism" , "anti-Semitism" , RepresentativeHaleyStevens , RepresentativeAbigailSpanberger , interpartytussle , betweenliberalsandmoderates , WashingtonDC , U.S.DelaysRise , InChinaTariffs , CitingProgress , $200billion , Chineseimports , tradetalks , PresidentXiJinping , NoHost , NoBigSweep , wide-open , Oscarsceremony , SpikeLee , bestadaptedscreenplay , "BlacKkKlansman" , "GreenBook" , bestpicture , AlfonsoCuarón , bestdirector , "Roma" , purplesuitandhat , elation , oscarstatues , stage , menintuxedos , microphone , speeches , laughter , goldredbackround , silverglitter , Warsaw , Poland , MikePompeo , Trump'sTopDiplomat , FacesChallenge , WorldPushesBack , on'AmericaFirst' , MikePence , denouncedUnitedStates'closestallies , BritainFranceandGermany , forcoddlingIran , renouncingnucleardeal , Europeanstryingtosave , mostlysunny , colder , 50mphwinds , winddamage , NYTimes
Cypro-Classical II, Terracotta head of a woman with a veil , Cypriot, Terracotta, 8.3 centimeters, circa 400-310 B.C., The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Cypro-Classical , Cypriot , terracotta , 400-310BC , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , blackrock , brownearth , burntumber , yellowochre , ScouringaRiverofSludge , orange , firefighters , searchingforvictims , mining-damcollapse , Brazil , killedatleast58 , Fearsofseconddamfailure , promptedevacuations , WashingtonDC , BackInEarnest , CongressPushes , ToResetAgendas , Post-ShutdownEnergy , PursuingPriorities , WhileSeekingCompromise , BorderSecurity , U.S.Capitol , 116thCongress , willputdividedgovernment , tothetest , Low-Growth , Low-Inflation , Rut , KeepsWorldEconomyWavering , Fearsofimminentrecession , agingworkforce , inbiggesteconomies , weakgrowthinproductivity , excessiveglobalsavings , industrialcapacity , shortage , worldwidedemand , 12WhiteFaces , ReflectBlindSpot , inBigLaw , TopFirm'sClass , NewPartners , TouchesOffDiversityDebate , lawfirms , PaulWeiss , "pleasedtoannounce" , Linked-inImage , AbovetheLaw , widelyreadindustrywebsite , mockedfirm , "commitmenttoputtingthewhiteinwhiteshoe." , Columbia , SouthCarolina , ElizabethWarren , HopesVoters , AreUpFor'Nerd'Talk , "nerdout" , onemonthintopresidentialcampaign , passionforpolicyminutiae , Hancock , N.Y. , UpstateHavenforMuslims , FindsLittleSafety , ontheWeb , HolyIslamberg , settlementintendedasrefuge , targetofextremistgroups , Kabul , Afghanistan , threewomenandchild , lightblue , pink , copper , metaldoors , fence , brightsunlight , shadows , AfghanWomenWantPeace , TheyAlsoFearIt , Manyworry , peacedeal , givingTaliban , shareofpower , wouldsetbackwomen'srights , ankle-lengthburqa , folds , veiled , mostlysunny , colder
General Idea, Cornucopia: The Birth of Red, White and Blue from Fear Management , One from a portfolio of eight screenprints, with hand additions, 32 15/16 x 21 15/16 inches, 1987, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: GeneralIdea , artcollective , collaboration , screenprint , FearManagement , MoMA , NYTimes , NewYork , JFKairport , airportprotests , executiveorder , PresidentTrump , Muslimban , immigration , globalconfusion , WashingtonDC , backlashalarmsGOP , GreenCardholders , GreenCardsexempt , HeadsofMuslimNations , conspicuouslysilent , familialdespair , artistsinlimbo , techworlddenounced , WhiteHousedemonstration , women'shealth , StephenBannon , AdviserSeizesSecurityRole , Generalsout , NationalSecurityCouncil , Yemenraid , AntiterrorOperation , constitutionalconflict , courtsblockexecutiveorder , courtcompliance , familyreunions , morningflurries , sunshine , colder
Tags: KenPrice , sculpture , clay , NYTimes , China , seasofsand , climatechange , GobiDesert , migration , PresidentObama , GOP , Statehouses , staterepresentatives , localelections , 2016election , HillaryClinton , DemocraticParty , earlyvoting , DonaldTrump , NorthCarolina , AT&T , TimeWarner , communicationsmonopoly , sunshine , windy , seasonabletemperatures , colder