RemcoEvenepoel — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Gérard Fromanger, MANIFESTANTS , Silkscreen on Bristol paper, Part of the portfolio LE ROUGE , consisting of 22 elements, Edition: 1/90, 60 x 89 centimeters, 1968, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: GérardFromanger , MANIFESTANTS , LEROUGE , printportfolio , silkscreen , serigraphy , printedition , 1968 , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Belgium , Brussels , Olympics2024 , BelgianOlympicathletes , Olympicmedals , ParisOlympics2024 , WeekendFullofBelgianEmotionsattheGames , knockoutperformances , RemcoEvenepoel , Cycling , LotteKopecky , NinaDerwael , BelgianCats , basketball , MilitaryMuscleintheMiddleEast , HowsafeisIsraelfromwrathofIranandHezbollah? , EmergencyshelterforasylumseekersstormedinU.K. , civilunrest , protests , policebarriers , 'summerofdiscontent' , northernEnglishtownofRotherham , anti-immigrationdemonstrators , stormedHolidayInnhotelhousingasylumseekers , maskedprotesterholdssmoketorch , pinksmoke , underbattlecry"Getthemout" , counteractionsbyanti-racismdemonstrators , PrimeMinisterKeirStarmer , despiteunrestinthecountryhewillgoonvacation , Adele , popstar , singer , comebackconcertinMunich , 'Adeleissuperstartowhomlawsofnaturedonotapply' , AarschotOnTheWindingPathofGwendolynRutten , GwendolynRutten , MayorofAarschot , 'Shedoesn'tchooseforthecitybutforherself' , sunnyskies , warm
Liliane Lijn, Headborn , Glass, bronze and leather, 414 x 303 x 285 millimeters, 1987-90, Tate , U.K.
Tags: LilianeLijn , sculpture , glass , bronze , leather , mixedmedia , bluelines , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , animation , Futurama , Season12getsunderway , Doescultseries'Futurama'stillhaveafuture? , Noisesurveyof'TheCause' , Annoyancenumberone , fouroutoffiveFlemings , trafficnoise , Thensummerafterall , icecream , children , Butarebarsandpotatocropsstillsalvageable? , 'TheyDumpedMeInTheDesert' , themigrationdealwithTunisia , FranciscoSchuster , Belgianvoiceactor , "Proust'sQuestions" , 'InhighschoolIstartedpraying' , 'Itgivesmecourageandstrength' , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , helmet , Cycling , Olympicgoldagainsttheclock , nowontotheroadrace , HealreadyhadEuropeanandworldchampiononhisrecord , nowRemcoEvenepoelcanaddOlympicchampiontothatlist , Onaslipperycourse , Heclockedthefastesttimeinthetimetrial , WithEvenepoeleverythingispossible , Olympics2024 , sunny , warm , clearskies
Rose Mandel, Waiting For Godot (Window Series - Pleated Curtain), Gelatin silver print, 11.7 x 9.21 centimeters, 1957, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: RoseMandel , photography , WindowSeries , PleatedCurtain , gelatinsilverprint , LACMA , LosAngeles , Belgium , DeMorgen , PresidentJoeBiden , What'sNext? , afterdepartureofJoeBidenas presidentialcandidate? , stage , bluecurtain , plants , manwalkingoffthestage , 'TheDemocratsareenteringintocompletelyunchartedterritory' , BidenpushesVicePresidentKamalaHarrisforward , goodidea? , TomorrowlandForTwentyYearsToday , Withgrandeurcomesgreatresponsibility , RemcoEvenepoel , Beingthirdinfirsttour , 'Andnowthewhiningabouthisteammaystop' , sunny , warm , clouds
Tags: Ramah , Henri-FrançoisRaemaeker , EmileVerhaeren , LesVillagesillusoires , poetry , printmaking , etching , blackandwhite , MSKGent , Belgium , LeSoir , Masksoff , Francevs.Belgium , soccer , BelgianProLeague , KevinDeBruyne , TadejPogačar , professionalbicycleracing , Pogacaralreadyinyellow , Evenepoelwellontheway , RemcoEvenepoel , Soclosetopower , MarineLePen , JordanBardella , Frenchelection , LePenandBardella'sRNcomeoutontop , voting , NationalRally , 1stroundFrenchparliamentaryelections , aheadofleft-wingfront , Macroniecollapses , EmmanuelMacron , there'sstillaweektopreventfarright , fromobtainingabsolutemajorityinAssembly , periodbetweenpromisestobestormy , IsRepublicanfronttocounterRN? , Apopularcoronationthatcrucifiesthepoliticalclass , Frenchvote , showsbankruptcyofpoliciesfordecades , negligenceofthosewhoembodiedthem , legaldeadlines , BelgiumtodobetterbyCouncilofEurope , realestatepricescontinuetorise , showersleavingthesoutheast , changingskies , largerclearingsalongthecoast
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Pearl Perlmuter, Political prisoner , Terracotta, plaster, paint, 50.5 x 39 x 27 centimeters, 1951, Kröller-Müller Museum , The Netherlands
Tags: PearlPerlmuter , politicalprisoner , sculpture , terracotta , plaster , paint , Kröller-MüllerMuseum , TheNetherlands , LeSoir , Brussels , SurafromKoraninparliament , backgroundofthecontroversy , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , firstwins , afterTourofAlgarve , Soccer , UnionandAnderlechtdowell , protesters , poster , #freenavalny , crowd , AlexeiNavalny , theworldinsearchofthetruth , manyquestionsremainunanswered , Navalny'sdeath , manytributesinRussiaandelsewhere , Autopsystillpending , Thecoalitionsystemisnolongerconvincing , Belgiumisnotimmunetopolarization , studybyULBandLeSoir , Votersaremoredivided , lessandlesssupportiveofpoliticalcompromise , Belgianshavelesssympathyfortheextremes , survey , measureslevelofsupportorrejectionofpoliticalpartiesbypopulation , VlaamsBelang , PTB , viewedwithgreatestdistrust , especiallyvotersforotherparties , ecologistsviewedpositively , FlemishmorepositiveaboutWalloonsthanviceversa , Theeternal"usversusthem"threattodemocracy , Theconclusionsarecrystalclear , whoeversowsdivision , byshoutingtheloudestreapsdistrust , cloudyskies , cold , rainshowers
Šejla Kamerić , Ballot Box , Calcareous sandstone, granite, rope, wax, 60 x 46 x 46 centimeters, 50 x 50 x 50 centimeters, 2012, Art Collection Telekom , Germany
Tags: ŠejlaKamerić , ballotbox , sculpture , plinth , sandstone , granite , rope , wax , ArtCollectionTelekom , Germany , DeMorgen , Brussels , historicballotboxforTurkey , Turkishpresidentialelection , determinesfutureofcountry , RecepTayyipErdoğan , ifcurrentpresidentmakesit , continuationofconservativeanti-Europeancourse , challenger , KemalKılıçdaroğlu , oppositionleader , possiblereversalintheworks , OneSecondIsEnough , professionalbicycleracing , timetrial , Giro-leader , RemcoEvenepoel , winner , visitingschoolgroups , Utrecht , pre-schoolerslearnwhoJuliusCaesaris , insteadofplayingshop , TheMole , floralgreen , portraiture , explainshowshesabotaged , Eurovision , adivinetorture , anti-tobaccopolicygettingstronger , JoëlDeCeulaer , lookingforwardtofirstsmoke-freegeneration , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Iprayalotthatoffersmerest' , cloudyconditions , rainanddrizzle