printportfolio — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Gérard Fromanger, MANIFESTANTS , Silkscreen on Bristol paper, Part of the portfolio LE ROUGE , consisting of 22 elements, Edition: 1/90, 60 x 89 centimeters, 1968, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: GérardFromanger , MANIFESTANTS , LEROUGE , printportfolio , silkscreen , serigraphy , printedition , 1968 , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Belgium , Brussels , Olympics2024 , BelgianOlympicathletes , Olympicmedals , ParisOlympics2024 , WeekendFullofBelgianEmotionsattheGames , knockoutperformances , RemcoEvenepoel , Cycling , LotteKopecky , NinaDerwael , BelgianCats , basketball , MilitaryMuscleintheMiddleEast , HowsafeisIsraelfromwrathofIranandHezbollah? , EmergencyshelterforasylumseekersstormedinU.K. , civilunrest , protests , policebarriers , 'summerofdiscontent' , northernEnglishtownofRotherham , anti-immigrationdemonstrators , stormedHolidayInnhotelhousingasylumseekers , maskedprotesterholdssmoketorch , pinksmoke , underbattlecry"Getthemout" , counteractionsbyanti-racismdemonstrators , PrimeMinisterKeirStarmer , despiteunrestinthecountryhewillgoonvacation , Adele , popstar , singer , comebackconcertinMunich , 'Adeleissuperstartowhomlawsofnaturedonotapply' , AarschotOnTheWindingPathofGwendolynRutten , GwendolynRutten , MayorofAarschot , 'Shedoesn'tchooseforthecitybutforherself' , sunnyskies , warm
David Wojnarowicz, Untitled (Burning House) , Stencil and spray paint, Print, Part of portfolio, 60.8 x 45.5 centimeters, 1982, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: DavidWojnarowicz , untitled , BurningHouse , print , stencil , spraypaint , printportfolio , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , U.S.Capitol , ArmyNationalGuard , protection , fourdaysafterdeadlyrioting , militaryuniforms , bluesky , ThreatofMoreViolence , WeighsonInauguration , D.C.Mayor , MayorMurielE.Bowser , DemandsFasterPreparations , AfterCapitolSiege , DepartmentofHomelandSecurity , Capitolcomplex , troopdeployments , seven-foottallunscalablefencing , FloodofFailures , LetMobRampageThroughCapitol , IgnoredWarnings , LackofPreparation , SlowResponsetoDanger , WashingtonDC , ChiefStevenSund , CapitolPolice , "Thesituationisdire" , MetropolitanPolice , rebuffedoffersforhelpfromtheNationalGuarddaysbefore , AWebHaven , ForTrumpFans , FacestheVoid , JohnMatze , "TheywillNOTwin!" , Parler , "freespeech"socialnetwork , AppleandGoogle , removedParlerfromappstores , Amazonwouldnolongerhostthesite , Moscow , HowLeadersBendReality , WithBigLies , GeorgeF.Kennan , 1944 , U.S.EmbassyinMoscow , "itispossibletomakethemfeelandbelievepracticallyanything" , Machiavelli , "onewhodeceiveswillalwaysfindthosewhoallowthemselvestobedeceived." , RaceToImpeach , SpeakerNancyPelosiofCalifornia , PelosiUrgesCabinetToAct , UltimatumOf24Hours , TrumpRemainsDefiant , MomentumShiftsAgainstHim , Morethan210of222DemocratsintheHouse , nearlyamajority , hadalreadysignedontoanimpeachmentresolution , ASnakingLine , ToNoVaccine , Florida'sBigRolloutSputters , Miami , womencarryinglawnchairs , outdoorscene , Preparingforlongwaitforvaccines , FortMyers , Florida , somerecentlycampedoutovernight , hopesofgettingashot , Floridaisinalarmingnewupwardspiral , Covid-19 , well-intendedeffort , longlines , confusion , disappointment , cloudy , theneveningsunshine