militaryuniforms — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
John Marin, City Construction , Watercolor and charcoal on paper, 35 x 30 inches, 1932, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: JohnMarin , CityConstruction , watercolor , charcoal , worksonpaper , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , militarycadets , marching , Moscow , militaryuniforms , childreninRussia , indoctrinatedthroughlessons , extracurricularactivities , bluewhite , sailors , militarythemes , DesireBehindPutin'sWar , WiderConflictWithWest , AppealtoHistoryandNationalism , RousesManyFrightensSome , Ukrainewar , MoreBridgesHit , Ukrainegrownbolder , attackingships , firingdronesatMoscow , RobertF.KennedyJr. , JackSchlossberg , socialmedia , Kennedyfamily , Kennedy'sBidForPresidencyJoltsCamelot , TooManyPolice? , UneasyAllianceinAustin , TexasTroopersBolsterShorthandedForce , RiftEmerges , womenssoccer , grassfield , womeninsports , UnitedStatesteamlosttoSweden , failingtoreachsemifinals , U.S.ReignatWorldCupEnds'byaMillimeter' , soccerlegacy , MeganRapinoe , leavesamarkbeyondthefield , TrashTalkAcrosstheHudson , CongestionPricingFight , Pro-ClimateGovernorSupportsDrivers , NewJersey , GovernorPhilipD.Murphy , LincolnTunnel , aerialview , connectingNewYorkandNewJersey , morningshowers , thunderstorms
Dmitri Prigov, Wherever the Motherland May Send Us , Ink and correction fluid on paper, 163 x 163 centimeters, 1978, Tate , U.K.
Tags: DmitriPrigov , poetry , text , drawing , poetrygrams , visualpoems , ink , blackandwhite , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , 'Val'Bachmut , possiblechanceforUkraine , RussiasaysithasfullcontrolofBachmut , after9monthsoffighting , Ukrainedeniesclaim , battleforcity , become"anopportunityforKiev" , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Gradmissilelauncher , Bachmut , militaryuniforms , camouflage , sighting , inposition , brownolivegreen , portraiture , TinneOltmans , actress , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Ihavearathercrazyrelationshipwithmybody' , municipalities , maps , getshortpractice , 'Thespreadisnotgood' , Howstrongisthecordonstillstanding? , BartDeWever , consideringstrategies , mapofBachmut , yelloworangepeach , territories , Whiskydrinker , COREFestival , stage , strobelights , stagelights , performance , cloudyconditions
Oscar Bony, 60 metros cuadrados y su información (60 Square Meters and Its Information) , 16mm black and white film, silent, 3:30 minutes, 16mm projector, metal support, freestanding wall, wire netting, and text on paper, 237 x 393 inches, 1967, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: OscarBony , 16mmfilm , blackandwhitefilm , silentfilm , installation , wirenetting , 16mmprojector , MoMA , NYTimes , governmentbuildings , fortified , highalert , St.Paul , Minnesota , Lansing , Michigan , U.S.Capitol , WashingtonDC , Columbus , Ohio , fences , barbedwire , NationalGuard , policeinuniform , yellowjacketsblackpants , militaryuniforms , camouflage , Americanflag , protester , sign , AShowofStrength , No-ShowProtesters , RepublicansSpinCapitolAttack , BarrageofMisinformation , rhetoricalshift , FoxNews , thenetworkamplifiedlies , radicalizedTrumpsupporters , WeJustFollowedTrump'sCue , SeveralAccusedinRiotingSay , Trumployalists , shiftingblame , far-leftanti-fascists , BlackLivesMatteractivists , somesupporters , directlyimplicatedMr.Trump , "thepresident'sinstructions" , "answeredthecallofmypresident" , 400000DeathsinaYear , FailureatEveryLevel , WithNoUnifiedVirusPlan , StatesBattledExperts , Lobbyists , andthePublic , politicalpolarization , rejectionofscience , womanwithhat , holdingsign , "FreedomoverSafety" , streetscene , protestinglockdowns , HuntingtonBeach , California , lastMay , TheoryBuckles , ButQAnonFanHangsOnTight , conspiracytheories , memes , Facebook , Twitter , PardonSeason , EnrichesAllies , OfthePresident , accesspeddling , pardonlobbying , AlekseiA.Navalny , portraiture , photographers , journalists , cameraphones , Berlin , airplanecabin , greenjacket , masks , InBattleofWillsWithPutin , NavalnyIsJailed , MoscowReturn , "Iamnotafraid" , Mr.Navalnytoldreporters , Moscowairport , blustery , partialsunshine
David Wojnarowicz, Untitled (Burning House) , Stencil and spray paint, Print, Part of portfolio, 60.8 x 45.5 centimeters, 1982, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: DavidWojnarowicz , untitled , BurningHouse , print , stencil , spraypaint , printportfolio , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , U.S.Capitol , ArmyNationalGuard , protection , fourdaysafterdeadlyrioting , militaryuniforms , bluesky , ThreatofMoreViolence , WeighsonInauguration , D.C.Mayor , MayorMurielE.Bowser , DemandsFasterPreparations , AfterCapitolSiege , DepartmentofHomelandSecurity , Capitolcomplex , troopdeployments , seven-foottallunscalablefencing , FloodofFailures , LetMobRampageThroughCapitol , IgnoredWarnings , LackofPreparation , SlowResponsetoDanger , WashingtonDC , ChiefStevenSund , CapitolPolice , "Thesituationisdire" , MetropolitanPolice , rebuffedoffersforhelpfromtheNationalGuarddaysbefore , AWebHaven , ForTrumpFans , FacestheVoid , JohnMatze , "TheywillNOTwin!" , Parler , "freespeech"socialnetwork , AppleandGoogle , removedParlerfromappstores , Amazonwouldnolongerhostthesite , Moscow , HowLeadersBendReality , WithBigLies , GeorgeF.Kennan , 1944 , U.S.EmbassyinMoscow , "itispossibletomakethemfeelandbelievepracticallyanything" , Machiavelli , "onewhodeceiveswillalwaysfindthosewhoallowthemselvestobedeceived." , RaceToImpeach , SpeakerNancyPelosiofCalifornia , PelosiUrgesCabinetToAct , UltimatumOf24Hours , TrumpRemainsDefiant , MomentumShiftsAgainstHim , Morethan210of222DemocratsintheHouse , nearlyamajority , hadalreadysignedontoanimpeachmentresolution , ASnakingLine , ToNoVaccine , Florida'sBigRolloutSputters , Miami , womencarryinglawnchairs , outdoorscene , Preparingforlongwaitforvaccines , FortMyers , Florida , somerecentlycampedoutovernight , hopesofgettingashot , Floridaisinalarmingnewupwardspiral , Covid-19 , well-intendedeffort , longlines , confusion , disappointment , cloudy , theneveningsunshine
Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla, Balance of Power , Performance, 3 people, Dimensions: none, 2007, Tate , U.K.
Tags: AlloraCalzadilla , performance , militarycostume , publicspace , TateUK , NYTimes , London , Crossrail , tunnel , Europe , infrastructure , TottenhamCourtRoad , construction , orangeuniforms , PresidentTrump , turmoil , ConfoundingGOPAgenda , LoyalistsPointFingers , endlesssequence , disappointmentsandblunders , WashingtonDC , Moscow , ResponseToSanctions , EscalatesDispute , EvokesColdWar , USMustReduceDiplomaticStaff , VladimirPutin , newrelationshipwithWashington , hasbackfired , SanAntonio , Texas , Migrants , Perilon18Wheels , Weweredesperate , truck-smugglingoperation , ProfitMachine , InnerMongolia , Chinesesoldiers , parade , celebration , 90thanniversary , Chinesearmy , PresidentXiJinping , solidifypower , militaryuniforms , marchinginunison , stance , BrexitClouds , NewSubway'sPromise , LosingLondon , NewEra , EndofOne , mostlysunny , warmer , lowhumidity