celebration — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Richard Tuttle, Celebration #1 , Pencil and acrylic colors on foamcore and cardboard, 49.5 x 38 x 1 centimeters, 2003, Kunst Museum Winterthur , Switzerland
Tags: RichardTuttle , celebration , mixedmedia , painting , sculpture , KunstMuseumWinterthur , Switzerland , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , GaelicPlayers'Association , Fagin'sLaw , 'willfail'ifitreliesonchildrentotestify , CriminalJusticeBill2023 , drugtrade , childrenarebeingusedtoferrydrugsforcriminalgangs , Pandemicbonus , HSE , paidto45%ofagencystaff , frontlinepublichealthcareworkers , Celticcross , landscape , FivewalksonIrishCamino , passageintomidlife , innermaidenflourishintowilderwiserwoman , LeavingCert , Allhandsondeck , boats , harbor , sunnyconditions , warm
David Claerbout, the “confetti” piece , Double-channel video projection, 3D animation, silent, color, 18’ 25”, 2015-2018, Kunst Museum Winterthur , Switzerland (Note: Video installation edit is hyperlinked via the artwork title).
Tags: DavidClaerbout , theconfettipiece , doublechannelvideoprojection , 3Danimation , KunstMuseumWinterthur , Switzerland , NYTimes , confetti , celebration , trophies , women'sbasketball , LouisianaState , wonfirstnationaltitle , AngelReese , BlissontheBayou , winners , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , AnAppetiteForAttention , GoodorBad , Ex-President , AtHomeInIndictment'sGlare , WashingtonDC , AsArrestNears , TrumpIsSeeingPoliticalGains , AFund-RaisingFlurry , SomeCriticsDefendHim , AidesAdviseHimToTreadLightly , MariaLvova-Belova , portraiture , globalcourtaccusesherofwarcrimes , ToRussiaARescuerofChildren , ToUkraineSheIsaKidnapper , DemocratsRunonAbortion , EvenForOfficesWithoutaSay , GreenBayWisconsin , EricGenrich , Roev.Wade , U.S.BlacklistedSpywareFirm , SecretlytheTwoHadaDeal , NSOGroup , CorcoranCalifornia , CaliforniaCentralValley , LakeThatWasDrained , WreaksRevengeinCaliforniaValley , reappearanceofTulareLake , afterseriesofstorms , notwelcomedbylocalfarmers , timesofcloudsandsomesunshine
Tags: S.E.CasadeMoneda , coin , 100pesos , specialcirculation , PesoLeyLine18.188 , aluminumbronze , MuseoHistóricoyNumismáticoHéctorCarlosJanson , BuenosAires , Argentina , NYTimes , WorldCup , goldtrophy , goldmedals , blueandwhiteuniforms , soccer , LionelMessi , celebration , twogoalsagainstFrance , helpedArgentinaend36-yeardrought , Messi'sMagic , EndsAnguishForArgentina , Qatar , Peru , PeruvianCityProcessesPain , FatalClash , 9areKilledinProtest , OverArrestofEx-President , PedroCastillo , aerialview , crowds , mourning , flagdrapedcoffin , Peruvianflag , ClemerFabricioRojas , killedwhileprotesting , Ayacuchoregion , stateofemergency , ElectionVictor , HasBigHolesInHisRésumé , ClaimsofPastSuccess , Don'tCheckOut , GeorgeSantos , Republican , electedtoCongress , LongIsland , SeditionTrialForProudBoys , January6Role , FiveAreFacingPrison , Prosecutors , AimtoShowMenPlotted , StopTransferofPower , "normies" , Trump'sWeek , theformerpresident , awaitsdecisionsonhistaxes , andcriminalreferral , Streaming'sGoldenAge , SuddenlyDimming , AfterYearsofGrowth , NewTVSeriesFlag , PeakTVhaspeaked , Telescope'sName , IgnitesFightonHomophobia , PersonalBarbs , DrivingDebateOverWebb , NASA , deep-spacetelescope , JamesE.Webb , plentyofsunshine , windy
José Clemente Orozco, Two Hands , Lithograph, Publisher: Delphic Studios, Edition of 100, 42.8 x 23 centimeters, Date unknown, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: JoséClementeOrozco , lithography , DelphicStudios , edition , twohands , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , manholdingmobilephoneintwohands , photoofdaughter , phonescreen , 'AfteralltheseyearsIamgoingtoseehercadaver.' , MaynorMelendrez , showingaphotoofhisdaughterYesenia , whomhehadnotseensinceshewas6 , trafficaccident , aerialphotography , tractor-trailercollided , withovercrowdedcarofmigrants , lastmonth , desertnearHoltvilleCalifornia , Twelvepeopledeclareddeadatthescene , onelaterdiedathospital , 25inOneCar , ADireCrossing , EndedinGrief , HopeFearDeath , MigrationSurges , VotingLimits , RaisePressureOnCompanies , LawinGeorgia , CreatesTrickyLandscape , DeltaAirLines , steeppoliticalconsequences , ManyNeedFood , EnergizingPushToExpandRelief , Biden'sAmbitiousPlan , TensofBillionsforNow , HopestoMakeAidPermanent , WashingtonDC , Morethanonein10households , reportingtheylackenoughtoeat , RoyalConflict , ShakesJordan , RockofMideast , Amman , Jordan , long-simmeringrift , betweenKingAbdullahII , andformercrownprince , HamzahbinHussein , governmentaccusedPrinceHamzah , "destabilizingJordan'ssecurity" , UnderAttack , Asian-AmericansTurntoPolitics , GrowingForceatPolls , andontheballot , womeninbasketballuniforms , celebration , whiteblackreduniforms , StanfordTakestheCrown , TheCardinaledgedArizona , towintheirfirstwomen'sbasketballnationaltitle , since1992 , WhiteEvangelicalResistance , ObstacleinVaccinationEffort , mixofreligiousfaith , longstandingwarinessofmainstreamscience , broaderculturaldistrustofinstitutions , onlineconspiracytheories , mainlysunny , patchycloudslate , breezy , mild
Paul Kos, The Sound of Ice Melting, Two 25-pound blocks of ice, eight standing boom microphones, amplifier, and speaker, Dimensions variable, 1970, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: PaulKos , installation , ice , microphones , sculpture , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , "Parasite" , BongJoonHo , director , BestPictureOscar , firstfilmnotinEnglishlanguagetowin , winners , stage , blacktuxedos , goldenstatue , celebration , 'Parasite'Win , MakesHistoryAtOscars , AcademyAwards , 92yearsofOscarhistoryshattered , SouthKoreanhit , class-strugglethriller , "Weneverwritetorepresentourcountries" , BestOriginalScreenplay , HanJinWonBongJoonHo , wincameinwakeofprotest , OscarsSoWhite , Wuhan , China , InsideTheOutbreak , ContagionRipsThroughaFamily , 3GenerationsSickened , DesperateforCareinWuhan , coronavirus , Hazmat , DisinfectingShanghaioffice , Virusconcerns , forcedsomeChinesecitiestoshutdown , DesMoines , Iowa , BadApp , JustaLink , InIowa'sChainofFailure , WeakOversight , RushedPlanning , CrippledtheDemocraticCaucuses , Shadow , "codingissue" , CEOofShadow , GerardNiemira , veteranof2016HillaryClintoncampaign , Hooksett , NewHampshire , SandersandButtigiegFaceOff , TryingtoWhittleaRacetoTwo , NewHampshireprimary , InternetDelusion , OozesOffline , IntoRealWorld , QAnon , pro-Trumpconspiracytheory , "deepstate"traitors , plottingagainstthepresident , PoliticiansandCrimes , LinkstoQAnon , Korat , Thailand , 18DeadlyHours , ShakeThailandtoItsRoots , ShootingsBeganOverRealEstateDispute , cloudy , periodicrain , breezy , notaschilly
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Benjamin Armstrong, Old Friends , Blown-glass, pigment, plaster, wax, 104 x 36 x 17 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Contemporary Art , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BenjaminArmstrong , OldFriends , sculpture , blown-glass , pigment , plaster , wax , portraiture , eyes , MuseumofContemporaryArtAustralia , Sydney , PresidentTrump , KimJong-un , doubleportrait , bluesuits , redtie , securityguards , cameraman , bluerooftops , governmentbuilding , whitesteps , firstsittingUnitedStatespresident , tosetfoot , inNorthKorea , TwitterOverture , TrumpandKim , MeetOnNorthKoreanSoil , Seoul , SouthKorea , EyeingArms'Freeze' , EaseNewTalks , made-for-TV , spectacle , DemilitarizedZone , TwoLeadersAgree , RestartWorkonNuclearDeal , "Itisgoodtoseeyouagain" , Mr.Kimtoldthepresident , interpreter , "Bigmomentbigmoment" , Mr.TrumptoldMr.Kim , PleasantGrove , Alabama , CityUnmovedByIndictment , InFetusDeath , MarshaeJones , herunbornbabyfatallyshot , hatemailpouredin , "personhood"movement , fetusesrights , equality , rightsofmothers , BrooklynBound , TheWarriorssuperstar , KevinDurant , brightblueuniform , yellowtype , agreedtojointheNets , Denver , Colorado , Colorado'sMarijuanaExperiment , After5Years , NoRiseinTeenageUse , RacialDivideinArrestsPersists , blue-skyrhetoric , marijuanaindustry , sincerecreationalsales , morevisitstoemergencyrooms , NYC , PrideMarch , "IAmMe" , rainbowcolor , flags , celebration , women , "Thisiswheretherevolutionbegan" , PrismofPrideandRevelry , Born50YearsAgo , CelebratingStonewall , L.G.B.T.Q.Lives , FifthAvenue , GreenwichVillage , Berkeley , California , KamalaHarris , sisterandmother , home , 1970 , BusingThatDividedBerkeley , ShapedHarrisandHerPeers , Integration , segregation , Brownv.BoardofEducation , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , oppositiontomandatorybusing , NYTimes , sunshine , someclouds
Sam Francis, Towards Disappearance, II , Oil on canvas, 275.6 x 319.7 centimeters, Paris, 1957-58, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SamFrancis , painting , Paris , MoMA , NYTimes , HappyNewYear , 2018 , DropoftheBall , andtheMercury , NewYork , NewYear'sEverevelers , TimesSquare , 9-degreeweather , secondcoldestonrecord , confetti , celebration , explosionofcolor , paperfragments , colorclusters , vortex , IciestNewYear'sEve , in1917 , 1-degree , winter , ActivistsExploitEffort , ToExposeSexHarassment , MoneyTrailsAccusers , Concern , MovementCouldBeHarmed , byPoliticalPartisans , WashingtonDC , MeToo , Democrats , StateLeaders , TrytoCushion , TaxLaw'sJolt , GOPtaxbill , NewYorkCalifornia , andotherstates , efforttorestoredeductions , thattaxlawscaledback , Roseburg , Oregon , WalterSavage , 81yearsold , AirForceveteran , turnedawayfromV.A.hospital , V.A.DoctorsSay , RatingPushHurtsPatientCare , SomeDeniedAdmission , toProtectScore , portraiture , malnourishedandehydrated , arm , Police , Poland , EarningWagesforPyongyang , InPolishPort , HostingLaborers , FromOutcastState , welders , manoutsidedormitory , NorthKoreanshipyardworkers , Skolwin , plentyofsunshine , brisk , verycold , high19
Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla, Balance of Power , Performance, 3 people, Dimensions: none, 2007, Tate , U.K.
Tags: AlloraCalzadilla , performance , militarycostume , publicspace , TateUK , NYTimes , London , Crossrail , tunnel , Europe , infrastructure , TottenhamCourtRoad , construction , orangeuniforms , PresidentTrump , turmoil , ConfoundingGOPAgenda , LoyalistsPointFingers , endlesssequence , disappointmentsandblunders , WashingtonDC , Moscow , ResponseToSanctions , EscalatesDispute , EvokesColdWar , USMustReduceDiplomaticStaff , VladimirPutin , newrelationshipwithWashington , hasbackfired , SanAntonio , Texas , Migrants , Perilon18Wheels , Weweredesperate , truck-smugglingoperation , ProfitMachine , InnerMongolia , Chinesesoldiers , parade , celebration , 90thanniversary , Chinesearmy , PresidentXiJinping , solidifypower , militaryuniforms , marchinginunison , stance , BrexitClouds , NewSubway'sPromise , LosingLondon , NewEra , EndofOne , mostlysunny , warmer , lowhumidity