women'sbasketball — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: June 26, 2023

Tony Bloom, Alphaball Too, Steel, 48 x 48 x 48 inches, 2003, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Edmonton, AB, Canada

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Monday's image: April 3, 2023

David Claerbout, the “confetti” piece, Double-channel video projection, 3D animation, silent, color, 18’ 25”, 2015-2018, Kunst Museum Winterthur, Switzerland (Note: Video installation edit is hyperlinked via the artwork title).

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Monday's image: August 9, 2021

Japanese, Netsuke, Ivory, 3.7 x 4.3 x 2.2 centimeters, Undated, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey

Monday's image: April 2, 2018

Sheila Hicks, Blue Letter, Hand-woven wool, 17.75 x 17 inches, 1959, Museum of Modern Art, New York