women'sbasketball — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: TonyBloom , sculpture , publicart , steel , ball , letters , numbers , AlbertaFoundationfortheArts , Canada , DeMorgen , Brussels , landscape , militarytank , soldiers , camouflage , openroad , YevgenyPrigozhin , showsresistancetoPutinispossible , intheenditdidnotcometoabloodshed , mutiny , Wagnertroops , leavetracesinRussia , PrigozhinwentdirectlyagainstPutin'snarrative , Ukrainewar , Wagnersoldiersblockstreets , Rostov-on-Don , highlyuncertainwhetherPutincanrelyonsupport , WagnertroopsinUkraine , HarryStyles , performingartist , Werchter , musicfestival , RobbieWilliams , women'sbasketball , basketball , orangebasketball , sports , womeninbasketballuniforms , BelgianCats , historicaltitle , Europeanchampionship , upordown , HadjaLahbib(MR) , portraiture , womeningovernment , houroftruth , Vivaldi , cloudyconditions , windgusts
David Claerbout, the “confetti” piece , Double-channel video projection, 3D animation, silent, color, 18’ 25”, 2015-2018, Kunst Museum Winterthur , Switzerland (Note: Video installation edit is hyperlinked via the artwork title).
Tags: DavidClaerbout , theconfettipiece , doublechannelvideoprojection , 3Danimation , KunstMuseumWinterthur , Switzerland , NYTimes , confetti , celebration , trophies , women'sbasketball , LouisianaState , wonfirstnationaltitle , AngelReese , BlissontheBayou , winners , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , AnAppetiteForAttention , GoodorBad , Ex-President , AtHomeInIndictment'sGlare , WashingtonDC , AsArrestNears , TrumpIsSeeingPoliticalGains , AFund-RaisingFlurry , SomeCriticsDefendHim , AidesAdviseHimToTreadLightly , MariaLvova-Belova , portraiture , globalcourtaccusesherofwarcrimes , ToRussiaARescuerofChildren , ToUkraineSheIsaKidnapper , DemocratsRunonAbortion , EvenForOfficesWithoutaSay , GreenBayWisconsin , EricGenrich , Roev.Wade , U.S.BlacklistedSpywareFirm , SecretlytheTwoHadaDeal , NSOGroup , CorcoranCalifornia , CaliforniaCentralValley , LakeThatWasDrained , WreaksRevengeinCaliforniaValley , reappearanceofTulareLake , afterseriesofstorms , notwelcomedbylocalfarmers , timesofcloudsandsomesunshine
Tags: JapaneseArt , Netsuke , ivory , sculpture , portraiture , PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum , NewJersey , NYTimes , Tokyo2020 , TokyoOlympics , selfie , womenathletes , whiteuniforms , redblackuniforms , bandstands , cameras , phonecamera , AGlitteringFinish , Helpedbyitsseventhstraighttitle , women'sbasketball , U.S.endedatopthemedalcount , AHotterFutureIsNowInevitable , U.N.ReportSays , ScientistsUrgeImmediateSwitch , FromFossilFuels , toAvertGreaterPerils , humanshaveheatedtheplanet , by2degreesFahrenheit , sincethe19thcentury , byburningcoaloilandgasforenergy , significantjumpinextremeweather , WashingtonDC , SignalasU.S.MissionEnds , You'reOnYourOwn , AfghanForces , ReceiveScantAssistance , asIncursionsGrow , 3AfghanCities , FallToTaliban , InsurgentsMoveClosertoCementingPower , Kabul , Afghanistan , Kunduz , Sar-i-Pul , Taliqan , redwhitebluebuilding , roundabout , road , Talibanflag , blackandwhiteflag , flyinginKunduzAfghanistan , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sDeputy , ReadiesforCall , AsBossTeeters , deafeningcallsforhisresignation , outdoorscene , summer , Childrenracingon34thAvenue , Queens , closedtovehicles , togivepeoplemorespace , OnCar-FreeStreets , RethinkingUrbanLiving , ACityStirs , ALessoninQueens , 1.3-mile-longblockparty , LingeringCovid , DisruptsLivesOfYoungsters , post-Covid , neurologicalphysicalorpsychiatricsymptoms , partlysunny , humid
Tags: SheilaHicks , BlueLetter , textiles , wool , pattern , MoMA , NewYork , abstraction , portraiture , landscape , community , Berryville , Virginia , blue , green , neighborhoods , GarlandAshby , 'Acoupleofmonthsit'sinthenews' , 'andthenit'sgone' , RosieBanks , 'They'relookingforustogetbored.' , 'We'renotgoingtogetbored.' , GunControl , FallElections , MomentorMovement? , SilverSpring , Maryland , EagerRefugees , CourtedForJobs , InTightMarket , ChangingFaceOfWork , Undesirable , Low-PayingLabor , SnubbedbyManyinU.S. , Champions , women'sbasketball , 0:00.1 , Abuzzer-beater , ArikeOgunbowale , NotreDame , N.C.A.A.women'stitle , blueuniforms , namesandnumbers , elation , handsinmovement , joy , 'TheIceIsMelting' , DismantlingaPoliceState , Tashkent , Uzbekistan , JaredKushner , specialcounselinquiry , PoliticalPowerHasBackfiredForKushners , LiveNation , RosterofStars , LetsLiveNation , FlexTicketMuscles , world'sbiggestconcertpromoter , gridofrecordingartists , Jay-Z , Rihanna , portraitsinblue , WithBarelyAPuff , VapingFloodsSchools , ANewGenerationofNicotineAddicts , morningsnow , clouds , sunshine , cooler , NYTimes