KunstMuseumWinterthur — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Richard Tuttle, Celebration #1 , Pencil and acrylic colors on foamcore and cardboard, 49.5 x 38 x 1 centimeters, 2003, Kunst Museum Winterthur , Switzerland
Tags: RichardTuttle , celebration , mixedmedia , painting , sculpture , KunstMuseumWinterthur , Switzerland , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , GaelicPlayers'Association , Fagin'sLaw , 'willfail'ifitreliesonchildrentotestify , CriminalJusticeBill2023 , drugtrade , childrenarebeingusedtoferrydrugsforcriminalgangs , Pandemicbonus , HSE , paidto45%ofagencystaff , frontlinepublichealthcareworkers , Celticcross , landscape , FivewalksonIrishCamino , passageintomidlife , innermaidenflourishintowilderwiserwoman , LeavingCert , Allhandsondeck , boats , harbor , sunnyconditions , warm
David Claerbout, the “confetti” piece , Double-channel video projection, 3D animation, silent, color, 18’ 25”, 2015-2018, Kunst Museum Winterthur , Switzerland (Note: Video installation edit is hyperlinked via the artwork title).
Tags: DavidClaerbout , theconfettipiece , doublechannelvideoprojection , 3Danimation , KunstMuseumWinterthur , Switzerland , NYTimes , confetti , celebration , trophies , women'sbasketball , LouisianaState , wonfirstnationaltitle , AngelReese , BlissontheBayou , winners , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , AnAppetiteForAttention , GoodorBad , Ex-President , AtHomeInIndictment'sGlare , WashingtonDC , AsArrestNears , TrumpIsSeeingPoliticalGains , AFund-RaisingFlurry , SomeCriticsDefendHim , AidesAdviseHimToTreadLightly , MariaLvova-Belova , portraiture , globalcourtaccusesherofwarcrimes , ToRussiaARescuerofChildren , ToUkraineSheIsaKidnapper , DemocratsRunonAbortion , EvenForOfficesWithoutaSay , GreenBayWisconsin , EricGenrich , Roev.Wade , U.S.BlacklistedSpywareFirm , SecretlytheTwoHadaDeal , NSOGroup , CorcoranCalifornia , CaliforniaCentralValley , LakeThatWasDrained , WreaksRevengeinCaliforniaValley , reappearanceofTulareLake , afterseriesofstorms , notwelcomedbylocalfarmers , timesofcloudsandsomesunshine