HSE — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Richard Tuttle, Celebration #1 , Pencil and acrylic colors on foamcore and cardboard, 49.5 x 38 x 1 centimeters, 2003, Kunst Museum Winterthur , Switzerland
Tags: RichardTuttle , celebration , mixedmedia , painting , sculpture , KunstMuseumWinterthur , Switzerland , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , GaelicPlayers'Association , Fagin'sLaw , 'willfail'ifitreliesonchildrentotestify , CriminalJusticeBill2023 , drugtrade , childrenarebeingusedtoferrydrugsforcriminalgangs , Pandemicbonus , HSE , paidto45%ofagencystaff , frontlinepublichealthcareworkers , Celticcross , landscape , FivewalksonIrishCamino , passageintomidlife , innermaidenflourishintowilderwiserwoman , LeavingCert , Allhandsondeck , boats , harbor , sunnyconditions , warm
Alexander Calder, Cow , Wire, wood, and string, 14.6 x 20.6 x15.2 centimeters, including base, 1926, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: AlexanderCalder , cow , mixedmedia , wire , wood , string , sculpture , MoMA , NewYork , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Eatwell , humanfoods , poisonoustopets , Work-lifebalance , fightforthefour-dayweek , missingasummerWorldCup , Haveyouherdthegoodnews? , AnnaandRoseMurphy , Millstreet , Cork , ClaraAnguslivestock , CorkSummerShow , CorkShowgrounds , Curraheen , returnofshow , firsttimesince2019 , shiftinprofile , sexcrimeoffendersinprisons , youngeroffenders , difficulttoengagewith , sayspsychologists , IrishPrisonService , increasingconvictions , maskmandate , onpublictransport , PaulReid , concernoverCovidtransmission , nursinghomes , HSE , spikeinCovid-19hospitalizations , testpositivityrate , doubled , disbandingofNationalPublicHealthEmergencyTeam , Nphet , leftgapinserviceprovision , 'SuicidepandemicamongTravellers' , Travellercommunity , mentalhealth , Extra24-hourbus service , newroutes , Corkcity , NTA , €600millionplan , BusConnectsCork , busservices , willruninpreviouslyunservedareas , UpperGlanmire , Waterfall , KerryPike , somebrightandsunnyintervals , perhapsfewlightshowers
Tags: HaroldEdgerton , dyetransferprint , photography , footballkick , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , TheIrishTimes , SportsMonday , Bestvictoryyet , overtheAllBlacks , MalachyClerkin , Loweisoneofusnow , afterthatmemorabletackle , greenuniforms , cheering , victory , hands , UnaMullally , commonsense , needstoformradicalapproach , toclimatecrisis , ConorPope , 'Iamwritingregardinganawfulexperience' , EoinBurke-Kennedy , Couldonce-offwealthtax , payforbetterpublicservicesinIreland? , Goalscoringtrio , RepublicofIrelandfinishcampaignonahigh , orangeuniforms , ChiedozieOgbene , CallumRobinson , ShaneDuffy , FifaWorldCup , Governmentsettoadvise , workingfromhome , ascasessoar , Ministerstoresistanycalls , forwidespreadrestrictionsorlockdown , Taoiseach'extremelyconcerned' , highriseinCovid-19casenumbers , MicheálMartin , HSE , antigentesting , Hospitalsin'grimsituation' , Teachersunabletolistcontactsonportal , CompanyatcentreofQuinndispute , has'safetyconcerns' , QuinnIndustrialHoldings , abductionandassault , KevinLunney , 'Shadowypaymaster' , JohnsonhailsCop26 , despitecriticismofdeal , BorisJohnson , Activistssayclimatepact , willnotkeepglobalwarmingbelow1.5degrees , ChinaandIndia , Cop26Coalition , groupofworld'sbiggestenvironmentalorganizations , saidoutcomewasbetrayal , mainlydry , brightday , somesunshine