blue — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Nancy Grossman, Rust & Blue (Yuma) , Leather, metal, wood, assemblage on vinyl fabric mounted on plywood, 49.5 x 37.375 x 12.5 inches, 1967, The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College , Saratoga Springs, New York
Tags: NancyGrossman , mixedmedia , rust , blue , sculpture , assemblage , TangTeachingMuseumandArtGallery , SaratogaSprings , DeMorgen , Brussels , 'Extremelyconcerned' , aboutnuclearpowerplant , 'Increasinglydifficulttopredictandpotentiallydangerous' , UNnuclearwatchdog , Zaporizjanuclearpowerplant , imminentUkrainianspringoffensive , theworldagainholdsitsbreath , Ukrainiansoldier , firesmortarsinZaporizjaregion , crouchingsoldier , piercingsound , trench , warfare , 'ThatWasALovelyDayWasn'tIt?' , AnglophileHarryDePaepe , KingCharlesIIIcoronation , Britishcrown , ceremonialgarments , fur , whitepurplegold , 50EurosForAQuarterOfParking , CanBelgiancitieslearnsomethingfromTheHague? , Curtainfallsabout'TheMole' , Threepeoplewithcowboyhats , Howdidtheprotagonistsexperiencetheiradventure? , SupermarketMaterialism , bluedenim , cowboyshirts , map , orangepeachandblue , TerritoryreconqueredbyUkraine , OccupiedorclaimedbyRussia , cloudyconditions , windgusts
Nellie Mae Roe, When I Was a Little girl Looking for Santa Claus, Crayon, colored pencil and pencil on paper, Dimensions unknown, 1982, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: NellieMaeRoe , painting , drawing , portraiture , SantaClaus , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , Lima , Peru , landscape , mountains , rocks , shrubs , nurses , PPE , blue , surgicalmasks , orangebag , orange , Sinopharmvaccine , offerszeroprotection , fromOmicroninfection , mostshotsusedabroad , maynothaltOmicron , AllSeemtoOffer , MajorShieldAgainstSevereIllness , ManchinSaysNo , DesertingBiden , OverPrizedBill , SenatorIsAdamant , OnInflationFear , WestVirginiaDemocrat , PotentialFatalBlow , Hits$2.2TrillionSpendingPlan , SenatorJoeManchinIII , citedconcernsaboutnationaldebt , DavidLevitan , listedasoneofNYC'sworstlandlords , SheltersRelyOnLandlordCalledWorst , nonprofitgroupsdon'townspaces , mustrentfromprivatelandlords , protectiveglass , separation , MariaEduarda , storewindow , Boston , SeasonalSnifflesPromptWorry , ColdorCovid? , EvenTestingNegative , FailstoSootheSome , panic , APopStar , WhoFeltTrapped , AManagerWhoBenefited , BritneySpears , JamesP.Spears , TRiStarSports&EntertainmentGroup , ownerLouiseM.Taylor , plentyofsunshine , seasonablychilly , alightwind
Tags: OutiPieski , installationart , wood , thread , multicolor , MuseumofContemporaryArtKiasma , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , groupofwomen , masks , green , blue , yellow , red , black , wristbands , voters , Berlin , TheGreens , ledpollingearlyon , hope , NoClearWinner , GermanVoteForChancellor , EndOfTheMerkelEra , Negotiations , Forma3-PartyCoalition , MayTakeMonths , center-leftSocialDemocrats , Desperate , LeavingTexastoHaveAbortions , NewLaw'sProhibitions , DrivingWomenIntoNeighboringStates , OklahomaCity , clinic , TrustWomenOklahomaCity , riseinpatients , arrivingfromTexas , anti-abortionmovement , nurses , desks , phones , computermonitors , ChinaMovingToAvoidPanic , InItsEconomy , Beijing , financialworldwatchingstruggles , ChinaEvergrandeGroup , largestpropertydeveloper , mostindebted , theChinesegovernment , "isstillgoingtoprovideaguarantee" , forEvergrande'sactivities , WashingtonDC , PoliticalGame , IncreasesOddsofU.S.Default , NeitherPartyBudges , Debt-LimitVote , roilingfinancialmarkets , observersworried , capsizingtheeconomy'srecovery , fromthepandemicdownturn , team , redwhiteblueuniforms , goldtrophy , groupofmen , AFirmU.S.Grip , AmericanteamwonRyderCup , againstEurope , EsiasJohnson , MentallyIllMan'sDeath , SpotlightsRikersCrisis , InhumaneConditions , TiedtoLowStaffing , $380CovidTest , theLawThatAllowsIt , CongressMadeInsurersPay , butSetNoLimit , GSLabs , start-upcompany , sunnyskies , patchyclouds , warm
Alexander Archipenko, Walking Soldier , 1917, Plaster, paint and wood, (enlarged cast executed ca. 1954), Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: AlexanderArchipenko , walkingsoldier , plaster , paint , wood , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , bluesky , windsweptsand , lightandshadow , golden , footprints , pattern , portraiture , MohamedouOuldSlahi , torturedatGuantánamoBay , nowlivesinMauritania , OneLegacy , September11 , ATorturePolicy'sStain , Nouakchott , Mauritania , nearly15yearsasadetainee , mind-numbingisolation , darkenedcell , withouthisQuran , G.O.P.Seethes , ButEveryStateRequiresShots , FuryatBiden , IgnoresaCenturyofRules , requireprivate-sectorbusinesses , withmorethan100employees , coronavirusvaccinemandates , California , ThrivingClaimsOfVoterFraud , EchoesOf'20InRecall , BaselessTheoriesBeforeElection , NewNormontheRight , Californiarecallelection , DemocraticGovernorGavinNewsom , LarryElder , leadingRepublicancandidate , AbortionRulingInflamesDebate , AmongMexicans , WellofPublicDissent , ProcedureIsNowLegal , butManyDoctorsWon'tProvideIt , MexicoCity , Mexico'sSupremeCourtruledabortionisnotacrime , Green-EnergyBoomTown , ButCantheGoodTimesLast? , Normal , Illinois , electric-vehiclemaker , Rivian , U.S.Open , SenseofRenewal , ontheCourtandintheCrowd , tenniscourt , net , crowd , blue , green , uniforms , tennisplayers , embrace , DaniilMedvedev , beatNovakDjokovicinthefinal , NovakDjokovic , ChrisEvert , "Thecrowdwasthethirdplayerthisyear." , partlycloudy , warm , humid
Marsden Hartley, The Wave , Oil on board, 76.8 x 103.8 centimeters, 1940-1941, Worcester Art Museum , Massachusetts
Tags: MarsdenHartley , thewave , oilonboard , painting , WorcesterArtMuseum , Massachusetts , NYTimes , twowomen , frontyard , landscape , porch , home , RobertaMoses , networkofcanvassers , goingdoor-to-door , Shreveport , Louisiana , trytosignuppeopleforvaccinations , OfficialFights , ToVaccinateInLouisiana , RumorsandMistrust , MakeProgressSlow , conspiracytheories , conservativenewsoutlets , rampantmisinformationonline , Dr.MarthaWhyte , ShotRefusal , GivesVariantRoomtoGrow , MoreVaccinations , KeytoHaltingNewSurge , DeltaVariant , nearlyhalfofpopulation , remainsunvaccinatedandunprotected , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , NearingFourthGrade , HunterElementarySchool , students , RacingtoCatchUp , SummerSchools , TrytoClosePandemicLearningGap , MakerofPrius , NowResistingEmissionsPush , Toyota , opposingtransitiontoelectricvehicles , lobbyingCongress , betfuture , developmentofhydrogenfuelcells , ocean , seaspray , blue , bluegreen , white , MasteringOlympicWaves , CarolineMarks , , TokyoGames , BobMoses , obituary , 1935-2021 , QuietandRelentlessCrusader , ForCivilRightsandEducation , insistedhewasanorganizer , TopDemocrats , TurntoLikelyMayor , OverHisStanceonCrime , Ex-CaptaininNewYork , CommandsaPulpit , EricAdams , cloudy , somesunshine , warm , lesshumid
Tags: PaulSharits , 16millimeterfilm , color , sound , Structuralfilm , nothing , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , Bergamo , Italy , hospitalroom , doctors , patients , PPE , bedsheets , trauma , spring , oneofdeadliestkillingfields , virus , Westernworld , InactionFueledDisaster , asVirusCreptIntoItaly , BehindTheCurve , ANorthernProvince'sEpicenter , PesentiFenaroliHospital , nationaltestingprotocol , WHO , Covid-19 , recommendedtesting , forpeoplewithlinktoChina , Covid-19alreadyarrivedinLombardyregion , NewYork , SuddenShift , WillReopenSomeSchools , ElementaryStudents , SettoReturnDec.7 , CriticismofCity , LeadstoOverhaul , MayorBilldeBlasio , Iran , StrugglesForaResponse , ToBoldStrikes , MohsenFakhrizadeh , scientist , captainofcovertattempts , toassemblenuclearweapon , assassination , onlinefootage , JavadMogouyi , documentaryfilmmaker , stage , blue , orange , spotlight , actor , silhouette , JeffersonMays , one-man"ChristmasCarol" , EbenezerScrooge , Broadway , Itwillbestreamedinstead , ClassicLivesOn , byCarScreenRadioorMail , theaters , usingcontagion-reductionstrategy , outdoorstagings , drive-inproductions , streettheater , streamingvideo , radioplays , do-it-yourselfkitbymail , BlueBlocs , VieForSenateSeat , HeldbyHarris , AlexPadilla , presidentofLosAngelesCityCouncil , emergedasfront-runner , GavinNewsom , mustnamesuccessor , steel , borderwall , trees , opening , roughterrain , government'starget , 450miles , newwallconstruction , BlitzofActivity , ToExpandWall , ByEndofTerm , Arizona , USborder , Mexico , strongwinds , heavyrain , thunderstorms
Clarissa Tossin, Spent , Porcelain and trash, Dimensions variable, 2009, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: ClarissaTossin , castporcelain , trash , detritus , white , installationart , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , ash , yellowbrown , rubble , desks , twistedmetal , fragmentsofwood , Californiawildfires , destroyedBerryCreekElementarySchool , studentsequipped , remotelearning , RelentlessBlaze , EngulfsTheWest , InSmokeAndFear , SchoolsAdaptPlans , SecondCrisis , WindsGainStrength , RisksIncrease , red-orangebackground , firefighter , watching , out-of-control , BearFire , BigBend , California , "massivewalloffire" , SanFrancisco , climate-changedisaster , SenatorJeffMerkley , DemocratofOregon , "Idrove600milesupanddownthestateandIneverescapedthesmoke" , Trump , BoldClimateDenier , ConfrontsaCharredCalifornia , WashingtonDC , acresofscorchedearth , ash-filledskies , AmericanWest , rolledbackregulations , weakeningfederalpolicy , tocombatdangerousemissions , HowNewYork'sPoliceUnions , EmbracedTrump , LeadershipDoesNotReflect , DiversityofLowerRanks , PatrickJ.Lynch , PoliceBenevolentAssociation , ThousandsstrandedinLesbos , Greece , firerazedrefugeecamp , LivinginMisery , AfraidoftheFuture , familiesdisplaced , red , blue , yellow , grey , waterbottles , IsraelisSenseMideastShift , Jerusalem , normalizeties , UnitedArabEmirates , Bahrain , back-to-backagreements , ScientistsUrgeTransparencyonVaccines , IncreasePublicTrust , coronavirusvaccine , AstraZeneca , Pfizer , vaccinerace , mostlysunnyskies , lowhumidity
Tags: JasonRohrer , passage , videogame , software , bluescreen , lines , figure , player , frontporch , bluedoors , concrete , Americanflag , student , pinkgreycamouflage , backpack , MarshayMcKinley , Chillicothe , Ohio , atschool , manyothersathome , ANewLevel , First-DayNerves , studentsaroundthecountry , tryingtoresumeeducation , duringapandemic , Philadelphia , SafetyShapesPlans , FortifyVotingStations , RecruitingHelp , TimeRunningShort , pollingsites , ElectionDay , TrumpTakesAim , Biden'sLead , InHomestretch , GapNarrowsSlightly , FocusonBattlegroundStates , AmidUnrest , Pandemic , portrait , DonaldTrump , speaking , Trumpcampaign , targeting , whiteMidwesternvoters , WashingtonDC , BidenJourneyOnChina , HasAHardTurn , TheLongRun , FromHopetoChallenge , allowCommunistnationentry , WorldTradeOrganization , Dothan , Alabama , InPrison , CellphonesBecomeTools , forExtortion , CallsDemandPayment , PreventViolence , AgainstInmates , dysfunctionalprisonsystem , Minsk , Belarus , AgingRockers , EmergetoLead , BelarusRevolt , PitPawlaw , band , protestersjoinedchorus , "Hey-la-la-la-lai-don'twaitdon'twait" , LouBrock , 1939-2020 , MajorLeagueBaseball , St.LouisCardinals , Cardinals20 , team , blackandwhiteteamportrait , HallofFame , onceheldmajorleaguerecord , stolenbases , propelledCardinalstotwotitles , ASmackedBall , FallenJudge , DjokovicIsOut , U.S.Open , tennis , NovakDjokovic'sdismissal , losthiscool , inadvertentlystruckalinejudgewithaball , tenniscourt , blue , black , white , mostlysunny , lowhumidity
Lucky DeBellevue, Happy , Chenille stems, plastic trays, brackets, 19 x 32 x 10.5 inches, 1997, Akron Art Museum , Ohio
Tags: LuckyDeBellevue , mixedmedia , chenillestems , sculpture , installation , happy , AkronArtMuseum , NYTimes , waterpark , inflatablerafts , orange , red , yellow , blue , crowds , BuoyantatLast , party , Wuhan , China , virus'searlyepicenter , localtransmissions , nearzero , lifefeelsnormal , swimming , AsWoesGrow , PresidentAims , ToRecastStory , LookingtoConvention , forCampaignLift , WashingtonDC , RepublicanNationalConvention , StephenK.Bannon , build-the-wall , fundraisingscam , portrait , toughweekforpresident , DonaldTrump , Senate , bipartisanreport , Russia , 2016election , interference , StungByTrump , F.D.A. , AuthorizesPlasmaTherapy , NoRandomizedTrials , AgencyAccused , 'DeepState'Delay , TiedtoElection , emergencyapproval , anti-body-richbloodplasma , 2020Census , FacingSevereDoubts , OverAccuracy , 38millionhouseholds , stilluncounted , Covid-19 , risingmistrustofgovernment , ordertofinishcount , amonthearly , DefianceinBelarus , TestsLimits , 26-YearRule , 'LastRemainingTrueDictatorship' , inHeartofEurope , AleksandrG.Lukashenko , 100000protesters , Minsk , disputedelection , interior , windows , workman , Louisiana , BracesforRareOne-TwoPunch , MarrisMielnick , preparingAntieauGallery , NewOrleans , back-to-backstorms , emergencypreparedness , Portland , Oregon , Portland'sNewD.A. , MikeSchmidt , LetsOff300Protesters , thePoliceFume , TightropeonSpeech , andEnforcement , NewtonFalls , Ohio , InShiftingOhio , TwoVoters , father , stepdaughter , ShareaFamily , NotaParty , 2020presidentialelection , partlysunny , thunderstorms , humid
Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, A Rite of Passage: The Velvet Cat Tail and the Silk Tiger Lily , Wood, metallic foil, 45 RPM vinyl record, artificial flowers, Saran wrap, metal staples, fabric, plastic beads, and fiber-tipped pen, 98.7 x 39.4 x 38.4 centimeters, 1987-1988, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: ThomasLanigan-Schmidt , sculpture , shrine , mixedmedia , riteofpassage , WhitneyMuseum , NYTimes , roses , lilies , sunflowers , bouquetofflowers , red , pink , orange , yellow , cemetery , umbrella , familyofVictorBailón , gatheringatgrave , Tonanitla , Mexico , HospitalFear , DrivesDeaths , WithinMexico , PatientsComeTooLateForAid , DoctorsSay , MexicoCity , morethan52000confirmeddeaths , OrdersByTrump , OnEconomicAid , BreedConfusion , DemocratsSeekTalks , ThePresident'sAdvisers , DefendActions , LegallyShaky , patchworkofmoves , executiveorders , $400weeklysupplement , unemploymentchecks , fundingcontingent , onagreementwithstateofficials , WashingtonDC , LosAngeles , Battling2Contagions , CoronavirusandAnxiety , contacttracer , ATracer'sStruggle , HelpContacts , WhoAreWaryofHer , RadhikaKumar , portraitgrid , men , women , blue , PPE , masks , stethoscope , InHarm'sWay , healthcareworkers , inSouthandSouthwest , facingbattle , theyhopedtoavoid , 'TopCop' , NowaReformer? , WrestlingWithHarris'sRecord , portrait , SenatorKamalaHarris , soughtmiddleground , California , "reimagininghowwedopublicsafetyinAmerica" , leadingcontender , JosephR.BidenJr.'srunningmate , BoycottorNot , FoxNews , BoltsPastNetworks , inJuneandJuly , highest-ratedtelevisionchannel , prime-timehours , 8-11p.m. , TuckerCarlson , SeanHannity , moreliveviewers , thancompetingbaseballandbasketballgames , 'DefundthePolice' , NotSoFast , SeveralBlackPoliticiansSay , RaisingSafetyWorries , inNewYorkCity , clash , acrossracialideologicalgenerationallines , dividingBlackandLatinocouncilmembers , citycouncilwoman , VanessaL.Gibson , They"wanttoseecopsinthecommunity" , "Theydon'twanttoseeexcessiveforce" , partlysunny , ratherhot , humid
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, High Bridge Crossing, The Appomattox, near Farmville on South Side Railroad, VA , Albumen print, Image: 17.1 x 22.5 centimeters, Support: 30.5 x 39.4 centimeters, 1865, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: TimothyO'Sullivan , albumenprint , bridge , Appomattox , Farmville , railroad , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , NYTimes , EdmundPettusBridge , redpetals , bluesky , AFinalSundayinSelma , Alabama , funeralcaisson , RepresentativeJohnLewis , acrosstheAlabamabridge , horses , hefirstmarched , overahalf-centuryago , VirusCutsOffGlobalLifeline , AidingMillions , WagesSentHomebyMigrants , Plunge , London , FlaviusTudor , "It'sverytoughtimes" , "I'mlost" , remittances , coronavirus , economiesinlockdown , pandemicdamagedearningpower , 164millionmigrantworkers , whosupport800millionrelatives , Houston , Texas , 'YouDotheRightThings' , 'andStillYouGetIt' , TexasFamilyIsCaught , inUnrestrainedSpreadofVirus , supermarketbagger , Randalls , grocerystore , Seattle , Washington , CitiesAreInBind , AsUnrestFlares , OverU.S.Actions , EscalationOfProtests , NewOutrageandClashes , Response , FederalAgentsonStreets , PresidentTrump , seizedonscenesofunrest , law-and-ordermessage , riotgear , black , blue , orange , policeofficers , protesters , conflict , militarizedefforts , Misogyny , FedLawyer'sRage , AgainstJudge , "anti-feminist"lawyer , yearsofresentment , violence , MTA , platform , subway , train , TransitWorkers'Sacrifice , emotionalcost , keepingNewYorkCitymoving , duringpandemic , LakeBuenaVista , Florida , N.B.A. , SafeStrangeHaven , inHotSpot , NoDazzle , ManyRules , CarePackages , playoutrestofseason , withoutfans , confinedcampus , AVirginiaTown , RethinksItsConfederatePillars , WhereLeeIsBuried , NoMoreLeeHotel , picturesquecity , nestledinBlueRidgeMountains , sunny , hot , humid
Augusta Christine (Fells) Savage, Portrait Head of John Henry , Patinated plaster, 16.8 x 8.9 x 12.1 centimeters, 1940, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AugustaSavage , figuresculpture , portraiture , plaster , bronzepatina , head , MFABoston , NYTimes , Wendy's , signage , logo , womanpaintingportrait , woodpanel , redwhiteroses , mustardyellow , blue , AnotherKilling , AshleyDopson , paintinginprotest , outsiderestaurant , Atlantapolice , shotRayshardBrooks , PoliceChiefs , FindJobSecurity , HardtoComeBy , CaughtBetweenUnions , LocalOfficials , EffortsatReform , ErikaShields , "zero-chasepolicy" , protesterwithrainbowflag , multi-colorstripes , crowd , ProtectingTransgenderLives , ThousandsmarchedinBrooklyn , protestviolence , againstblacktransgenderpeople , MidlevelStaff , StiflesScienceAboutClimate , Effortstoundermine , climatechangescience , tryingtoprotectjobsandbudgets , federalgovernment , internalizedPresidentTrump'santagonism , forclimatescience , NewVirus , HastensSpread , OldPreventableIllness , BurdenedNationsShiftFocus , Diseases , MeaslesandPolio , Re-emerge , ChibuzoOkonta , DoctorsWithoutBorders , "anepidemicinafewmonth'stimethatwillkillmorechildrenthanCovid" , toddler , receivingmeaslesvaccine , SouthSudan , choleraontherise , ArenasEmpty , SportsFans , BetOnWallStreet , Robinhood , stock-tradingplatform , small-timeinvestors , openedtradingaccounts , coronaviruspandemic , TwoRetractions , HurtCredibility , OfPeerReview , NewEnglandJournalofMedicine , TheLancet , rushforresearchoncoronavirus , TwoLivesCollided , CentralPark , LeftaNationShaken , ChristianCooper , AmyCooper , racism , twoMemorialDayincidents , GeorgeFloyd , Minneapolis , policebrutality , partlysunny
Outi Heiskanen, Castle in the Air and Hiding Cottage , Glass, wood, drypoint, etching, 210 centimeters, 1990, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki, Finland
Tags: OutiHeiskanen , sculpture , windowframes , glass , wood , chairs , etching , interior , exterior , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , openspace , fences , MarathonPetroleumplant , RiverRouge , Michigan , releasedpungentgas , stay-at-homeorder , Virus , AnotherDeadlyRisk , InShadows , U.S.Smokestacks , low-incomecommunitiesofcolor , higherlevelsairpollution , coronaviruscrisis , minoritiesdisproportionatelydying , 'Straight-UpFire' , inHisVeins , TeenBattlesCovidSyndrome , severeinflammatorysyndrome , linkedtocoronavirusinchildren , BidenPursuesIdeas , toMatchScaleofCrisis , LeftSensesOpening , forBolderAgenda , 36millionAmericansunemployed , JosephR.BidenJr. , racingtoassemblenewgoverningagenda , "therightkindofeconomicrecovery" , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , PompeoFacingFreshQuestions , OnUseOfAssets , FiringRaisesRedFlag , DemocratsSeePatternofAbuse , byShrewdTrumpLoyalist , WashingtonDC , StateDepartmentInspectorGeneral , SteveA.Linick , whistle-blowercomplaint , What'saNewYorkDriveLike? , TouraGhostTown , of8Million , TimesSquare , crosswalk , empty , F.D.R.Drive , feelslikeGrandTheftAutogame , openroad , milesandmiles , WestSideHighway , nogridlock , norushhour , RioDeJaneiro , Brazil , 'ImpunityReigns' , InsideRio'sRecordYear , 1814PoliceKillings , hillside , motherandchildren , walkinguphill , pink , green , blue , white , brown , dirt , Childrenlisteningtogunshots , inthedistance , policeofficers , routinelygundowncrimesuspects , withoutrestraint , periodicclouds , sunshine
Egypt, Dynasty 18, New Kingdom, Amulet of a Birth God , Faience, 3.2 x 1.6 x 0.3 centimeters, circa 1539-1478 B.C.E., Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: amulet , birthgod , faience , Egypt , NewKingdom , turquoiseblue , BrooklynMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , hospitalroom , PPE , doctor , patient , blue , white , terracottacurtain , nurse , computermonitor , newbornbaby , mother , PreciousAnderson , metherson , BrooklynHospitalCenter , shehadcoronavirus , babyhadtobedelivered , twomonthsearly , InBrooklyn , NewLife , PiercestheVeilofDeath , EvenWithMothersIll , MaternityWard , ReasonforHope , Nearly200babiesarrived , sincebeginningofMarch , OilGiantsAgree , ToLimitOutput , CoolingTensions , LargestCutbackEver , DealShapedbyTrump , AllaysRussia-SaudiArabiaDispute , Houston , stabilizeoilprices , globalfinancialmarkets , OPECPlus , $40abarrel , fortheforeseeablefuture , StrickenShip , ExposesaRift , IntheMilitary , WashingtonDC , CaptainBrettE.Crozier , email , "Sailorsdon'tneedtodie" , PublicDiscord , PresidentTrump , frustrationwithDr.AnthonyS.Fauci , Boston , HowMeetingofDrugmaker , SowedIllness , Biogen , "super-spreadingevents" , Covid-19 , shelvesofsurgicalmasks , ReadyforBattleAgain , Thousandsofusedmasks , decontaminated , helpresupplyhealthcareworkers , Albany , NewYorkFeud , PlayingPoliticsWithPandemic , MayorBilldeBlasio , momentousdecision , keepNYCpublicschoolsclosed , throughendofJune , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , discountedmayor'sdecision , persistentdysfunctionbetweenthem , ForAmericansLivinginPoverty , Keeping6FeetApart , LuxuryBeyondReach , pandemic , exposingandcompoundinginequality , verywindy , heavyrain , thunderstormsearly
Arthur Dove, Silver Sun , Oil, metallic paint, and an unidentified material (possibly wax) on canvas, 55.3 x 74.9 centimeters, 1929, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ArthurDove , silver , blue , black , transparent , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , carpet , palegreen , burgundy , diagonal , chandelier , glass , hazmatsuits , workersdisinfectingmosque , Istanbul , coronavirusinfections , Turkey , HaltingVirusWillRequireHarshSteps , ExpertsSay , Near-TotalCooperationFromPublic , KeytoIsolatingClustersofInfections , portraiture , womeninbluehazmatsuits , protectiveequipment , TheNationalGuard , drivethroughtestsite , NewJersey , PartisanDivide , ThreatensDealOnRescueBill , WashingtonDC , $2trilliongovernmentrescuepackage , failuretomoveforward , shookfinancialmarkets , TrumpShiftsImage , LeaderFor'Wartime' , TrackingAnOutbreak , Defiant , Manyhaveignoredurgentcalls , socialdistancing , Pressure , WorkersatUPSandFedEx , nochoice , keepshowingup , evenwithcoronavirus-likesymptoms , Olympics , growingpressuretopostpone , TokyoGames , InfectionClue , Doctorgroupsrecommending , testingandisolation , forpeoplewholoseabilitytosmellandtaste , OfficialsRaceToStemOutbreak , NewYorkBecomesEpicenter , 5%world'sconfirmedcases , massivemedicalbivouac , JacobJavitsCenter , SeekingaBalmfortheSoul , ButImperilingEarthlyHealth , Beirut , Lebanon , Religionissolace , "Jesusismyprotection" , Rev.MajdiAllawi , WithintheBleakestStatistics , ALifeThatWasSoMuchMore , LorettaDionisio , husbandRoddy , traveling , Philippines , cloudy , rain , chilly
Serge Tousignant, Hommage à Magritte , Easel, mirror and coloured vinyl, 193 x 450 x 110 centimeters (variable length according to the exhibition area), 1970-74, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal , Canada
Tags: SergeTousignant , HommageàMagritte , sculpture , painting , installation , mirror , lines , MAC , Montreal , Canada , NYTimes , AFive-BoroughTour , 49thNewYorkCityMarathon , runners , shadows , whitepaintedline , street , blue , green , black , red , idealconditions , Kenyandominance , fastestdebutforwoman , WashingtonDC , FromtheStart , UkraineTriedToWooTrump , UsingFlattery , FavorsandDealsforCoal , PetroO.Poroshenko , Ukraine'sformerpresident , wagedelaboratecampaign , WhiteHouse , sawrelationshipastransactional , couldhelpTrumppolitically , F.B.I.'sSights , StolenResearch , FlowingToChina , FearAmongScientists , Nearly200InvestigationsUnderway , MajorAcademicCenters , stealingbio-medicalresearch , allegedtheft , scientificideas , designs , devices , data , NationalInstitutesofHealth , Houston , Texas , NeededOrNot , OilProductionIsSetToSurge , crudeoil , SaudiArabia , Aramco , GiantI.P.O. , planstogopublic , cheaperoilmaycomplicateefforts , combatglobalwarming , portraiture , manatwindow , interior , curtains , MatthewMottor , Hinsdale , Massachusetts , $30000 , finesfeesandbills , fightingflawedbreathtestresult , PayingDearly , foraDefectiveBreathTest , LynchpinofCriminalJusticeSystem , OftenUnreliable , drunkdriving , tests , bloodalcohollevel , 0.08orhigher , conviction , programmingmistakes , machines'software , PaulaWhite , pinkdressandpearls , televangelist , aidetoPresidentTrump , TheTVPastor , ShepherdingTrump'sFlock , Florida , populistbrandofChristianity , televisionpreacher , livesinamansion , AsWarrenGainsPopularity , HerAnti-GreedMessage , HasWallStreetRattled , Blackstone , titanofWallStreet , "PrettyWoman"movieclip , usedinElizabethWarren'scampaignpromotion , tagline , "StopWallStreetLooting." , sunshine , someclouds , chilly
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Jacob Lawrence, They did not always leave because they were promised work in the North. Many of them left because of Southern conditions, one of them being great floods that ruined the crops, and therefore they were unable to make a living where they were, Casein tempera on hardboard, 18 x 12 inches, 1940-41, The Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacobLawrence , painting , landscape , blue , grey , yellow , white , brown , MigrationSeries , blueglowinglight , whitelight , motherandson , sleepingchild , night , Greyhound , CalebLopez , sleptinbackofbus , TuscontoNashville , FamilyleftGuatemala , crossedintoUS , 1600miles , 85hours , AMigrationbyBus , AfterDetention , andProcessing , Family'sJourneyContinuesonGreyhound , Dallas , Texas , "leavethedrivingtous" , Enteringthecountry , 5000arrivalseachday , Guatemala , Honduras , ElSalvador , departingbordertownsbybusload , Brussels , Belgium , FarRight , MakingInroads , AsEuropeVotes , ABlowForMainstream , PopulistsAreExpected , ToMakeModestStrides , inEurope'sParliament , populistsexpectedtoget , 25%of751seats , struggleoverfuturedirectionofthebloc , biggestimpact , likelyfelt , inhomecountries , France , Italy , disrupttraditionalpartysystems , anglingtogainpower , Louisville , Kentucky , ScientistsBalk , AtJuul'sOffers , OfStudyCash , JuulLabs , e-cigarettesmoke , research , AmericanHeartAssociationconference , lookingforpeopletocollaboratewith , offeringupto$200000 , Kathmandu , Nepal , 'LikeaZoo' , AtEverest'sTip , AsDeathsSoar , MountEverest , Climberspushingandshoving , totakeselfies , EdDohring , "Itwasscary" , oneofthedeadliestclimbingseasons , atleast10deaths , StarrHeldUp , InvisibleBridge , OfN.F.L.Eras , BartStarr , diedonSundayat85 , usheredinTheSuperBowlEra , twochampionships , GreenBayPackers , Mobile , Alabama , yellow-greenlandscape , grass , shrubbery , cemetery , headstones , ThelmaMaiben-Owens , photographedrelatives'graves , Africatown , community , TryingtoTurnVesselofEvil , IntoSymbolofPride , NeighborhoodWants , toDisplaySlaveShip , submergedwoodenwreck , lodgedinmud , MobileRiver , Clotilda , schooner , carried110kidnappedAfricans , toAlabama , 1860 , sunshineandclouds , notaswarm , lesshumid , NYTimes , MoMA , NewYork
Haegue Yang, Series of Vulnerable Arrangements — Domestics of Community , Installation with seven light sculptures composed of clothing rack and shoe rack on casters, light bulbs, cable, knitting yarn, rope, socks, hammock net, aluminum venetian blinds, stainless steel strainer, paint grill, fish grill, plastic tube, plastic packages, plastic funnel, tin, buttons, metal ring, metal sponge, silver tinsel, mardi gras bits, toy spring, garden supply, and sea shells, Dimensions variable, 2009, Carnegie Museum of Art , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tags: HaegueYang , mixedmedia , installation , community , CarnegieMuseumofArt , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , NYTimes , factoryinterior , blue , red , yellow , white , green , wire , overheadlighting , AchuchuKottu , fromEritrea , Litelab , Buffalo , NewYork , Aboutathird , co-workersareimmigrants , includingrefugees , Utica , RefugeesAreAFrayingLifeline , forUpstateCities , Officialsluringrefugees , tomovetoNewYork , advertisingjobplacement , Englishlanguage , housingservices , Poolofrefugees , shrinksunderPresidentTrump , RussiaWantsU.S.toDread , 5GCellphones , SpreadsDubiousFears , AboutHealthonTV , Russiannetwork , RTAmerica , "Justasmallone" , "Itmightkillyou" , "ADangerous'ExperimentonHumanity'" , principalmeddler , 2016presidentialelection , "It'seconomicwarfare" , RyanFox , chiefoperatingofficer , NewKnowledge , technologyfirm , trackingdisinformation , RTAmericaiscat'spaw , ofRussianPresident , VladimirPutin , WashingtonDC , TariffsOnChina , WillExactCost , For'BothSides' , BurdenOnU.S.Wallets , ImpactonEconomy , WillDependonScope , ofTrump'sFight , escalatingtradewar , LarryKudlow , directorNationalEconomicCouncil , "Infactbothsideswillpay" , StickingPoint , tradewarintensifies , Chinesesubsidies , homegrownindustries , presentsteepobstacle , toadeal , 2NewJustices , TiltRightward , ButNotasOne , JusticeNeilM.Gorsuch , JusticeBrettM.Kavanaugh , "They'redisagreeingmorethanwewouldhaveexpected" , Beckley , WestVirginia , InCoalCountry , PromiseofComputerCareers , DissolvesinDust , youngwomaninivorycoat , portraiture , landscapeinbackground , ToriFrame , backatFamilyDollarstore , aftertryingtostartacareer , withMinedMinds , "Iwantedsomethingdifferent" , MinedMindspromisedtoteach , WestVirginians , howtowritecomputercode , getwell-payingjobs , NewOrleans , Louisiana , VenerablePaperIsShuttered , With'LetThemEatCake' , theannouncementcame , viathebakedalaska , TheAdvocatenewspaper , Antoine's , white-linendiningplace , FrenchQuarter , 182-year-oldrival , TheTimes-Picayune , Twopapersnowone , TheAdvocateboughtthebrand , thesite , thearchives , thesubscriberlist , nottheemployees , , TheLastEdition , ANewspaperWar , periodicrain , breezy , chilly
Mona Hatoum, Light Sentence , Wire mesh, electric motor, timer, light bulb, cables, electric wire, 198 x 185 x 490 centimeters, 1992, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MonaHatoum , LightSentence , sculpture , installation , wiremesh , light , shadows , confinement , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , KhostProvince , Afghanistan , twomen , mountainlandscape , clouds , grey , blue , silver , lightfilteringthroughholeinclouds , barren , rocky , brownearth , UnitedNationsreport , accusedC.I.A.-sponsoredunits , operatingoutside , oflocallaw , C.I.A.-LedAfghanForces , LeaveGrimTrail , ofAbuse , CovertCampaign , AlienatesResidents , SpursAccusations , WarCrimes , raidingforce , "committedanatrocity" , RazoKhan , watchedhishome , goupinflames , portrait , childandman , AdelShah , 10yearsold , woundedinnightattack , bystrikeforce , NangarharProvince , Hisfatherkilledinraid , blueshirts , bluegreypattern , tanbackground , texture , lightpatches , manconsolingchild , grief , Vienna , Austria , PowerPointSlide , TangledMcKinsey , inU.S.BriberyCase , Boeing , 787Dreamliner , titaniumpartsshortage , threatenedproduction , sought"bestpractices"advice , consultingfirm , goldenpedigree , Ukrainianoligarch , DmitryV.Firtash , "characterduediligence" , bribingIndianofficials , minetitaniuminIndia , Westminster , California , CulturalShifts , SweepAway , CaliforniaBastionofConservatism , BolsaAvenue , signswritteninVietnamese , CalleCuatro , Latinoclientele , OrangeCounty , transformedAmericansuburb , intoDemocraticoutpost , StunningFall , Nissan'sBrashSavior , AccusedofHidingIncome , CarlosGhosn , (Again) , FacesJapan'sIre , portraiture , outdoors , porchonlake , trees , forest , mansittinginwoodenchair , CarlosGhosnjailedinTokyo , amidaccusations , financialwrongdoing , WhatsApp , grouptexttochildren , "GameofGhosns" , "GameofThrones" , "OnmywaytoTokyo!" , "Loveyouguys!" , TrumpDigsIn , DimmingHope , OfBudgetDeal , WashingtonDC , governmentshutdown , 800000federalworkers , affectedbyshutdown , SenatorLindseyGraham , saidpresidentwouldnotaccept , anydeal , withoutfundingforthewall , increasingclouds , afternoonrain