hope — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Emery Blagdon, Untitled (Individual element from the Healing Machine) , Paint, aluminum, copper, foil and wood, 6 x 6 x 1 inches, 1955-1986, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: EmeryBlagdon , mixedmedia , individualelement , sculpture , theHealingMachine , assemblage , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , portraiture , StolenChildhoods , Iraq , couples , children , wedding , interiorscene , SulaimanFayadhSulaiman , paralyzedsince3-years-old , war , generationofIraqiswhowerechildren , USinvasionofIraq20yearsago , stories , lingeringtrauma , hope , HostilePolitics , ShapedSearchOfVirusOrigin , HowLabLeakTheoryTookPartisanTurn , CovidTurmoil , Floridahospital , shakenbycampaignagainstU.S.guidelines , FedCaughtWindOfBank'sIssuesBeforeCollapse , RiskyPracticesSeen , SiliconValleyBank , Got6Citationsin2021 , FullReviewin2022 , "horizontalreview" , SaleOfCreditSuisse , SwissleadersarrangedforUBStobuybank , XiBrokeringUkrainePeace? , WestIsSkeptical , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , Mariupol , GestureofDefianceinOccupiedTerritory , IraqMIsstepsRetainPowerToHauntU.S. , U.S.spentestimated$2trillioninIraq , SexAbuseAccusation , NamesaRowingLegend , TedNash , JenniferFox , "TheTale" , FilmmakerSaysCoachTargetedHerat13 , Olympicmedalist , PornActress , Payoff , TrumpontheBrink , Ex-PresidentMayFaceHistoricIndictment , StormyDaniels , milderair , plentyofsunshine , muchwarmerweather
Tags: OutiPieski , installationart , wood , thread , multicolor , MuseumofContemporaryArtKiasma , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , groupofwomen , masks , green , blue , yellow , red , black , wristbands , voters , Berlin , TheGreens , ledpollingearlyon , hope , NoClearWinner , GermanVoteForChancellor , EndOfTheMerkelEra , Negotiations , Forma3-PartyCoalition , MayTakeMonths , center-leftSocialDemocrats , Desperate , LeavingTexastoHaveAbortions , NewLaw'sProhibitions , DrivingWomenIntoNeighboringStates , OklahomaCity , clinic , TrustWomenOklahomaCity , riseinpatients , arrivingfromTexas , anti-abortionmovement , nurses , desks , phones , computermonitors , ChinaMovingToAvoidPanic , InItsEconomy , Beijing , financialworldwatchingstruggles , ChinaEvergrandeGroup , largestpropertydeveloper , mostindebted , theChinesegovernment , "isstillgoingtoprovideaguarantee" , forEvergrande'sactivities , WashingtonDC , PoliticalGame , IncreasesOddsofU.S.Default , NeitherPartyBudges , Debt-LimitVote , roilingfinancialmarkets , observersworried , capsizingtheeconomy'srecovery , fromthepandemicdownturn , team , redwhiteblueuniforms , goldtrophy , groupofmen , AFirmU.S.Grip , AmericanteamwonRyderCup , againstEurope , EsiasJohnson , MentallyIllMan'sDeath , SpotlightsRikersCrisis , InhumaneConditions , TiedtoLowStaffing , $380CovidTest , theLawThatAllowsIt , CongressMadeInsurersPay , butSetNoLimit , GSLabs , start-upcompany , sunnyskies , patchyclouds , warm
Pawel Althamer, Tezca (Rainbow) , Metal, cotton, felt, rubber, cork, and plastic, 120 x 185 x 57 centimeters, 2004 Centre Pompidou , Paris
Tags: PawelAlthamer , Rainbow , sculpture , installation , chariot , shoelaces , shoesoles , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , EmmanuelMacron , France , NewPresident , Champs-Èlysèes , Inauguration , soldiers , horses , militaryprocession , ceremony , Tehran , IranianElection , hope , EconomicPledges , YearsofJoblessness , OfficalCorruption , PresidentHassanRouhani , globalcyberattack , AftershockFeared , RealEstate , OwnersChoosetoStayPut , newnormal , RenovationOverSelling , Smyrna , Tennessee , FreeTuition , TutorNewYork , MonumentalYankee , DerekJeter , plaque , recognition , honor , breastimplants , raremedicaldiagnosis , delaysanderrors , GOP , U.S.Senate , EdgingBackfromPresident , volatility , PresidentTrump , protectpoliticalfortunes , traditionalRepublicanagenda , meninsuits , power , politicalleaders , sportsfigures , partlysunny , gustybreeze
Alan Sonfist, Earth Monument to Chicago , Natural earth drillings, Installed: 5.7 x 182.9 x 243.8 centimeters, 1965-1977, Museum of Contemporary Art , Chicago
Tags: AlanSonfist , sculpture , installation , earth , drilling , MCAChicago , fracturedworld , hope , PresidentObama , ArlingtonNationalCemetery , VeteransDay , Afghanistan , Iraq , GOP , leadership , undoregulations , USCongress , MarALago , winterWhiteHouse , DonaldTrump , SecondAvenuesubway , NewYork , traindelay , happytears , crowds , citypride , cloudyweather , periodicrain , drizzle