Tags: TomaszSikorski , 8mmfilm , MUZEUM , Warsaw , Poland , 1981 , martiallaw , NYTimes , Moscow , demonstrations , anti-corruption , police , arrests , crowds , cameras , GOPretreat , NewlyEnergizedDemocrats , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , pushtaxcuts , AmbitionsScaledBack , EagerforaVictory , ACallToHeal , ACA , lawmakerslookforbipartisanship , CarlIcahn , specialadviser , billionaire , raisesethicsflags , BirminghamEngland , linktoextremism , Bolzano , Italy , SouthTyrolMuseumofArchaeology , Iceman , newclues , coldcase , humans , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , makingcase , homelessshelters , crisisaftercrisis , calculatedrisk , cloudyweather , milder , rain , drizzle , soldiers , uniforms , boots
Alan Sonfist, Earth Monument to Chicago , Natural earth drillings, Installed: 5.7 x 182.9 x 243.8 centimeters, 1965-1977, Museum of Contemporary Art , Chicago
Tags: AlanSonfist , sculpture , installation , earth , drilling , MCAChicago , fracturedworld , hope , PresidentObama , ArlingtonNationalCemetery , VeteransDay , Afghanistan , Iraq , GOP , leadership , undoregulations , USCongress , MarALago , winterWhiteHouse , DonaldTrump , SecondAvenuesubway , NewYork , traindelay , happytears , crowds , citypride , cloudyweather , periodicrain , drizzle