CentrePompidou — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Christian Jaccard, Combustion 01.9.81 , Black candlewick and burn marks on paper, 100.4 x 70.2 centimeters, 1981, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: ChristianJaccard , combustion , blackcandlewick , burnmarks , drawing , workonpaper , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , NewYork , smoke , southernLebanon , Israel'spre-emptivestrike , againstthousandsofHezbollah'srockets , WarringSidesQuicklyTalkContainment , IsraelandHezbollahClaimVictoriesofSorts , predawn , IsraelExchangesHeavyAirstrikesWithHezbollah , Flare-Up , ThenAPause , FearsGrowConflictWithLebanonCouldSpreadinRegion , HezbollahdroneinterceptedbyIsrael , KamalaHarris , HarrisIsCallingOaklandHome , BerkeleyCanUnderstandWhy , TradingLiberalMeccaforCityThat'sNotQuiteSo...Rad , HowJailedMigrantWasFreed , AndChargedWithRapeAgain , FailureofCooperationBetweenICEandCityIsBlamed , FromWar'sCarnage , SpringsRenaissanceofUkrainianPoetry , Ukrainewar , Kyiv , open-micpoetryreading , ShevchenkoNationalPrize , Journalists'HotelIsHit , Reuters , journalistswoundedinstrike , Mpox-PlaguedCongoRequestedVaccineYearsAgo , ItStillWaits , globalhealthemergency , partlysunny , afternoonstorm
Gérard Fromanger, MANIFESTANTS , Silkscreen on Bristol paper, Part of the portfolio LE ROUGE , consisting of 22 elements, Edition: 1/90, 60 x 89 centimeters, 1968, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: GérardFromanger , MANIFESTANTS , LEROUGE , printportfolio , silkscreen , serigraphy , printedition , 1968 , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Belgium , Brussels , Olympics2024 , BelgianOlympicathletes , Olympicmedals , ParisOlympics2024 , WeekendFullofBelgianEmotionsattheGames , knockoutperformances , RemcoEvenepoel , Cycling , LotteKopecky , NinaDerwael , BelgianCats , basketball , MilitaryMuscleintheMiddleEast , HowsafeisIsraelfromwrathofIranandHezbollah? , EmergencyshelterforasylumseekersstormedinU.K. , civilunrest , protests , policebarriers , 'summerofdiscontent' , northernEnglishtownofRotherham , anti-immigrationdemonstrators , stormedHolidayInnhotelhousingasylumseekers , maskedprotesterholdssmoketorch , pinksmoke , underbattlecry"Getthemout" , counteractionsbyanti-racismdemonstrators , PrimeMinisterKeirStarmer , despiteunrestinthecountryhewillgoonvacation , Adele , popstar , singer , comebackconcertinMunich , 'Adeleissuperstartowhomlawsofnaturedonotapply' , AarschotOnTheWindingPathofGwendolynRutten , GwendolynRutten , MayorofAarschot , 'Shedoesn'tchooseforthecitybutforherself' , sunnyskies , warm
Jacqueline Bret-André, Esquisse pour La Fraternité , Pastel and gouache on paper, 37 x 27 centimeters, before 1962, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: JacquelineBret-André , paintingonpaper , pastel , gouache , figurepainting , flags , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Brussels , PresidentBiden , peaceplanforGaza , lukewarmreception , Three-stepplanforpeace , U.S.PresidentJoeBidenhopestostopwarinGaza , planmetwithmixedreactioninIsrael , ProtestsinTelAviv , demonstratorscarriedbanner , callingforhelp , Israeliflags , BIDENSAVETHEMFROMNETANYAHU , 'Theplanhasverylittlechanceofsuccess' , BrigitteHerremansUGent , "Itistimetoendthiswar" , JoeBiden , JenniferLopez , portraiture , Thestruggleofsuperstaragainstherimage , finalweekofcampaigning , elections , Belgiumheadstothepolls , snails , Whysnailsareannoyingguests , 'Theyhaveanengagingsexlife' , sell-out , MarinaAbramović , cloudy , colder
Matt Bryans, Scars , Erased newspaper clipping, 13.5 x 17.5 centimeters, 2009, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MattBryans , erasure , newspaperclipping , CentrePompidou , Paris , France , NYTimes , communityofmen , embrace , scars , mourning , bandages , whitesheet , Palestinianman , wifeandthreechildrenkilled , Israel , Israeltryingtodestroytunnelnetwork , usedbyHamas , DeadliestDayYet , Gaza , EffortsAtCease-FireFail , AirstrikeKillsatLeast42 , NetanyahuVows , ToUse'FullForce'onHamas , risinginternationalcriticism , ofIsraeliairstrikes , Anasal-Yazji , searchingforhisfiancée , ShaimaaAbulOuf , "Iwillwaithereuntilwefindher." , crowdofmourners , blacksheetwithwhitestar , weekoffighting , victims , Atleast11Israelisand197Palestinianshavedied , CivilianDeathsonBothSides , RaiseSpecterofWarCrimes , theGazaStrip , civilianspayingespeciallyhighprice , FullyOpeningSchoolsinFall , ChallengesCity , NYC , oncuspofmajorreopening , cannotreturntonormal , withoutrestoringitsschoolsystem , MayoralCandidate , FoundWaystoHelpDonors , EricAdams , Fund-Raising , PushedtheLimitsofCampaignLaws , Brooklynboroughpresident , leadingcandidate , inJuneDemocraticprimaryformayor , NewDelhi , ProfiteersPounce , ExploitIndia'sCovidMisery , PhonyMedicalSupplies , PutLivesatRisk , VarshaEngineering , scrapyard , coronavirus-relatedfraud , repaintingfireextinguishers , sellingthemasoxygencanisters , PandemicSendsNewFaces , AcrossU.S.Border , Yuma , Arizona , ArrivingFromBrazilIndiaandVenezuela , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , migrants , immigrantprocessingcenter , borderwall , sunshine , someclouds , seasonable
Tags: PaulSharits , 16millimeterfilm , color , sound , Structuralfilm , nothing , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , Bergamo , Italy , hospitalroom , doctors , patients , PPE , bedsheets , trauma , spring , oneofdeadliestkillingfields , virus , Westernworld , InactionFueledDisaster , asVirusCreptIntoItaly , BehindTheCurve , ANorthernProvince'sEpicenter , PesentiFenaroliHospital , nationaltestingprotocol , WHO , Covid-19 , recommendedtesting , forpeoplewithlinktoChina , Covid-19alreadyarrivedinLombardyregion , NewYork , SuddenShift , WillReopenSomeSchools , ElementaryStudents , SettoReturnDec.7 , CriticismofCity , LeadstoOverhaul , MayorBilldeBlasio , Iran , StrugglesForaResponse , ToBoldStrikes , MohsenFakhrizadeh , scientist , captainofcovertattempts , toassemblenuclearweapon , assassination , onlinefootage , JavadMogouyi , documentaryfilmmaker , stage , blue , orange , spotlight , actor , silhouette , JeffersonMays , one-man"ChristmasCarol" , EbenezerScrooge , Broadway , Itwillbestreamedinstead , ClassicLivesOn , byCarScreenRadioorMail , theaters , usingcontagion-reductionstrategy , outdoorstagings , drive-inproductions , streettheater , streamingvideo , radioplays , do-it-yourselfkitbymail , BlueBlocs , VieForSenateSeat , HeldbyHarris , AlexPadilla , presidentofLosAngelesCityCouncil , emergedasfront-runner , GavinNewsom , mustnamesuccessor , steel , borderwall , trees , opening , roughterrain , government'starget , 450miles , newwallconstruction , BlitzofActivity , ToExpandWall , ByEndofTerm , Arizona , USborder , Mexico , strongwinds , heavyrain , thunderstorms
Hito Steyerl, Red Alert , Triptych, Three films of 30 seconds each running in a loop; three flat screen cinema screens of 76.2 centimeters each, three mac minis, mounting system, connection hardware, Edition: 2/3 + 2 AP, 2007, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: HitoSteyerl , flatscreens , film , installation , redalert , edition , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , mother , childsleeping , greent-shirt , protection , 'It'sYourBabyorYourImmigrationStatus' , choice , undocumentedpregnantwomen , avoidinghospitals , givingbirthathome , fearfulofbeingsweptup , AttemptToWipeOutUrbanVotes , BlackBallots , AFamiliarTarget , 'Democrat-ledcity' , 'that'scodeforBlack' , Rev.WilliamJ.BarberII , "They'recoupling'city'and'fraud'" , Pennsylvania , Georgia , Michigan , WashingtonDC , JosephR.BidenJr. , BidenToChooseAllianceBuilder , AsTopDiplomat , SignalingShiftForU.S. , CloseAidesSetForRoles , StateDepartment , AntonyJ.Blinken , nationalsecurityadviser , JakeSullivan , foreignpolicyadvisers , againstTrump's"AmericaFirst"principle , EvenAfterLoss , TrumpSeeksToKeepGrip , onG.O.P.Levers , partyidentity , RNCchairwoman , RonnaMcDaniel , BillGates , LoomsLarge , QuestForaVaccine , SerumInstituteofIndia , vaccinemanufacturer , BillandMelindaGatesFoundation , $150millionguarantee , vaccineproduction , WorldHealthOrganization , Risks , Rituals , ADividedThanksgiving , viruscasessurge , fewerfamiliesgathering , dinnertable , guests , coronavirus , blankmarquees , redandwhite , verticalrectangle , RegalCinemasclosed , LosAngeles , missingfilms , couldgostraighttoTVscreens , TheatersLimping , Hollywood , LeapsIntotheArmsofStreaming , manytheatersshut , film'ssuccess , nolongerjudged , boxofficerevenue , hybridmodel , HBOMaxsubscribers , on-demandservices , morningrain , cloudsclearing , somesunshine , breezy
Mona Hatoum, Light Sentence , Wire mesh, electric motor, timer, light bulb, cables, electric wire, 198 x 185 x 490 centimeters, 1992, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MonaHatoum , LightSentence , sculpture , installation , wiremesh , light , shadows , confinement , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , KhostProvince , Afghanistan , twomen , mountainlandscape , clouds , grey , blue , silver , lightfilteringthroughholeinclouds , barren , rocky , brownearth , UnitedNationsreport , accusedC.I.A.-sponsoredunits , operatingoutside , oflocallaw , C.I.A.-LedAfghanForces , LeaveGrimTrail , ofAbuse , CovertCampaign , AlienatesResidents , SpursAccusations , WarCrimes , raidingforce , "committedanatrocity" , RazoKhan , watchedhishome , goupinflames , portrait , childandman , AdelShah , 10yearsold , woundedinnightattack , bystrikeforce , NangarharProvince , Hisfatherkilledinraid , blueshirts , bluegreypattern , tanbackground , texture , lightpatches , manconsolingchild , grief , Vienna , Austria , PowerPointSlide , TangledMcKinsey , inU.S.BriberyCase , Boeing , 787Dreamliner , titaniumpartsshortage , threatenedproduction , sought"bestpractices"advice , consultingfirm , goldenpedigree , Ukrainianoligarch , DmitryV.Firtash , "characterduediligence" , bribingIndianofficials , minetitaniuminIndia , Westminster , California , CulturalShifts , SweepAway , CaliforniaBastionofConservatism , BolsaAvenue , signswritteninVietnamese , CalleCuatro , Latinoclientele , OrangeCounty , transformedAmericansuburb , intoDemocraticoutpost , StunningFall , Nissan'sBrashSavior , AccusedofHidingIncome , CarlosGhosn , (Again) , FacesJapan'sIre , portraiture , outdoors , porchonlake , trees , forest , mansittinginwoodenchair , CarlosGhosnjailedinTokyo , amidaccusations , financialwrongdoing , WhatsApp , grouptexttochildren , "GameofGhosns" , "GameofThrones" , "OnmywaytoTokyo!" , "Loveyouguys!" , TrumpDigsIn , DimmingHope , OfBudgetDeal , WashingtonDC , governmentshutdown , 800000federalworkers , affectedbyshutdown , SenatorLindseyGraham , saidpresidentwouldnotaccept , anydeal , withoutfundingforthewall , increasingclouds , afternoonrain
Pawel Althamer, Tezca (Rainbow) , Metal, cotton, felt, rubber, cork, and plastic, 120 x 185 x 57 centimeters, 2004 Centre Pompidou , Paris
Tags: PawelAlthamer , Rainbow , sculpture , installation , chariot , shoelaces , shoesoles , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , EmmanuelMacron , France , NewPresident , Champs-Èlysèes , Inauguration , soldiers , horses , militaryprocession , ceremony , Tehran , IranianElection , hope , EconomicPledges , YearsofJoblessness , OfficalCorruption , PresidentHassanRouhani , globalcyberattack , AftershockFeared , RealEstate , OwnersChoosetoStayPut , newnormal , RenovationOverSelling , Smyrna , Tennessee , FreeTuition , TutorNewYork , MonumentalYankee , DerekJeter , plaque , recognition , honor , breastimplants , raremedicaldiagnosis , delaysanderrors , GOP , U.S.Senate , EdgingBackfromPresident , volatility , PresidentTrump , protectpoliticalfortunes , traditionalRepublicanagenda , meninsuits , power , politicalleaders , sportsfigures , partlysunny , gustybreeze
André-Pierre Arnal, Pliage (Grand triangle bleu et rouge), Glycerophtalic paint sprayed on unstretched canvas, 220 x 440 centimeters, 1971, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: André-PierreArnal , painting , Support/Surface , France , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , LouvreMuseum , Frenchelection , EmmanuelMacron , CentristSweepstoVictory , MacronElectedPresident , ShunningFarRight , MarineLePen , PopulistAnger , PoliticalSkill , Luck , CampaignRivalManyCouldn'tStomach , RikersIsland , MonitorAccusedofSpying , AClaimofListeningIn , Informants , investigation , NewOrleans , ConfederateMonumentstakendown , JeffersonDavis , TempersFlare , AmericanHistory , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , GOP , FightOverHealthCare , FocusMovestoCuttingBenefits , AffordableCareAct , EnvironmentalProtectionAgency , ScientistsOustedFromReviewBoard , reducingregulations , reducingacademicresearch , ScottPruitt , deepbudgetcuts , rollbackObama-eraregulations , climatechange , cleanwater , redwhiteandblue , partlysunny , acoolday