16millimeterfilm — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Celaje , Original score by José Iván Lebrón Moreira,16mm and Super 8 film transferred to HD video, 40:57 minutes, 2020, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SofíaGallisáMuriente , 16millimeterfilm , Super8film , HDvideo , originalscore , JoséIvánLebrónMoreira , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , PacificOcean , sandbarriers , sanddunes , tropicalstorm , hurricanepreparation , bluelifeguardshack , HilaryDrenchesSouthernCalifornia , Beachgoers , LongBeachCalifornia , awaitingfirsttropicalstormineightdecades , Ukrainewar , UkraineTroopsOnFrontLinesLaudOffensive , UpbeatDespiteIssues , CommandersSayForcesAreinBetterShapeThanMonthsAgo , greennightvisionphotography , silhouette , Ukraine's128thMountainAssaultBrigade , Zaporizhzhiaregion , NewIberiaLouisiana , NotJustHeatButHumidity , PlaguesSouth , Mauiwildfires , FireHighlightsHawaii'sHistoryofWaterFights , AttemptstoLimitUseofScarceResource , CauseConflict , Laha , WashingtonDC , HowPleaDealWentOffTrack , ForBiden'sSon , HunterBiden , GroundShifted , DataFromI.R.S.Emerged , SpainLiftsWorldCupTrophy , HopesofGirlsBackHome , SummitOfSoccer , SpaindefeatedEngland1-0 , Women'sWorldCuptitle , orangeyellowuniforms , womenssoccer , Atlanta , Rapper'sRICOCaseinGeorgia , HintsatHowTrump'sMayGo , YoungThug , racketeering , partlysunnyandhumid , thundershower
Tags: MaryBeams , animation , 16millimeterfilm , whalesongs , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , ocean , clouds , bluewater , whalesharks , maninboat , 'TheyWillLeaveifWeDon'tFeedThem' , Conservationistsdecry , hand-feedingofwhalesharks , tourist-relianttown , Philippines , AFalteringShadowWar , AgainstSomaliMilitants , LongAfter'BlackHawkDown'Disaster , U.S.BattlesOffshootofAlQaeda , landscape , Mogadishuruin , Somalia'scivilwarin1990s , destroyedbuilding , Amazon , FlawedSystemLedtoLostPay , Amazonshortchangingnewparents , patientswithmedicalcrises , vulnerableworkersonleave , GreatFalls , Montana , FalsehoodsMeddle , HumbleBidtoHonorPast , SowingDoubt , DerailCivicPlan , toSpurMontanaTourism , mountainlandscape , SquareButte , FirstPeoplesBuffaloJumpStatePark , nationallandmark , SeaIsland , Georgia , RussiaRestartsCyberoperation , DespiteRebuke , S.V.R. , WhiteHouseblamedforSolarWindshacking , TheyGaveUpAJob , toAvoidCovidVaccines , sizablecontingentacrosstheUnitedStates , resistancetothevaccines , givenupcareers , Boston , TheNationalPastime'sChallenge , ProveItsTimeHasn'tPassed , YoungBlackFans , KeytoBaseball'sGrowth , sunny , thencloudy , warmer , rainlate
Tags: PaulSharits , 16millimeterfilm , color , sound , Structuralfilm , nothing , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , Bergamo , Italy , hospitalroom , doctors , patients , PPE , bedsheets , trauma , spring , oneofdeadliestkillingfields , virus , Westernworld , InactionFueledDisaster , asVirusCreptIntoItaly , BehindTheCurve , ANorthernProvince'sEpicenter , PesentiFenaroliHospital , nationaltestingprotocol , WHO , Covid-19 , recommendedtesting , forpeoplewithlinktoChina , Covid-19alreadyarrivedinLombardyregion , NewYork , SuddenShift , WillReopenSomeSchools , ElementaryStudents , SettoReturnDec.7 , CriticismofCity , LeadstoOverhaul , MayorBilldeBlasio , Iran , StrugglesForaResponse , ToBoldStrikes , MohsenFakhrizadeh , scientist , captainofcovertattempts , toassemblenuclearweapon , assassination , onlinefootage , JavadMogouyi , documentaryfilmmaker , stage , blue , orange , spotlight , actor , silhouette , JeffersonMays , one-man"ChristmasCarol" , EbenezerScrooge , Broadway , Itwillbestreamedinstead , ClassicLivesOn , byCarScreenRadioorMail , theaters , usingcontagion-reductionstrategy , outdoorstagings , drive-inproductions , streettheater , streamingvideo , radioplays , do-it-yourselfkitbymail , BlueBlocs , VieForSenateSeat , HeldbyHarris , AlexPadilla , presidentofLosAngelesCityCouncil , emergedasfront-runner , GavinNewsom , mustnamesuccessor , steel , borderwall , trees , opening , roughterrain , government'starget , 450miles , newwallconstruction , BlitzofActivity , ToExpandWall , ByEndofTerm , Arizona , USborder , Mexico , strongwinds , heavyrain , thunderstorms
Yoko Ono, Eye Blink , 16 millimeter film, black and white, 35 seconds, 1966, Reina Sofia , Madrid / Image credit: Jonas Mekas (Note: Video is hyperlinked via the title of the work).
Tags: YokoOno , 16millimeterfilm , FluxfilmAnthology , JonasMekas , silentfilm , blackandwhite , ReinaSofiaMuseum , Madrid , Ubuweb , NYTimes , FillingGapsinHealthCare , Appalachia , freehealthclinic , countyfairground , Virginia , RacingtoAlterPatientsCells , cancerresearch , genetherapy , shrinkingtumors , nextfrontier , NYCmayor , CampaignDonor , SoughtMayor'sHelp , CityHall , WenttoWork , BilldeBlasio , Shanghai , China , GrayRhinos , tycoons , ChokingonDebt , BeijingTightensReins , PresidentXiJinping , PresidentTrump , InSwitch , SeemsToAcceptRussiaSanctions , WashingtonDC , FacingBipartisanIre , PresidentLashesOut , CongressTriestoForceHisHand , VladimirPutin , Expansionofsanctions , triedtoavoid , mostlycloudy , morningrain , afternoonshowers , cooler , stillhumid