film — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Hito Steyerl, Red Alert , Triptych, Three films of 30 seconds each running in a loop; three flat screen cinema screens of 76.2 centimeters each, three mac minis, mounting system, connection hardware, Edition: 2/3 + 2 AP, 2007, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: HitoSteyerl , flatscreens , film , installation , redalert , edition , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , mother , childsleeping , greent-shirt , protection , 'It'sYourBabyorYourImmigrationStatus' , choice , undocumentedpregnantwomen , avoidinghospitals , givingbirthathome , fearfulofbeingsweptup , AttemptToWipeOutUrbanVotes , BlackBallots , AFamiliarTarget , 'Democrat-ledcity' , 'that'scodeforBlack' , Rev.WilliamJ.BarberII , "They'recoupling'city'and'fraud'" , Pennsylvania , Georgia , Michigan , WashingtonDC , JosephR.BidenJr. , BidenToChooseAllianceBuilder , AsTopDiplomat , SignalingShiftForU.S. , CloseAidesSetForRoles , StateDepartment , AntonyJ.Blinken , nationalsecurityadviser , JakeSullivan , foreignpolicyadvisers , againstTrump's"AmericaFirst"principle , EvenAfterLoss , TrumpSeeksToKeepGrip , onG.O.P.Levers , partyidentity , RNCchairwoman , RonnaMcDaniel , BillGates , LoomsLarge , QuestForaVaccine , SerumInstituteofIndia , vaccinemanufacturer , BillandMelindaGatesFoundation , $150millionguarantee , vaccineproduction , WorldHealthOrganization , Risks , Rituals , ADividedThanksgiving , viruscasessurge , fewerfamiliesgathering , dinnertable , guests , coronavirus , blankmarquees , redandwhite , verticalrectangle , RegalCinemasclosed , LosAngeles , missingfilms , couldgostraighttoTVscreens , TheatersLimping , Hollywood , LeapsIntotheArmsofStreaming , manytheatersshut , film'ssuccess , nolongerjudged , boxofficerevenue , hybridmodel , HBOMaxsubscribers , on-demandservices , morningrain , cloudsclearing , somesunshine , breezy
Tags: HollyZausner , film , GrandCentralStation , womanalone , abandonedstation , Americanflag , lightreflections , SchirnKunsthalleFrankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , chandeliers , walkway , stone , underground , TooQuiet , subduedGrandCentralTerminal , gloomsettledonanation , suddenlyingripofpandemic , FedCutsRatesToNearZero , VirusTollSoars , WashingtonDC , ItalyReportsSharpIncreaseinDeaths , ClosingsAcrosstheU.S. , globaleconomy , imminentperil , shuttersfactories , quarantinesworkers , disruptseverydaylife , topofficial , "I'mnotgoingtosaythatthelabtestingissueisover." , BusinessGrindstoaHalt , TheCostofDisruptionSurges , KalenaMasching , realestateagent , "LastweekIwouldhavetoldyounothinghadchanged" , "Thisweekithasallgonetohell." , NewYorkOrders , SchoolsBarsAndRestaurantstoShutDown , TrackingAnOutbreak , StockingShelves , Foodsuppliersandretailers , saytheyhaveenoughgoods , stilladjustingtheirpacetomeetdemand , Biotechnology , Germanofficialsappearedrattled , reportedAmericanoverture , tocompanyresearchingvaccine , Airports , TravelersreturningtoUnitedStates , waitedinline , foraslongassevenhours , "enhancedscreening" , customs , Brussels , AcrossEurope , VirusPuncturesCafeSociety , coronavirus , severedhumanity , fromitsconceitofcontrol , fragmentation , TodayEuropeanstoldtohideaway , erectingborders , redbluescreen , DemocraticPresidentialDebate , JosephR.BidenJr. , BernieSanders , pointingfingers , avoidedshakinghands , noliveaudience , redcarpet , TwoRivalsTakeOnOutbreak , andEachOther , Gainesville , Florida , Ex-FelonsinFlorida , CanVoteAtLast , SomeDon'tWantTo , portraiture , JuliusIrving , canvasser , hisprisonexperiences , "mademenottrustthisgovernment" , Floridarecentlyoverturnedlifetimeban , DeontreWashington , "Idon'tcareabouthisgovernmentandthisgovernmentdoesn'tcareaboutme." , sunshinegivingwaytoclouds , achillierday
Felix Droese, Dresden Yellow I , Woodcut, 28 1/8 x 19 1/2 inches, 1993, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: FelixDroese , woodcut , printmaking , yellow , figurecrouching , MoMA , CorriereDellaSera , Italy , Livorno , Underwater , deadlytrap , Afamilyafflicted , grandfatherdies , tosavethegranddaughter , themayor , missedthealarm , HurricaneIrma , darkensMiami , PresidentTrump , pleads , Godprotectsus , Ourfault , LivesDraggedAway , intwominutes , twofloods , twocities , oneoftwo , carabinieri , police , accusedofviolence , Myact , isinexcusable , Giannelli , cartoonist , ButItIsNotTheFaultofDestiny , manonècolpadeldestino , threeteams , inthehead , Lazio , apokeratMilan , crouchingathlete , flourescentyellowuniform , GuillermodelToro , Ilovemonsters , andIfearhell , film , filmmaker , aerialview , submergedcities , yellowwalksign , arrow , streetsunderwater , pioggiadebole , lightrain , temporaleeschiarite , thunderstormandlightening , nubisparse , scatteredclouds
SUPERFLEX, Flooded McDonald's , Digital video, Twenty-one minutes, 2009, Hammer Museum , Los Angeles (Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via the title of the work).
Tags: SUPERFLEX , video , sculpture , film , McDonald's , HammerMuseum , Houston , Texas , TelephoneRoad , Déjàvu , HurricaneKatrina , residentsscrambled , toreachsafety , flood , DeadlyStorm , TransformsStreets , RagingRivers , CountlessRescues , DrenchedandDazedCity , DevastationOverwhelms , TorrentialRain , FarFromOver , WashingtonDC , Strains , OnCrewsandVessels , SetStage , NavyCrashes , Beirut , HezbollahWieldsRisingPower , Iran'sEnforcer , Tehran , BuildingMilitiaNetwork , Iran'sAgenda , SanFrancisco , ExpediaLeader , DaraKhosrowshahi , PickForUber'sChief , PresidentTrump , OverhaulNuclearArsenal , DespiteRisk , PriceOfOneTrillionDollars , CriticsCautionAgainst , MakingLimitedWar , AnOption , USAdministration , BuildsUpMilitary , sunshine , cloudy , NYTimes