stone — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Elena Tejada-Herrera, The Girls Train To Fight, Video, 15’44, 2019 |Who Will Write The History Of Tears, Artists on Women’s Rights, 2021-2022 | Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie , Poland
Tags: ElenaTejada-Herrera , TheGirlsTrainedToFight , video , socialpractice , community , WhoWillWriteTheHistoryOfTears:ArtistsonWomen'sRights , MuzeumSztuki , Warsaw , Poland , NYTimes , landscape , sunset , terrace , stone , gridpattern , lightbluegrey , groupexercise , KungFuNuns , CrackGenderBarriers , Nepal , Buddhistreligiousorder , Himalayanregion , challengingrulesandcustoms , mixingmeditationwithmartialarts , environmentalactivism , FewEmployersOutsideOfTech , OptForLayoffs , DespiteFed'sActions , Pandemic , LeftManyCompaniesFearingStaffShortages , ToppenishWashington , snowystreetscene , twowomen , portraiture , AstriaToppenishHospitalshutdown , JazzminMaldonado , withherwifeSofia , MaternityClosuresLeaveRuralAreasinLurch , WardsShutDown , EvenasPregnancy-RelatedDeathsClimb , childbirth , low-incomecommunities , EnergyDepartment , SuspectsVirusWasFromLab , coronaviruspandemic , accidentallaboratoryleakinChina , WashingtonDC , InWartime , TalkofPeaceAddstoFight , Ukrainewar , WhereCanYouCarryGuns? , It'saLegalJumble , ToppledNewYorkLaw , UpendsRulesinU.S. , IndianAmericans , RisingForceinPolitics , BidsforPresidentin3StraightCycles , increasingcloudiness , rainsnowandiceintheafternoon
Charlotta Östlund, Bouquet , Plant parts, stone, mixed media, 79 x 60 x 60 centimeters, 2016, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: CharlottaÖstlund , mixedmedia , sculpture , flowers , petals , plants , branches , stone , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , bouquetofflowers , memorial , prayer , kneelingman , messages , bottles , cups , yellowpolicetape , victimsofcrowdsurge , Itaewondistrict , Seoul , Korea , relativesofmissingpeople , weepingatcommunitycenter , 11-foot-widealleyway , deaths , over150peoplesuffocated , DeadlyCrush , LeavesSeoulInMourning , Halloween , BrazilRejectsBolsonaro , BringsBack'Lula' , AfterPrison , StunningRevivalfortheLeftist , cheeringcrowd , Brazilianflag , LuizInácioLuladaSilva , SenateContestsAreTight , In4KeyStates , Polls , FightOvertheWhiteWorkingClass , Pennsylvania , Scranton , ruralareas , smalltowns , DemocratsLeadinArizona , OtherRacesTeeter , midtermelections , StarPower , high-profiledisplay , RepublicanandDemocraticefforts , NewYork , manyracesareclose , GoingModerate , SomeRepublicansmakingheadway , distancingthemselvesfromrightwingoftheirparty , WashingtonDC , YearsofEffortstoVilifyPelosi , PrecededBrutalAttackinHome , SpeakerNancyPelosi , attackonPaulPelosi , ResearchersDefendMeat , WithIndustry'sHelp , ClearCenter , UCDavis , fundingfromindustrydonations , coordinateswithmajorlivestocklobbygroup , messagingcampaigns , somesun , givingwaytoclouds
Charles Henri Joseph Cordier, Woman from the French Colonies , Pedestal attributed to designs by Charles-François Rossigneux, Algerian onyx-marble, bronze, enamel, amethyst, white marble socle, 95.9 x 59.1 x 31.1 centimeters, 1861, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: CharlesHenriJosephCordier , WomanfromtheFrenchColonies , Algerianonyx-marble , bronze , enamel , amethyst , whitemarblesocle , nineteenthcentury , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , blueglow , nightsky , stone , ruins , PalaceofSansSouci , Milot , Haiti , monument , portraitbust , QueenMarieLouiseofHaiti , financialextraction , hobbledthenation , ABankCreatedforHaiti , FunneledWealthtoFrance , TheRansom , Haiti'sLostBillions , TheNationalBankofHaiti , mirage , Invaders , Bucha , Ukraine , 18DaysofHorror , ARussianBrigade , BroughtTortureandDeath , toCornerofUkraine , EasternFront , Russianforcespushedtowardkeycity , battleofattrition , NadezhdaCherednychenko , motherandson , holdingphotographofVolodymyr , 27yearoldson , shefoundhisbody , aftertheRussianswithdrew , wallpaper , pictureframes , homeinterior , SouthernBaptistLeadership , AccusedofIgnoringSexAbuse , QuickFunding , ForSteveMnuchin , AndJaredKushner , GulfInvestments , CameAfterOfficialTravel , AbrahamFund , wouldraise$3billion , forprojectsaroundMiddleEast , Trumpadministration , MiddaySubwayShooting , LatestShocktoCity , AttackComes6WeeksAfter , 10WereShotonNTrainlastmonth , Qtrain , ABaseballSuperstition , CanBeFoundinthePerfumeAisle , SomePlayersSeeking , WhiffofSuccess , cloudswithsomesunnybreaks
Dominic Di Mare, Mourning Station #11 , hawthorn, horsehair, feathers, thread, and stone, 111.8 x 49.3 x 40.7 centimeters, 1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: DominicDiMare , mourningstation , hawthorn , horsehair , feathers , thread , stone , mixedmedia , sculpture , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , menhuddledunderatent , afather , funeral , 17-year-olddaughterkilled , strikeonahighschool , Kabul , Afghanistan , 'WhyDoWeDeservetoDie?' , BuryingHazaraGirlsinKabul , Fury , Heartbreak , CriestoTakeUpArms , inDefense , shoutedprayersforthedead , Hazaraethnicminority , hardlyanysecuritytoprotectthem , ManyFamiliesTurningAwayFromSchools , EducationCrisis , BornNotOnlyofFear , coronaviruspandemic , remotelearning , studentsworkingdayjobs , maynotreturntoschool , BattleBrewing , RegulatingCryptocurrency , BidToInfluencePolicy , RippleLabs , FirmPlansStrategy , LawyersLobbyistsConsultants , portraiture , trophy , BobBaffert , seventhKentuckyDerbyvictory , FailedDrugTest , PutsDerbyWinAtRisk , TrainerUnderFire , MedinaSpirit , 2021KentuckyDerbywinner , thoroughbredhorseracing , DetailsofClaim , ThatShookUpAMayor'sRace , ScottM.Stringer , JeanKim , clashingnarratives , Ms.Kimaccusedhimofsexualmisconduct , Mr.StringersaysMs.Kimwasapeer , "on-and-off"consensualrelationship , bluetablet , cup , doseofpsilocybin , CenterforPsychedelicandConsciousnessResearch , JohnsHopkins , PsychedelicsArePoised , toReshapePsychiatry , CollegesandInvestors , RushtoGetInvolved , MDMApairedwithcounseling , broughtmarkedrelief , patientswithseverePTSD , strayshowersearly , cloudy , partlysunnylate
Tags: HollyZausner , film , GrandCentralStation , womanalone , abandonedstation , Americanflag , lightreflections , SchirnKunsthalleFrankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , chandeliers , walkway , stone , underground , TooQuiet , subduedGrandCentralTerminal , gloomsettledonanation , suddenlyingripofpandemic , FedCutsRatesToNearZero , VirusTollSoars , WashingtonDC , ItalyReportsSharpIncreaseinDeaths , ClosingsAcrosstheU.S. , globaleconomy , imminentperil , shuttersfactories , quarantinesworkers , disruptseverydaylife , topofficial , "I'mnotgoingtosaythatthelabtestingissueisover." , BusinessGrindstoaHalt , TheCostofDisruptionSurges , KalenaMasching , realestateagent , "LastweekIwouldhavetoldyounothinghadchanged" , "Thisweekithasallgonetohell." , NewYorkOrders , SchoolsBarsAndRestaurantstoShutDown , TrackingAnOutbreak , StockingShelves , Foodsuppliersandretailers , saytheyhaveenoughgoods , stilladjustingtheirpacetomeetdemand , Biotechnology , Germanofficialsappearedrattled , reportedAmericanoverture , tocompanyresearchingvaccine , Airports , TravelersreturningtoUnitedStates , waitedinline , foraslongassevenhours , "enhancedscreening" , customs , Brussels , AcrossEurope , VirusPuncturesCafeSociety , coronavirus , severedhumanity , fromitsconceitofcontrol , fragmentation , TodayEuropeanstoldtohideaway , erectingborders , redbluescreen , DemocraticPresidentialDebate , JosephR.BidenJr. , BernieSanders , pointingfingers , avoidedshakinghands , noliveaudience , redcarpet , TwoRivalsTakeOnOutbreak , andEachOther , Gainesville , Florida , Ex-FelonsinFlorida , CanVoteAtLast , SomeDon'tWantTo , portraiture , JuliusIrving , canvasser , hisprisonexperiences , "mademenottrustthisgovernment" , Floridarecentlyoverturnedlifetimeban , DeontreWashington , "Idon'tcareabouthisgovernmentandthisgovernmentdoesn'tcareaboutme." , sunshinegivingwaytoclouds , achillierday
Tags: KarooAshevak , whalebone , stone , figure , IndigenousArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , redfootballuniforms , footballfield , coaches , SuperBowl , AWin50YearsintheMaking , QuarterbackPatrickMahomes , Chiefs , beatthe49ers , firstSuperBowlchampionshipsince1970 , Wuhan , China , AFeverof104 , HourstoWait , AndNoRelief , BedSpaceandHopeDwindle , coronavirus , outbreak , panic , illness , impossibletogethealthcare , manyresidentssay , PandemicLooms , Rapidlyrisingcaseloads , alarmingresearchers , fearthevirusmayspreadacrossglobe , Panicked , Travelersscramble , fewremainingairlineticketsoutofChina , quarantines , TradeNetworks , FaceNewMenace , InACoronavirus , ChinaInCrossHairs , WithDominanceComesRisks , DwarftheImpactofSARS , Apple , Starbucks , Ikea , temporarilyclosedstoresinChina , shoppingmallsdeserted , InternationalairlinescancelflightstoChina , economicgrowthexpectedtoslipthisyear , Newton , Iowa , DemocratsPitchedaHugeTent , It'saHiveofAngst , pre-primarycampaign , lowgradeanxietyattackforDemocrats , presidentialcampaignsigns , PETE , SouthBend , supporterscheeringPeteButtigieg , BernieSanders , CedarRapids , ElizabethWarren , GetOuttheCaucusrally , Indianola , JosephR.BidenJr. , townhall-stylerallyinDubuque , IowaPopulationAptlyReflects , GrayingofAmericanEconomy , mirrorsnation'seconomyanddemography , state'srapidlyagingpopulation , IntheEnd , ClashofGiantEgos , TriumphedOverSubwayRepairs , AndyByford , scorchingletterofresignation , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , complaintsofmicromanaging , U.S.BanSundersFamilies , SlamsDooronMuchofAfrica , livesthrownintodisarray , PresidentTrump , expansionofimmigrationban , sixnewcountries , includingNigeria , "Americahaskilledme" , "Wearefinished." , IkennaNwegbe , cloudsandsunshine , breezy
Tags: SergiAguilar , ReinaSofiaMuseum , Madrid , sculpture , installation , Venezuela , economiccrises , starvation , poverty , burials , stone , fences , mothers , TrumpOrganization , TrumpInternationalHotel , LasVegas , conflictofinterest , boss , company , USforeignpolicy , radar , surveillanceplane , Syria , ChristmasinIraq , pro-wrestling , China , AmericanKidneyFund , donations , negotiations , grief , GeorgeMichael , reflections , lights , cameraflash , cloudyweather , spottydrizzle
Alice Aycock, Project Entitled "Studies for a Town" , Wood, 9' 11 1/2" x 11' 7 3/4" x 12' 1", 1977, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Tags: AliceAycock , MoMA , NYTimes , sculpture , wood , stone , citadel , Palmyra , Pakistan , signs , GOP , Republicans , DonaldTrump , voters , socialclasses , cities , architecture , SocialSecurity , observatory , bunker , amphitheater