whitemarblesocle — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Charles Henri Joseph Cordier, Woman from the French Colonies , Pedestal attributed to designs by Charles-François Rossigneux, Algerian onyx-marble, bronze, enamel, amethyst, white marble socle, 95.9 x 59.1 x 31.1 centimeters, 1861, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: CharlesHenriJosephCordier , WomanfromtheFrenchColonies , Algerianonyx-marble , bronze , enamel , amethyst , whitemarblesocle , nineteenthcentury , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , blueglow , nightsky , stone , ruins , PalaceofSansSouci , Milot , Haiti , monument , portraitbust , QueenMarieLouiseofHaiti , financialextraction , hobbledthenation , ABankCreatedforHaiti , FunneledWealthtoFrance , TheRansom , Haiti'sLostBillions , TheNationalBankofHaiti , mirage , Invaders , Bucha , Ukraine , 18DaysofHorror , ARussianBrigade , BroughtTortureandDeath , toCornerofUkraine , EasternFront , Russianforcespushedtowardkeycity , battleofattrition , NadezhdaCherednychenko , motherandson , holdingphotographofVolodymyr , 27yearoldson , shefoundhisbody , aftertheRussianswithdrew , wallpaper , pictureframes , homeinterior , SouthernBaptistLeadership , AccusedofIgnoringSexAbuse , QuickFunding , ForSteveMnuchin , AndJaredKushner , GulfInvestments , CameAfterOfficialTravel , AbrahamFund , wouldraise$3billion , forprojectsaroundMiddleEast , Trumpadministration , MiddaySubwayShooting , LatestShocktoCity , AttackComes6WeeksAfter , 10WereShotonNTrainlastmonth , Qtrain , ABaseballSuperstition , CanBeFoundinthePerfumeAisle , SomePlayersSeeking , WhiffofSuccess , cloudswithsomesunnybreaks