enamel — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
China, Jingdezhen, Jianxi province, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722), A standing figure , Porcelain with green, black, yellow, aubergine, and blue enamels, 12.5 x 4.5 inches, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture , San Francisco, California
Tags: China , Jingdezhen , Jianxiprovince , Qingdynasty , Astandingfigure , porcelain , sculpture , enamel , AsianArtMuseum , Chong-MoonLeeCenterforAsianArtandCulture , SanFrancisco , California , NYTimes , TheKeeper , soccer , Fati , Inacountrywherewomenhadfewoptions , playinggoalkeeper , Afghannationalteam , gavehercourage , confidence , aname , WhenTalibanrolledintoKabul , shereceivedatextfromteammate , "Theyaregoingtokilltheathletes." , greenblackuniform , standingtall , portraiture , grass , soccerfield , WashingtonDC , UnwrittenRule , PosesDilemmaFor2Inquiries , MidtermsCouldDelay , JusticeDepartmentMoves , 60-dayrule , forbiddingovertactions , thatcouldimproperlyinfluencevote , RussiansUseBioweaponLie , ToSmearU.S. , DisinformationKeepsCirculatingAbroad , conspiracytheories , TheBiologicalWeaponsConvention , Russiacommandedinternationalforum , Geneva , EuropeSprintsToSupplyRelief , EnergyCosts , FearOfSocialUnrest , AsWarGrindsOn , BracingforColdDays , HotTempers , Berlin , ChancellorOlafScholz , pledged$65billion , reliefmeasures , inflation , energycrisis , Gazprom , Kremlin-controlledRussianenergygiant , halttoflowofgas , NordStream1pipeline , SerenaWilliams , tookselfiewithfans , afterherfirst-roundvictory , U.S.Open , Serena'sSeven-DayGoodbye , totheSportSheChangedForever , tennis , Yakima , Washington , WashingtonRiver , MightYieldModel , ForEndingaWaterWar , concrete-linedirrigationcanal , bluecurve , bluesky , WashingtonState , watermanagersofYakimaBasin , manageYakimaRiverandtributaries , fornext30years , ensurestablesupplyofwater , cloudy , notaswarm , humid , showers , thunderstorms
Charles Henri Joseph Cordier, Woman from the French Colonies , Pedestal attributed to designs by Charles-François Rossigneux, Algerian onyx-marble, bronze, enamel, amethyst, white marble socle, 95.9 x 59.1 x 31.1 centimeters, 1861, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: CharlesHenriJosephCordier , WomanfromtheFrenchColonies , Algerianonyx-marble , bronze , enamel , amethyst , whitemarblesocle , nineteenthcentury , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , blueglow , nightsky , stone , ruins , PalaceofSansSouci , Milot , Haiti , monument , portraitbust , QueenMarieLouiseofHaiti , financialextraction , hobbledthenation , ABankCreatedforHaiti , FunneledWealthtoFrance , TheRansom , Haiti'sLostBillions , TheNationalBankofHaiti , mirage , Invaders , Bucha , Ukraine , 18DaysofHorror , ARussianBrigade , BroughtTortureandDeath , toCornerofUkraine , EasternFront , Russianforcespushedtowardkeycity , battleofattrition , NadezhdaCherednychenko , motherandson , holdingphotographofVolodymyr , 27yearoldson , shefoundhisbody , aftertheRussianswithdrew , wallpaper , pictureframes , homeinterior , SouthernBaptistLeadership , AccusedofIgnoringSexAbuse , QuickFunding , ForSteveMnuchin , AndJaredKushner , GulfInvestments , CameAfterOfficialTravel , AbrahamFund , wouldraise$3billion , forprojectsaroundMiddleEast , Trumpadministration , MiddaySubwayShooting , LatestShocktoCity , AttackComes6WeeksAfter , 10WereShotonNTrainlastmonth , Qtrain , ABaseballSuperstition , CanBeFoundinthePerfumeAisle , SomePlayersSeeking , WhiffofSuccess , cloudswithsomesunnybreaks
Jim Hodges, look and see , Enamel on stainless steel, 138 x 300 x 144 inches, 2005, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: JimHodges , enamel , stainlesssteel , sculpture , installation , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , TalibanCaptureKabul , StunningU.S. , A20-YearEffortUnravelsInDays , militarytank , camouflage , traffic , weapons , youngmen , flags , roadside , Talibanfighters , HumveeseizedfromAfghanforces , eightdaysintonationwidepush , insurgentstookcontrolofcountry , PanicSpreads , ThousandsTrytoEscape , PresidentAshrafGhani , fledthecountry , Americannation-buildingexperiment , inruins , Evacuation , franticscene , stoodincontrast , Washington'soptimisticprognoses , Diplomacy , Officialscontemplating , whethertoengagewithaTalibangovernment , AfterWeekUnderNewRulers , KunduzMayBeHintOfFuture , Taliban-appointedmayorofKunduz , GulMohammadElias , ForBiden , ImagesHeWantedtoAvoid , Talibanmilitants , displayingtheirflag , aftertakingJalalabad , scrambletoevacuate , Americanciviliansandembassyemployees , unfoldedliveontelevision , 20thanniversary , Sept.112001 , RecordRiseinFoodStampAid , AimstoStemHunger'sSpread , averagebenefitswillrisemorethan25% , Quake-RavagedHaiti , HordesofInjured , SeekScarceCare , LesCayes , magnitude7.2earthquake , doctors , PPE , tendingtoawoman , blankets , thousandswithgrievousinjuries , badlydamagedhospitals , makeshifttriagewards , somesunshine , lowhumidity