tennis — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Martin Johnson Heade, Brazilian Forest , Oil on canvas, 51 x 40.6 centimeters, 1864, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: MartinJohnsonHeade , nineteenthcenturypainting , landscapepainting , Amazonrainforest , forest , oiloncanvas , RISDMuseum , ProvidenceRhodeIsland , NYTimes , NewYork , EugenioSánchez , scalingatreeinAmazonrainforest , Colombia , scientificresearch , forestscaptureandlockcarbondioxide , teamdiscoveredrarespecies , animals , nature , insects , ClimbingTreesToFindCluesOnWarming , TryingtoGraspCarbonStorageinAmazon , globalwarming , PollFindsRaceForWhiteHouseNeckAndNeck , NewYorkTimes/SienaPoll , VotersStillUnsureAboutHarris , Trump'sBaseHoldsFirm , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , presidentialelection , ElonMusk , Musk'sAbilityToSwayTrumpCarriesPitfalls , governmentefficiencycommission , Tajikistan , PunishedforBeardsandHijabs , PushtoStopExtremismAfterRussiaAttackMayFomentIt , U.S.Open , tennis , WinningandDashingAmericanHopes , No.1JannikSinner , afterbeatingTaylorFritzinmen'sfinal , China'sWomenLooktoReclaimRightfulPayout , GuangdongProvince , landrights , women'srights , "married-outwoman" , sunshine , mixingwithclouds , warmer
China, Jingdezhen, Jianxi province, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722), A standing figure , Porcelain with green, black, yellow, aubergine, and blue enamels, 12.5 x 4.5 inches, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture , San Francisco, California
Tags: China , Jingdezhen , Jianxiprovince , Qingdynasty , Astandingfigure , porcelain , sculpture , enamel , AsianArtMuseum , Chong-MoonLeeCenterforAsianArtandCulture , SanFrancisco , California , NYTimes , TheKeeper , soccer , Fati , Inacountrywherewomenhadfewoptions , playinggoalkeeper , Afghannationalteam , gavehercourage , confidence , aname , WhenTalibanrolledintoKabul , shereceivedatextfromteammate , "Theyaregoingtokilltheathletes." , greenblackuniform , standingtall , portraiture , grass , soccerfield , WashingtonDC , UnwrittenRule , PosesDilemmaFor2Inquiries , MidtermsCouldDelay , JusticeDepartmentMoves , 60-dayrule , forbiddingovertactions , thatcouldimproperlyinfluencevote , RussiansUseBioweaponLie , ToSmearU.S. , DisinformationKeepsCirculatingAbroad , conspiracytheories , TheBiologicalWeaponsConvention , Russiacommandedinternationalforum , Geneva , EuropeSprintsToSupplyRelief , EnergyCosts , FearOfSocialUnrest , AsWarGrindsOn , BracingforColdDays , HotTempers , Berlin , ChancellorOlafScholz , pledged$65billion , reliefmeasures , inflation , energycrisis , Gazprom , Kremlin-controlledRussianenergygiant , halttoflowofgas , NordStream1pipeline , SerenaWilliams , tookselfiewithfans , afterherfirst-roundvictory , U.S.Open , Serena'sSeven-DayGoodbye , totheSportSheChangedForever , tennis , Yakima , Washington , WashingtonRiver , MightYieldModel , ForEndingaWaterWar , concrete-linedirrigationcanal , bluecurve , bluesky , WashingtonState , watermanagersofYakimaBasin , manageYakimaRiverandtributaries , fornext30years , ensurestablesupplyofwater , cloudy , notaswarm , humid , showers , thunderstorms
Tags: JasonRohrer , passage , videogame , software , bluescreen , lines , figure , player , frontporch , bluedoors , concrete , Americanflag , student , pinkgreycamouflage , backpack , MarshayMcKinley , Chillicothe , Ohio , atschool , manyothersathome , ANewLevel , First-DayNerves , studentsaroundthecountry , tryingtoresumeeducation , duringapandemic , Philadelphia , SafetyShapesPlans , FortifyVotingStations , RecruitingHelp , TimeRunningShort , pollingsites , ElectionDay , TrumpTakesAim , Biden'sLead , InHomestretch , GapNarrowsSlightly , FocusonBattlegroundStates , AmidUnrest , Pandemic , portrait , DonaldTrump , speaking , Trumpcampaign , targeting , whiteMidwesternvoters , WashingtonDC , BidenJourneyOnChina , HasAHardTurn , TheLongRun , FromHopetoChallenge , allowCommunistnationentry , WorldTradeOrganization , Dothan , Alabama , InPrison , CellphonesBecomeTools , forExtortion , CallsDemandPayment , PreventViolence , AgainstInmates , dysfunctionalprisonsystem , Minsk , Belarus , AgingRockers , EmergetoLead , BelarusRevolt , PitPawlaw , band , protestersjoinedchorus , "Hey-la-la-la-lai-don'twaitdon'twait" , LouBrock , 1939-2020 , MajorLeagueBaseball , St.LouisCardinals , Cardinals20 , team , blackandwhiteteamportrait , HallofFame , onceheldmajorleaguerecord , stolenbases , propelledCardinalstotwotitles , ASmackedBall , FallenJudge , DjokovicIsOut , U.S.Open , tennis , NovakDjokovic'sdismissal , losthiscool , inadvertentlystruckalinejudgewithaball , tenniscourt , blue , black , white , mostlysunny , lowhumidity
Bristol (British), Richard Champion Factory, Pair of sphinxes , Hard-paste porcelain, 20 x 19.4 centimeters, 1770-73, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Bristol , BritishArt , RichardChampionFactory , porcelain , sculpture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , DiablesRouges , soccer , Lukaku , therecordhunter , portraiture , InstantTechno , Howtotakecareofyoursmartphonebattery , Interview , PierceBrosnan , "Theworldisinasadstate." , EliseMertens , womenstennis , tennis , Queenofthedoubles , U.S.Open , EliseMertensandBelarusianpartner , ArynaSabalenka , wonU.S.Openfinal , 9thdoublestitleincareerofEliseMertens , 1stinGrandSlam , Education , alreadyashortageofteachers , oneweekafterstartofschoolyear , lackofteachers , inbasicandsecondaryeducation , that'sjustthebeginning , secondaryandbasiceducation , 214inshortsupply , numberofrequestsforexemption , tohireprofessorswithunlistedtitle , increasingsharply , Editorial , CEOs , arealsoaccountable , tothegreatestnumber , Thebigbosses , andthe"people" , liveontwototallydifferentplanes , moreandmoredistant , VeniceFilmFestival , triumphantmarchofthe"Joker" , ToddPhillips , Weapons , AmnestyInternational , blamesthelackofvigilance , bysuppliersfromSaudiArabia , Automobiles , willhavetosellamillion , electriccarsorhybrids , in2020 , morningfog , thunderstorms , cloudiersky , weathershouldbedry , Of735teachingfunctionsidentified