starvation — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: HenryVarnumPoor , head , woman , portraiture , muralstudy , fresco , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , hungrycrowds , Gaza , womenandchildren , foodshortage , criteriaofafamine , emptybowls , starvation , InsideAccountsofStrainsBetweenU.S.andIsraelis , U.N.Warns , HalfofGazansFaceRiskofStarvation , WarTestsTies , MoreThanAnyEpisodeinPast50Years , RedSeaClash , Iranian-backedHouthi , firedonAmericanhelicopters , MindanaoPhilippines , Impoverishment , LegacyofU.S.Colonialism , AsNeighborsProsperviaManufacturing , FarmingPersists , YusefSalaam , exonerated , FromOneof'CentralParkFive' , ToMemberofCityCouncil , SantiagoChile , CatsFilledChileanPrison , "thePen" , largestprisoninChile , hometoabout300cats , inmatesinformallyadoptandcareforcats , Ex-PentagonOfficials , FlockingtoJoinVentureCapitalFirms , UrgingU.S.toFundStart-Ups , DesigningWeaponsofFuture , morningdrizzle , cloudy
Tags: SergiAguilar , ReinaSofiaMuseum , Madrid , sculpture , installation , Venezuela , economiccrises , starvation , poverty , burials , stone , fences , mothers , TrumpOrganization , TrumpInternationalHotel , LasVegas , conflictofinterest , boss , company , USforeignpolicy , radar , surveillanceplane , Syria , ChristmasinIraq , pro-wrestling , China , AmericanKidneyFund , donations , negotiations , grief , GeorgeMichael , reflections , lights , cameraflash , cloudyweather , spottydrizzle
Jackson Pollock, The She-Wolf, Oil, gouache and plaster on canvas, 41 7/8 x 67 inches, 1943, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacksonPollock , MoMA , painting , portraiture , abstraction , landscape , NYTimes , Alaska , polarbears , whalebones , climatechange , ice , articthaw , starvation , carnage , Iraq , war , slavery , lifeinsurance , NewYorkLife , AmericanHistory , voterfraud , validityofvote , 2016election , DonaldTrump , debunkedstatements , blueandred , states , WashingtonDC , USsenators , governmentinquiry , meddlinginelection , Russia , documents , cybersecurity , partlysunny , colderday
Lakota artist, Bag , leather, glass beads, porcupine quills, cloth, and metal beads, 10 3/4 x 6 inches, ca. 1910, Portland Art Museum , Oregon
Tags: Lakota , PortlandArtMuseum , NYTimes , bag , NativeAmericanArt , Plains , textiles , Oregon , anti-governmentactivists , OregonWildlifeRefuge , PacificNorthWest , AmericanLandsCouncil , Syria , starvation , nature , localranchers , West , states'rights , grass , coal , timber , rehydrationsalts