womenandchildren — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: HenryVarnumPoor , head , woman , portraiture , muralstudy , fresco , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , hungrycrowds , Gaza , womenandchildren , foodshortage , criteriaofafamine , emptybowls , starvation , InsideAccountsofStrainsBetweenU.S.andIsraelis , U.N.Warns , HalfofGazansFaceRiskofStarvation , WarTestsTies , MoreThanAnyEpisodeinPast50Years , RedSeaClash , Iranian-backedHouthi , firedonAmericanhelicopters , MindanaoPhilippines , Impoverishment , LegacyofU.S.Colonialism , AsNeighborsProsperviaManufacturing , FarmingPersists , YusefSalaam , exonerated , FromOneof'CentralParkFive' , ToMemberofCityCouncil , SantiagoChile , CatsFilledChileanPrison , "thePen" , largestprisoninChile , hometoabout300cats , inmatesinformallyadoptandcareforcats , Ex-PentagonOfficials , FlockingtoJoinVentureCapitalFirms , UrgingU.S.toFundStart-Ups , DesigningWeaponsofFuture , morningdrizzle , cloudy
Hélio Oiticica, P16 Parangolé Cape 12 “From Adversity We Live” , Jute, fabric, wood shavings, and plastics, 114 x 27 x 22 centimeters, 1965 (reconstructed 1992), Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: HélioOiticica , Parangolé , cape , jute , fabric , wood , plastics , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , sculpture , performance , womenandchildren , makeshifttent , streamingsunlight , textiles , clothes , bedding , bags , CasualtyofEthiopia'sWar , Childhood , thousandsofchildren , Ethiopians , fledtoHamdayetSudan , CongressReachesDealOnVirusAid , EndingAnImpasse , JoblessRelief , HelpforSmallBusinesses , StimulusChecksAreIncluded , $900billionstimuluspackage , economicdevastion , pandemic , funddistributionofvaccines , SpeakerNancyPelosi , SenatorMitchMcConnell , brokealengthystalemate , FederalFunds , ABalmforNow , ButComeTooLateforMany , injectionofmoney , tensofthousandsoffailedbusinesses , TrumpinGripofGrudges , Twitter-borneassault , Republicansnothelpinghim , overturnelectionresults , warningtoMitchMcConnell , "gettougheroryouwon'thaveaRepublicanPartyanymore" , Neo-Nazis , BurrowIntoRanks , GermanPoliceDepartments , ExpertsWarn , ThreattoPublicSafety , far-rightextremism , resurgentinGermany , BattleUnfolds , Who'sNextInVaccineLine , politicalhorse-trading , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , vaccineprioritization , Albany , NewYorkpolitics , "thebigfight" , I❤️LONDON , Londonstreetscene , rainystreets , dusk , Londonimplementedtighterrestrictions , afteramorecontagiousvariantofthevirusfound , TheVirusIsMutating , ShouldWeBeWorried? , HighlyInfectiousStrain , DrivesBritainIntoBiggerLockdown , InSouthAfrica , similarversionofthevirushasemerged , sharingmutations , seeninBritishvariant , mixofcloudsandsunshine , lightwind
Isidore Pils, Young Man Leaning Forward with Outstretched Arms (Study for Soldiers Distributing Bread to the Poor) , Oil, brown oil wash or ink wash, and black crayon on light brown wove paper, 33.8 x 26.9 centimeters, 1851, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: IsidorePils , portraiture , outstretchedarms , oilwash , inkwash , wovepaper , study , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , Matamoros , Mexico , migrantswaiting , acrossRioGrande , Brownsville , Texas , clothingdistribution , womenandchildren , pointingfingers , hands , crowded , 'SwimAcross' , MigrantsUseRiskierTactics , blockedfromseekingasyluminU.S. , escalatingrestrictions , prospects , slimtonearlyimpossible , Anaheim , California , MovingArtfully , InKeyDistricts , OnImpeaching , DemocratsPrepare , PossibleBacklash , RepresentativeMikeLevin , "thetimeshavefoundus." , RepresentativeHarleyRouda , warnedDemocrats , notto"sitonourlaurels." , WashingtonDC , TrumpEmbracedShamConspiracy , FormerAideSays , NoUkraineRoleIn2016 , G.O.P.TriestoRedirectScrutiny , OntoBiden , CracksShow , ThomasP.Bossert , profile , Ukraineconspiracytheory , "completelydebunked" , HongKong , streetscene , protest , policebrutality , chaos , silverumbrella , DualThreatsLooming , OveraNeutralGround , HongKongPinched , byBeijing'sCrackdown , U.S.TradeWar , thousandsofpro-democracydemonstrators , engulfedinthickclouds , teargas , accusations , HongKongpolice , lackaccountability , Chineseterritory , governedbylegalsystem , inheritedfromtheWest , intertwined , globalfinancialsystem , Bangui , CentralAfricanRepublic , TheRussianPlaybookinAfrica , WinHearts , ReapDiamonds , hopingtowrestcontroloverdiamondtrade , piececountrybacktogether , governmentturnedtonewpartner , Russia , centralfigure , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , confidantofPresidentVladimirV.Putin , accusedoffinancing , "informationwarfare" , White-CollarJobs , WereSupposedtoGoOverseas , TheyDidn't , globalization , economistswarning , offshoring , mostlycloudy , lowertemperatures
Betsabeé Romero, Border Memory (Recuerdo de la frontera) , Bas relief on rubber, nine Oaxacan black-clay tiles, Multiple dimensions, 2002, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: BetsabeéRomero , sculpture , bordermemory , basrelief , rubber , tire , blackclay , tiles , Oaxaca , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , EUflag , blue , yellowstars , circle , Britishflag , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , Britain , muststillgetapproval , fromBritain'sparliament , E.U.'sLeadership , AgreesOnTerms , InBrexitDivorce , 27NationsAcceptDeal , VexedBritainIsWarned , RenegotiationIsNotAnOption , Brussels , BritainscheduledtoleaveEuropeanUnion , March29deadline , openlettertonation , Mrs.Maywouldcampaign , "heartandsoul" , "tocometogetheragainasacountry" , Dayton , Ohio , WhyDrugDeathsAreDown , InAnOpioidCity , TheTreatmentGap , DaytonResponds , "Theyjustbegantoabruptlydropoff" , MontgomeryCounty , hollowed-outmanufacturingcenter , 548overdosedeathslastyear , 54%declinethisyear , WashingtonDC , AmericanKin , Are'Collateral' , InChinaCase , WifeandChildren , AreHeldtoLureFugitive , VictorLiu , CynthiaLiu , exitban , Chinaholdingfamilyhostage , toforcefather'sreturn , LiuChangming , formerbankexecutive , $1.4billionfraudcase , WhiteHouseMutesAlarm , OverClimate , EnvironmentalReport , UnderlinesDisconnect , TrumpWhiteHouse , issuedscientificreport , directlycontradicts , itsownclimate-changepolicies , split-screenpoliticalreality , 1656-page , NationalClimateAssessment , firemaninforest , orangeuniform , CrewsfightingCampFire , clearedtrees , Magalia , California , Chico , WildfiresLeaveRetireesLittle , ToRebuildOn , Paradise , overone-quarterresidents , 65orolder , losteverything , lateinlife , muststartover , fromzero , DanielCayer , livingaloneintrailerpark , plannedtocelebratebirthday , plumeofblacksmoke , scotchedplans , Tijuana , Mexico , womenandchildren , running , Fleeingteargas , smoke , USborder , MigrantsinTijuana , RushBorder , RetreatinClouds , ofTearGas , USCustomsandBorderProtection , caravan , PresidentTrump , anti-immigrant , rallyingcry , cloudy , rain , clearing , passingeveningshowers
Berlinde De Bruyckere, Het hart uitgerukt (The heart torn out) , East-Indian ink on paper, 44 x 30 centimeters, 1997-1998, De Pont Museum , Tilburg, Netherlands
Tags: BerlindeDeBruyckere , Thehearttornout , inkonpaper , painting , portraiture , DePontMuseum , Tilburg , Netherlands , NYTimes , Douma , Syria , SyriaIsBlamedInGasAttack , bodiesandblankets , handsandfeet , red , black , grey , blue , orange , white , witnesses , cushionspiledup , barrier , surgicalmasks , womenandchildren , toddlerwithoxygenmask , rescueworkers , aidgroups , Pietà , ChemicalCarnage , MuddlesPlansforU.S.Exit , PresidentTrump , 'Bigpricetopay' , Beirut , Lebanon , AtLeast42PeopleSuffocated , RescueWorkersSay , Humboldt , Saskatchewan , Canada , InTownThatLivesForHockey , ACrashHasSplinteredHearts , Broncos , hockeyteam , architecture , blackglassandsteel , TrumpTowerFire , FDNY , ToddBrassner , victim , bonvivant , artcollector , livedalone , 50thfloor , couldn'tsellapartment , reflections , greenglassandsteel , light , WashingtonDC , JohnR.Bolton , FieryNationalSecurityAdviser , Powder-KegPresidency , 'It'satarget-richenvironment' , ForG.O.P , ThreatOfImpeachment , MaySpurVoters , DemocratsSeeATrap , SpecterofTrump'sFate , FocusofRepublicanFund-Raising , Facebook , CambridgeAnalytica , harvestingprofiledata , AffectedUsers , SayFacebookBetrayedThem , CompanyBegins , TellThoseTargeted , DeleteFacebookMovement , sunshine , givingwaytoclouds , chilly