study — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Olli Miettinen, Men from Hatjalahti, study , Charcoal, crayon, cardboard, 167.5 x 239.5 centimeters, 1943, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: OlliMiettinen , soldiers , Hatjalahti , study , charcoal , crayon , cardboard , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , AsWarRages , Ukraine , AgreesToTalksWithRussians , 'WithoutPreconditions' , crowds , Ukrainians , Industry , Gatheringemptybottles , Dnipro , Molotovcocktails , Tenacity , localmen , diggingbunker , erectingcheckpoint , villageofHushchyntsi , dirt , earth , Charity , cardboardsigns , handwrittentext , yellowtape , Offeringrefugeesfreerides , Polishborder , Polandandbeyond , ArmedorNot , VillagersRushToJoinFight , Khomutyntsi , grass-rootsmovement , mobilizationofcivilians , MoreThan350CiviliansHaveBeenKilled , Kyiv , Ukraine'sPresident , VolodymyrZelensky , Censorship , RussiapressuringGoogleandApple , seekstorestrictonlinematerial , Sidelined , Putindistanceshimselffromadvisers , couldberisky , InTurnaround , GermanyVowsMilitaryBoost , ChancellorOlafScholz , 100BillionEuros , Berlin , Putin'sNuclearArsenalRhetoric , PushesBoundsofBrinkmanship , nuclearforces , "specialcombatreadiness" , Americanforces , Defcon3 , TheWoodlands , Texas , AfterPartisanRedistricting , PrimariesMatterMost , RepresentativeDanCrenshaw , hadhisTexasdistrictredrawn , risingRepublicanstar , Baltimore , policecadets , takepartincourse , ethicalpolicing , PoliceTraintoStepIn , WhenPoliceStepTooFar , mostlysunny , breezy , cold
Isidore Pils, Young Man Leaning Forward with Outstretched Arms (Study for Soldiers Distributing Bread to the Poor) , Oil, brown oil wash or ink wash, and black crayon on light brown wove paper, 33.8 x 26.9 centimeters, 1851, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: IsidorePils , portraiture , outstretchedarms , oilwash , inkwash , wovepaper , study , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , Matamoros , Mexico , migrantswaiting , acrossRioGrande , Brownsville , Texas , clothingdistribution , womenandchildren , pointingfingers , hands , crowded , 'SwimAcross' , MigrantsUseRiskierTactics , blockedfromseekingasyluminU.S. , escalatingrestrictions , prospects , slimtonearlyimpossible , Anaheim , California , MovingArtfully , InKeyDistricts , OnImpeaching , DemocratsPrepare , PossibleBacklash , RepresentativeMikeLevin , "thetimeshavefoundus." , RepresentativeHarleyRouda , warnedDemocrats , notto"sitonourlaurels." , WashingtonDC , TrumpEmbracedShamConspiracy , FormerAideSays , NoUkraineRoleIn2016 , G.O.P.TriestoRedirectScrutiny , OntoBiden , CracksShow , ThomasP.Bossert , profile , Ukraineconspiracytheory , "completelydebunked" , HongKong , streetscene , protest , policebrutality , chaos , silverumbrella , DualThreatsLooming , OveraNeutralGround , HongKongPinched , byBeijing'sCrackdown , U.S.TradeWar , thousandsofpro-democracydemonstrators , engulfedinthickclouds , teargas , accusations , HongKongpolice , lackaccountability , Chineseterritory , governedbylegalsystem , inheritedfromtheWest , intertwined , globalfinancialsystem , Bangui , CentralAfricanRepublic , TheRussianPlaybookinAfrica , WinHearts , ReapDiamonds , hopingtowrestcontroloverdiamondtrade , piececountrybacktogether , governmentturnedtonewpartner , Russia , centralfigure , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , confidantofPresidentVladimirV.Putin , accusedoffinancing , "informationwarfare" , White-CollarJobs , WereSupposedtoGoOverseas , TheyDidn't , globalization , economistswarning , offshoring , mostlycloudy , lowertemperatures