morningdrizzle — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: HenryVarnumPoor , head , woman , portraiture , muralstudy , fresco , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , hungrycrowds , Gaza , womenandchildren , foodshortage , criteriaofafamine , emptybowls , starvation , InsideAccountsofStrainsBetweenU.S.andIsraelis , U.N.Warns , HalfofGazansFaceRiskofStarvation , WarTestsTies , MoreThanAnyEpisodeinPast50Years , RedSeaClash , Iranian-backedHouthi , firedonAmericanhelicopters , MindanaoPhilippines , Impoverishment , LegacyofU.S.Colonialism , AsNeighborsProsperviaManufacturing , FarmingPersists , YusefSalaam , exonerated , FromOneof'CentralParkFive' , ToMemberofCityCouncil , SantiagoChile , CatsFilledChileanPrison , "thePen" , largestprisoninChile , hometoabout300cats , inmatesinformallyadoptandcareforcats , Ex-PentagonOfficials , FlockingtoJoinVentureCapitalFirms , UrgingU.S.toFundStart-Ups , DesigningWeaponsofFuture , morningdrizzle , cloudy
Fazal Sheikh, Qurban Gul Holding a Photograph of Her Son Mula Awaz, Khairabad, Northern Pakistan , Toned gelatin silver print, 40.6 x 40.3 centimeters, 1998, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: FazalSheikh , photography , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , womanathome , patterns , multicolor , radio , flashlight , banister , yellowochre , SajaBegum , spenthours , roadblocks , desperatesearch , medicalhelp , forherson , AmirFarooqDar , photoi.d. , brownwhiteblackcarpet , Heevan , Kashmir , RacingAgainstDeath , WithBothFeetTied , TheSickPaythePrice , IndiaShutsDownCommunicationsinKashmir , cellularnetworkblackout , shuttingdowninternet , WashingtonDC , LookingAfarToInvestigate , RussiaInquiry , Barr'sMission , GuidedbyTrump'sTheories , conspiracytheory , "deepstate"enemies , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , triptoItalygeneratedcriticism , SecondPersonBlowsWhistle , LegalTeamSays , TrumpAndUkraine , 'FirsthandKnowledge' , CouldSupportCase , forImpeachment , RockHill , SouthCarolina , WarrenIsCourtingBlackVoters , SheHasaLotofWorktoDo , SenatorElizabethWarren , rally , ClintonCollege , historicallyblackinstitution , signs , "BlackIssuesAreAmericanIssues" , NoCellphone , NoRecording , NoAudience? , JoshuaHenry , star , "TheWrongMan" , OffBroadwaymusical , tookphoneawayfromaudiencemember , stopcapturingperformancewithphone , Anne-SophieMutter , stoppedmid-concerto , askedwomantostopmakingvideoofher , womenin19thCenturycostumes , woodenhouse , BorschCook-Off , barbecuesmoke , bluelight , FortRoss , historicRussiansettlement , SonomaCounty , California , receiveddonations , ViktorF.Vekselberg , SofteningRussia'sImage , WithArtandCash , mostlycloudy , morningdrizzle , afternoonshowers , warmer