ArtInstituteofChicago — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: LucTuymans , soldier , oiloncanvas , portraiture , grisaille , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , Moscow , winterscene , snow , muralofgeneralandcadet , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , castinvasionasnear-holywar , Russia'sidentity , YearIntoWar , Putin'sNationIsSelf-Portrait , LeaderPurgedDissent , andWest'sInfluence , NATOzism , U.S.StrivesToHeadOffGlobalRift , ChinaMullsArmingRussia , OfficialsSay , Ukraine , RayDalio , BridgewaterAssociatesfounder , worth$19billion , BehindaFundFounder'sExit , DealtoAddtoHisBillions , Biden'24 , PlansFamiliarPitch , OptforStability , Competentbeatscrazy , KetamineTreatmentandAbuse , MadeEasierbyTelemedicine , Psychedelic-LikeDrug , GivenforDepression , ComesWithRisks , mentalhealth , classroom , schoolboys , MerchantTaylors'School , London , EppingEngland , SchoolsBattleInfluencer'sMisogynisticClaims , 'Brainwashing' , CausesAlarminBritain , AndrewTate , BritishAmericanformerkickboxer , millionsoffollowers , socialmedia , cloudy , possibilityoflate-afternoonshower
Tags: FrancisPiatek , oiloncanvas , redlight , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , LosAngelesTimes , soldiers , priest , church , camouflageuniforms , candles , flickeringlight , LightingTheWayToPeaceAndGoodwill , BethlehemLightofPeace , Ukrainiansoldiers , Christmasservice , Kharkiv , flamesymbolizinggoodwillandunity , Ukraine , Aregradebumpshurtingkids? , LAUSD , reportcardsshowgains , statestandardizedtesting , tellsadifferentstory , Math , English , Raisingsquishyquestions , sustainabilityvs.cruelty , Company'sgoal , tobreedoctopusesforfood , underscrutiny , Kailua-Kona , Hawaii , KanaloaOctopusFarm , visitorscanpaytoputtheirhandsintanks , 'GenderQueer:AMemoir' , becameAmerica'smostbannedbook , MaiaKobabe , readingopenbook , NorthSonomaRegionalPark , graphicnarrative , drawnNorthernCaliforniaartist , intonation'sculturalwars , "Ifeelaresponsibilitynottobequietaboutcensorship" , lettuceshortage , mayberesultofwarming , climatechange , makingCaliforniamorehospitabletocroppests , diseases , Pythiumwilt , impatiensnecroticspotvirus , boostersfortheyoungest , EvolutionofGoldenGlobes , HollywoodForeignPressAssociation , TightEnd , TylerHigbee , football , RamshammerDenver , partlysunny
Barnett Newman, Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley , Cor-ten steel, galvanized barbed wire, and enamel paint, 70 x 48 x 10 inches, 1968, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: BarnettNewman , LaceCurtain , MayorDaley , Cor-tensteel , barbedwire , enamelpaint , ArtInstituteofChicago , Chicago , NYTimes , protestsigns , hand-paintedsigns , fence , language , blackandwhitetext , ThirdPrecinct , Minneapolis , burnedinaftermath , deathofGeorgeFloyd , OnTrial'sEve , PolicingVexesScarredCity , ReclaimTheBlock , OurAncestorsAreWatching , GeorgeFloyd , residentsstillcomplain , policeofficersusingexcessiveforce , AsWorkingCultureShifts , ManhattanIsAtPrecipice , CityDependent , OnFlowofCommuters , ReckonsWiththeOffice'sDecline , ACityRemade , Half-EmptySkyscrapers , birds , greysky , officebuildings , Only15%ofNYC'sofficeworkershavereturned , WashingtonDC , OneNursingHome'sMission , ToVaccinateItsHesitantStaff , Covid-19vaccine , EnlistedinMyanmar , SupportingthePeople , 4SoldiersSpeakOut , DescribingRanksas'Brainwashed' , Tatmadaw , bluewater , landscape , satelliteimagery , SuezCanal , Ashippingbottleneck , stuckcargovessel , promptedfuelrationinginSyria , DashForSafetyTurnsFatal , MozambiqueSiege , ScoresFearedDead , MilitantsTakePort , Palma , LostinTranslation , APoem'sHopesforUnity , WhoBesttoInterpretInaugurationHit? , HadijaHaruna-Oelker , Blackjournalist , producedGermantranslation , "TheHillWeClimb" , AmandaGorman , KubraGumusay , GermanwriterofTurkishdescent , UdaSträtling , translatorwhoiswhite , theteamdebatedwordchoices , makepoliticalandsocialsignificanceclear , partlysunny , cooler , seasonable , subsidingwinds
K. H. Hödicke, Magic Window Cleaner II, from Capitalist Realism , Screenprint on clear plexiglass printed on both sides, 830 x 590 millimeters, 1967, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: K.H.Hödicke , screenprint , plexiglass , CapitalistRealism , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , corridor , circularceilinglamps , perspective , orange-red , opendoors , chairs , coatracks , highschool , studentstoldtodresswarmly , windowsanddoors , keptopenforaircirculation , Neustrelitz , GermanyReopensItsSchools , InvitingBothReliefandRisk , LeaHammermeister , coronavirus , self-administeredtest , resultslandedininboxovernight , QuestionsofBias , VirusCare , HauntMourningBlackFamilies , ReginaldRelf , Covid-19 , urgentcareclinic , senthimhomewithouttesting , AmiRelf , "WhenIfinallygethimtogotoseekhelphe'sturnedaway" , gridoffaces , portraiture , InHarm'sWay , Meethealthcareworkers , fromaroundtheworld , riskingtheirlives , surgicalmasks , fightcoronaviruspandemic , frontlines , EscalatingCrisis , PutsDeepStrains , OnKeyIndustries , AtIowaMeatPlant , It'sWorkerSafety , vs.FoodSupply , TysonFoods , porkplant , workerscrowdedelbowtoelbow , 1031coronavirusinfections , Tysonemployees , LosingMillionsEachDay , AirlinesFaceBleakFuture , DeltaAirLines , airplaneontarmac , airlinesmademajorcuts , passengertrafficdown94% , Newark , WaryParamedics , HotSpots , AvoidCPRforCovidPatients , deadlyvirus , re-shapedemergencymedicine , afterconfirmingpatients'heartsflatlined , declaredeachofthemdead , atthescene , withoutattemptingCPR , Biden'sLessons , FromtheTimeHeFacedPalin , SarahPalin , JohnMcCain , TheLongRun , MakingtheRightChoice , cloudy , eveningthunderstorms , cool
Arthur Dove, Silver Sun , Oil, metallic paint, and an unidentified material (possibly wax) on canvas, 55.3 x 74.9 centimeters, 1929, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ArthurDove , silver , blue , black , transparent , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , carpet , palegreen , burgundy , diagonal , chandelier , glass , hazmatsuits , workersdisinfectingmosque , Istanbul , coronavirusinfections , Turkey , HaltingVirusWillRequireHarshSteps , ExpertsSay , Near-TotalCooperationFromPublic , KeytoIsolatingClustersofInfections , portraiture , womeninbluehazmatsuits , protectiveequipment , TheNationalGuard , drivethroughtestsite , NewJersey , PartisanDivide , ThreatensDealOnRescueBill , WashingtonDC , $2trilliongovernmentrescuepackage , failuretomoveforward , shookfinancialmarkets , TrumpShiftsImage , LeaderFor'Wartime' , TrackingAnOutbreak , Defiant , Manyhaveignoredurgentcalls , socialdistancing , Pressure , WorkersatUPSandFedEx , nochoice , keepshowingup , evenwithcoronavirus-likesymptoms , Olympics , growingpressuretopostpone , TokyoGames , InfectionClue , Doctorgroupsrecommending , testingandisolation , forpeoplewholoseabilitytosmellandtaste , OfficialsRaceToStemOutbreak , NewYorkBecomesEpicenter , 5%world'sconfirmedcases , massivemedicalbivouac , JacobJavitsCenter , SeekingaBalmfortheSoul , ButImperilingEarthlyHealth , Beirut , Lebanon , Religionissolace , "Jesusismyprotection" , Rev.MajdiAllawi , WithintheBleakestStatistics , ALifeThatWasSoMuchMore , LorettaDionisio , husbandRoddy , traveling , Philippines , cloudy , rain , chilly
Clinton Adams, Dark Window , Published by Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Lithograph on white Nacre paper, 665 x 455 millimeters, 1960, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ClintonAdams , lithography , window , printmaking , blackandwhite , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , Evacuation , U.S.citizens , leavingDiamondPrincess , Japan , quarantinedforoveraweek , bus , transparentbluecurtains , passengers , surgicalmasks , governmentofficial , blackhat , whitemask , lookingoutthewindow , RushToContainVirus , ThrongExitsCruiseShip , U.S.CitizenIsInfected , 1000TravelersDisperseinCambodia , Fearof'TurningPoint' , coronavirus , TechIndustry , PushesBackOnU.S.Rules , BusinessesDreadSting , FromCurbsonChina , WashingtonDC , CommerceDepartment , considerssweepingproposal , allowU.S.toblocktransactions , betweenAmericanfirms , andChinesecounterparts , LasVegas , Nevada , Unionvs.Sanders , OverHard-WonBenefits , SenatorBernieSanders , 'MedicareforAll' , PlanLandsWithaThud , RivalsPounce , healthcare , CulinaryWorkersLocal226 , NewYorkUniversity , student , attack , TrailofErrors , FreedSuspect , InRapeCase , Hillside , BlackFamilies , HelpedDefineChicago , WhyAreTheyLeaving? , streetscene , rearviewmirror , portrait , HardisWhite , oneofover200000African-Americans , movedawayfromChicago , drivenoutofcity , segregation , gunviolence , discriminatorypolicing , racialdisparitiesinemployment , unevenqualityofpublicschools , frustration , China'sFactories , ImmobilizedByDisease , StruggletoReopen , Airbus , GeneralMotors , Toyota , clouds , somesunshine
Tags: HamanishiKatsunori , Japan , mezzotint , black , AsianArt , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , WestAfrica , women , children , donkey , reins , rope , horse , tree , landscape , KhadijahDiagouraga , useddonkeytohaulwater , Senegalesevillage , Koutia , Senegal , SeizingReins , AsHusbandsWorkAbroad , "Thereareacoupleofmenwholookdownonme." , "Whatmatterstomeishardwork." , phenomenonofmissingmen , WashingtonDC , InsideUkraineAidFreeze , 84-DayClashofWills , DocumentsShow , TrumpPushedtoHaltFunding , DespiteIntenseOpposition , portrait , MickMulvaney , RobertB.Blair , aide , "ExpectCongresstobecomeunhinged." , Monsey , NewYork , RabbiChaimRottenberg'shome , anattackwoundedfiveduringHanukkah , AsIntruderSwungMachete , JewsFoughtBack , ThrowingFurnitureatAttacker , toPreventFurtherInjuries , Hasidiccommunity , NewYorksuburbs , ChurchShooting , securityteaminTexasstoppedgunman , SanFrancisco , True , CaliforniaIsBooming , AlsoTrue , California'saMess , "needlesandpoop" , commonsightoncity'ssidewalks , carsonbridge , traffic , redlights , fog , IncomesareupinCalifornia , soarehomelessnessandpoverty , recordnumbersofpeople , arefleeinghighhousingcosts , MichaelR.Bloomberg , UnderminingTrump , WithanAdBlitz , PummelingHisCharacter , BloombergBets , VotersCanBeSwayed , spendingmillionseachweek , onlineadvertisingonslaught , periodicrain , breezy , cloudy , eveningshowers
Jolanta Rudzka-Habisiak, Untitled Book , Folded paper, some ink printed, mounted on board, re-plied cotton cord, 1999, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: JolantaRudzka-Habisiak , textiles , book , paper , ink , bookarts , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , aerialphotography , multi-color , crowd , hundredsofthousands , protesters , filledthestreets , HongKong , march , HumanRightsDay , 'WeDon'tWanttoBecomeLikeChina' , RudolphW.Giuliani , HowanEx-Mayor , LedaPresident , totheBrinkofImpeachment , DeniedPost , GiulianiSettledforSpotlight , "Howaboutsecretaryofstate?" , bitterdisappointment , WashingtonDC , RightRejoices , AsBarrAssailsLiberalCulture , No-ApologiesStyle , FitsthePartyofTrump , wieldedmaximalistview , executivepower , Barrbelieves , thenationneeds , "moralrenaissance" , Trauma , moremigrantfamilies , mayfacedetention , atgreatcost , tochildren'swell-being , U.S.PlansToSap , W.T.O'sInfluence , InTradeBrawls , ErasingMediatorRole , Trump'sBidtoUpend , GlobalSystem , MayInciteTariffWars , curvingsteelrods , steelrust , W.T.O.ishearingchallenges , toU.S.tariffsonsteel , Tokyo , Japan , AtGatewaytoPowerinJapan , Only1in5Students , IsaWoman , UniversityofTokyo , Todai , Thedearthofwomen , byproduct , deep-seatedgenderinequality , InsultinClass , LeftaGunman , FuriousonBase , PensacolaNavalAirStation , derogatorynickname , CarollSpinney1933-2019 , BigBird , readingtoConnorScottandTiffanyJiao , tapingof"SesameStreet" , NewYork , yellow , green , red , orange , pink , brown , PuppeteerWhoMade , DaysSunnyasBigBird , OscartheGrouch , generationsofpreschoolers , vividplaymates , subtletutors , JimHenson , Muppetmenagerie , rainthroughouttheday , cloudy , mild
Fazal Sheikh, Qurban Gul Holding a Photograph of Her Son Mula Awaz, Khairabad, Northern Pakistan , Toned gelatin silver print, 40.6 x 40.3 centimeters, 1998, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: FazalSheikh , photography , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , womanathome , patterns , multicolor , radio , flashlight , banister , yellowochre , SajaBegum , spenthours , roadblocks , desperatesearch , medicalhelp , forherson , AmirFarooqDar , photoi.d. , brownwhiteblackcarpet , Heevan , Kashmir , RacingAgainstDeath , WithBothFeetTied , TheSickPaythePrice , IndiaShutsDownCommunicationsinKashmir , cellularnetworkblackout , shuttingdowninternet , WashingtonDC , LookingAfarToInvestigate , RussiaInquiry , Barr'sMission , GuidedbyTrump'sTheories , conspiracytheory , "deepstate"enemies , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , triptoItalygeneratedcriticism , SecondPersonBlowsWhistle , LegalTeamSays , TrumpAndUkraine , 'FirsthandKnowledge' , CouldSupportCase , forImpeachment , RockHill , SouthCarolina , WarrenIsCourtingBlackVoters , SheHasaLotofWorktoDo , SenatorElizabethWarren , rally , ClintonCollege , historicallyblackinstitution , signs , "BlackIssuesAreAmericanIssues" , NoCellphone , NoRecording , NoAudience? , JoshuaHenry , star , "TheWrongMan" , OffBroadwaymusical , tookphoneawayfromaudiencemember , stopcapturingperformancewithphone , Anne-SophieMutter , stoppedmid-concerto , askedwomantostopmakingvideoofher , womenin19thCenturycostumes , woodenhouse , BorschCook-Off , barbecuesmoke , bluelight , FortRoss , historicRussiansettlement , SonomaCounty , California , receiveddonations , ViktorF.Vekselberg , SofteningRussia'sImage , WithArtandCash , mostlycloudy , morningdrizzle , afternoonshowers , warmer
Tags: IsamuNoguchi , marble , sculpture , figure , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , RallyingTogetherInTexas , Houston , PresidentTrump , PrimeMinisterNarendraModi , India , "HowdyModi!" , metalbarriers , cheeringcrowd , securityguards , raisedhands , WashingtonDC , TrumpAdmitsHeSpokeToUkraine , AboutBiden , corruptionaccusations , againstformerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , GrowingPressureonDemocrats , toImpeach , PelosiWarnsof'Lawlessness' , inpublicandinprivate , Democratschangingcalculations , whethertochargehimwitharticlesofimpeachment , SpeakerNancyPelosi , profileportrait , pinksuit , demandedrelease , ofwhistle-blowercomplaint , fast-movingdevelopments , Cairo , Egypt , Self-ExiledAgitator , UrgesEgyptiansIntoStreets , MysteriousCritic , RivetsNation , WithTalesofStateCorruption , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , littledissentisallowed , MohamedAli , postingvideos , el-Sisiantagonist , whistle-blower , surgefromobscuritytoprominence , protest , CyberwarOption , NoEasyClick , U.S.AttackonIran , CouldWidentheBattlefield , UnitedStatesCyberCommand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , armscrossed , blacksuit , possiblecyberwarfareagainstIrandiscussed , DesMoines , Iowa , PoorSchoolsCan'tCompete , WithSuburbanRivals , ShouldThey? , HooverHighSchool , footballteam , kneelingplayers , greenyellowuniforms , footballfield , coach , sunset , blue-greysky , yellowgreengrass , stadiumlighting , whitelight , recentlosstoIndianola , schoolinneighboringcounty , MitchellMoore , coachatRooseveltHighSchool , "I'mabigbelieverthatsocioeconomicshasnothingtodowithcatchingafootball." , Pescara , Italy , Europe'sLawToAidPrivacy , GathersForce , AlessandroBiancardi , journalist , storyoftwobrothers , argumentledtoviolence , centerofdebate , overtheinternet'sfuture , growingreach , Europe's"righttobeforgotten"privacyrule , battlesoverspeechandprivacy , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , warm , humid
Tags: MartinPuryear , sculpture , wood , installation , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , OneShootingMassacre , FollowsAnother , ShakingABewilderedNation , ToItsCore , womeninmourning , crowdpaystheirrespect , silence , grief , summerday , rose , tears , twowomenembrace , shock , Dayton , Ohio , vigilheld , forvictims , massshooting , earlythatmorning , occurredwithin24hours , ofanothermassshootinginElPaso , green , black , yellow , white , red , twoyoungwomenlightcandle , Parishionersduringvigil , BlessedSacramentchurch , ElPaso , Texas , Texasstatetroopers , uniforms , policecar , guardentrance , CieloVistaMall , 20peopledied , 2GunmenKill29 , AttacksinDaytonandElPaso , back-to-backgunviolence , "It'soutrageous" , "Wehavearesponsibilitytothepeopleweservetoact" , "HispanicinvasionofTexas" , domesticterrorism , PushingBack , Mexicovowedtotakeaction , toprotectMexicanslivinginUS , Tone , BetoO'Rourke , handedPresidentTrumpsomeblame , inElPasoshooting , Debate , gunlobbyhasstructuraladvantages , activistshavegrass-rootsenergy , 8chan , onWeb , DarkRefugeForExtremists , go-toresource , atleastthreemassshootingsthisyear , announcedinadvanceonsite , spreadcontentsfarandwide , Walmart , AStoreThatConnectedCultures , UntilaKiller , 'CameHereForUs' , "ItreallydoesfeellikeaUnitedNationsstore" , borderversionofMiddleAmerica , InTexasGunman'sManifesto , AnEchoofTrump'sLanguage , campaignrallies , "invasion" , Twitterfeed , publicspeeches , false , fear-stokinglanguage , TradeConflict , WorsensJapan-SouthKoreaRelations , U.S.TakesStepBack , Tokyo , long-simmeringconflict , protestersmarchedinstreetsofSeoul , accusingJapan , "economicinvasion" , sunshine , patchyclouds , lowhumidity
Craig Kauffman, Le Mur s'en va (The wall goes away) , Synthetic polymer on acrylic plastic, 185.4 x 120 x 22.9 centimeters, 1969, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: CraigKauffman , painting , acrylicplastic , sculpture , transparency , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , portraiture , youngcouple , pub , interior , pintglasses , Brighton , UnitedKingdom , brownblue , lights , AlexMcIntyre , 19 , affectedbybudgetcuts , inchildhood , turnedtosocialism , "Austerity" , "that'swhatIknow" , GrowingUpLean , GivingUpOnCapitalism , Britain'sBigSqueeze , AGenerationalShift , WelfareReformAct , NovaraMedia , "crisisofcapitalism" , youngvoters , LabourParty , JeremyCorbyn , VaticanCity , Italy , FrancisInvokes , 'All-OutBattle' , OnSexualAbuse , CallsToStop'Wolves' , VividSpeech , PopeFrancis , CriticizedForLackingConcreteReforms , PopeFrancisonSunday , Vaticanmeeting , greenvestment , whitecollar , goldcross , blurrypinkhats , abusescandals , threateningcredibilityofpapacy , Jerusalem , Israel'sLeader , StakesHisFate , OnRacistParty , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , cuttingdeals , artform , turnedtoextremistparty , OtzmaYehudit , JewishPower , mergeintomainstreamparty , JewishHome , Nephi , Utah , TheModerates , TakeaGrilling , BackatHome , LeftWing's'Rhetoric' , UpsetsConstituents , RepresentativeBenMcAdams , "socialism" , "anti-Semitism" , RepresentativeHaleyStevens , RepresentativeAbigailSpanberger , interpartytussle , betweenliberalsandmoderates , WashingtonDC , U.S.DelaysRise , InChinaTariffs , CitingProgress , $200billion , Chineseimports , tradetalks , PresidentXiJinping , NoHost , NoBigSweep , wide-open , Oscarsceremony , SpikeLee , bestadaptedscreenplay , "BlacKkKlansman" , "GreenBook" , bestpicture , AlfonsoCuarón , bestdirector , "Roma" , purplesuitandhat , elation , oscarstatues , stage , menintuxedos , microphone , speeches , laughter , goldredbackround , silverglitter , Warsaw , Poland , MikePompeo , Trump'sTopDiplomat , FacesChallenge , WorldPushesBack , on'AmericaFirst' , MikePence , denouncedUnitedStates'closestallies , BritainFranceandGermany , forcoddlingIran , renouncingnucleardeal , Europeanstryingtosave , mostlysunny , colder , 50mphwinds , winddamage , NYTimes
Salvador Dalí, The Image Disappears , Pen and black ink on ivory wove paper, 647 x 508 centimeters, 1938, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: SalvadorDalí , prints , drawing , penandink , paper , TheImageDisappears , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , TabiatBridge , Tehran , bluesky , mountainrange , snow , mantakingphoto , womanwithballoons , viewovercity , streamoflights , dusk , redblackyellowballoons , TheRevolutionat40 , Thefervor , fourdecadesago , manyIranians , quietlyrebelled , againststrictrules , WashingtonDC , InCrypticHint , Mueller'sTeam , TipsItsHand , RussianSanctions , at'Heart'ofInquiry , PaulManafort , KonstantinV.Kilimnik , heavilyredactedtranscript , so-calledpeaceplan , forUkraine , persuadingU.S. , toendAmerian-ledsanctions , imposedtopunishMoscow , ShutdownLooms , AsBorderTalks , ReachAnImpasse , DiscordOnDetentions , TrumpMovestoDeploy , ThousandsofTroops , NearMexico , undocumentedimmigrants , BristlingOnBorder , ResidentsofElPaso , won'tallwelcomepresident'srally , Miami , Florida , Venezuela'sMoment , IsUpforGrabs , inMiami , AsDemocratsDither , G.O.P.SeizesCrisis , toEngageLatinos , showdowninCaracas , reshapingLatinopolitics , inSouthFlorida , Venezuelansralliedinsupport , ofoppositionleader , JuanGuaidó , Doral , yellowblueredstripes , whitestars , flags , cheeringcrowd , behindbarrier , SanFrancisco , California , HarrisResistsEasyDefinition , RecordasChiefLawyer , FacesChorusofCritics , KamalaHarris , TheLongRun , runningforpresident , "progressiveprosecutor" , againstdeathpenalty , KlobucharJumpsIn , SenatorAmyKlobuchar , joinedgrowingpresidentialscrum , Onancock , Virginia , InNortham'sYouth , CluestoHisViewsonRace , GovernorRalphNortham , "Wedidn'tseerace." , afriendfromchildhoodsays , Beirut , Lebanon , EmiratiPrincessTriedtoFlee , VideoSuggestsFailure'sPrice , SheikhaLatifa , "There'snojusticehere" , "Especiallyifyou'reafemale" , "yourlifeissodisposable" , portraiture , youngwomanwithsunglasses , reflectivemirroredsunglasses , orangerosecolor , ivory , tan , escape , freedom , mostlycloudy , overcast , abitofsnowlate
Terri Garland, Political Candidate, Scott, Louisiana, Chromogenic print, 16.9 x 24.6 centimeters, 1991, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: TerriGarland , photography , portraiture , politicalcandidate , crowds , ArtInstituteofChicago , LATimes , FreshVictory , PrimeMinister , Japan , ShinzoAbe , greetingsupporters , Tokyo , seekchanges , Japan'spacifistConstitution , adoringfans , wavingtocrowd , meninbluesuits , hats , shakinghands , JamesToback , filmmaker , Sexclaims , focusonnewfigure , citedby38women , sexualharassment , LATimesinvestigation , moviebusiness , fordecades , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Virginiagolfclub , Presidentiallimousine , throughthedarkglass , pushesRepublicans , taxoverhaulbill , givesCongressdeadline , throwsobstaclesinway , taxrateforrich , MichaelWeinstein , AIDSHealthcareFoundation , MeasureS , targetshousingcrisis , , failingtoblock , 'megaprojects' , aimstohelppoorrenters , Thecurrentmodeldoesnotwork , Nanmiao , China , Loudspeakers , crackleaftersunrise , CommunistPartydictates , PresidentXiJinping , embracenation'sredpast , allears , forwordfromXi , localofficials , villagetoserveasmodel , Barcelona , Spain , pro-independence , Independencebid , maycometoboil , Si!Si! , posters , graffiti , flags , Senateexpected , approvecall , imposedirectrule , Catalonia , It'sabouthumanrights , long-simmering , secessioniststruggle , GOPcollegians , UCIrvine , takesharpright , Seattle , Amazon'sgrowth , cautionarytale , sunny , hot
Tags: MarisaMerz , ArtInstituteofChicago , ArtePovera , NYTimes , sculpture , installation , painting , Brazil , SaoPaulo , Rio , Olympics2016 , Olympicrings , rappelling , running , DonaldTrump , GOP , G.I. , Muslimparents , Ukraine , influence , VoterID , voterfraud , Sparta , Georgia , sunshine , clouds , heavythunderstorms , rainshowers