chilly — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Public School NYC, Hat , Cotton twill, white embroidery, and plastic, 2017, The Museum at FIT , New York
Tags: PublicSchoolNYC , baseballcap , hat , designers , fashiondesign , TheMuseumatFIT , NewYork , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , TrumpsupporterwearingMAGAhat , rallyinMilwaukeelastsummer , Americanflag , patriotism , starsandstripes , portraiture , CracksinTrumpcamp , labormigration , Trumpsupportersdividedovermigrationpolicy , advocatedbymembersofhisadministration , ElonMusk , 'MakeAmericaGreatAgain' , Manyvoicesopposearrivalofhighlyskilledmigrants , Isanexistentialriftinthemaking? , "Proust'sQuestions" , LukWyns , Belgianactoranddirector , "Mydiabetesturnedouttobeablessingindisguise'' , DidonebirdcauseFlight2216tobecomefatal? , Manyquestionsaboutdeadlyairdisaster , SouthKorea , ThomasDeGendt , CyclingRetirement , sports , 'Ihavetimetomakeupforthechildren' , Theftplague , BelgianPigeonMilers , 'Everythingindicatesthatthereisagangbehindthis' , birthdays , GettingOlder , cloudy , chilly , overcast
Tags: PeggySmith , painting , portraiture , ACrowd , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , MagdeburgGermany , mourning , community , flowersandcandles , grief , WhatinspiredperpetratorofattackinMagdeburg? , Twomonthsbeforeelections , Germanyisindeepmourning , CarcrashintoChristmasmarket , entangledinwebofconspiracytheories , ExitSuper-Heroes , EnterZendayaAndCo.? , Hollywoodseemsreadyfornewgenerationofrealstars , YouthAboutTheSmartphoneBanAtSchool , 'Withoutatelephonenoonewouldknowwhattochatabout' , groupofstudents , FourLightPointsInGlobalClimatePicture , Figuresshowwecanindeedmakeadifference , 'KampWaes' , Belgiantelevisionseries , DriesBorstlapIn'TheTurn' , 'I'mnotgooddealingwithpeoplewhocomplain' , 'Putain'televisionseries , “InBrusselsyoualwayshavetobeonyourguard , ” , saysprotagonistoftheseriesinaninterview , rainyandcloudy , chilly
Tags: FransMasereel , man , woodcut , printmaking , paper , MSKGent , Belgium , DeMorgen , AlexanderDeCroo , ForDeCrooit'sfinished , Vooruit , Vooruitwins , thankstotheConnerandMelissaeffect , ConnerRousseau , MelissaDepraetere , VlaamsBelang , HowVlaamsBelangstillstumbled , Belgianelections , Georges-LouisBouchez , Mouvementréformateur , TherevolutionofBouchez , Walloniashiftstotheright , BartDeWever , BartDeWevertriumphs , IshenowchangingBelgium? , (N-VA) , formidablecampaign , avoidedmonstervictoryoffarright , anevenmoredifficulttaskawaitshim , Hisambitiontoformgovernment , withright-wingandstatereform , opposingwishesofothers , sunnyspells , chilly , rain
Jan van den Bergh, After Giacomo Cavedone , Red chalk on paper, 293 x 205 millimeters, 1614, British Museum, U.K.
Tags: JanvandenBergh , Flemishpainter , redchalkonpaper , afterGiacomoCavedone , Bologneseschool , portraiture , BritishMuseum , London , NYTimes , groupofmen , camouflagejackets , MykhailoHiraldo-Ramires , leadingatrainingcourse , Kyiv , Ukraine , country'sdefenseplan , Ukraine'sCiviliansStaff , ResistanceinWaiting , TeachersAccountantsandWaitresses , PrepforanInsurgency , learncombatskills , NewVariantRisk , InNursingHomes , BoostersLaginNewYork , AmidOmicronSurge , SeaCrestNursingandRehabilitation , ConeyIsland , CadreofExpertWitnesses , HelpsClearPoliceinCourt , SameTightNetworkThatTrainsOfficers , TestifiesAboutDeathsinCustody , Dr.GaryVilke , establishedhimselfasleadingexpertwitness , cottageindustryofexoneration , expertshavetiestoAxon , makeroftheTaser , cowwithtag , strugglingranchers , sellingoffentireherds , BoominBeef , ButRanchersCan'tCashIn , Montana , cattleranchers , DubiousAdvice , FromTVDoctorInSenateHunt , Dr.MehmetOz , chiefpromoter , malariadrugs , hydroxychloroquine , chloroquine , fortreatingCovid-19 , wealthofevidence , noteffective , Dr.OzjumpedintoRepublicanprimary , forSenateinPennsylvania , DesmondM.Tutu , 1931-2021 , ArchbishopWhoseVoiceHelpedEndApartheid , powerfulforcefornonviolence , anti-apartheidmovement , earnedNobelPeacePrizein1984 , becomingmostlycloudy , showerslate , chilly
Manuel Álvarez Bravo, La Operacion Hospital, Juarez, Mexico , Gelatin silver print, 25.22 x 20.14 centimeters, 1935, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art , Kansas City, Missouri
Tags: ManuelÁlvarezBravo , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , LaOperacionHospital , JuarezMexico , TheNelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt , KansasCity , MIssouri , NYTimes , hospitalroom , hospitalbed , PPE , whitesheets , mustardyellowfabric , bluemasks , tubes , monitors , fluids , patient , familyvisit , MartinLutherKingJr.CommunityHospital , L.A. , ForLatinosinLosAngeles , theCostofInequality , Death , TwoImmigrantFamilies , LoseTheirPatriarchstoCovid , OverstretchedHospital , minibusdriver , cook , EmilioVirgen , GabrielFlores , bothdiedfromCovid-19 , Hispanics , highestCovid-19deathrates , inL.A.County , NewYork , MayorBilldeBlasio , OrdersBroadReview , OfAllShelters , ReportsofAbuseintheBronx , SetOffAudit , homelessshelters , VictorRivera , chiefexecutive , accusedofsexualharassment , sexualassault , BronxParentHousingNetwork , subways , HomelessNewYorkers , strugglingthiswinter , stationshaveclosed , WashingtonDC , TrialStrategy , AimsToRekindle , CapitolOutrage , BarrageofRiotVideo , AnImpeachmentLesson , HoldTrumptoAccount , NottheG.O.P. , "Thestoryofthepresident'sactionsisbothrivetingandhorrifying" , RepresentativeJamieRaskin , DemocratofMaryland , GeorgeP.Shultz , obituary , 1920-2021 , headshot , workedforPresidentsNixonandReagan , StatesmanWhoGuidedU.S. , TowardtheEndoftheColdWar , redblackwhiteconfetti , SuperBowl , football , TrophyCase? , MoreLikeaWing , TomBrady , wonhisseventhSuperBowltitle , leadingtheBucspasttheChiefs , Right-WingOutletsFlinch , asLawsuitsRollOut , ANewFront , WarOnMisinformation , FoxBusiness , canceledhighestratedshow , "LouDobbsTonight" , ToHeadOffaPrimary , SchumerCourtstheLeft , CentristTiedtoWallSt. , UpdatesPlaybook , SenatorChuckSchumer , partlycloudy , increasinglycloudy , chilly
Tags: NeilWinokur , Cibachrome , photography , ice , MFABoston , Massachusetts , NYTimes , factoryworkers , yellowblueuniforms , hazmat , PPE , dryice , cardboardbox , packing , shipping , Pfizer , vaccine , keepat94degreesbelowzero , threemilliondoses , AsTollNears300000 , FirstDosesofVaccine , RaceAcrosstheNation , Last-MinuteDash , toAssurethePublic , Inoculation , publiceducation , BuildingVaccineConfidencecampaign , DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices , WashingtonDC , Fargo , NorthDakota , HospitalsNervouslyWaitforTools , ToStemtheTide , PfizerBioNTech , emergencyapproval , Covid-19vaccine , Chicago , ObituariesFullofPain , andaPlea , WearaMask , GrievingMorePublicly , FamiliesWriteofVirus'sDevastation , nearly2400deathsperday , cryingman , blackandwhitecheckeredblanket , ANewSurge , attheBorder , Comfortingamigrant , sentbacktoMexico , unauthorizedentries , ontherise , USMexicoborder , RussiansHackU.S.Agencies , InBoldAttack , OfficialsAdmitBreach , EmailSystems , TreasuryDepartment , CommerceDepartment , cybersecurity , JohnleCarré , 1931-2020 , obituary , portrait , aspyofsomekind , AuthorofColdWarThrillers , WhoseSpiesWereImperfect , London , best-selling1963novel , "TheSpyWhoCameinFromtheCold" , hisgreatestcreation , GeorgeSmiley , AnHonorBecomesanOrdeal , HarriedElectorsFinallyMeet , DemocratsArePressed , byTrumpSupporters , ElectoralCollege , presidentialelection , measureoffinality , mostlycloudy , chilly , earlyrain , afternoonrainandsnow
Tags: AnneJudell , drawing , mixedmedia , graphite , breath , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , NYTimes , AsNeonDims , DespairGrowsOnVegasStrip , LasVegas , ServiceWorkers , TakingaDevastatingBlow , ValiciaAnderson , "Youarepushingpeopleupagainstacorner." , leisureindustry , Hingham , Massachusetts , GaspingforBreaths , theSizeofaTablespoon , HealthyHiker'sGraveIllness , HighlightsVirus'sAgonizingMysteries , greywhitetransparency , chestX-rays , MassachusettsGeneralHospital , JimBello , onventilatorfor32days , lungsfilledwithfluid , inflamedcells , "whiteout" , lungsstartingtoclearagain , coronavirus , "HailMary"medicalmaneuver , doctors'relentlessefforts , LargeCompaniesTakeBailoutAid , DubiousGains , LoansAimedAtOthers , MillionsGotoApplicants , FacingFinancialandLegalProblems , PresidentTrump , $349billion , low-interestloansforsmallbusinesses , PaycheckProtectionProgram , itsmoneyranout , ADisinfectant , ThatMayMarTrump'sTeflon , “butI’mlikeapersonthathasagoodyou-know-what.” , suggestedthatinjectionsofdisinfectantsintobody , couldhelpcombatcoronavirus , musingsonvirusremedies , widespreadcondemnation , dangeroustohealthofAmericans , ocean , palmtree , sand , twowomen , BondiBeach , Australia , closedovervirusrestrictions , NewZealandAndAustralia , SquashCurve , bothnationsreporting , handfulofnewinfections , ScottMorrison , JacindaArdern , partisanshiprecedes , expertslead , "ThisiscertainlydistinctfromtheUnitedStates." , Dr.PeterCollignon , professorofmicrobiology , KennyCheng , SeanMahoney , ambulance , 911call , ACallPiercestheLulls , ExhaustedParamedics , 'PossivleCovid' , uncertainty , 'Whencantheyseetheirlovedonesagain?' , heavyemotionalandphysicaltoll , plentyofclouds , showers , chilly
Arthur Dove, Silver Sun , Oil, metallic paint, and an unidentified material (possibly wax) on canvas, 55.3 x 74.9 centimeters, 1929, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ArthurDove , silver , blue , black , transparent , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , carpet , palegreen , burgundy , diagonal , chandelier , glass , hazmatsuits , workersdisinfectingmosque , Istanbul , coronavirusinfections , Turkey , HaltingVirusWillRequireHarshSteps , ExpertsSay , Near-TotalCooperationFromPublic , KeytoIsolatingClustersofInfections , portraiture , womeninbluehazmatsuits , protectiveequipment , TheNationalGuard , drivethroughtestsite , NewJersey , PartisanDivide , ThreatensDealOnRescueBill , WashingtonDC , $2trilliongovernmentrescuepackage , failuretomoveforward , shookfinancialmarkets , TrumpShiftsImage , LeaderFor'Wartime' , TrackingAnOutbreak , Defiant , Manyhaveignoredurgentcalls , socialdistancing , Pressure , WorkersatUPSandFedEx , nochoice , keepshowingup , evenwithcoronavirus-likesymptoms , Olympics , growingpressuretopostpone , TokyoGames , InfectionClue , Doctorgroupsrecommending , testingandisolation , forpeoplewholoseabilitytosmellandtaste , OfficialsRaceToStemOutbreak , NewYorkBecomesEpicenter , 5%world'sconfirmedcases , massivemedicalbivouac , JacobJavitsCenter , SeekingaBalmfortheSoul , ButImperilingEarthlyHealth , Beirut , Lebanon , Religionissolace , "Jesusismyprotection" , Rev.MajdiAllawi , WithintheBleakestStatistics , ALifeThatWasSoMuchMore , LorettaDionisio , husbandRoddy , traveling , Philippines , cloudy , rain , chilly
Serge Tousignant, Hommage à Magritte , Easel, mirror and coloured vinyl, 193 x 450 x 110 centimeters (variable length according to the exhibition area), 1970-74, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal , Canada
Tags: SergeTousignant , HommageàMagritte , sculpture , painting , installation , mirror , lines , MAC , Montreal , Canada , NYTimes , AFive-BoroughTour , 49thNewYorkCityMarathon , runners , shadows , whitepaintedline , street , blue , green , black , red , idealconditions , Kenyandominance , fastestdebutforwoman , WashingtonDC , FromtheStart , UkraineTriedToWooTrump , UsingFlattery , FavorsandDealsforCoal , PetroO.Poroshenko , Ukraine'sformerpresident , wagedelaboratecampaign , WhiteHouse , sawrelationshipastransactional , couldhelpTrumppolitically , F.B.I.'sSights , StolenResearch , FlowingToChina , FearAmongScientists , Nearly200InvestigationsUnderway , MajorAcademicCenters , stealingbio-medicalresearch , allegedtheft , scientificideas , designs , devices , data , NationalInstitutesofHealth , Houston , Texas , NeededOrNot , OilProductionIsSetToSurge , crudeoil , SaudiArabia , Aramco , GiantI.P.O. , planstogopublic , cheaperoilmaycomplicateefforts , combatglobalwarming , portraiture , manatwindow , interior , curtains , MatthewMottor , Hinsdale , Massachusetts , $30000 , finesfeesandbills , fightingflawedbreathtestresult , PayingDearly , foraDefectiveBreathTest , LynchpinofCriminalJusticeSystem , OftenUnreliable , drunkdriving , tests , bloodalcohollevel , 0.08orhigher , conviction , programmingmistakes , machines'software , PaulaWhite , pinkdressandpearls , televangelist , aidetoPresidentTrump , TheTVPastor , ShepherdingTrump'sFlock , Florida , populistbrandofChristianity , televisionpreacher , livesinamansion , AsWarrenGainsPopularity , HerAnti-GreedMessage , HasWallStreetRattled , Blackstone , titanofWallStreet , "PrettyWoman"movieclip , usedinElizabethWarren'scampaignpromotion , tagline , "StopWallStreetLooting." , sunshine , someclouds , chilly
Haegue Yang, Series of Vulnerable Arrangements — Domestics of Community , Installation with seven light sculptures composed of clothing rack and shoe rack on casters, light bulbs, cable, knitting yarn, rope, socks, hammock net, aluminum venetian blinds, stainless steel strainer, paint grill, fish grill, plastic tube, plastic packages, plastic funnel, tin, buttons, metal ring, metal sponge, silver tinsel, mardi gras bits, toy spring, garden supply, and sea shells, Dimensions variable, 2009, Carnegie Museum of Art , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tags: HaegueYang , mixedmedia , installation , community , CarnegieMuseumofArt , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , NYTimes , factoryinterior , blue , red , yellow , white , green , wire , overheadlighting , AchuchuKottu , fromEritrea , Litelab , Buffalo , NewYork , Aboutathird , co-workersareimmigrants , includingrefugees , Utica , RefugeesAreAFrayingLifeline , forUpstateCities , Officialsluringrefugees , tomovetoNewYork , advertisingjobplacement , Englishlanguage , housingservices , Poolofrefugees , shrinksunderPresidentTrump , RussiaWantsU.S.toDread , 5GCellphones , SpreadsDubiousFears , AboutHealthonTV , Russiannetwork , RTAmerica , "Justasmallone" , "Itmightkillyou" , "ADangerous'ExperimentonHumanity'" , principalmeddler , 2016presidentialelection , "It'seconomicwarfare" , RyanFox , chiefoperatingofficer , NewKnowledge , technologyfirm , trackingdisinformation , RTAmericaiscat'spaw , ofRussianPresident , VladimirPutin , WashingtonDC , TariffsOnChina , WillExactCost , For'BothSides' , BurdenOnU.S.Wallets , ImpactonEconomy , WillDependonScope , ofTrump'sFight , escalatingtradewar , LarryKudlow , directorNationalEconomicCouncil , "Infactbothsideswillpay" , StickingPoint , tradewarintensifies , Chinesesubsidies , homegrownindustries , presentsteepobstacle , toadeal , 2NewJustices , TiltRightward , ButNotasOne , JusticeNeilM.Gorsuch , JusticeBrettM.Kavanaugh , "They'redisagreeingmorethanwewouldhaveexpected" , Beckley , WestVirginia , InCoalCountry , PromiseofComputerCareers , DissolvesinDust , youngwomaninivorycoat , portraiture , landscapeinbackground , ToriFrame , backatFamilyDollarstore , aftertryingtostartacareer , withMinedMinds , "Iwantedsomethingdifferent" , MinedMindspromisedtoteach , WestVirginians , howtowritecomputercode , getwell-payingjobs , NewOrleans , Louisiana , VenerablePaperIsShuttered , With'LetThemEatCake' , theannouncementcame , viathebakedalaska , TheAdvocatenewspaper , Antoine's , white-linendiningplace , FrenchQuarter , 182-year-oldrival , TheTimes-Picayune , Twopapersnowone , TheAdvocateboughtthebrand , thesite , thearchives , thesubscriberlist , nottheemployees , , TheLastEdition , ANewspaperWar , periodicrain , breezy , chilly
Janet Burchill, Jennifer McCamley, SAFE , Neon, electric cables, fittings and transformer, 23 x 150 centimeters, 2005, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: JanetBurchill , JenniferMcCamley , safe , sculpture , neon , installation , text , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , Christchurch , NewZealand , gold , mosque , foliage , policeofficers , silhouette , responsetomassacre , policeapprehendedsuspect , 36minutesaftercallforhelp , InMosqueAttacks , QuickActionandCourage , ABystander , PolicePreparedness , HelpedCurtailCarnage , AbdulAziz , prayingwithfoursons , flungcreditcardmachineatattacker , LinwoodMosque , AlNoorMosque , gunman , livestreamedonFacebook , videoofattack , RemorseAndVow , suspect'sfamilyapologizes , primeministertalksguncontrol , WashingtonDC , SaudiPrince , RanBrutalCampaign , ToStifleDissent , ClandestineMissions , KillingofKhashoggi , Instanbul , PartofWiderCrackdown , CrownPrinceMohammedbinSalman , SaudiArabia , 'BlackBoxes' , LinkCrashes , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , Boeing737Max8 , EthiopianAirlinesFlight302 , LionAirFlight610 , evidence , crushedorangebrownmetal , OneoftworecordersfromEthiopianAirlines , AlliesSpurningCampaignByU.S. , ToBlockHuawei , QuestioningDataRisk , ChineseTelecomGiant , KeepsItsFoothold , inEuropeAndIndia , next-generation , wirelessnetworks , securitythreat , allowingBeijingtospy , oncompaniesindividualsandgovernments , blueglass , reflection , glassdoors , portraiture , WilliamSinger , enteringguiltypleas , inBoston , ACollegeScam , BuiltWithSwagger , andSecrets , partcoach , parttherapist , partmotivationalspeaker , partnamedropper , travelingsalesman , sellingdreams , "Hewaswelldressed" , "hewaswellspoken" , "hehadaPowerpoint" , EricWebb , HonestApplicantsAwaitWord , Homer , NewYork , FarmsThatDependonMigrants , FearICE'sToll , LaborForceatRisk , NewYorkDairies , sunshinemixingwithsomeclouds , chilly
Berlinde De Bruyckere, Het hart uitgerukt (The heart torn out) , East-Indian ink on paper, 44 x 30 centimeters, 1997-1998, De Pont Museum , Tilburg, Netherlands
Tags: BerlindeDeBruyckere , Thehearttornout , inkonpaper , painting , portraiture , DePontMuseum , Tilburg , Netherlands , NYTimes , Douma , Syria , SyriaIsBlamedInGasAttack , bodiesandblankets , handsandfeet , red , black , grey , blue , orange , white , witnesses , cushionspiledup , barrier , surgicalmasks , womenandchildren , toddlerwithoxygenmask , rescueworkers , aidgroups , Pietà , ChemicalCarnage , MuddlesPlansforU.S.Exit , PresidentTrump , 'Bigpricetopay' , Beirut , Lebanon , AtLeast42PeopleSuffocated , RescueWorkersSay , Humboldt , Saskatchewan , Canada , InTownThatLivesForHockey , ACrashHasSplinteredHearts , Broncos , hockeyteam , architecture , blackglassandsteel , TrumpTowerFire , FDNY , ToddBrassner , victim , bonvivant , artcollector , livedalone , 50thfloor , couldn'tsellapartment , reflections , greenglassandsteel , light , WashingtonDC , JohnR.Bolton , FieryNationalSecurityAdviser , Powder-KegPresidency , 'It'satarget-richenvironment' , ForG.O.P , ThreatOfImpeachment , MaySpurVoters , DemocratsSeeATrap , SpecterofTrump'sFate , FocusofRepublicanFund-Raising , Facebook , CambridgeAnalytica , harvestingprofiledata , AffectedUsers , SayFacebookBetrayedThem , CompanyBegins , TellThoseTargeted , DeleteFacebookMovement , sunshine , givingwaytoclouds , chilly
Ulises Carrión, Margins C , Torn A4 graph paper, bound with string, 11.5 x 8.25 inches, 1976, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: UlisesCarrión , graphpaper , worksonpaper , artistbooks , Mexicanartist , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , portraiture , KimberlyThomas , Bronx , unjustlyaccused , gaze , casedropped , videocontradictedofficer'stestimony , 'Testilying'byPolice , CamerasCaptureTruth , surveillancecamera , videofootage , BlueLies , DishonestyintheRanks , apartmentcorridor , interrogation , justice , viewfinder , truth , snowylandscape , parkbench , mural , apartmentbuildings , eyes , WashingtonDC , FacebookRoleinDataMisuse , SetsOffStorm , USandUKLashOut , OverSecretHarvest , CambridgeAnalytica , politicaldatafirm , StephenBannon , RobertMercer , Republicandonor , PresidentTrump , HisAngerRising , TakesAimAtMuellerTeam , DirectAttackInTweet , SomeRepublicansWarnPresident , NottoFireSpecialCounsel , FollowingHisGut , WhiteHouseaides , Trumpfeelingemboldened , NancyPelosi , SureSheWillLead , HerPartyIsn't , Democrats , ConorLamb , ForBlackMen , GrowingUpRichMayNotHelp , graph , incarcerationrates , EqualityofOpportunityProject , blueline , orangeline , StungTrang , Cambodia , Cambodia'sRulerTightensGrip , EnergizedbyBeijing'sBlessings , PrimeMinisterHunSen , photo-op , cameraphone , women , factoryworkers , peach , pink , lightblue , hands , affirmation , joy , curvinglines , white , sunny , chilly
Jenny Holzer, Inflammatory Essays , One of twenty-nine offset lithographs on paper of various colors, Printed at Millner Bros., New York, Unlimited edition, 432 x 432 millimeters, 1979 - 82, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JennyHolzer , lithography , inflammatoryessays , protest , unlimitededition , publishing , TateUK , NYTimes , crowds , Harare , Zimbabwe , watchingTV , PresidentRobertMugabe , televisedaddress , greenlight , portraiture , flags , microphone , MugabeRefusestoLetGo , GriponPowerSlips , PoliticalFall , AmidFirings , Feuds , PolemicFirstLady , maneuvering , countrygoingthroughdifficultpatch , expelledfromgoverningparty , ZANU-PF , Hecrossedtheredline , SouthThomaston , Maine , EdwardBlum , One-ManLegalFactory , orchestratedlawsuits , challengingaffirmativeaction , votingrightslaws , FightsHarvardOverAffirmativeAction , CharlesManson , mastermindedamassacre , joltedthenation , obituary , HelenaAlabama , AlabamaDemocratsOfferCheers , butLittleElseinSenateRace , Democraticcanvasser , Thisisouronlyopportunity , tightSenatecontest , GOP , RoySMoore , Democrat , DougJones , Weneedtoseizeit , BirminghamNews , SundayFrontPage , StandforDecency , RejectRoyMoore , Alabamapastorsstruggle , withwhattosay , ifanything , QuandaryForChurches , XalapaMexico , HauntedbyLoss , ChasingGhosts , waiting , searchingformissingchildren , Wedecidedtospendourlivestogether , livethisstruggleunited , holdinghands , streetlights , AffordableCareAct , SubsidiesKeepManyInsured , AndSatisfied , GOPtaxbill , repealACA , Whatif? , freeupbillionsofdollars , payfortaxcuts , corporationsandindividuals , mindthestep , glow , speech , language , mostlysunny , breezy , chilly
Paul Graham, Television Portrait (Danny, Bristol) , Color photograph on paper, 1090 x 890 millimeters, 1991, Tate Gallery , London
Tags: PaulGraham , TateUK , photography , portraiture , television , NYTimes , 2016election , PresidentialDebate , HillaryClinton , DonaldTrump , stage , microphones , audience , townhall , womenvote , Trumptapes , AccessHollywoodbus , incometaxes , taxevasion , showman , feminism , sunshine , coolday , clear , chilly