greenlight — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Mariann Imre, Saint Cecilia , Concrete, plexiglass, yarn, 5.5 x 205.5 x 60 centimeters, 1997-2000, Szépművészeti Múzeum , Budapest, Hungary
Tags: MariannImre , SaintCecilia , mixedmediainstallation , concrete , plexiglass , yarn , SzépművészetiMúzeum , BudapestHungary , NYTimes , tombstones , names , writing , earth , palmfronds , hangingclothes , Gazahospital , InWar , GazansCan'tBurytheDeadWithDignity , BodiesLeftBehind , RushedIntoShallowGraves , ConflictLoomsWithIran , FromLebanontoRedSea , UsingHamasHezbollahandHouthis , TehranThreatensItsWesternFoes , TownTurnedMarijuanaOasisNearTexas , RakesIntheGreen , Cannabisflag , greenblackwhite , SunlandParkNewMexico , UltraHealth , LeadersReachSpendingDeal , AsClockTicks , 2024governmentspending , soldiers , camouflageuniforms , SavingUkraine'sSoldiers , greenlight , combatmedics , hiddenneareasternfrontlines , riskeverythingtoaidinjuredtroops , BlessingofSame-SexCouples , TestsFaithofAfrica'sCatholics , SaferChildbirthforBlackMothers , FacesObstaclesinNewYork , LessAccesstoDoctors , WorseHospitals , sunshine , turningwarmer
Jenny Holzer, Inflammatory Essays , One of twenty-nine offset lithographs on paper of various colors, Printed at Millner Bros., New York, Unlimited edition, 432 x 432 millimeters, 1979 - 82, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JennyHolzer , lithography , inflammatoryessays , protest , unlimitededition , publishing , TateUK , NYTimes , crowds , Harare , Zimbabwe , watchingTV , PresidentRobertMugabe , televisedaddress , greenlight , portraiture , flags , microphone , MugabeRefusestoLetGo , GriponPowerSlips , PoliticalFall , AmidFirings , Feuds , PolemicFirstLady , maneuvering , countrygoingthroughdifficultpatch , expelledfromgoverningparty , ZANU-PF , Hecrossedtheredline , SouthThomaston , Maine , EdwardBlum , One-ManLegalFactory , orchestratedlawsuits , challengingaffirmativeaction , votingrightslaws , FightsHarvardOverAffirmativeAction , CharlesManson , mastermindedamassacre , joltedthenation , obituary , HelenaAlabama , AlabamaDemocratsOfferCheers , butLittleElseinSenateRace , Democraticcanvasser , Thisisouronlyopportunity , tightSenatecontest , GOP , RoySMoore , Democrat , DougJones , Weneedtoseizeit , BirminghamNews , SundayFrontPage , StandforDecency , RejectRoyMoore , Alabamapastorsstruggle , withwhattosay , ifanything , QuandaryForChurches , XalapaMexico , HauntedbyLoss , ChasingGhosts , waiting , searchingformissingchildren , Wedecidedtospendourlivestogether , livethisstruggleunited , holdinghands , streetlights , AffordableCareAct , SubsidiesKeepManyInsured , AndSatisfied , GOPtaxbill , repealACA , Whatif? , freeupbillionsofdollars , payfortaxcuts , corporationsandindividuals , mindthestep , glow , speech , language , mostlysunny , breezy , chilly