text — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: JeromeCaja , painting , mixedmedia , nailpolish , SFMoMA , California , NYTimes , FlashFlood , CoalRunKentucky , homesunderwater , flooding , Munich , WesternAlliesOnBrinkOfFatefulRift , EuropeansFearPutinWantstoSplitNATO , tariffs , Tit-For-TatRates , SetWorldStageForTariffHavoc , RiskofSupplyStrain , reciprocaltariffs , WashingtonDC , Trump'sProposaltoSeizeGaza , HoversOverRubio'sIsraelVisit , SecretaryofStateMarcoRubio , "RivieraoftheMiddleEast" , Fundraisingslowdown , LiberalDonorsPullBackCash , text , Project2025TrumpAdministration , morethan60ofPresidentTrump'sdirectivesmirrorProject2025proposals , Dementia , HowDementiaDerailsPlansforAssistedDying , WithCostofEggsSoaring , BreakfastDinersFeelthePinch , sunnysideupeggs , eggwholesalepriceshitnewhigh , $8.11perdozen , verywindy , windgustspast40m.p.h. , partlycloudy , colder
herman de vries, The Face of War—Silent , Colored pencil on paper, 48.9 x 68.6 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: hermandevries , TheFaceofWar--Silent , text , worksonpaper , coloredpencil , drawing , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , handwriting , dirtroad , greenery , landscape , body , militaryuniform , militarydesertboots , Russiansoldier'sremains , Staromaiorske , villagerecapturedbyUkrainiantroops , ZaporizhzhiaRegion , Ukrainewar , GrindingCounteroffensive , HandsUkraineaFlashofSuccess , F.B.I.FinancedUseofSpyTool , OutlawedbyU.S. , HuntingDownCulprit , AgencyNabsItself , RivaNetworks , Landmark , TrumpFarAheadInG.O.P.Race , DespiteCharges , 1stTimes/SienaPoll , GovernorRonDeSantis , FailstoMakeDentinNearlyEveryCategory , DonaldJ.Trump , haslargeedgeinalmosteveryregion , pointingfinger , portraiture , ExtremeHeatIsCostlyDrainOnProductivity , EncinitasCalifornia , Rentinge-bikes , concerngrowingaboutsafety , especiallyforminors , Teenagers'AccidentsExposeRisksofE-Bikes , BoomingTechnology , OutpacingFederalandStateLaws , ExcavationinRome , TurnsUpWhatMayBeNero'sTheater , archaeologicaldig , Italy , partlysunny , west-northwestwind
Dmitri Prigov, Wherever the Motherland May Send Us , Ink and correction fluid on paper, 163 x 163 centimeters, 1978, Tate , U.K.
Tags: DmitriPrigov , poetry , text , drawing , poetrygrams , visualpoems , ink , blackandwhite , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , 'Val'Bachmut , possiblechanceforUkraine , RussiasaysithasfullcontrolofBachmut , after9monthsoffighting , Ukrainedeniesclaim , battleforcity , become"anopportunityforKiev" , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Gradmissilelauncher , Bachmut , militaryuniforms , camouflage , sighting , inposition , brownolivegreen , portraiture , TinneOltmans , actress , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Ihavearathercrazyrelationshipwithmybody' , municipalities , maps , getshortpractice , 'Thespreadisnotgood' , Howstrongisthecordonstillstanding? , BartDeWever , consideringstrategies , mapofBachmut , yelloworangepeach , territories , Whiskydrinker , COREFestival , stage , strobelights , stagelights , performance , cloudyconditions
Andy Warhol, Sarah Bernhardt , Screenprint on paper, 40 x 32 inches, 1980, The Jewish Museum , New York
Tags: AndyWarhol , screenprint , paper , portraiture , PopArt , SarahBernhardt , TheJewishMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , blackandwhitescreen , television , text , FoxNews , televisionpersonality , AmericanNationalist , TuckerCarlson , ReshapedFoxNews , BecameTrump'sHeir , TuckerCarlsonTonight , NancyPelosi , PelosiVisitsKyiv , EchoingU.S.Vow , OfWide'Victory' , SomeCiviliansEvacuate , MariupolSteelPlant , UkraineIsLowonFuel , internationaldiplomacy , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , "AmericastandswithUkraine" , OneRussianTycoonSpokeUp , RetributionCameaDayLater , OlegY.Tinkov , "afiresale" , XiRemainsSilent , VirusLockdown , GripsShanghaiForWeeks , FlurriesofComplaints , HighlightCracksinZero-CovidPolicy , XiJinping , "dynamiczeroCovid"goal , PandemicHomeMarket , CreatesVastRiches , MoreInequality , $6trillionhousingwealth , CanYouAffordIt? , Homeprices , loanrates , youneedtodothemath , Régine , madeexclusivityanartform , 2013filmfestival , 1929-2022 , CreatorofWorld'sFirstDisco , ReignedOverDazzlingEmpire , RachelleZylberberg , Belgium , openedbasementnightclub , Parisbackstreet , ChezRégine , discothèque , 1970s , $500millionempire , 23clubs , EuropeMiddleEastandtheAmericas , cloudyandcool , coupleofshowers
Tags: CurtisGannon , closure , grid , collageonpaper , overlapping , density , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , NYTimes , 77Days , Trump'sCampaigntoSubverttheElection , connectthedots , redlines , reddots , photos , text , digitalcollage , HowALie , StokedtheAssaultontheCapitol , Asupposedsuitcaseofillegalballots , Detroit , provedtobeboxofcameraequipment , "Deadvoters" , turningupalive , intelevisionandnewspaperinterviews , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sScorn , FuelingExodusinHealthDepartment , NineTopN.Y.Officials , HaveQuitAmidRift , coronavirusvaccine , troubledrollout , declinedtousevaccinationplans , developedbyStateDepartmentofHealth , CapeTown , SouthAfrica , hazmatsuits , PPE , medicalworkers , patientenclosedinplastictube , ambulance , newmorecontagiousvariant , estimatedtomakeup , 90percentofallcasesinSouthAfrica , PosingGlobalThreat , VariantsSpreadWhereVaccinesHaveNot , failingtostopspreadofvirusglobally , allowmoremutations , couldmakeexistingvaccineslesseffective , LeaderIsHeld , AsCoupFears , GripMyanmar , DawAungSanSuuKyi , detained , NationalLeagueforDemocracy , governingofficialsconfirmedthedetentions , HouseMapping , NextConflictInPowerBattle , WashingtonDC , Republicansholdtotalcontrol , redistrictingin18states , includingFloridaNorthCarolinaTexas , windy , snow , someheavy , dangeroustravel
Tags: FayChandler , KeepingCalm , mixedmedia , painting , portraiture , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , lightbluerectangle , text , quotes , OnTape , TrumpPushesGeorgiaTo'Find'Votes , FromAudioRecording , PresidentTrump'sPhoneConversation , WithGeorgia'sSecretaryofState , BradRaffensperger , "WehavewonthiselectioninGeorgiabasedonallofthis."PresidentTrump , "WellMr.Presidentthechallengethatyouhaveisthedatayouhaveiswrong."BradRaffensperger , NewCongressOpens , RepublicansBitterlyDivided , WashingtonDC , OfficialRejectsCall , ToOverturnState'sElectionResult , "Ijustwanttofind11780votes" , "whichisonemorethanwehave"Mr.Trumpsaid , recordingfirstobtainedbyTheWashingtonPost , Ramifications , PresidentTrump'sactions , couldviolatestatuesonelectionfraud , dependingoninterpretation , SenateRunoffs , ReflectChangesInOldRedState , Georgia , "Georgiaisnowareflectionofthecountry" , KeithMason , formerchiefofstafftoDemocratZellMiller , twistinglineofpeople , sidewalk , grass , arrowsign , streetscene , peoplelinedupforvaccinations , LehighAcres , Florida , 300dosesavailable , Delay2ndDoses? , Give2Half-Doses? , VaccineLag , FuelsaDebate , protectionagainstCovid-19 , Dr.AnthonyS.Fauci , "Iwouldnotbeinfavorofthat" , LawsuitsTargetCovidFund , MeanttoHelpBlackResidents , ACryofDiscrimination , OvertheEconomicAidinOregon , stateearmarked$62millioninreliefmoney , grantstoBlackresidents , businesses , communityorganizations , nowonhold , oneMexican-Americanandtwowhitebusinessowners , suedthestatefordiscrimination , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , seasonable
Tags: sculpture , onyx , rose-colored , FrançoisdeMalherbe , “ConsolationáM.Du Périer” , openbook , poet , France , text , egg , groupofwomen , landscape , shoreline , water , reflection , black , SubmerginganAncientTreasure , for'Prosperity' , Hasankeyf , Turkey , floodwaters , upriverdam , madeancientoutpostunlivable , RacialDisparity , CoronavirusCases , StretchesAllAcrossBoard , C.D.C.Data , ShowsAlarmingImpactofVirus , BlackandLatinoPeople , MirellaBentivoglio , NationalMuseumofWomenintheArts , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , throughouthundredsofcounties , acrossallagegroups , "Systemicracismdoesn'tjustevidenceitselfinthecriminaljusticesystem." , QuintonLucas , Blackmayor , KansasCity , Missouri , crowd , mourning , lightblue , balloons , signs , pictures , "EnoughisENOUGH" , vigil , SincereGaston , 1-year-old , hitbybulletincar , Englewood , ViolenceinChicagoSpikes , TakingTollonYoung , SinceStartofSummer , 9ChildrenKilledbyGunfire , "TheWindyCityisbecomingtheBloodyCity" , Rev.MichaelL.Pfleger , SaintSabinaChurch , ScientistsInsistAirborneSpread , Threat , W.H.O.Wavers , portrait , twogamblers , pinkyellowlightblue , glow , TheStrat , LasVegas , Expertsthink , viruslingersindoors , airbornetransmission , tinydroplets , smallerparticles , 'EverythingIsSensitive' , ChinaForcesHongKong , toReadjust , ForgingaNewReality , UnderBeijing'sLaw , territory'sdistinctculture , politicalactivism , freespeech , appearedtobeinperil , D.C.'sSwamp , HasNewAim , AnotherTerm , DavidUrban , best-connectedlobbyist , PresidentTrump'sWashington , Raytheon , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , JosephR.BidenJr. , HowBiden , byTurnsGenialandBlunt , BuiltDiplomaticBridges , TheLongRun , ShapingForeignRelations , Mr.Bidenmadequick"personalconnection" , withChineseleader , XiJinping , partlysunny , hot
Tags: MarieWatt , sculpture , textiles , text , speech , wool , embroidery , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Benton , Arkansas , NYTimes , Lisbon , EarningRiches , ByExploitingAPoorNation , AngolanEntrepreneur , BuildsShellEmpire , IsabeldosSantos , countryrichinoilanddiamonds , hobbledbycorruption , DeGrisogono , jeweler , CannesFilmFestival , partytheme , "LoveontheRocks" , winterlandscape , utilitypole , missingpersons , sign , reward , redbluewhite , trees , road , KayseraStopsPrettyPlaces , 18-year-oldgirl , fromHardinMontana , founddeadinAugust , daysaftershewentmissing , BigHornCounty , Montana , AnOutcryGrows , AsNativeWomenKeepVanishing , killingsanddisappearances , Indigenouswomen , nightvigil , mothers , children , gatheraroundthefire , RelativesofSelenaNotAfraid , teenagegirl , lastseenathighwayreststop , onNewYear'sDay , Democrats'PushToTapWitnesses , HasNewUrgency , AnEffortToFillGaps , SeekingToSwaySomeinG.O.P. , BeforeStartofPresident'sTrial , WashingtonDC , Democratsintensifydemands , moretestimonyanddocuments , WhiteHouse'sdecisionnottocooperate , Tensions , Journalistsareupinarms , aboutaccessrulesduringSenatetrial , Denver , Colorado , AsTrialNears , G.O.P.SenatorDodgesHisBase , toStayAfloat , SenatorCoryGardner , membersofcovetedgroupsinelectoralpolitics , suburbanwomen , "Idon'thearhimspeakingoutonthings" , JenniferGremmert , Baylor'sHandlingofRapeCases , StillDogsStarr , KenStarr , formerpresidentBaylorUniversity , LawyeronTrumpTeam , HadMixedRecordasSchool'sPresident , Starrignoredwomen'scriesforhelp , sexualassault , redwhitegolduniforms , footballplayers , stadium , crowd , abstraction , SuperBowl , MatchupIsSet , PatrickMahomes , ChiefsbeattheTitans , willmeetthe49ersinSuperBowl , Danville , Virginia , DemocraticCandidates , StruggletoWintheTrustofBlackVoters , WomenWithWarren , campaignsign , Supporterslistened , SenatorElizabethWarren , givespeechhonoringblackwomen , ClarkAtlantaUniversity , sunshine , breezy , Northerlywind , 12to25milesperhour
Carl Andre, Crowding , Cut-and-pasted printed paper on board, 28.3 x 14 centimeters, 1965, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: CarlAndre , words , language , collage , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , text , yellowhighlight , "invasion" , selectionof400newsbroadcasts , FoxNews , immigrationdescribedasinvasion , HowtheElPasoGunman , EchoedWords , ofRight-WingPundits , TheNewNativists , SharedVocabulary , TuckerCarlson , CentralAmericans , USborder , "borderjumpers" , AnnCoulter , RushLimbaugh , strikingdegreeofoverlap , wordsofrightwingmediapersonalities , identity , Americanculture , AtEnd , JeffreyEpstein , LeftAloneInHisJailCell , suicide , PrisonExperts , DerideBreakWithProtocol , MetropolitanCorrectionalCenter , Accounting , InquiryintoEpstein'sfinances , notlikelytoendwithhisdeath , BlastInRussia , OffersWindow , IntoArmsGoals , AtLeast7AreKilled , PossibleExampleofFlaws , Putin'sKeyNuclearWeapon , NenoksaMissileTestSite , USintelligenceofficialssuspect , blastinvolvedprototype , SSC-X-9Skyfall , cruisemissile , Moscow'sarmsracewithUnitedStates , ElPaso , Texas , InaCity'sGrief , BetoO'Rourke , FindsASecondWind , welcomedashometownhero , presidentialcampaignhadstalled , suddenlybackinspotlight , tragedy , personalandpoliticalidentity , Monaca , Pennsylvania , cranes , construction , likeagiantLegoset , red , orange , steel , manufacturingplant , Productionofplastics , isbooming , goodnews , forunionofficials , businessleaders , DelugedbyPlastics , BustlingtoMakeMore , RoyalDutchShell , riseofpetrochemicalsector , plastic'spopularity , versatileinexpensivematerial , J.D.Salinger , DetestedTechnology , NowHisBooksWillBeDigital , finalshortstory , "Hapworth161924" , J.D.SalingerLiteraryTrust , liftingcloudofsecrecy , NewYorkPublicLibrary , futureexhibition , Salinger'spersonalarchives , letters , familyphotographs , "TheCatcherintheRye" , sunny , partlycloudyskies , morehumid
Janet Burchill, Jennifer McCamley, SAFE , Neon, electric cables, fittings and transformer, 23 x 150 centimeters, 2005, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: JanetBurchill , JenniferMcCamley , safe , sculpture , neon , installation , text , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , Christchurch , NewZealand , gold , mosque , foliage , policeofficers , silhouette , responsetomassacre , policeapprehendedsuspect , 36minutesaftercallforhelp , InMosqueAttacks , QuickActionandCourage , ABystander , PolicePreparedness , HelpedCurtailCarnage , AbdulAziz , prayingwithfoursons , flungcreditcardmachineatattacker , LinwoodMosque , AlNoorMosque , gunman , livestreamedonFacebook , videoofattack , RemorseAndVow , suspect'sfamilyapologizes , primeministertalksguncontrol , WashingtonDC , SaudiPrince , RanBrutalCampaign , ToStifleDissent , ClandestineMissions , KillingofKhashoggi , Instanbul , PartofWiderCrackdown , CrownPrinceMohammedbinSalman , SaudiArabia , 'BlackBoxes' , LinkCrashes , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , Boeing737Max8 , EthiopianAirlinesFlight302 , LionAirFlight610 , evidence , crushedorangebrownmetal , OneoftworecordersfromEthiopianAirlines , AlliesSpurningCampaignByU.S. , ToBlockHuawei , QuestioningDataRisk , ChineseTelecomGiant , KeepsItsFoothold , inEuropeAndIndia , next-generation , wirelessnetworks , securitythreat , allowingBeijingtospy , oncompaniesindividualsandgovernments , blueglass , reflection , glassdoors , portraiture , WilliamSinger , enteringguiltypleas , inBoston , ACollegeScam , BuiltWithSwagger , andSecrets , partcoach , parttherapist , partmotivationalspeaker , partnamedropper , travelingsalesman , sellingdreams , "Hewaswelldressed" , "hewaswellspoken" , "hehadaPowerpoint" , EricWebb , HonestApplicantsAwaitWord , Homer , NewYork , FarmsThatDependonMigrants , FearICE'sToll , LaborForceatRisk , NewYorkDairies , sunshinemixingwithsomeclouds , chilly
Tags: RaquelOrmella , thisdream , nylon , shreadedfabric , textiles , nationalflags , text , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , TheGuardian , London , England , portraiture , celebrities , sports , fashion , "I'vehadtofight" , ThereturnofAvrilLavigne , WinoverSpurs , makesitsixinarow , fornewManUtdboss , headshotofman , yellowbackground , EUready , todelayBrexit , Maymakesfinalbid , tosaveherdeal , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , warnMPs , votingdownplan , cause"catastrophicharm" , tovoters'faithinpolitics , cross-partysolution , softerNorway-styleBrexit , DominicGrieve , ConservativeMP , "It'stotallyuntrue" , "thatI'minaconspiracywiththeSpeaker" , Universities , 'shouldgiveoffersafterresultsday' , A-levelresults , TheUniversitiesandCollegeUnion , eliminateunconditionaloffers , "chaotic"clearingprocess , urgentneedofreform , Baroqueandroll , Versace , pushestheboundaries , men'sfashion , runwaymodels , baroquedesign , yellowgreengoldblacklightblue , redwhiteblue , yellowblueblack , pattern , multicolorjacket , fashionshow , fashionrunway , crowd , Govesetsoutplan , tackleairpolution , Restrictionspledged , wood-burningstoves , dieselcars , farms , criticssay , plansdon'tgofarenough , WashingtonDC , Washington , 'consideredstrikesagainstIran' , TheWhiteHouse , askedthePentagon , todrawupoptionsforattack , onIran , lastyear , accordingtoreportsinUS , partlycloudy
Tags: MohammadAbouEl-Naga , mixedmedia , paper , collage , palimpsest , text , Egyptianplants , Ottomanperiod , LACMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , fiercefighting , landscape , city , DangersRemaininCity , RavagedbyBattle , MexicoCity , SpywareTrailedInvestigatorstoMexico , cybersecurity , ColumbiaMissouri , UniversityofMissouri , Mizzou , Freshmanenrollment , RacialProtests , StainUniversity'sReputation , portraiture , students , classroom , WashingtonDC , GeorgeMasonUniversity , LawSchool , namechange , AntoninScalia , CharlesKochFoundation , multi-milliondollardonation , RollingBackUSRegulations , TestOneScholar'sFinesse , NeomiRao , VicePresidentMikePence , HostingPrivateParties , WooDonors , FuelingSpeculation , HisPoliticalFuture , PresidentTrump , 2016presidentialcampaign , TrumpTeamMetRussian , OfferingDirt , HillaryClinton , KeyTimeInCampaign , InnerCircle , UsingForeignHelp , TrumpRules , TheKeeperoftheGate , partlysunny
Gary Simmons, Everforward... , Boxing gloves, metallic gold thread, satin, 35 x 15 x 6 inches, 1993, Walker Art Center , Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tags: GarySimmons , sculpture , boxinggloves , text , textiles , WalkerArtCenter , NYTimes , Paris , Frenchelection , presidente , EmmanuelMacron , MarineLePen , VotersEmbraceOutsiders , partiesunify , tostopfarright , 'ThisIsDeadlySerious' , RunoffinMay , Huntington , Indiana , PresidentTrump , savedjobs , lostjobs , MovesProductiontoMexico , Uber , Leadership , WinatAnyPrice , riskydecisions , BuiltAGiant , PlungedIntoCrises , Teachers , SexualMisconduct , forcedout , rehiredelsewhere , cloudyweather , lateafternoonrain