Unidentified artist, Ethiopian, Prayer Scroll for Healing , Leather, ink and pigment, 3.5 x 70 inches, between 1850 and 1900, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: Artistunidentified , Ethiopia , Africa , PrayerScrollforHealing , leather , ink , pigment , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , SurvivingGaza , wounded , children , disfiguration , IsraelHamaswar , MahmoudAjjour , portraiture , NYC , LoveandHateInHometown , Leans...Love? , DonaldJ.Trump , CityThawsforTrump , GuyFromQueens , President-electDonaldJ.Trump , keepingsecret , TransitionFundForTrump , KeepsDonorsCloaked , RiskOfEthicsBreach , Hasn'tSignedUsualPactRequiringDisclosures , politicaldonations , ImmigrantsSeekingSafeguards , ThreatofDeportationNears , FraudHuntersEarnWindfalls , TiedtoCovid , PrivateCitizensSetUpTheirOwnInquiries , Covid-19pandemic , federalgovernmentassistance , PaycheckProtectionProgram , loans , chasingpandemicrelieffraud , earnlargesumsofmoney , sportstadium , crowd , sportsfans , TheJetsandGiants , TakeDifferentRoutesTowardRockBottom , TheJetshavenotmadeplayoffssince2010 , NewYorksportsteams , cloudsandsunshine , morningrain
Viola Frey, Man and World , Ceramic and glazes, 68 x 72 x 140 inches, 2003, Toledo Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: ViolaFrey , ManandWorld , ceramics , ceramicsculpture , ceramicglazes , portraiture , ToledoMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , groupofmen , politicians , U.S.government , afterthevote , stopgapspendingplan , forcingSenatetotakeupbill , McCarthyRiskedHisPost , ToEndShutdownImpasse , Eleventh-HourGambit , toUseDemocrats , RaisesCallforSpeaker'sOuster , Backlash , RepresentativeMattGaetz , Florida , wantsthespeakerremoved , ThePathFromBadDeals , toMonopolyinHalal , AMenendezAssociate , DidBusinessWithTopEgyptians , corruption , KyivUkraine , ChinaWieldsHiddenPowerInDroneWar , Ukraine's92ndMechanizedBrigade , SanFrancisco , InaMan'sWorld , FeinsteinLedTheWayForWomeninOffice , DianneFeinstein , "Dianebrokemarbleceilingsfortherestofus." , EleniKounalakis , lieutenantgovernorofCalifornia , DireDawa , Ethiopia , Malariapatients , waitedtoreceivemedications , womenonabench , skyblue , AHard-to-StopMosquito , IsThreateningAfrica , TinyInsectGiantMenace , OutbreakHitsaNewArea , WashingtonDC , HowFartotheRight , WilltheSupremeCourtGo? , UnderScrutiny , JusticesAwaitMajorIssues , fogoutsidethecity , mostlysunny
Tags: ChouPang-Ling , clay , abstraction , mixedmedia , black , rust , burntsienna , risingsmoke , rubble , twistedmetal , detritus , Tigrayanfighters , surveyingwreckage , Ethiopianmilitarycargoplane , shotdown , southofMekelle , Samre , Ethiopia , 'LikeaFlood' , TigrayansJoinFightForHonor , Guerillas , RoutedEthiopia'sMilitary , civilwar , markedbyatrocitiesandstarvation , feud , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , Tigrayanleaders , smallethnicminority , ColombiansInHaiti , HadMurkyRole , Bogotá , Colombia , MauricioJavierRomero , 20-yearveteranofColombianmilitary , recruitedforjob , oneofseveralmenkilledinHaiti , aftermathofassassination , PresidentJovenelMoïse , ArrestInHaiti , Florida-baseddoctorisbeingheld , RichardBranson , spaceflight , "magical" , BransonReachesEdgeofSpace , SeekingTourism'sFinalFrontier , SpaceportAmerica , NewMexico , smallrocketplane , VirginGalactic , RationingCare , Last-ResortCovidTherapy , DilemmasforDoctors , WhichAilingPatientsGetShotatLife? , HoustonMethodistHospital , EMCO , intensivetreatment , Dr.DavidGutierrez , receivingEMCOcare , abouthalfofpatients , whogotthetreatmentsurvived , hospitalroom , doctors , bluePPE , Anti-VaccinationRhetoric , CreepsFromFringe , toFoxPrimeTime , CastigatingPresident'sOutreachEffort , prime-timeshows , TuckerCarlson , LauraIngraham , "forcepeopletotakemedicinetheydon'twantorneed" , Mr.Carlsonsaid , U.S.ConfrontsCriticalChoices , OnPowerLines , BigGridvs.SmallGrid , OutcomeIsKey , SpeedandScale , MovetoCleanEnergy , climatechange , PresidentBidensecured$73billion , forthousandsofmilesofnewpowerlines , GridDevelopmentAuthority , replacecoalandnaturalgaspowerplants , withlargewindandsolarfarms , humid , someclouds , afternoonthunderstorms , NYTimes , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum
Romy Achituv, Camille Utterback, Text Rain , Interactive digital installation: computer and video camera, Edition: 3/3, Dimensions variable, 1999, Fundación la Caixa , Barcelona, Spain. Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via artwork title.
Tags: RomyAchituv , CamilleUtterback , TextRain , interactivedigitalinstallation , computer , videocamera , performance , language , videoprojection , FundaciónlaCaixa , Barcelona , Spain , NYTimes , EricAdams , front-runner , visitedBrooklynchurch , shakinghands , MayaWiley , hula-hooping , festivalinBrooklyn , KathrynGarcia , takingyogabreak , TimesSquare , AndrewYang , greetingvoters , cheering , festivalintheBronx , PilesofMoney , PavingthePath , ToaMayoralty , Billionaires , BuoyNewYork'sModerates , superPACspending , exceeded$24million , NewYork , TrailsRestOfTheU.S. , InVirusRebound , EconomicScarsLinger , BusinessesChallenged , DearthofCommutersandVisitors , changingpatternsofworkandtravel , 10.9%unemploymentrateinMay , Bishops'VoteAgainstBiden , RevealsReach , RomanCatholicChurch , WashingtonDC , guidelinesforEucharist , advancingconservativepush , todenyPresidentBidencommunion , overhissupportforabortionrights , WarBlotsOut , NobelHaloofEthiopia'sPremier , LeaderFacesVote , AmidFamineandClaimsofAtrocities , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , awardedNobelPeacePrize , TheWest , eagerforglitteringsuccessstoryinAfrica , desertlandscape , drywallstuds , JuanGutierrez , struggleswithArizonaheat , constructionsites , ForBuilders , HotPhoenixMarket , FeelsLike115degrees , HousingCrunch , KeepsCrewsToilinginSun , subdivision , DesertOasis , "Yourskinfallsoff" , "youhavetocoverupeverything" , undocumentedworkers , OnceRoyalty , RepresentativeLizCheney , G.O.P.'sLonelyWarrior , RepublicanofWyoming , "Thisisaboutbeingabletotellyourkids" , "thatyoustoodupanddidtherightthing" , warm , humid , partlycloudy , muggy
Janet Burchill, Jennifer McCamley, SAFE , Neon, electric cables, fittings and transformer, 23 x 150 centimeters, 2005, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: JanetBurchill , JenniferMcCamley , safe , sculpture , neon , installation , text , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , Christchurch , NewZealand , gold , mosque , foliage , policeofficers , silhouette , responsetomassacre , policeapprehendedsuspect , 36minutesaftercallforhelp , InMosqueAttacks , QuickActionandCourage , ABystander , PolicePreparedness , HelpedCurtailCarnage , AbdulAziz , prayingwithfoursons , flungcreditcardmachineatattacker , LinwoodMosque , AlNoorMosque , gunman , livestreamedonFacebook , videoofattack , RemorseAndVow , suspect'sfamilyapologizes , primeministertalksguncontrol , WashingtonDC , SaudiPrince , RanBrutalCampaign , ToStifleDissent , ClandestineMissions , KillingofKhashoggi , Instanbul , PartofWiderCrackdown , CrownPrinceMohammedbinSalman , SaudiArabia , 'BlackBoxes' , LinkCrashes , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , Boeing737Max8 , EthiopianAirlinesFlight302 , LionAirFlight610 , evidence , crushedorangebrownmetal , OneoftworecordersfromEthiopianAirlines , AlliesSpurningCampaignByU.S. , ToBlockHuawei , QuestioningDataRisk , ChineseTelecomGiant , KeepsItsFoothold , inEuropeAndIndia , next-generation , wirelessnetworks , securitythreat , allowingBeijingtospy , oncompaniesindividualsandgovernments , blueglass , reflection , glassdoors , portraiture , WilliamSinger , enteringguiltypleas , inBoston , ACollegeScam , BuiltWithSwagger , andSecrets , partcoach , parttherapist , partmotivationalspeaker , partnamedropper , travelingsalesman , sellingdreams , "Hewaswelldressed" , "hewaswellspoken" , "hehadaPowerpoint" , EricWebb , HonestApplicantsAwaitWord , Homer , NewYork , FarmsThatDependonMigrants , FearICE'sToll , LaborForceatRisk , NewYorkDairies , sunshinemixingwithsomeclouds , chilly