undocumentedworkers — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Otobong Nkanga, The Weight of Scars , Viscose, wool, mohair, cotton, pigment inkjet prints, magnet, 253 x 612 x 3 centimeters, 2015, M HKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: OtobongNkanga , textile , mixedmedia , photography , installation , M HKA , Antwerp , Belgium , NYTimes , WestVirginia , nursevisitspatient , SamRunyon , CoraPerkins , interiorscene , HousebyHouse , GrimBattleWithChronicIllness , WearyRuralNurse , NationonaPerilousPath , IsraelHaltsAidForGaza , TryToReviseDeal , ProposingtoAccelerateReleaseofHostages , cease-firedeal , VolodymyrZelensky , KeirStarmer , EmmanuelMacron , EuropeansSeekPathway , ToMendU.S.-UkraineRift , EmbraceofZelensky , ToBringTrumpBack , StarmerUrgesAllies , "Europemustdotheheavylifting" , ElonMusk , AsMuskClaimsPowerinU.S. , HisMotherIsaHitOverseas , MayeMusk , nightlandscape , InvestigatorscollectingevidenceinSinaloa , strongholdofMexicandrugcartel , ArrestsandSeizures , MexicoandTrumpStepUpPressure , CoronaPlaza , Queens , MigrantArea , OnceVibrantStilledbyFear , federalimmigrationraids , undocumentedworkers , sunnytopartlycloudy
Romy Achituv, Camille Utterback, Text Rain , Interactive digital installation: computer and video camera, Edition: 3/3, Dimensions variable, 1999, Fundación la Caixa , Barcelona, Spain. Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via artwork title.
Tags: RomyAchituv , CamilleUtterback , TextRain , interactivedigitalinstallation , computer , videocamera , performance , language , videoprojection , FundaciónlaCaixa , Barcelona , Spain , NYTimes , EricAdams , front-runner , visitedBrooklynchurch , shakinghands , MayaWiley , hula-hooping , festivalinBrooklyn , KathrynGarcia , takingyogabreak , TimesSquare , AndrewYang , greetingvoters , cheering , festivalintheBronx , PilesofMoney , PavingthePath , ToaMayoralty , Billionaires , BuoyNewYork'sModerates , superPACspending , exceeded$24million , NewYork , TrailsRestOfTheU.S. , InVirusRebound , EconomicScarsLinger , BusinessesChallenged , DearthofCommutersandVisitors , changingpatternsofworkandtravel , 10.9%unemploymentrateinMay , Bishops'VoteAgainstBiden , RevealsReach , RomanCatholicChurch , WashingtonDC , guidelinesforEucharist , advancingconservativepush , todenyPresidentBidencommunion , overhissupportforabortionrights , WarBlotsOut , NobelHaloofEthiopia'sPremier , LeaderFacesVote , AmidFamineandClaimsofAtrocities , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , awardedNobelPeacePrize , TheWest , eagerforglitteringsuccessstoryinAfrica , desertlandscape , drywallstuds , JuanGutierrez , struggleswithArizonaheat , constructionsites , ForBuilders , HotPhoenixMarket , FeelsLike115degrees , HousingCrunch , KeepsCrewsToilinginSun , subdivision , DesertOasis , "Yourskinfallsoff" , "youhavetocoverupeverything" , undocumentedworkers , OnceRoyalty , RepresentativeLizCheney , G.O.P.'sLonelyWarrior , RepublicanofWyoming , "Thisisaboutbeingabletotellyourkids" , "thatyoustoodupanddidtherightthing" , warm , humid , partlycloudy , muggy