sunnytopartlycloudy — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Otobong Nkanga, The Weight of Scars , Viscose, wool, mohair, cotton, pigment inkjet prints, magnet, 253 x 612 x 3 centimeters, 2015, M HKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: OtobongNkanga , textile , mixedmedia , photography , installation , M HKA , Antwerp , Belgium , NYTimes , WestVirginia , nursevisitspatient , SamRunyon , CoraPerkins , interiorscene , HousebyHouse , GrimBattleWithChronicIllness , WearyRuralNurse , NationonaPerilousPath , IsraelHaltsAidForGaza , TryToReviseDeal , ProposingtoAccelerateReleaseofHostages , cease-firedeal , VolodymyrZelensky , KeirStarmer , EmmanuelMacron , EuropeansSeekPathway , ToMendU.S.-UkraineRift , EmbraceofZelensky , ToBringTrumpBack , StarmerUrgesAllies , "Europemustdotheheavylifting" , ElonMusk , AsMuskClaimsPowerinU.S. , HisMotherIsaHitOverseas , MayeMusk , nightlandscape , InvestigatorscollectingevidenceinSinaloa , strongholdofMexicandrugcartel , ArrestsandSeizures , MexicoandTrumpStepUpPressure , CoronaPlaza , Queens , MigrantArea , OnceVibrantStilledbyFear , federalimmigrationraids , undocumentedworkers , sunnytopartlycloudy
Leonilson (José Leonilson Bezerra Dias), The Penelope , Fabric, 2220 x 830 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Leonilson , fabric , sewing , textiles , repair , TateUK , London , NYTimes , turquoisebluewall , hospitalroom , patient , nurse , windowshades , light , transparency , oxygentank , blankets , pillows , Léogâne , Haiti , hospitalhadtodecide , whetheritcouldspareoxygen , GislaienMilord , strokepatient , AllbutPovertyandDespair , IsataHaltinHaiti , AmidtheBarricades , EvenOxygenIsn'tAlwaysaGiven , Haiti'spoliticalcrisis , strugglebetweenPresidentJovenelMoïse , surgingoppositionmovement , demandinghisouster , violentdemonstrations , weekofunrest , Emboldened , ErdoganSeeksNuclearBomb , TurkishLeader'sGoals , GoFarBeyondSyria , portrait , RecepTayyipErdogan , redblue , Qamishli , Syria , FormerU.S.Ally , WarnsOfDanger , ToKurdsInSyria , EthnicCleansingFear , Turkish-BackedMilitias , PlantoDeploy , AfterCease-FireEnds , MazlumKobani , commanderofSyrianDemocraticForces , "Americaneedstoworktorebuildthetrustwithitsally" , About-Face , PresidentTrumpsaid , infavorofleavingsometroopsinSyria , SanFrancisco , California , CannabisOilAndVaping , HazyHazards , e-cigarettes , vapedTHC , hasleft1479peoplesick , 33dead , AnchorsTopLate-Night , A-List , JakeTapper , CNNhost , "TheLateShowWithStephenColbert" , Stormynewscycles , audiencethirstyforcommentary , changedwhatworksonTV , 11:35p.m. , CondemnationbyRepublicans , DroveReversalonMeetingSite , TrumpNationalDoral , Groupof7summit , ChrisChristie , "Hehadnochoice" , FortWorth , Texas , InFortWorth , AHistoryofResidents , SorryTheyCalledthePolice , largelyblackandHispanicneighborhood , AtatianaJefferson , shotandkilledinherbedroom , bywhitepoliceofficer , standingoutsideherwindow , Rev.KyevTatum , "Thisisnotanisolatedincident" , sunnytopartlycloudy , seasonable
Conrad Marca-Relli, Sleeping Figure , Collage painted canvas, 132.4 x 197.3 centimeters, 1953-54, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: collage , painting , sleepingfigure , yellowochre , titanbuff , tan , offwhite , black , MoMA , NYTimes , womenandmen , marchingwithcoffin , drapedfabric , pinkribbon , greenleaves , redgreenorangeyellow , greenyellowflag , TheU.S.withdrawal , deadlyresultsforKurds , "Whentheymournwemournwiththem." , GeneralJosephL.Votel , AsU.S.TroopsDepart , KurdsForgeAlliance , WithSyrianAuthorities , PullbackBrokeTrust , BetweenPartners , BondedbyBattle , WashingtonDC , "Theytrustedusandwebrokethattrust" , oneArmyofficersaid , telephoneinterview , "It'sastainontheAmericanconscience." , Dohuk , Iraq , TurkishForces , PushIntoNorth , EndingFragilePeace , Kurdishforcesannouncednewdeal , withDamascus , swornenemyofWashington , backedbyRussia , landscapeofrooftops , SmokerisingfromSyriantown , TelAbyad , openhandwithe-cigarette , portraiture , OneVictim , manwhotriede-cigarettestoquitsmoking , mayhavediedfromthem , DecadeofDefiance , VapingIndustry , FoundRoomtoGrow , $7billionannualsales , youthuseskyrocketed , mysteriousvaping-relatedlunginjuries , Beijing , HardballWins , U.S.TitansBendtoChina , China'suseofeconomicclout , policeanypoliticalvalues , thatthreatenparty'slegitimacy , CommunistParty , UnderPressure , Politicalandeconomicworries , ledtointerimtradepact , twowomeninshelter , tanblanketsandmattresspads , DozensKilledinJapaneseTyphoon , Evacuees , TyphoonHagibis , burstlevees , floodedrivers , Ankeny , Iowa , HowWhiteGuilt , MaySwayDemocraticPrimary , JohnOlsen , enragedbyracialtension , registersvotersweekly , toatonefor"whiteprivilege" , FoxNews , PresidentialBooster , Isn'tExemptFromHisReproach , Irkedbytheirreporting , TrumptauntedFoxNewsanchor , ShepardSmith , whoresignedfromnetwork , "@FoxNewsdoesn'tdeliverforUSanymore" , Trumptweeted , TrumpcallingFoxNews , "HOPELESS&CLUELESS" , sunnytopartlycloudy , lightandvariablewind , ConradMarca-Relli