PopArt — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Andy Warhol, Sarah Bernhardt , Screenprint on paper, 40 x 32 inches, 1980, The Jewish Museum , New York
Tags: AndyWarhol , screenprint , paper , portraiture , PopArt , SarahBernhardt , TheJewishMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , blackandwhitescreen , television , text , FoxNews , televisionpersonality , AmericanNationalist , TuckerCarlson , ReshapedFoxNews , BecameTrump'sHeir , TuckerCarlsonTonight , NancyPelosi , PelosiVisitsKyiv , EchoingU.S.Vow , OfWide'Victory' , SomeCiviliansEvacuate , MariupolSteelPlant , UkraineIsLowonFuel , internationaldiplomacy , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , "AmericastandswithUkraine" , OneRussianTycoonSpokeUp , RetributionCameaDayLater , OlegY.Tinkov , "afiresale" , XiRemainsSilent , VirusLockdown , GripsShanghaiForWeeks , FlurriesofComplaints , HighlightCracksinZero-CovidPolicy , XiJinping , "dynamiczeroCovid"goal , PandemicHomeMarket , CreatesVastRiches , MoreInequality , $6trillionhousingwealth , CanYouAffordIt? , Homeprices , loanrates , youneedtodothemath , Régine , madeexclusivityanartform , 2013filmfestival , 1929-2022 , CreatorofWorld'sFirstDisco , ReignedOverDazzlingEmpire , RachelleZylberberg , Belgium , openedbasementnightclub , Parisbackstreet , ChezRégine , discothèque , 1970s , $500millionempire , 23clubs , EuropeMiddleEastandtheAmericas , cloudyandcool , coupleofshowers
Chryssa, The Gates to Times Square , Welded stainless steel, neon, and Plexiglas, 120 x 120 x 120 inches, 1966, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: Chryssa , sculpture , neon , gates , TimesSquare , blue , installation , CapitalA , threedimensional , AlbrightKnoxGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , Minimalism , PopArt , PennStation , NewYork , InterlockingA , tangledsortingmechanism , routestrains , enterexit , traintracks , curvinglines , crossedwires , flashinglights , redstoplights , greenlights , whitelights , reflectedcolor , underground , Amtrak , CompetingNewYorkProjects , BreakdowninSafety , DelayingRepairs , DecrepitTracks , MTAworkers , backdrop , NYC , bridgeriver , blueskies , clouds , bluewater , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , IssuesTermsOfADeal , Dreamers , ImmigrationWishList , NewStrategyToBlockChildren , HighonListofConditions , constructionofwall , southernborder , denialoffederalgrants , sanctuarycities , demandinguse , E-Verifyprogram , employment , hardeningoftheborder , VicePresidentMikePence , FirstLadyPence , ReignitesFeud , NationalAnthem , Walkedout , footballgame , Indianapolis , SanFranciscoplayersknelt , TakeAKnee , handsoverheart , GOPSenator , BobCorker , RebukesTrump , RealityShowBehavior , recklessthreatstowardscountries , setnationonpath , WorldWarIII , Tweetwar , CarefulWhispers , HarveyWeinstein , accusations , sexualharassment , allthetalk , HollywoodA-listers , exceptwhenspeakingpublicly , TheWeinsteinCompany , CitingScandal , BoardFiresWeinstein , MoveFollowsReport , NewMisconduct , cloudy , rain , TropicalDepressionNate , humid