NorthDakota — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: March 14, 2022

Candido Portinari, Burial in a Hammock, Watercolor and lead pencil on paper, 17.5 x 25.5 centimeters, 1944, Projeto Portinari, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Monday's image: December 14, 2020

Neil Winokur, I is for Ice, Cibachrome print, 35.6 x 27.9 centimeters, 2007, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Massachusetts

Monday's image: October 8, 2018

Job Koelewijn, Jump, Wood, mirrors, grass, 280 x 600 x 415 centimeters, 2005, De Pont Museum, Tilburg, Netherlands

Monday's image: August 13, 2018

Antoni Tàpies, Écriture sur le mur, Mixed media on canvas, 270 x 200 centimeters, 1971, Fondation Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland

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